Grade5- Math

Page 114

Test Three Answer the following questions:

1 Complete: ( a ) If 0.3 × 20 = 0.3 × 2 × 10 = 0.6 × 10 = 6 then 0.4 × 30 = 0.4 × ......... × 10 =......... × 10 = ......... ( b ) If 0.6 ÷ 20 = 0.6 ÷ 2 ÷ 10 = 0.3 ÷ 10 = 0.03 then 0.06 ÷ 20 = 0.06 ÷ ......... ÷ 10 = ......... ÷ 10 = ......... ( c ) ( b ) If {1 , x} ⊂ {1 , 2 , 5 , 9] , then x = ......... ( d ) 4 ( e ) (f)

5 8


1 4

litres = ......... ml

÷ 10 = ......... The figures which have



2 pairs of parallel lines


and equal opposite sides are ......... 2

The figure which has 2 pairs of parallel lines and 4 equal sides is .........

2 ( a ) Eman ate

1 6

of a cake. she gave

2 5

of the remainder to her sister.

What fraction of the cake did Eman's sister receive? ( b ) Complete the pattern:

1 10000


1 1000

then deduce the seventh term.


1 100

, ......... , .........

3 Choose the correct answer: ( a ) 6 × 2

1 3

= .........


1 3

, 14 , 42 , not given]

( b ) Which of these are proper subsets of {g, h, f} ? 106

[{f} , {f, g, h} , {

} , {gh}]

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