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METHODOLOGY: • We will use two approaches to assessing our project: a qualitative and based on observation and another quantitative based on indicators. • We will try to incorporate both shared and self-assessment in the evaluation process. TIMING A schedule will be established early in the project evaluation including the following times: • Start of the project • Semester assessment(4) • Final assessment of first year • Project Final assessment AREAS AND DIMENSIONS TO BE ASSESSED A. PARTNERSHIP A1. Project planning and management in each of the partner regions A2. Commitment and degree of involvement of the institutions taking part A3. Degree of coordination and communication between the partner regions B. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT B1. Degree of attainment of the objectives B2. Appropriateness of the activities and work methodology used B3. Project dissemination C. PRODUCTS C1.Types, adequacy and functionality C2. Product dissemination D. IMPACT D1. Profits made locally on schools and other institutions D2. Effects of the results at regional and European levels ASSESSMENT INDICATORS A set of variables that provide relevant information ‐quantitative or qualitative‐ according to the different dimensions to be assessed Assessment criteria: adequacy / suitability / relevance / coherence Semantically, the indicators must be expressed clearly and unambiguously and be easy to use

ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENTS They incorporate different instruments: Questionnaires Analysis of documents, minutes, products, etc.. Group Discussion In addition to the evaluation of the innovation project itself, within the internal evaluation of the participating institutions, will be collected as a dimension center to assess and the project will be analyzed with specific indicators and according to usual methodology of evaluation of each institution. ASSESSMENT AGENTS • Families • Pupils • Participating teachers • Participating institutions (*)

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