1932 May ANCHOR

Page 58



"The Alpha Sig's adviser gave them a surpri e party in her apartmen t after ribbon pledging last night. Ice cream and everything. Honestly, those girls seem to have just what they want, and more besides! " "And have you seen them all joyously sporting yellow roses today? They had a celebration breakfa t in honor of their pledges- in the faculty dining room . All the food was arranged in their colors, they say. Why couldn't we have thought of something like that ? It takes the Alpha Sig to bring all these new ideas to Temple!"

* * * * " Where are they getting all the money? They seem to do nothing but entertain. Now it's a grill party after pin pledging. Can 't see how they do it- and their members aren 't taxed anywhere near as highly as many of us are! " "They've taken a box for the French Play! But then, one of their members is in it- so what can we do?" "This is the week-end that the Alpha Sigs are having their house party. Isn 't it swell weather? They all drove down to the shore early this morning - twenty strong. Rented a cottage at Shipbottom- imagine the fun they're having ! And with eight pledges to cook the meals and clear the dishes and make the beds.... "

* * * * "Isn 't this the nicest spring ball that Pan-Hell ever has had ?" " Yes, but wait till you hear the latest! The Alpha Sigma Taus had a fo rmal 'yellow rose dinner' just before it--and they 're making it a traditional annual affair! Aren't they the hardest Joneses anyone ever had to keep up with? "

* * * * And so, far, far into the spring . ... EVELy


HEY, HEY ! Chewing on the last of Easter's jelly beans, Lambda's president listens contentedly to the chirping of the evening crickets and ruminates about what a swell sorority is hers . . . . About what gorgeous luck it was for her to happen to be the president in this hey-day of the chapter's history, in this climax of all its hopes . ... About the fineness of all the members, their co-operation , their enthusiasm .. . . About the alumnce's loyalty and interest, made e pecially evident when they donated fifty dollars to the succe of our formal ru h dance .... About how ambitiously the girls worked to put them elve aero to the rushees. . . . About the eight 'sweet young thing " who are our clever pledge . . .. About this being the largest number initiated at one time inc Lambda went national. . ..

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