Sustainable water management strategies - A future tool for decreasing the water end-use energy

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Sustainable water management strategies A possible tool for decreasing the water-end energy

Alexandra Totoianu 27th of March 2015

with nature inspired aesthetics, but more important, with the technical strategies for collecting, recycling and purifying the water working with, for nature, for bringing a contribution on the natural environment’s principles and on the way they behave.

3. Problem Statement Most of us under evaluate the “price” or value of water thinking that is finite and are not really sensible of how much energy it takes to bring it for our use within our household. Therefore, the water security within a building’s usage is more and more threatened, so our concern for conserving the water and re-using it is beginning to grow day by day. Having this said, the main research question is: -How can we reduce the energy in the water end-use energy and through water conservation, purification and re-use? Secondary questions: •

How can we conserve water by purifying it and re-using it within our household for other purposes?

How are we able to reuse the treated black water for other purposes within our buildings?

How can we harvest the rainwater and re-use it for other purposes?

How can we mitigate the storm water runoff through the green roofs?

How can we adapt to the water scarcity and to the local demands through the implementation of these systems?

How can these technological systems cope with each other for participating together to the water conservation?

How can we maximize the use of our natural resources and how to adapt our future buildings to the water scarcity through sustainable water systems?

1.4 Delimitation This paper focus on strictly the technological strategies we can implement within our buildings for re-using and conserving water in order to reduce energy. Analyzing landscape strategies for purifying water or for urban flood control such as artificial built wetlands is beyond the scope of this paper. The “so-called” living machines which have the ability to recycle wastewater through wetlands or which can treat sewage ecologically is not my scope either, since it refers to urban strategies and my main focus is strictly in a building’s usage.


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