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After completing my first book: And the moral of the story is….. one person at a time, I was sure there was nothing else for me to tell. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Not only was the “Moral” updated, it opened the door to many more stories. Out of all of this the TV Show: A Visit with a Person of High Strangeness was born and with that like a ball of tight woven yarn an even greater story unraveled. The hundreds of people that appeared on my stage. They came from all walks of life. From troubled souls and mental patients to spies and Nobel Prize Nominees, filmmakers and people off the street, they are all equally important and their stories have to be heard. I will attempt to do so with gratitude in my heart. No names have been changed, everyone freely and openly shared their life’s lessons with me and became heroes in my reality for having the courage and in some cases the patience to set in motion what will become our future.

© Copyright 2005 3

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