Agora November 2009

Page 10


Friday november 6, 2009

the agora A religion of one by Matt gallinger


hat do you think about a religion that is based on worshiping the Earth that we live on? Everything and everyone is one. I'm sure many of you have heard of the Gaia Theory - that everything on Earth is one living organism. Why not create a religion whose foundation is an eternal love and oneness with Earth and everything on it? Many people probably just flipped the page after reading that and wrote me off as a hippy. That's okay, they'll learn; it will take total destruction of everything we know, but they’ll learn. A religion which loves each and every person and other living being - a novel idea no? Does such a thing exist? Perhaps, but not that I’ve heard of. Perhaps there have been religions (such as Buddhism) which are strongly rooted in finding ones inner self, but what about everything and everyone simply being one? What about a religion which takes some of the ancient teachings of a variety of religions and applies them to modern society? Sure the Bible and the Qur'an (for example) have some great teachings, but they are taken far too literally and most often very out of context. Why not take some of those fundamental teachings, along with a variety of other morals and create a religion that is in itself, all that is good, and all that should be? What about a religion whose roots are in preserving all that is on this Earth? This doesn't just mean stop polluting. This means to have a religion where all human beings can come together and be at peace with one another, no matter their race, religion, past convictions, or any other barrier which we create to set others apart from ourselves - a religion where we actually strive to make the world a better place. Imagine raising the next generation on a religion such as this. What an unimaginable world it could be, if we could drastically diminish the hate in the world in one generation. Sure, it sounds incredibly idealistic, and sure we can't teach everyone what is right and what is wrong. But what a change we could make. There would be no need for an arbitrary God or prophet or anything of the likes. We would worship all that is - everything on this Earth and beyond: love, peace, acceptance, purity, preservation, and a universal understanding that we are all one. We would not pray per se; we would simply harvest the positive energy within ourselves, and send it to all those is in need. We would believe in a power which brings us all together. Would you join me? Would you dispose of your current stereotypes, biases, assumptions, bad habits, and hate? Would you learn to love each and every person, animal, plant, rock, drop of water, and star like it were your own? Perhaps the ultimate question would be, ‘Could you?’ Matt Gallinger

Vancouver Co-operative radio CFRO, 102.7FM ( is a noncommercial, co-operatively-owned, listener-supported, community radio station. CO-OP Radio 102.7 FM has many programs that are cutting edge shows, which rip open the veil and expose the hidden secrets that are not being told by mainstream media, at this time. And with shows like Monday Brown Bagger (Monday From noon to 1 pm PST), Red Eye (Saturdays 9:00 am to 12:00 pm PST), Hidden From History (Monday from 1 pm to 2 pm PST), Wake Up With CO-OP (Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 7 to 9 am PST), and others, CO-OP Radio continues to push the norm, while we look forward to the future with the help and support of our members and listening audience. CO-OP Radio 102.7 FM CFRO ( is located in the heart of Vancouver's Downtown Eastside; Co-op Radio is a voice for the voiceless that strives to provide a space for under-represented and marginalized communities.

VancouVer L8 an energetic issue for body, mind and spirit on both individual and collective levels. We cannot truly evolve as a species and go beyond war and crime until we give up eating our animal brothers and sisters.” (David Frawley) Often people want to know if eggs are acceptable in a yogic lifestyle. Eggs are still animal flesh and cause exploitation to chickens. Many Hindu temples do not allow those who eat eggs into their inner sanctuaries. Meat is truly disgusting, but we are also living in the era of bad food. These days food is dyed, bleached, gassed, refined, enriched, fractionated, hydrogenated, preserved, genetically engineered, synthetically produced, doused with artificial flavors and brought to you with a shelf of 20 years and questionable digestibility. Most of our food is mass- produced, mass- prepared and mass -consumed with little care or attention and certainly little love or consciousness. We must learn to grow our own food, support local and organic gardeners and become politically active on environmental matters. Raising our food consciousness and food discrimination is an important part of any ecology strategy for saving the planet.

ConTinuED froM pAgE

Comments of the Saints For our existence, we have to live on one thing or another. Everywhere in the universe there is life - tiny creatures in the air, in the water, in the soil. We inhale them, we drink them and we walk on them. The ancient rishis and sages knew that as long as they were confined to the world, they would have to adopt the course that was the least harmful. They knew that they had to subsist on creatures, so they chose to subsist on creatures, the killing of which would be the least sinful. They knew that killing incurred karma and they were trying to eliminate their karmic debt so that they wouldn’t have to reincarnate again and instead they would merge back into the Godhead. So how did they determine what would be the least sinful creature to eat? They discovered that all living beings of this world could be divided into classes as regards to the composition of their bodies and the number elements they contain. By elements, they didn’t mean the 90 or so elements discovered by modern scientists; but the main conditions or divisions of matter. There are five such classes of substances - ether or akash, air, fire, water and earth. According to their classification, under class one came all of those creatures in whom all five of these substances are active - only man. In the next class came those in which only four elements are active and one dormant, namely, the quadripeds (four- legged animals). In them, there is no sense of discrimination, because the ether element is dormant. In the third class fell creatures in which only three substances are active; namely air, water and fire. They are birds and they lack earth and ether. The fourth class is made up of insects, in which only two substances are active, air and fire. Then comes the last class, the fifth, in which only one element or substance is active, that the vegetable world. In them, water is the only active element. Experts have proved that, in many vegetables, there’s as much as 95% water. When the creatures of the other classes are killed or injured, they cry out in pain. But not so the vegetables, though they have life. So the Sages concluded that the eating of vegetables was the least sinful. (The least karmic burden). Although the eating of vegetables produced some karma, it was of a light nature and could be easily worked off by spiritual exercises. Thus they choose the course of least resistance, and so abstained from the killing of other forms of life.” (Kirpal Singh) “We are guilty. But this is only the first response. And normal. What we do with our heightened consciousness is the question.” And remember, every Saint has his past and every sinner his future. This is probably the easiest time in history to become vegetarian. There are lots of books and recipes to help ease the transition. It’s very popular among teenagers, as well as tots as young as four! Apparently movies like Babe and Chicken Run, Food Inc, etc have made quite an impact on our youth. In response to this, dietitians and registered nutrition consultants are well prepared to help where needed. Several years ago, The American Dietetic Association published their position on vegetarian diets. They were totally supportive of a varied vegetarian diet that was based on whole foods. A good place to find recipes and ideas are in ethnic cooking such as Japanese, Chinese, Middle Eastern, Mexican and Indian to name a few. As well, there are lots more vegetarian foods available than there were even just a few years ago. Instant soups and bean dips, where you just add boiling water, veggie pates, tabouli and hummus mixes, burger mixes and prepared burgers, instant veggie gravy, veggie bouillon cubes, powdered egg- replacer etc. The list goes on. If you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them to the best of my ability. NAMASTE! -L.P.

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