Albert Chavez Portfolio 2012

Page 9

Exterior render of the approach facing South West

Right side vs. Left side of the brain. The brain just as it has different areas that take care of different tasks can also be divided into two whole parts. When students go into classes, most cirriculuum is oriented toward a student who functions with more of the left side of the brain, mainly to a highly organized structure the right sided people may not have the same rewards and outcomes due to their natural way of learning.

Left Side Logical, Sequential, Rational Analytical Objective Looks at parts

As a result of the possibility of connecting the two sides of the brain through methods of flexible learning The brains elasticity provides better connectivity which means that it can learn faster and memorize things better. This is all done with contextual learning.

Right Side Characteristics as student: Works alone better Research is always preffered Favors quiet classrooms

Characteristics as teachers: Lecture and discussion based Sequential outlines and presentations Punctual in schedule Individual assigned work/ problems

Random, Intuitive Holistic Synthesizing Subjective Looks at wholes

Characteristics as student: Works better in groups Creative projects are preffered Likes design assignments

Characteristics as teachers: Hands on activities Incorporate more visual and audio stimulating lessons Assigns more group projects 

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