Volume 25 Issue 09 Ramadan 1434

Page 26

Progression of a Mercy Unto Humanity Historical Timeline of the Sîrah  The weak Muslims

 The first Revelation in  The Prophet’s

grandfather, ¢Abd Al-Mu~~alib, dies. The Prophet œ is given to his paternal uncle Abû >âlib.

are persecuted by the Quraysh.

the Cave of ±irâ’. The revelation of the first five verses of Sûrat Al-¢Alaq (Rama\ân).

 Abu >âlib and Khadîjah die (The year of

 The establishment of brotherhood

sorrow).  Prophet Muhammad œ is married to Sawdah bint Zam¢ah (Rama\ân).  The Prophet œ takes a journey to >â’if with Zayd ibn ±ârithah and returns to Makkah, under the protection of Mut¢im ibn ¢Adî (Shawwâl).  A group of people from the Khazraj tribe in Madinah meet with the Prophet œ and become Muslim during the season of pilgrimage at ¢Aqabah (Dhu’l-±ijjah).

between the Emigrants and the Helpers (An|âr) (Mu’âkhât-Brotherhood) (Rajab).  The regulation of the constitutional agreement of Madinah and the establishment of the boundaries of Muslim Madinah (Rama\ân).  Permission to fight against unbelievers is granted.  The night campaign (Sariyya) led by ¤amzah, the Al-Is campaign (Sayf Al-Ba^r) (Rama\ân).  Completion of the construction of the Al-Masjid Al-Nabawî (Shawwâl).  The night campaign led by Sa¢d ibn Abî Waqqâs, the ±arrâr campaign (Dhu’l-Qi¢dah).  The establishment of the market place in Madinah.  The formation of the ßuffah (porch or veranda) of Al-Masjid Al-Nabawî.

 Prophet

brings Prophet Muhammad œ to his mother in Makkah.

 The Second Emigration to Abyssinia.  ¤amzah converts to Islam.  ¢Umar converts to Islam. The Prophet œ and the

first Muslims emerge from the House of Arqam.  The Hâshim and Mu~~alib tribes meet near where Abû >âlib lives to protect Prophet Muhammad œ. The unbelievers start social and economic boycotts against the Muslims.

 Second Pledge at

¢Aqabah (Dhu’l- ±ijjah).

Al-Masjid Al-±aram in Makkah (Rajab).

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 The Prophet’s

 The introduction of the mandatory Rama\ân fast (Sha¢bân).  Start of the >arâwî^ (nightly) prayer during the month of Rama\ân (1 Rama\ân).  The Battle of Badr. (17 Rama\ân).  The revelation of Sûrat Al-Anfâl.  The death of the Prophet’s daughter Ruqayyah (Rama\ân).

 Payment of alms (Zakat Al-Fitr) at the end of Rama\ân becomes mandatory (Rama\ân).  The first Eid Al-Fi~r (celebration after Rama\ân), and the first congregational Eid prayer (1

Shawwâl).  The marriage of the Prophet œ to ¢Âishah (Shawwâl).  The Banû Qaynuq⢠campaign (Shawwâl).  The marriage of ¢Alî and Fâ~imah. (Dhu’l-Qi¢dah or Dhu’l-±ijjah).  The Sawîq campaign (5 Dhu’l-±ijjah).  The first Eid Al-A\^a (Festival of Sacrifice) (10 Dhu’l-±ijjah).  The appropriation of the cemetery of Al-Baqî¢ Cemetery after the death of ¢Uthmân ibn Maz¢ûn of the Muhâjirûn (one of the Emigrants during the Hijrah) (Dhu’l-±ijjah).  Zakât (charitable alms) is prescribed.

Makkan Period

Muhammad œ is made responsible for the trade caravan belonging to the widow Khadîjah. He leads her caravan to the city of Bu|ra.  The Prophet œ marries Khadîjah.

campaign (Rajab).  The change of the direction of prayer (qiblah) from Al-Masjid Al-Aqsâ in Jerusalem to

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 Prophet

Muhammad œ is born (12 Rabî¢ Al-Awwal 53h/17 June 569, a Monday, or 9 Rabî¢ Al-Awwal 51h/20 April 571, a Monday)  The Prophet œ is given to the wet-nurse ±alîmah.

 The First Emigration to Abyssinia.  The Prophet

journeys to Syria with his uncle Abû >âlib. The episode of Ba^îrah, the monk, occurs.

Abwâ', the Prophet œ is brought to Makkah by his nurse Umm Ayman and given to the Prophet’s grandfather, ¢Abd Al-Mu~~alib.


3h/625 ce

 The marriage of

 After the declaration

 The boycott is lifted.

at Mt. ßafâ, the Prophet œ invites people to Islam, starting with his closest relatives.

 After the death of the Prophet’s mother, Âminah, in


marriage to ±af|ah (Sha¢bân).  The birth of ¤asan (Sha¢bân or 15 Rama\ân).  The Prophet’s marriage to Zaynab bint Khuzaymah (Rama\ân).  The Battle of U^ud (7 or 11 Shawwâl).  The ±amrâ’ Al-Asad campaign (Started from Madinah, 8 or 12 Shawwâl).

Madinan Period

 ±alîmah

 The night raid led by the commander ¢Abdullâh ibn Ja^sh, the Ba~n Nakhlah

vol 25 issue 9

 The Prophet œ arbitrates in a

dispute among the Quraysh tribe about who will place the Black Stone in the Ka¢bah during repairs.

 The Prophet œ fasts

 The Mi¢râj (Ascen-

sion) and the prescription of the five daily prayers (27 Rajab).  First Pledge of ¢Aqabah. Prophet Muhammad œ sends Mus¢ab ibn Umayr to Madinah to teach Islam (Dhu’l-±ijjah).

 After the Second Pledge of ¢Aqabah, Muslims commence migration to Madinah

(Mu^arram).  The meeting of unbelievers at Dâr Al-Nadwah. Decision to assassinate the Prophet œ

(26 ßafar).  The migration of Prophet Muhammad œ with Abû Bakr. They hide in the cave of Thawr

(26 ßafar).  Departure from the cave of Thawr for Madinah (1 Rabî¢ Al-Awwal).  Arrival at Qubâ’ (8 Rabî¢ Al-Awwal).  The Masjid at Qubâ’ is established (Rabî¢ Al-Awwal).  The Prophet œ leaves Qubâ’ and performs the first Friday prayer in the valley of

Ranûnâ’, arriving in Madinah on the same day and settling in the house of Abû Ayyûb Al-An|ârî (12 Rabî¢ Al-Awwal).  The start of the construction of the Al-Masjid Al-Nabawî (Rabî¢ Al-Awwal).  First Adhân for prayer is called.

for ¢Ashûrah. Recommended to all Muslims (10 Muharram).  The Al-Abwâ’ campaign (Waddân) (ßafar).  The Buwât campaign (Rabî¢ Al-Awwal).  The first Badr campaign (Safawân) (Rabî¢ Al-Awwal).  The ¢Ushayrah campaign (Dhu’l-¢Ushayrah) (Jumâda Al-Awwal).

¢Uthmân and Umm Kulthûm, the daughter of the Prophet œ (Rabî¢ Al-Awwal).  The death of Ka¢b ibn Al-Ashraf (14 Rabî¢ Al-Awwal).  The Dhî Amr campaign (Gha~afân) (Rabî¢ Al-Awwal).  The Bu^rân campaign (Banû Sulaym) (Jumâda Al-Awwal).

al-jumuah vol 25 issue 9


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