SEAA Brand Standard Guide

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OUR IDENTITY INDEX A brand has achieved “brand identityâ€? status when it is instantly recognized by its WDUJHW DXGLHQFH DQG ZKHQ WKDW UHFRJQLWLRQ OHDGV WR DFWLRQ :HOO NQRZQ QRQ SURĂ€W organization brands such as LiveStrong, Product (RED), and Susan G. Komen for the Cure exercise excellent management of their brands through consistency in use of language, visuals, and typography. The Southeast Acquirers’ Association brand aspires to the same level of recognition IURP LWV DXGLHQFHV $ XQLĂ€HG VWURQJ EUDQG LGHQWLW\ LV QHFHVVDU\ IRU VXFFHVV LQ WKH SEAA brand.

HOW DO I USE THIS DOCUMENT? The brand is more than following these guidelines verbatim, it’s a thought process. Which means that when you leverage this brand, it is necessary to have a reason behind every visual decision you make. 7KLV GRFXPHQW LV WKH IRXQGDWLRQ \RX QHHG WR EHJLQ WR PDNH WKRVH GHFLVLRQV ,W UHà HFWV the thought process that went into creating the brand and provides guidelines for making it work. 7KLV VHW RI JXLGHOLQHV LV à H[LEOH EXW XVH \RXU EHVW MXGJPHQW DV \RX EULQJ WKH The Southeast Acquirers’ Assocation branding to life.


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