Asa phoenix vol 69 no 4 summer 1984

Page 24

CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR NAME 路You can help Alpha Sigma Alpha save a considerable amount of money each year by sending to the National Headquar路 ters any change of address or name. The Post Office now charges 25 cents for each returned magazine or change of address. Keep us informed and help us save! You are responsib le for changing you r address promptly if you wish to continue receiving yo ur Phoenix. Have you moved or married? Mail comple ted form with mailing label attached to : ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS-120 1 East Walnut , Springfield , Missouri 65802 College Chapter - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Year of Initiation _ _ __ Present Name ______________________________________________ Husband 's First Name

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