Process Document-

Page 159


Pearl Malhotra

Takes her parents’ advice because of emotional support. But ex boss because she is experienced and she knows she gives good advice.

Parents – for emotional support Ex boss- experienced, genuine advise

Emotional, professional

Pearl Malhotra

Mostly Grad friends who haven’t done MBA take advice- not school friends because they ve done very different stuff.

People take advise from friends who have done what they want to do.

Experience based

Smita Dube

Takes advise from immediate family- Parents and Mausi Mausa (who live closeby and have been her support since many years) Prachi, her flatmate takes her advise. She feels that it is because over a period of time, each other’s advise seems pragmatic

As time spent with a person increases, you think he knows you (and therefore, what will be best for you) . Therefore, one tends to seek advise from family members who have experience in your field , old friends who have same professional background

Time spent,understandi ng

If past experience with him/her has been good, you tend to trust his/her advise.

Past, present

Smita Dube

Feels that advise really helps: even in situations when something wrong is happening with you in the office. Eg. took mausi’s advise one time recently when she was upset. Worked perfectly.

People tend to take advise about problems faced in the office- seeking emotional support and asking what to do about it

Seek advise, problems

Ashutosh Bajaj

People ask about vacancies once in 3 months.

People also tend to ask senior level people about vacancies in their companies often.


Ashutosh Bajaj

Passes on job offers through consultants: eg. if consultant calls regarding a job, directs the consultant to someone else he knows who is looking for job.

People pass on jobs through consultants- so consultant is the middle person through whom jobs are passed on.

Consultant, pass on

Pearl Malhotra

Got help from friends who were HR at diff companies – like E&Y, Siemens, Headstrong. But didn’t work out.

People ask people working in companies for help to get an interview call (especially if they know the HR)

Pearl Malhotra

Helped Grad friends, juniors by giving referrals in her own company. They called her up that they are looking for a job at Infosys as they knew she is there. And she being in HR, could influence recruitment. They had inquiries but told them to ask recruiters.

Tendency to help friends by giving referral in own company.

Referral, own company

People who want help call asking about vacancies

Communication flow, help

Info that which company has your friends is important

Info, company, friends

HR contacts are really important as they have the ability to influence recruiters

HR contacts, influence

Helping friends and help from friends

Pearl Malhotra

Generally refers people to Infosys or if they specifically mention a company and she has a friend there, then that.

People refer people to their own companies; or if they specifically mention a company, and they have a friend there, then that

Own company, specifically mention

Smita Dube

Giving referrals: -She gets calls 5-6 times in a year. Mainly from ex colleagues and ex office people. -Also has helped second degree connection- Cousin’s girlfriend . But didn’t work out. Also helped her to refine the resume -Passing on jobs is very common -Feels getting referrals works much better than applying directly. Gives eg. of Prachi (flatmate)- she has always got jobs through referrals, and many times

Referrals are given to: Ex colleagues; ex office people(juniors also); second degree connections- like relative’s friend

People, referrals

Passing on jobs is common

Help, pass on

Frequency of getting calls for help with referrals: 5-6 times in a year

Frequency, referrals

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