Intergrative Nutrition

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There is no one right answer about what work means or how to find happiness in your career. Maybe you love working hard in a corporate environment. Maybe you need a less conventional, more flexible relationship with work. Everyone is different. Be honest about what works for you. Remember that we all need to nourish ourselves by finding work we love and being paid fairly for it.

7O`ZPJHS (J[P]P[` People need to exercise. Our bodies thrive on movement, and quickly degenerate without it. The challenge is to find the types of exercise you enjoy most, and then build them into your life. Physical activity can take simple and modest forms, like getting off the subway or bus one stop earlier and walking to your destination. It can be taking the stairs, instead of the elevator, to your office or apartment. It can be taking your dog for a walk or your children to the park. A 30-minute brisk walk every day may be all you need to keep yourself in shape. It’s good to find something you can do every day without altering your schedule too much. Making physical activity a simple, daily habit greatly increases your chances of staying active. Something interesting I’ve noticed is people’s inclination to choose exercise that aggravates their current condition. In gyms, the bulky, aggressive people tend to lift weights, which makes them even bulkier and more aggressive. Yoga classes are often full of delicate, vegetarian-type people who would probably be grounded and strengthened by doing some weightlifting, just as a yoga class would lighten weightlifters. I am a big proponent of creating balance, and exercise is a great way to do that. Different forms of exercise will give you different types of energy, and by listening to your body you can find the movement that will work best for you. After living at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, doing yoga every day, I realized I was all stretched out. I was practicing a very relaxing style of yoga, and I needed to get more grounded. So I stopped practicing yoga and switched to weightlifting and running. It provided great balance and stability in my life. In this way, movement is a lot like food. Once you understand how different types of movement nourish your body, you can put together a

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