Sept 2013 rally

Page 12

Franklin Fernandes

The National Council according to

experiences and present issues

gives the movement a federal set

Article VI point 19-22 states that:

concerning their commission in

up; it makes it more democratic to


every council meeting.

function. The states function

It consists of two student

delegates and one full timer from



autonomously and at the end of the

each state elected from and by the

conventions/congresses, and

year during the council meeting

State Council, the State Adviser, the

appoints national level committees

state leaders along with the

Full-timers at the National Centre,

on specific issues as and when

accompaniment of advisers come

one student along with one adviser


to understand one another in the









It takes up any other matters




commission and the National

that might require attention within

involvement, activities and also

Adviser. In the National Council only

the framework of the Constitution.

challenges one another in their

student delegates have voting

It meets at least once a year

ideological clarity and experiments.

power. Only Catholics are eligible

preferably in August. Its term of

Every council emerged as a unique

to be members of the National

office is one year.

experience. All the 25 councils have

Council. However the Council

various reasons, issues, motives

should be competent to invite others

The year 2013 is the 25th year of

and orientations behind and with

to enlighten the council or specific

National Council of Before 1989,


issues or to share specific

CCM meetings were commenced

All the states come together to

experiences of various groups.

but later in the year 1989 after the 3rd National Convention when the

learn, share, understand and create

20a. It sums up the experiences

New Constitution was passed, the

the movement to grow stronger.

of different states, leading to

relevance of National council was

Council is like a platform that the

networks of solidarity at the national

also mentioned. Having a Council

National level coordination provides

level. It ensures on-going self-

network of strong united force for

so that the states come and make

evaluation and theological and

the proceedings possible. It

i reflection for the progress

is like when we light a spark

of the movement. It decides

the fire will automatically

the topics and themes of

burn to let the light spread.

national level programmes.

It is the united force of the

20b. The representatives of

states that makes the

each commission in the National Council Rally



movement strong. National is

and 10

not a parallel movement, it is a place September 2013

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