AFG Annual Report 2012

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Founded in 1987, Alternatives For Girls helps homeless and and helps them to explore and access the support, resources, and opportunities

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AKABLE high-risk girls and young women avoid violence, teen pregnancy, and exploitation; necessary to be safe, to grow strong, and to make positive choices in their lives.

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without AFG

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with afg

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My Story A me r a

I am

a member of Young Women Changing Communities

(YWCC). YWCC is a program dedicated to recruiting and training youth to become involved in their community. This program is provided by Alternatives For Girls (AFG) to girls from ages 14-21. Before becoming a member of YWCC almost a year ago, I was just your normal 9th grader. I was known in school for being a scholar. I began to take advantage of having that reputation of being smart, and I became boastful in that area. But what I really needed was something to challenge me. I was definitely challenged during my first three months of YWCC. We had our first mini presentation to a non-profit board of directors and I stumbled my way through it. The skills that I thought I had mastered like enunciation and public speaking were undeveloped.

This was a wakeup call for me to better my communication skills. YWCC (at AFG) helps me exercise those skills through many public speaking and community service activities. We recently gave a presentation to a youth organization about team building, and we’re in the process of planning a neighborhood clean-up day. I’ve learned to be modest. I’ve learned that there’s always room for improvement. Most importantly I learned I don’t always need to be the main role in an act . “A great man is always willing to be little.” This means that you don’t have to be in the spotlight all the time because every job is important in achieving a goal. As a 10th grader, these skills helped me form my school’s first “Bullying Ends Here” rally, during which I gave a speech against bullying. I also helped others pledge to be drug-free during our Drug-Free Week. Thanks to AFG, I’m working towards a brighter future and have a support team motivating me to achieve goals that I set for myself. YWCC transforms young women like me into activists for our community.

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I am

18 years old

and a senior in high school. At the age of 15 my mother found out that I was having sex. Before my mother found out about what I was doing we were like best friends. But after my mom found out, our relationship was dead and gone. I would get put out and would have to find somewhere to sleep. I was in and out of my mother’s house. At the age of 17 my mother put me out for good. After that, I didn’t have a stable home. I was staying in a drug house and abandoned buildings some nights. My teachers started worrying about what was going on in my life, I didn’t want them to know, so I stopped going to school all together. More and more I kept thinking about how I would never be able to achieve my goals in life if I kept living my life this way.

So I went online and found AFG. I was thinking that it would just be somewhere to live. When I arrived, Ms. Aletha greeted me by name. She made me feel so welcome. My first night at AFG, I put in my mind that I was going to take this opportunity to get myself together and try to be independent. Since I have been here, AFG has helped me with so much already. A couple days after moving into the shelter, I started looking for a school. I was able to pick up where I left off and have a regular 12th grade experience. Once I was in school, Ms. Melody took me to a job fair, and I got hired on the spot. After that, everything started falling in place for me. After being in the AFG Shelter for a month, I was able to become a part of the AFG Transition to Independent Living Program, or TIL. TIL is a great program that will help me to reach my goals. It will teach me about budgeting, housing, education, employment, and relationships. I’m set to graduate from high school this June and I’m deciding between joining the Marines or going to college in the fall! I’m also about to take my Certified Nursing Assistant exam. An independent woman takes responsibility and goes with it. She is about more than just surviving in this world —she wants to be successful and give back to others. I am on my way to becoming a strong, independent black woman.

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Last year, we provided 5,572 nights of care to 133 homeless women and their children

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For the past 12 years,

98% of girls who participated in the

AFG prevention programs through their high school senior year

graduated and went on to college.

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Alternatives For Girls has been a huge factor in my life

since I became a Peer Educator (PE). Peer Educators are known for

encouraging youth leadership and increasing civic engagement for young women. The program I participate in is Love Chat. Love Chat is an internet-based team that focuses on HIV/AIDS, STD/STIs, teen pregnancy, healthy relationships, and more. We also hold workshops for young women in the community.

As a young AfricanAmerican woman from Detroit, statistics say that I will not succeed. I became involved in AFG to prevent myself from becoming a statistic.

Love Chat has taught me several things, but also gave me the chance to educate others. During the last year and a half, I have built long-lasting bonds with my coordinators, team, and the ladies I talk to. The skills I have learned from this program have provided me with confidence to break free from my stubborn ways.

By immersing myself in Alternatives

In addition, it has also

For Girls, I have become a better

allowed me to continue

person. AFG has provided me with the

to challenge my barriers.

skills and knowledge to shape my personal philosophy. I know if I want to ensure I have the best education and prosper in a successful career, I will have to start by setting goals and striving for them. Continuing to be a hardworking, dedicated, and trustworthy student is a way to meet my goals. That’s why I will be attending the University of Michigan-Dearborn in the Fall of 2013 to further my education. I have declared my major in Nursing because I always aspired to help and care for others and I believe my career will be fulfilled with new challenges, comfort, and joys every day. Being a part of AFG as a Peer Educator has helped me confirm my educational path. Being a Peer Educator has helped me because each day I get to help others, which I want to do in my career. I am really lucky to be a part of AFG and appreciate them for believing in me through my trials and tribulations.

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s tat emen t o f a c t i v i t i es fo r the yea r ended septembe r 2012

Changes in Unrestricted Net Assets

Revenue and Gains: Donated goods






Special events (net of direct expenses of $68,210)


Investment and other income


Gain on disposition of investments


Total Unrestricted Revenue and Gains


Net Assets Released from restrictions


T O TA L U NRESTRI C TED RE V EN U E , g a i n s



Expenses: Program Services: Transition to Independent Living


Southwest Detroit Prevention Program


Outreach and Education Program


Total Program Services


Supporting Services: Management and General


Marketing and Development


Total Supporting Services




Net Increase in Unrestricted Net Assets


Changes in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets:



Net assets released from restrictions


Net Increase in Temporarily


Restricted Net Assets

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Net Increase in Net Assets


Net Assets, Beginning of Year


Net Assets, End of Year


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s tat emen t o f F I N A N CI A L p o s i t i o n as of septembe r 3 0 , 2011


Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents


Grants receivable (no allowance considered necessary)


Pledges receivable—current portion


(net of allowance of $44,307) Prepaid Expenses


Total Current Assets


O ther Assets: Investments


Assets held in Working Capital Reserve


Pledges receivable


(net of current Portion) (net of allowance of $3,993) Fixed assets (net of accumulated depreciation)


Total Other Assets


To ta l A s s e t s



Current Liabilities: Accounts payable


Accrued payroll and related liabilities


Accrued compensated absences


Deferred grants


Total Current Liabilities




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Invested in capital assets, net of related liabilities






Total Unrestricted Net Assets


Temporarily restricted


Total Net Assets


Total Liabilities and Net Assets


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P r o gram H i g h l i g h t s 2 011- 2 012

T h e A F G S h e lt e r :

The AFG Outre ach Progr am:

“I don’t have to be a failure my whole life. Life is about choices and I plan to make the right ones from now on. I deserve better. I am better.” — Summer, former Shelter resident and future nurse

“Since being at AFG I’ve accomplished more than I ever imagined. I’m now a college student and I never would’ve considered college if it wasn’t for AFG. I’ve learned that regardless of my family not being there for me, there’s still people out there willing to help me. People who actually love me and want the best for me.” — Miquel, AFG Peer Educator and future criminal psychologist

Provides counseling to residents and helps them acquire the skills they need to lead independent, productive and fulfilling lives. • L ast year, AFG’s Shelter provided 5,572 nights of care to 133 homeless young women and their children. In addition, AFG served 43 young women through our Aftercare Program, which continues to provide assistance to young women after they have moved out of our shelter (which is often when the hardest work begins). • I n the last year, AFG’s Shelter opened an additional seven beds, increasing its capacity from 20 to 27. • 2 6 young women completed AFG’s Aftercare program, meaning that they completed all of our Transition to Independent Living classes, have moved out of our shelter and have lived successfully on their own for at least six months, and have completed educational or employment goals. Of those young women, 100% furthered their education, including 13 young women enrolling in college; and 65% of them are employed.

Helps teens and women engaging in high-risk activities understand the risks and transition to safe choices and healthy lives. • L ast year, AFG provided 1,000 hours of street outreach to girls and women resulting in 3,895 total contacts. During these contacts, referrals were given out to homeless shelters (including AFG), substance addiction treatment, and other AFG services for further support. • L ast year, 73% of the young women in AFG’s Peer Education program reduced their risk behaviors, including drug use, gang involvement, school issues, running away and pregnancy. • F or the fourth year in a row, 100% of Peer Educators old enough to graduate both graduated from high school and registered for college.

The AFG Prevention Program:

“AFG brings together many young women. It helps and strengthens families. In fact, it creates families—the girls here are like my sisters.” — Kee’Janae, YWCC (Young Women Changing Communities) member and future teacher Works with girls ages 4-21 at risk of teen pregnancy, gang involvement, abusing drugs or alcohol and school truancy. • F or the 12th year in a row, 98% of the young women in AFG’s Prevention Program old enough to graduate from high school not only graduated, but went on to college. • L ast year, 94% (127 of 135) of girls and young women participating in after-school workshops remained drug-free. • O ur new Strengthening Families program recently celebrated its latest set of graduations. To date, more than 200 families have graduated from the program, which works with families in southwest Detroit to strengthen communication in the home and improve health and nutrition.

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M essage fr o m t h e C E O

Dear Friends,

Alternatives For Girls is celebrating our 25th anniversary! There is much to celebrate. We have sheltered 3,633 teen girls and young women who were homeless and alone; we have responded to 44,441 girls and others in crisis; overall, we have impacted more than 105,000 homeless and high-risk girls and young women—and provided them with real access to positive choices. We have clearly changed the world! With your support, we have, for 25 years, been able to: • P rovide a safe and positive place for a teenage girl to come in the day or night when she has run out of options and is terribly vulnerable to the perils of the streets. • S upport the big ideas and wonderfully positive energy of the girls in our prevention program and their families —to help them help each other stay in school and improve their grades, organize and lead projects that connect others in their neighborhood, spend time with seniors, stand up to gang pressures, help families thrive and say no to violence, and celebrate their victories of all kinds. • S how teenage girls the way toward understanding and evaluating the risks involved in certain choices, and to clarify and commit to their own values, so that they can weigh those risks against what really matters to them, and then learn to help their peers do the same. • B e there, on the streets, to offer compassion and alternatives to those who are prostituting—who otherwise may only see a world without love around them. AFG has survived and thrived by piecing together funding from countless sources—and your individual contributions have always been a critical piece of this formula. Your gifts, in fact, have filled big funding gaps crucial for our survival.

Similarly, AFG has always filled gaps, and has served girls and women who would otherwise have fallen right through them— fallen, in many cases, into places from which they may not have emerged for a very long time, may not have emerged whole, and may not have emerged, ever. We began because there were such serious gaps; because girls in southwest Detroit were increasingly and alarmingly out of school, in the streets, and without care or housing. As AFG has grown, we have stayed tuned to the changing needs and environments of homeless and high-risk girls and young women — and we have stayed focused on our mission while expanding to serve this population in new ways. Most recently, we’ve strengthened our focus on helping our participants get into college and stay there; we’re planning enhanced support to help them prepare for jobs that will sustain them and launch careers; we’ve supported those who are determined to leave behind street prostitution and escape the horrors of human trafficking —an alarming and growing problem in Detroit. We must take extraordinary and creative steps to secure the future for AFG’s mission; we don’t know what priority needs will be for homeless and high-risk girls and young women in the next 25 years, but we are determined to be here to figure that out and respond. There is no one else. In these pages, you will find evidence of AFG’s impact through the stories of our participants, annual statistics that reflect the cumulative impact of our work, and an update on our financial status. We invite you to enjoy, in particular, the incredible stories of the girls and young women you will find herein. Thank you for all that you do to contribute to their success.

Amanda (Amy) L. Good, CEO

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Joya Harris Carat USA


Susan J. Berman SJ Berman Services, LLC

Treasurer Sonya Delley Flagstar Bank


Rosemary Sarri University of Michigan Randye Bullock Bulls-Eye Consulting, LLC Michelle Crockett Miller Canfield PLC Eva Garza Dewaelsche SER Metro Detroit, Jobs For Progress, Inc. Joseph Dillon Dillon & Associates, PLLC Kate Fletcher University of Michigan Board Fellow Essence Jackson Youth Board Member Luther Keith AriseDetroit Markeisha J. Miner University of Detroit Mercy School of Law Renee Omoregie Trinity Health Gail Perry-Mason Oppenheimer & Co. Phyllis Riina, CBRE Group, Inc. Pam Rodgers Rodgers Chevrolet Janet Thompson Village Community Credit Union Sammye Van Diver Health Alliance Plan

Chairs Emeriti Agnes Hagerty Trinity Health

Catharine LaMont LaMont Title Shirley Stancato New Detroit Inc.

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A c ampa i gn f o r A F G

In 2011, Alternatives For Girls officially launched “Securing the Future: A Campaign for AFG”. Aptly named, the three-year, $10 million comprehensive campaign was designed to financially strengthen, build and secure an organization poised to expand the impact of its work in two complementary ways:



E xpanded delivery of its recognized successful programs to larger numbers of underserved girls and young women Enhanced capacity to respond to new and changing needs with innovations which would be even more effective in maximizing opportunities for homeless and at-risk young women and girls to make positive choices and pursue powerful lives.

The path to security requires a disciplined approach to building a working capital reserve, establishing and beginning to build a long-term endowment, and increasing the amount of private support for annual operations. We are grateful for all gifts received during this time period as every private dollar contributed between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2014 will go toward our $10 million goal. We are privileged to specially acknowledge the following individuals, foundations, and corporations whose early, steadfast, multi-year commitments have accelerated our journey to a secure future. Special thanks to Union AdWorks and to photographer Michelle Andonian for their generous contributions in creating the 2012 Annual Report.

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Gifts of $500,000+ McGregor Fund James B. and Ann V. Nicholson Gifts of $200,000 to $499,999 Bank of America Charitable Foundation Hudson-Webber Foundation* The Kresge Foundation*

*Includes campaign gifts made prior to 1/1/2011.

Gifts of $100,000 to $199,999 Fritz and Karen Henderson The Skillman Foundation Gifts of $75,000 to $99,999 Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan Gifts of $50,000 to $74,999 Carls Foundation The Jewish Fund Estate of Anthony W. Keros United Way Community Services Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999 Anonymous Compuware Corp. Flagstar Bank Ilitch Charities for Children, Inc. Gifts of $15,000 to $24,999 Ally Financial Susan Jo Berman Agnes and Dennis Hagerty Estate of Helga Herz Carole Ilitch Janet McAuliffe Myra Moreland PVS Chemicals, Inc. Peter and Dorothy Solomon Foundation Southeastern Michigan Combined Federal Giving Campaign

Gifts of $10,000 to $14,999 Anonymous Christ Church Grosse Pointe DeRoy Testamentary Foundation The J. Ferrantino Charitable Foundation Grosse Pointe Memorial Church Health Alliance Plan Lori Lutz and Greg Gamalski Mercedes-Benz Financial Services MGM Grand Detroit Eugene and Lois Miller Virendra Nath Nino Salvaggio Charitable Foundation for Children in Need Oakland County Bar Association Sanford Rosenthal Memorial Award Phyllis and Daniel Riina St. John Providence Health System The Elizabeth, Allan and Warren Shelden Foundation The TJX Foundation, Inc. University of Michigan Weiner & Associates, PLLC. Women Lawyers Association of Michigan Zonta Club of Detroit II Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Anonymous Albert and Doris Pitt Foundation Lesley and Scott Atton Estate of Andrea F. Becker Burns & McDonnell Foundation Charter One Foundation Comerica Charitable Foundation Detroit Documentary Productions LLC Detroit Free Press Charities, Inc. Detroit Industrial School Dollar General Literacy Foundation General Motors Foundation Giarmarco, Mullins & Horton, PC Karl and Margo Hannum Joya Harris Henry Ford Health System William and Geraldine Lovejoy

Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 (cont.) The Lovelight Foundation Mark Malin Don and Shelly Manvel Merck Partnership For Giving Metro Health Foundation Metro Solutions Metro West Chapter of Credit Unions Michigan Community Resources Pfizer Foundation Matching Gift Program Pamela Rodgers Ronald McDonald House Charities Ronald McDonald House Charities of SE Michigan Rosemary, Catherine and Kristen Sarri The Suburban Collection Ronald and Maria Szymanski UAW-Chrysler National Training Center Village Community Credit Union The Village Woman’s Club Foundation Wayne County Sheriff Youth & Senior Education Fund Gifts of $1000 to $4,999 Denita Banks-Sims and Robert Glenn Sims Audrey and Mel Bornstein Sonya Delley Joseph and Diane Dillon Linda D. Forte and Tyrone H. Davenport Amanda (Amy) Good and David Finkel Markeisha Miner Chrystal Roberts Renee Omoregie Janet Thompson Mari Vaydik

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For gifts received from 10/1/2011-9/30/2012

$25,000+ Bank of America Charitable Foundation The Carls Foundation City of Detroit—Bureau of Substance Abuse City of Detroit Planning and Development— Neighborhood Support Services Community Development Block Grant and Neighborhood Opportunity Fund Community Foundation for Southeast MI Compuware Corp. Frederick and Karen Henderson Ilitch Charities for Children, Inc. The Jewish Fund McGregor Fund Michigan Department of Community Health Jim and Ann Nicholson Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention The Skillman Foundation State of Michigan Department of Human Services United Way of Southeastern Michigan U.S. Department of Health and Human Services U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development County of Wayne $15,000-$24,999 City of Detroit Estate of Helga Herz Carole Ilitch Peter and Dorothy Solomon Foundation $10,000-$14,999 Anonymous Grosse Pointe Memorial Church Janet McAuliffe MGM Grand Detroit Virendra Nath Nino Salvaggio Charitable Foundation for Children in Need Oakland County Bar Foundation: Rosenthal-Dombrowski Fund PVS Chemicals, Inc. Rand Corporation Southeastern Michigan Combined Federal Giving Campaign St. John Providence Health System The Elizabeth, Allan & Warren Shelden Foundation United Way Community Services Weiner & Associates PLLC Zonta Detroit II $5,000-$9,999 Albert & Doris Pitt Foundation Ally Financial Anonymous Scott and Lesley Atton Estate of Andrea F. Becker Susan Berman Burns & McDonnell Foundation Charter One Foundation Christ Church Grosse Pointe Detroit Documentary Productions LLC Flagstar Bank Giarmarco, Mullins, & Horton, PC Health Alliance Plan The Lovelight Foundation Lori Lutz and Gregory Gamalski Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Merck Partnership For Giving Metro Health Foundation Michigan Community Resources The TJX Foundation, Inc. UAW-Chrysler National Training Center University of Michigan Wayne County Sheriff Youth & Senior Education Fund Women Lawyers Association of Michigan $2,500-$4,999 Anonymous Christ Church Cranbrook Comerica Bank William and Kathleen Cosgrove Dakkota Integrated Systems, LLC Detroit Industrial School Dollar General Literacy Foundation General Motors Foundation Agnes and Dennis Hagerty Karl and Margo Hannum Joya Harris Henry Ford Health System Joint Employment & Procurement Advisory Board Alexa Joshua Junior League of Detroit, Inc. The Kresge Foundation Mark Malin Marilyn Scheid Malin Foundation Michigan League for Human Services Noster Foundation Pfizer Foundation Matching Gift Program Barbara Quilty

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$2,500-$4,999 (continued) Phyllis & Dan Riina Pamela Rodgers Rosemary Sarri St. Joseph Mercy Health System Ronald & Maria Szymanski The Roeper School The Village Woman’s Club Foundation Towers Watson Corporation Trinity Health Village Community Credit Union The Village Woman’s Club Foundation Young Woman’s Home Association $1,000-$2,499 Michelle Acciavatti Anonymous AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign Department of Sheriff Benny Napoleon Mel and Audrey Bornstein Beth Cafaro Joan Cleland CREW-Detroit Leslie Desmond Detroit Lions Charities Detroit Riverfront Conservancy Diamond Wire Spring Company Joseph Dillon Janet C. Dombrowski First Presbyterian Church of Dearborn First Presbyterian Church of Farmington Edward and Justine Good Judy A Gruner Walter Hampton Eric and Kristen Headrick Holden Fund Allen C. & Marcella S. Holmes Tricia and Tom Huneke Ignition Media Group LLC Independent Medical Billers, Inc. John Jacobs JCD Advisors George G. Johnson Jennifer Jones Susan Lilienfield Local 600 UAW Maddalena Design Masco Corporation Foundation Meritor Metro West Chapter of Credit Unions Michigan First Credit Union Microsoft Giving Campaign Lester and Lauretta Miller Myra Moreland Leia Muenster Mandi and Martin Murray Lynn Myers Dan and Linda Myler Thomas and Mary Lee Myler Faye and Albert Nelson Thomas Neumann Vicki Paganes Lisa Payne Radio One Inc. Robert and Susan Rahaim David and Jean Redfield Steven Riga Margaret A. Rosenthal Steven and Linda Ross Mark and Mary Rossman Phyllis G. Rozof Ruby & Associates, Inc. Vivek and Amy Sankaran David Seibert Nick and Mary Seraphinoff Sherlock Investigations, Inc. Sigmund & Sophie Rohlik Foundation Mae L. Skidmore Sojourner Foundation St. James Episcopal Church - Birmingham The John Guido Helping Hand Foundation Janet Thompson Mary Ann Tournoux James Trask Trinity Episcopal Church UAW Region 1-A CAP Margaret Van Meter Linda A. Wasserman Wayne County Sheriff’s Department Wanda & Bill Wheeler Zonta Club of Metro Detroit $500-$999 Robert and Janis Ackerman Anonymous Barbara L. Arrigo Diane S. & Patrick Arsenault Richard and Peggy J. Beadle Black Women Lawyer’s Association Nancy Brownrigg Rae Bye Susan M. Cischke Jann Devereux Nancy Diehl Linda Dillon John E. Gryniewicz and Sophie M. Dobriansky Carole Empey

$500-$999 (continued) Ford Solutions LLC Linda Forte and Tyrone H. Davenport The Gannett Foundation Steve and Mary Kay Glazek Andrew K. Goodrich Virginia Gordan John Gregory Groupon Mary Ellen and Harold Gurewitz Frances Hammond William and Kathleen Hanson Carol Hollenshead and Bruce J. Wilson Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Impact Ministries International, Inc. Impact Network, Inc. Melissa Jamal Kevin and Michele Kalczynski Northville Council of the Knights of Columbus Cathy Koch Mary L Kramer Rick Kress Elaine & W.G. Kuester Bernadette Lane Joan Levitsky Mahima Mahadevan Jack & Cathy Marshall Kristina Marshall Markeisha Miner Tracy Muscat Oakland County Credit Union Palmer Woods Association Laura Parker William Parker Caridad Pastor Erica Peresman and David Jaffe Bob Pettapiece Megan Piersma Sharon Kennedy Pink Donald and Patricia Rennie Patrick and Lisa Riley Grace B. Rising Victoria Roberts Richard J. and Elaine K. Rudy Marcia Ruff Saline First United Methodist Church Don A. Schiemann David Schon Alan Schroeder John J. H. Schwarz Timothy Seibert Kathleen Straus and Walter Shapero Pallavi Shukla Kim & Victoria Siegfried Barbara Jane Smith Sharif Sokkary St. Andrew Catholic Church Joanne Start Susan Steigerwalt Pamela Stevenson Jason and Sharon Stoner Derek Sutton Judy Tatum The Weave Shop Theresa Tobkin Stuart and Barbara Trager Marianne Udow-Phillips St. Paul’s United Methodist Church United Methodist Women University Presbyterian Church Frank & Mary Ellen Vaydik Brad and Harriett Whitaker Nina F. Williams Women of AT&T Michigan Chapter Kathy Zelenock Paula Zenizo $250-$499 AAUW- -Dearborn Branch ACCESS Allstate Giving Campaign Effie K. Ambler Amgen Foundation Robert Anthony Suzanne W. Antisdel Suzanne Battersby LaVerne Beard Richard and Nancy Blieden Joann F. Brooks Brenda Brown Cheryl & Dale Brunette Philip and Carol Campbell John Canzano and Ms. Rebecca Dudash D’Anne & Charles Carpenter Rabbi Adam and Alison Chalom Committee for Raymond J. Wojtowicz James Cotelingam Margaret Coughlin D. Augustus Straker Bar Association Julia D. Darlow Lois R. Debacker Sonya Delley Detroit Casino Group, LLC Detroit Fire Fighters Association Victoria Dombrowski Nida Donar and Edwin A. Rowe John Eley

$250-$499 (continued) Tania Elonzae-Esser Corporate F.A.C.T.S Ronda E. Fare Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund First Unitarian Universalist Church Terry and Linda Fiscus Mary M. Fisher and Mr. Michael McGee Barbara and Eric Fornasiero Nathan and Caroline Francis Michael Friedman Mildred Gaddis Anne Gahagan and Rick Dennis Harold and Bonita Reid Gardner Nancy A. Glen Richard Goode Deborah L. Grace Stefanie Gugelot Janet Halper Carmen Harlan Becky Havlisch Priscilla Hildum Leslie Hosey and Ron Robunis James House Barbara Howard Richard and Holly Hughes Sandra Jolicoeur Mary G. Jolliffe Rose Joseph Amy Kaherl Anne Keenan Higgins Tom and Michele Kendzior John W. and Julie Ann Keros Rhea Kish James and Linda Kohlenberg Eric and Monica Labe Catharine B. LaMont and Michael Donovan Frank F. Lanzilote Theresa Lapres-Bilbery Allen and Polly Ledyard Kelli Lewton Jennifer Maccagnone Diane Vanderbeke Mager Sanganur Mahadevan Talika Mahan Nancy Maier Donald and Shelly Manvel Mary Elizabeth and Richard May Mercury Sound and Lighting Terrence Miglio Kim Moon Barbara Moran David Murray Salwa Guindi and Nathan Branch Paul G. Neumann and D. K. Judy Valerie Newman Emily Norman and Nathan Brixius Charles O`Neill Orchard Lake Community Church Lynne Pierce PrimeStaff LLC Alida D. Quick, Ph.D. Mary Ratkowski Marisa Rawlins Joseph Reilly Vicky and Ricardo Reyes Barbara Rice Joseph and Jean Ritok Chrystal Roberts Denny Robertson Amy Rose Lawrence Shoffner, Esq Les Siegel Susan Sage Silvique Jewelry Barbara Sloat Robin Rae Sole Southeastern Michigan Health Association Community Health & Social Services Southwest Counseling & Development Karen Spangler Shirley R. Stancato Ann Maury Steglich Kathy Stern Laura Stevens Jane Synnestvedt Margaret A. Talburtt Carol Tarnowsky Katherine Thomas Rashida Tlaib Laura and Thomas Trudeau Turkish American Society of Michigan United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey United Way of Washtenaw County Sammye E. VanDiver Gail Vonstaden Wendy and Elliot Wagenheim Debra Walker Rebecca Warchuck Westminster Church of Detroit Neal R. & Cynthia F. Wisner Miriam and Steve Wolock

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Š 1998 Alternatives For Girls

903 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, MI 48208 313-361-4000

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Crisis line: 888-AFG-3919

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