Parr, a ; hydraulics and pneumatics; butterworth heinemann; 1998

Page 93


Hydraufics and Pneumatics

Pressure ~




~- Flow

Response of simple pressure regulators

Figure 3.28

main diaphragm. This space can, however, be vented to the exit side of the valve by the small ball valve. If outlet pressure is low, the pilot diaphragm closes the ball valve causing the main diaphragm to be pushed down and more air to be admitted to the load. If outlet pressure is high, the pilot diaphragm opens the ball valve and the space above the main diaphragm de-pressurises. This

Adjusting screw

Pressure setting spring Pilot diaphragm Ball Orifice

Pressure sensing line Main diaphragm

Pressure line Diaphragm .._rises to vent outlet via hollow stem

Light spring Outlet


Vent Valve pushed down to raise outlet pressure

Figure 3.29

Hollow valve stem


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