2011-03 Triathlete

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Hydration in a Tube

Consuming enough water and electrolytes—which help the body absorb the water—is key during long training and racing sessions. Supplement between carbohydrate-rich sports drinks with these zero- or low-sugar, effervescent electrolyte tablets for on-the-go hydration. Zym Rival

$8 (16 tablets) Nathan Catalyst electrolyte tablets contain sodium, potassium and a small dose of calcium and are available in three flavors: lemon-lime, orange and pomegranateblueberry. The tablets, each of which contains less than one gram of sugar, dissolve quickly and contain a mix of vitamins. These calorie-free tablets have great flavors but left more of an aftertaste than the others tested. Directions: Drop one tablet into 24 ounces of water, or less for more intense flavor. Nathansports.com

$9.99 (10 tablets) Rival, Zym’s natural, sugarfree electrolyte tabs, come in an orange flavor, are naturally sweetened and have no aftertaste. At only seven calories per serving, Rival contains all four essential electrolytes—sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium—as well as several B vitamins and 150 mg of vitamin C. Rival took a little longer to dissolve than the others tested, but it has a tasty citrus flavor. Directions: Add one tab to 16 ounces of water. Gozym.com


triathlete.com | March 2011

U Natural Hydration Tablets $7.95 (16 tablets) Nuun fans will enjoy these tablets (made by the folks at Nuun), which have milder flavors, such as cucumber mint and tangerine ginger. Each sugar-free tablet has six to seven calories, 40 mg of vitamin C, plus a mix of the electrolytes sodium, potassium and magnesium. Because of its lighter flavor (and no aftertaste), U is ideal for everyday use. Another cool feature: the tube is recyclable. Directions: Drop one tab in 16 ounces of water. Uhydration.com

Camelbak Elixir $10 (12 tablets) These tablets are loaded with the four essential electrolytes and designed specifically for a CamelBak hydration system—they dissolve easily and won’t leave a sticky residue (no sugar here) if used in a reservoir. Elixir comes in berry and lemon-lime flavors (both great-tasting), contains 10 calories and 86 mg of vitamin C per serving. The Orange Alert variety isn’t as electrolyte rich, but it contains 70 mg of caffeine, about equal to a serving of Red Bull or a shot of espresso. Directions: Use one tablet for every 24 ounces of water. Camelbak.com

nils nilsen

Nathan Catalyst

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