SIS Information Booklet

Page 2


Dear Parents,

Preface .....................


History and Mission .....................


ESLRs .....................


Learning Facilities .....................


Academics .....................


Co-curriculars .....................


Student Support .....................


The People .....................


Admissions .....................


Album .....................


Surabaya International School is the only truly “international” school in Surabaya. With “international” teachers, an “international” student body, an “international” curriculum and an “international outlook,” SIS is preparing your children for a life in a world that is getting smaller by the day. Surabaya International School fosters a holistic education : Academics – mathematics, science, history and languages are taught in a creative, hands-on-interactive manner; Technology – with a one-to-one laptop initiative in a wireless environment, SIS will go further than any school in Surabaya to bring its students to the forefront of technological advancement; Co-curricular activities – sports, drama, music and leadership activities are considered an important part of a student's education; Introduction to Indonesia – Secondary students have opportunities to travel to many historic and cultural sites in Indonesia; Service – Surabaya International School encourages global responsibility! It has a strong community service component providing students with opportunities to work in orphanages, homes for the elderly and with victims of natural tragedies. Come, take a look ! Join the school that will make a difference in the lives or your children !

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