Aldeburgh Food and Drink Festival 2017, Festival Guide

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A spectacular new area within the festival, bringing together all the elements from sky, sea and land – things that all go to make up our wonderful ‘Wild Suffolk’. A glorious feast for all the senses: sight, smell, sound, taste and touch. It’s not just ‘rabbits and foraging’, more a melting pot of all the wild things involved not only in our food & drink, but also our art, literature, science and nature. What can you expect? Street Food Legendary Pigeon Burgers, Fresh Mackerel baps, Hedgerow drinks and more… Demonstrations and masterclasses In and around the camp fire, spontaneous ‘Cook-up’s’, a ‘Shrimp peel-off’ and a ‘Partridge Pluck-off’. Learn from some of the masters of the wild. Producer Stands The Wild Meat Company & Maximus Sustainable Fishing Food Writers Corner Where many of our local bloggers and writers will gather to talk about their work and its links to many of the wild things. Fish Box An impromptu ‘stage’ where anyone can ‘wax lyrical’ about their chosen food passion… or just to get something off their chest! HQ This woodland space is the HQ (Hedge-Quarters) for Vivia Bamford’s Sciapod forays, where you will find her mind mapping and researching her foraged finds. Plus a whole host of ‘wild wizards’ cooking, talking and sharing their knowledge.

Wild Suffolk – It’s all around us 10

Aldeburgh Food & Drink Festival 2017

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