2018 - AGC San Diego Annual Report

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AGC’s vision is to promote a better industry for the professionals who build San Diego’s future.

The VOICE of Construction The Associated General Contractors of America, the voice of the construction industry since 1918, is an organization of qualified construction contractors and industry-related companies dedicated to Skill, Integrity, and Responsibility. AGC - San Diego Chapter, Inc. has been in existence since 1927. AGC is dedicated to improving the construction industry daily by educating the industry to employ the finest skills, promoting use of the latest technology, and advocating building the best quality projects for owners, both public and private.

t r o p e r l a u

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contents 3 4-5

President’s Message Board Officers & Directors


2018 Highlights


President’s Award & SIR Award

8-10 11

Councils Membership


Government Relations


Political Action Committee (PAC)


Industry Relations


Apprenticeship & Training Trust


Education & Training


Meeting & Events


AGC Member Awards


Labor Relations


Human Resource Practices Committee


Fringe Benefits


Safety Committee


Build & Serve Charitable Alliance


Construction Leadership Council (CLC)


Construction Technology Committee


Plan Room




AGC Staff / Apprenticeship Staff



The Associated General Contractors of America, San Diego Chapter’s Annual Report is published annually. Copyright 2019 by AGCSD. Reproduction, either whole or in part, is not permitted without the express consent of the publisher. All rights reserved.


AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction

President’s Message Thank you for reading the 2018 AGC San Diego Chapter Annual Report. This publication is a great overview of the many activities and projects the Association undertakes each year – and those special to 2018! It has been an honor to serve as the 2018 AGC San Diego Chapter President. It was a busy and fulfilling year. I appreciate the many volunteers who gave their valuable time to support our region’s construction industry. Let me share a few highlights from a successful 2018: • The AGC East County Facility made great progress this past year. The project architect and contractor were selected in a competitive process, and the building’s design was completed with stakeholders’ input. When completed, this facility will be the new headquarters of the AGC for years to come. It will serve as a hub for world-class construction education at all levels. • In 2018, San Diego State University (SDSU) made a great commitment to expand its construction program. At the J.R. Filanc Construction Engineering and Management Program, Professor Thais Alves was selected as permanent Chair of the Department – a position that had been left vacant for nearly five years. SDSU also took the important step of launching a Construction Management Degree Program to complement the successful Construction Engineering Program. AGC members created the construction program at SDSU, and continue to expand this world-class education for the betterment of the industry. We could not have arrived here without the tireless efforts of Mark Filanc, who has kept this program at the forefront year-in and year-out. • Finally, AGC San Diego underwent strategic planning in 2018 to clearly identify ts goals and refocus our mission for the future. Having celebrated AGC of America’s 100-year Anniversary in 2018, we are keenly aware of the many changes this industry has seen, and will continue to see. I am confident the path set for the San Diego Chapter will prepare he industry for the next 100 years of construction in San Diego. It was great to serve alongside the best leaders of our industry. I will continue to support these ongoing AGC efforts as Past President, and I have no doubt that our Association’s incoming leadership will continue the history of excellence in 2019 and beyond. Thank you for the honor of serving as your 2018 AGC San Diego Chapter President.

Jeff Harper Harper Construction Company, Inc. AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction


2018 Board Officers

Senior Vice President

President Jeff Harper Harper Construction Company, Inc.

Stephen Friar Hensel Phelps

Secretary/ Treasurer

Past President Eric Stenman Balfour Beatty Construction

Bill Haithcock Casper Company


Mike Furby Marathon Construction Corp. Ex Officio Member

Gita Murthy RORE, Inc. Ex Officio Member

There are 22 positions available on the AGC Board of Directors. The positions are distributed per the bylaws in the following manner: General Engineering Contractors General Building Contractors Contractors Specialty Contractors Specialty or Contractor Affiliate Members Past Presidents CLC Chairperson


6 positions 6 positions 2 positions 2 positions 1 position 2 positions 2 positions 1 position

5-year term 5-year term 5-year term 3-year term 3-year term 3-year term 2-year term 2-year term

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction

2018 Board of Directors

Rik Becker Bergelectic Corporation

Austin Cameron TC Construction Company, Inc.

Jeff Clinkscales Rossin Steel, Inc.

Jon Cloud J. Cloud, Inc.

John H. Daley, Jr. Daley Corporation

Walt Fegley Reno Contracting, Inc.

Randy Finch Finch, Thornton & Baird, LLP

Diane Koester-Byron I.E. - Pacific, Inc.

Kari Kyne Kyne Construction, Inc.

Lawrence McMahon Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.

John Messick Sundt Construction, Inc.

Jason Mordhorst Hazard Construction Company

Mark Payne Swinerton

Dusan Selezan CLC Chair

Boris Shekhter Helix Electric, Inc.

Mike Williamson Pacific Coast Iron

Wes Wise Cass Arrieta

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction

Don McKillop Law Offices of Donald R. McKillop Legal Counsel


2018 Year In Review



Events & Mixers


Construction Education Classes

AGC is dedicated to promoting opportunity, free enterprise, skill, integrity and responsibility among San Diego’s construction professionals by: • Elevating the art of construction • Educating its members • Advocating for members’ needs with public owners and policy makers • Improving the image of the construction profession • Providing its members with social events, and networking opportunities • Promoting equal opportunity in

Serving 900+ Individuals the Industry

employment and subcontracting • Improving its community


AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction

President’s Award The AGC San Diego Chapter’s Specialty Contractors’ Council presents the AGC President’s Award to an individual or company that the Council and the current President have recognized to have gone above and beyond in their service to the industry. Rik Becker, Bergelectic Corporation, was presented the award at the 2018 Holiday Dinner Dance for his many years of service to the industry and the AGC.

SIR Award The AGC SIR Award is the highest honor an individual can attain within the Association and the construction industry. The name “SIR” is derived from an acronym taken from the AGC’s creed: “Skill, Integrity, Responsibility.” The award trophy itself is a 15-inch, golden statuette modeled from Norman Rockwell’s painting, “The Spirit of Construction.” The SIR Award is bestowed on industry leaders, both locally and nationally, who have made, and continue to make, outstanding contributions to the AGC and to the construction industry. Twentyseven individuals have received this prestigious distinction, including the most recent recipient, Kevin Elliott, who served as AGC’s 2009 President, and passed away on May 2, 2018. Kevin was honored for his “Skill, Integrity, and Responsibility” throughout his career in the construction industry. John Elliott, Kevin’s father, and Steve Elliott, Kevin’s brother, accepted this award in memory of Kevin presented at the 2019 AGC Installation Dinner.

Kevin Elliott AGC San Diego Chapter Past President 2009

Steve Elliott and John Elliott accepted the award in memory of Kevin. Pictured with 2019 AGC President Stephen Friar and former AGC CEO Jim Ryan.

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction


General Building Contractors’ Council Chairperson Mike Berryhill Swinerton

The General Building Contractors’ Council is comprised of members from General Building Contractor AGC firms. The Council presents the Board with policy recommendations and AGC committees with program recommendations that meet the specific needs of the General Building Contractor members.

Committee Members

Jamie Awford - BNBuilders, Inc. Bob Betz - McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. Dave Erickson - Erickson-Hall Construction Co. Jennifer Farnham - PCL Construction Steve Friar - Hensel Phelps Jamie Frye - Sundt Construction, Inc. Todd Gillum - Cox Construction Co. Carlos Gonzalez - Clark Construction Group - California, LP

Rachel Gonzalez - West Coast Air Conditioning Co., Inc. Jeff Harper - Harper Construction Company, Inc. Diane Koester-Byron - I.E. - Pacific, Inc. Brandon Richie - Soltek Pacific Construction Company Eric Stenman - Balfour Beatty Construction Jim Summers - EC Constructors, Inc. Hank Withaar - C.W. Driver, LLC

Engineering & General Contractors’ Council

Chairperson Wes Wise Cass Arrieta

The Engineering & General Contractors’ Council (EGCC) is comprised of members from General Engineering Contractor AGC firms. The Council presents the Board with policy recommendations and AGC committees with program recommendations that meet the specific needs of the General Engineering Contractor members. EGCC members also support the EGCA Foundation through its annual golf tournament, a fishing trip auction and dinner featuring an industry honoree and scholarship presentations to students at SDSU and Palomar College. In November, AGC’s EGCC held a forum in which leaders from five major agencies outlined the construction projects they intend to bid or negotiate during the next 18 months - estimated to be over $2 billion. The following agencies were featured: • San Diego Regional Airport Authority • City of San Diego • County of San Diego • Caltrans District 11 • SANDAG

Committee Members Geoff Bohne - LB Civil Construction, Inc. John Boies - Granite Construction Company Thomas L. Brown - Sierra Pacific West, Inc. Austin Cameron - TC Construction Company, Inc. Ruben Claudio - Alvarez and Shaw, Inc. Jon Cloud - J. Cloud, Inc. Steve Coker - J.R. Filanc Construction Company, Inc. John Daley, Jr. - Daley Corporation Jason Danks - Orion Construction Corp. Mark Dowsing - Orion Construction Corp. Ross Farmer - Hawthorne Cat Mark Filanc - J.R. Filanc Construction Company, Inc. Brian Fortier - Granite Construction Company Dick Freeman - Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton, LLP Steve Fry - Flatiron Tom Gannon - Swinerton John Greenwood - California Commercial Asphalt, LLC


Above: EGCA Scholarship Winners On left: EGCA Foundation honoree Tom Shaddox of Hazard Construction with Jason Mordhorst. Mike Henderson - KTA Construction, Inc. Grant Hughes - Vulcan Materials Company Abd Jahshan - PAL General Engineering, Inc. John Mabon - J.R. Filanc Construction Company, Inc. Bob Mahan - Mahan Insurance Brokers, Inc. Vicki Martin - Independent Consultant Larry McMahon - Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. Jason Mordhorst - Hazard Construction Company Dale Nelson - Flatiron Dave Ness - Hawthorne Cat Matt Pound - Escondido Materials Rocky Qualin - McGriff Insurance Services Donnie Riese - Flatiron Elan Schier - TC Construction Company, Inc. Norbert Schulz - J.R. Filanc Construction Company, Inc. Mike Spain - Skanska, USA Civil West California District Nick Walters - West Coast General Corporation Bill Young - El Cajon Grading & Engineering Co., Inc.

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction

Specialty Contractors’ Council The Specialty Contractors’ Council is comprised of Contractor and Specialty Contractor member firms. The Council plays a significant role in supporting scholarships for the AGC SDSU Construction Engineering and Management Program by organizing and hosting the popular AGC/SDSU “Aztec Football Tailgate and Sky Show” event each year. The Council also presents several “Meet Your General Contractor” luncheons throughout the year, allowing members to come together to gain important information from various General Contractor firms. In addition, the Council serves as a forum to share information, discussing challenges and issues important to the subcontractor.

Chair Rob Thomson California Sheet Metal Works

Co-Chair Joseph DeYoung Benchmark Landscape, Inc.

Committee Members Richard Anderson - Acme Safety & Supply Corp. Mike Archibald - Morley Construction Company Bobby Basso - Challenger Sheet Metal, Inc. Matt Becker - Cement Cutting, Inc. Rhett Brady - Brady SoCal, Inc. Bob Bridges - Sherwood Mechanical, Inc. Chris Conte - Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. Jeff Dunn - Hi-Way Safety, Inc. Rob Guillory - Calray Electric, Inc. Bill Haithcock - Casper Company Ryan Hammond - PlanGrid Greg Horeth - Horeth Construction Corporation Sean Jenkins - Bill Howe Plumbing Gail King - Torrey Pines Bank Shea Kirkpatrick - Mack Packaging Joe Kuykendall - Scholefield Construction Law

Shawn LePine - Bergelectric Corporation Chris Malicki - Cavignac & Associates Rick Marshall - Brady SoCal, Inc. John McCormack - Cabrillo Hoist Ron Meler - Bergelectric Corporation Matthew Mikolajewski - Matt Mikolajewski Wealth Management Max Page - Nor-Cal Pipeline Services Joseph Roberson - Heartland Acoustics & Interiors Mark Rowan - Rowan Electric Ira Schechtel - Fenceworks Rental Systems Pam Scholefield - Scholefield Construction Law James Simpson - Pacific Southwest Structures, Inc. Michael Strahan - KPS Insurance Services, Inc. Perry Tempel - Wells Fargo Equipment Finance/Construction Group Brooke Velazquez - Go-Staff, Inc. Bryan Weaver - Scholefield Construction Law Bill Whitacre - D.A. Whitacre Construction, Inc.

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction


Affiliate Members’ Council The Affiliate Members’ Council is comprised of firms who are engaged principally in the manufacture or sale of equipment and materials, equipment rentals, or provide benefits and services to contractors. The Council meets quarterly to discuss issues important to an Affiliate Member, sharing information and resources.

Chairperson Matthew Karver CliftonLarsonAllen, CPAs

Specific responsibilities include: • Hosting the Annual Affiliate’s Mixer • Supporting the Affiliate Day Golf Tournament, raising funds for the AGC Education & Scholarship Program • Nominating and presenting the Annual AGC Member Awards for Excellence in Marketing, Good Business Award, Affiliate Member of the Year, Affiliate Company of the Year, and Rookie of the Year.

Affiliate members represent the largest group of “Diamond” sponsors vital to the success of many AGC events!

Benefits of Affiliate Membership • Opportunities to enhance your membership through various methods of participation • Networking opportunities at meetings and events • Sponsorship and marketing opportunities at events • Leadership opportunities • Access to AGC Membership Directory • Eligible for Affiliate of the Year Awards

Committee Members Annie Aguilar - San Dieguito Engineering, Inc. Richard Anderson - Acme Safety & Supply Corp. Chris Conte - Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. Tom Davis - Finch, Thornton & Baird, LLP Jeff Dunn - Hi-Way Safety, Inc. Randy Finch - Finch, Thornton & Baird, LLP Candace Friedman - Acme Safety & Supply Corp. Frank Gerberding - Apex Advertising Ryan Hammond - PlanGrid Mandy Irvine - Hoop5 Networks Chuck Keeley - Kelar Pacific Jacqueline Keller - Trench Plate Rental Company Guye Kelley - Tradesmen International, LLC Shea Kirkpatrick - Mack Packaging Joe Kuykendall - Scholefield Construction Law Michele Luker - Enterprise Fleet Management


Chris Malicki - Cavignac & Associates Mo Mansouri - Kelar Pacific Chris Mastrianni - Polycomp Administrative Services, Inc. John McCormack - Cabrillo Hoist Don McKillop - Law Offices of Donald R. McKillop Larry McMahon - Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. Matt Mikolajewski - Matt Mikolajewski Wealth Management Jordan Nager - Lincoln, Gustafson & Cercos Max Page - Nor-Cal Pipeline Services Linda Quindt - Finch, Thornton & Baird, LLP Amy Quintero - TPR Traffic Solutions Rich Reese - Lincoln, Gustafson & Cercos Debi Rhodes - ARC Document Solutions Perry Tempel - Wells Fargo Equipment Finance/ Construction Group Bill Vann - Data Net Solutions Group, Inc. Bob Vildibill - Oldcastle Infrastructure, A CRH Company

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction

Membership Committee


General Contractors



23% 11% 5%

Committee Members

Specialty Contractors


Chairperson Stephen Friar Hensel Phelps

Bill Haithcock - Casper Company Wes Wise - Cass Arrieta Mike Berryhill - Swinerton Joseph DeYoung Benchmark Landscape, Inc. Rob Thomson California Sheet Metal Works Matthew Karver CliftonLarsonAllen, CPAs


Online Plan Room


“ It’s Good Business

AGC San Diego Membership

The Membership Committee is charged with creating and implementing an Annual Membership Marketing Plan for the AGC. The goal is to ensure strong membership growth. The Membership Committee is made up of the following positions: • Chair - AGC Vice President • AGC Secretary/Treasurer • Chair of the Engineering & General Contractors’ Council • Chair of the General Building Contractors’ Council • Chairs of the Specialty Contractors’ Council • Chair of the Affiliate Members’ Council

to do business with an AGC Member.

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction


Government Relations Committee The Government Relations Committee ensures that AGC San Diego keeps a high-profile position in the “public policy arena” at the local, regional, state, and national levels. This involves a continual analysis of all political efforts affecting the industry. The committee annually develops legislative positions for distribution to the membership. It works closely with our legislative advocate in Sacramento, with the AGC of California, and the AGC of America on all statewide and federal legislative matters. The committee is responsible for advocacy of adequate infrastructure investment.

Chairperson Stephen Friar Hensel Phelps

Active Lobbying The Committee worked with AGC staff, state legislative advocates Felipe Fuentes, Jamie Khan, and Paul Gladfelty, and AGC of America’s team led by Jimmy Christensen, on a number of key local, state, and federal issues: • • • •

Felipe Fuentes AGC Legislative Advocate

Opposed City of San Diego Efforts to Blacklist Border Wall Contractors Opposed Union-Only Apprenticeship Requirements in City’s Pure Water Construction Contracts Stopped Legislation to Require PLAs on State Prison Construction Advocated Against Excessive Penalties/Fines for Violations of “Skilled Workforce and Trained Workforce” Requirements • Advocated for new Federal Clean Water Rule that Allows for State Protection of Local Waters • Supported Congressional Efforts to Increase Career and Technical Education Opportunities • Supported a Legislative Requirement for Federal Agencies to Publish Change Order Policies and Procedures on any Small Federal Construction Contract

AGC President Jeff Harper of Harper Construction Company, Inc. and his wife Michelle visit with Adam Day, Chair, California State University Board of Trustees. Jeff Harper, Matt Ferguson, Steve Thompson, and Mike Williamson outside NAVFAC Southwest headquarters with Captain Mark Edelson and Operations Officer Dan Cook (far right).


AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction

Committee Members Daniel Arevalo - Mobile Modular Management Corp. Rick Bach - Turner Construction Company Jeff Baird - Finch, Thornton & Baird, LLP Roger Ball - Rick Engineering Company Dan Barnett - Nova Services, Inc. Doug Barnhart - Barnhart-Reese Construction, Inc. Cyndi Beilman - Surety Associates of Southern California Jeffrey Boman - Hawthorne Cat Brent Brewer - Brewer Crane & Rigging, Inc. Thomas Brown - Sierra Pacific West, Inc. Dave Carlin - Soltek Pacific Construction Company Nancy Chase - Herzog Contracting Corp. Diana Clark - Cox Construction Co. Jon Cloud - J. Cloud, Inc. John Dadian - Dadian & Associates, Inc. Don Daley III - California Commercial Asphalt, LLC John Daley, Jr. - Daley Corporation Dave Erickson - Erickson-Hall Construction Co. Matt Ferguson - Straub Construction, Inc. Mark Filanc - J.R. Filanc Construction Company, Inc. Randy Finch - Finch, Thornton & Baird, LLP Tony Forchette - National Contractor License Agency Max Frazier - Pulice Construction, Inc. Mike Furby - Marathon Construction Corporation Brent Garcia - Brewer Crane & Rigging, Inc. Todd Gillum - Cox Construction Co. Rachael Gonzalez - West Coast Air Conditioning Co., Inc. Robert Guillory - Calray Electric, Inc. Bill Haithcock - Casper Company Ronald Halbert Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical & Env. Sciences Consultants Patrick Hardman - BuildingPoint Pacific, Inc. Jeff Harper - Harper Construction Company, Inc. Crystal Howard - EnviroMINE Inc. Abd Jahshan - PAL General Engineering, Inc. Andrew James - Lockton Insurance Brokers, LLC John Johnson - Construction Management Systems & Inspections Mike Johnson - Ferguson Waterworks Brian Jordan - Helix Electric, Inc. Matthew Karver - CliftonLarsonAllen, CPAs Diane Koester-Byron - I.E. - Pacific, Inc. Robert Mahan - Mahan Insurance Brokers, Inc. Tom McCall - Lockton Insurance Brokers, LLC Tim McDougal - California Bank & Trust Larry McMahon - Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. John Messick - Sundt Construction, Inc. Matt Mikolajewski - Matt Mikolajewski Wealth Management Ken Mulvey - Supply Patriot Gregory Murphy - Enterprise Fleet Management Sam Passanisi - Neal Electric Mark Payne - Swinerton Matt Pound - Escondido Materials Rocky Qualin - McGriff Insurance Services Sam Quigley - Barney & Barney, LLC Jim Roessling - Clark Construction Group - California, LP Pam Scholefield - Scholefield Construction Law Boris Shekhter - Helix Electric, Inc. Eric Stenman - Balfour Beatty Construction Steve Stroder - Bergelectric Corporation Jim Summers - EC Constructors, Inc. Steve Ward - Pavement Recycling Systems, Inc. John Wimsatt - J.T. Wimsatt Contracting Co., Inc. Wes Wise - Cass Arrieta Jeff Wood - Hawthorne Cat Yal Ural - Flatiron

Johnnie Perkins, City of San Diego’s Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Infrastructure/ Public Works, addresses AGC’s engineering contractors, along with Bob Bolton (Airport Authority), Ron Careat (Caltrans), Ramon Ruelas (SANDAG), James Nagelvoort (City of San Diego), and Bill Morgan (County of San Diego). Wes Wise, Chair of the Engineering Contractors’ Council, is seated to the right of the podium.

Legislative Action Center AGC members continued to use AGC’s Legislative Action Center, which allows them to contact elected officials on important issues, register to vote, or search for local and state election information. Specific issues addressed via the Legislative Action Center included: • Opposition to SB 825, which would have required PLAs on state prison construction • Support investment and improvement in the nation’s infrastructure • Opposition to an increase in tariffs To access the Legislative Action Center, visit AGC’s website at www.agcsd.org, then click on Government Relations.

Jeff Harper, Carole Bionda, Matt Ferguson, Gita Murthy, Mac Caddell join Rear Admiral Bret Muilenburg (third from the left) after the AGC NAVFAC meeting at the Federal Contractors’ Conference.

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction


Political Action Committee The focus of the Political Action Committee (PAC) is on fundraising and candidate endorsement. Fundraising includes a plan to solicit PAC donations and a plan for reception-type fundraisers sponsored by members at their offices. The PAC interviews candidates at the local, state, and national level, and makes endorsement recommendations to the Board of Directors.

Chairperson Stephen Friar Hensel Phelps

The defeat of Proposition 6 topped AGC’s political victories. AGC and its PAC contributed a total of $255,000 to oppose the measure, and in the final tally, 56.8% of California voters rejected the attempt to overturn an important funding source for vital transportation projects. AGC’s PAC stepped up to the plate and raised $375,000. Add to that a beginning balance of $261,000, the AGC had a significant political war chest in 2018.

Jason Mordhorst of Hazard Construction Company and Don Daley III of California Commercial Asphalt with Governor Brown at a “No on 6” Fundraiser in Sacramento.


AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction

2018 Election Partisan politics played a large role in a number of races, but investing in school construction and other infrastructure was a high priority for voters. Here are a few outcomes: • San Diego City Council District 6 - Voters overwhelmingly granted AGC-endorsed candidate Chris Cate a second term. • County Supervisor District 5 - AGC was the first business organization to endorse the winner, former Mayor of San Marcos Jim Desmond. • Local School Bonds - Voters passed all 11 construction bonds ($4.8+ billion). Unfortunately, the school districts with current union-only Project Labor Agreements passed their respective bond measures…Sweetwater Union High School, Chula Vista Elementary, and San Diego Unified. • State Proposition 4 - $1.5 billion in general obligation bonds for children’s hospitals. $135 million to Rady Children’s Hospital, and $54 million to UCSD’s Children’s Hospital.

Larry Wolfe of Trench Plate Rental Company with San Diego City Council Member Chris Cate.

lookIng to the future Don’t expect a slowdown in political fundraising, as the March 3, 2020 Primary Election is just around the corner. San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, Council Members Mark Kersey and Scott Sherman, and County Supervisors Greg Cox and Dianne Jacob are termed-out of office, which will set many political chairs in motion. Mike Williamson of Pacific Coast Iron at a campaign fundraiser for then San Marcos Mayor, and now County Supervisor, Jim Desmond.

Committee Members

Beverly Bailey - Stronghold Engineering, Inc. Doug Barnhart - Barnhart-Reese Construction, Inc. Daren Barone - Watkins Environmental Thomas Brown - Sierra Pacific West, Inc. Austin Cameron - TC Construction Company, Inc. Robert Caya - Standard Drywall, Inc. Nancy Chase - Herzog Contracting Corp. Jeff Clinkscales - Rossin Steel, Inc. James Clower - West Coast Air Conditioning Co. John Daley Jr. - Daley Corporation David Davey - West Coast General Corporation Steve Davey - Byrom-Davey, Inc. Richard Dowsing - Orion Construction Corp. Rick Engebretsen - West-Tech Contracting, Inc. Dave Erickson - Erickson-Hall Construction Co. Ross Farmer - Hawthorne Cat Matt Ferguson - Straub Construction, Inc. Mark Filanc - J.R. Filanc Construction Company, Inc.

Randy Finch Jr. - Finch, Thornton & Baird, LLP Mike Furby - Marathon Construction Corporation Todd Gillum - Cox Construction Co. Bill Haithcock - Casper Company Jeff Harper - Harper Construction Company, Inc. Mike Henderson - KTA Construction, Inc. Lars Herman - Herman Construction Group, Inc. Abd Jahshan - PAL General Engineering, Inc. Andrew James - Lockton Insurance Brokers, LLC Diane Keltner - Synergy Electric Company, Inc. Diane Koester-Byron - I.E. - Pacific, Inc. Kari Kyne - Kyne Construction, Inc. Rick Marshall - Brady SoCal, Inc. Larry McMahon - Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. John Messick - Sundt Construction, Inc. Jason Mordhorst - Hazard Construction Company Joe Mucher - Pacific Rim Mechanical Gita Murthy - RORE, Inc.

Kyle Nelson - Providence Real Estate Group, LLC Mark Payne - Swinerton Onofrio Pecoraro - Pecoraro, Inc. Joel Quinonez - Challenger Sheet Metal, Inc. Mark Rowan - Rowan Electric Pam Scholefield - Scholefield Construction Law Dusan Selezan - Balfour Beatty Construction Boris Shekhter - Helix Electric, Inc. Eric Stenman - Balfour Beatty Construction Steve Stroder - Bergelectric Corporation Jim Summers - EC Constructors, Inc. Kevin Thunder - Thunder Jones Contracting Group, Inc. Steve Ward - Pavement Recycling Systems, Inc. Charles West - Angus Asphalt, Inc. Todd Williams - Williams & Sons Masonry, Inc. Mike Williamson - Pacific Coast Iron Wes Wise - Cass Arrieta Don Woolley - Rick Engineering Company

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction


City of San Diego Liaison Topics of discussion in 2018 included: • Size of Pure Water Projects / Joint Venture Contract Provisions • Union-Only Apprenticeship Provisions on Pure Water Projects • Design-Build Project Challenges • SLBE Program • Eliminating Retention • New Storm Water Bid Items Chairperson Elan Schier TC Construction Company, Inc.

County of San Diego Liaison

Chairperson Jason Mordhorst Hazard Construction Company

Topics of discussion in 2018 included: • New Dispute Resolution Specifications • Oil Price Index • Build Better Roads Initiatives • Bidder Inquiry Process

City & County Committee Members

Geoff Acosta - Granite Construction Company Tim Andersen - C&S Construction Services Jason Arme - Orion Construction Corp. John Attiq - Pulice Construction, Inc. Jamie Awford - BNBuilders, Inc. Doug Barnhart - Barnhart-Reese Construction, Inc. Russ Baumgartner - Concrete Contractors Interstate Gabriel Belluomini - Flatiron Geoff Bohne - L.B. Civil Construction, Inc. Thomas Brown - Sierra Pacific West, Inc. Cory Buchholz - Statewide Traffic Safety & Signs Shawn Burkholder - McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. George Burrough - Condon-Johnson & Associates, Inc. Dominick Burtech - Burtech Pipeline Edgar Camerino - Rick Engineering Company Austin Cameron - TC Construction Company, Inc. Kevin Cammall - Soltek Pacific Construction Company Sergio Cano - Traffic Management, Inc. Paul Chang - Sundt Construction, Inc. Ruben Claudio - Alvarez and Shaw, Inc. Jon Cloud - J. Cloud, Inc. Steve Coker - J.R. Filanc Construction Company, Inc. Barry Coley - Escondido Materials Melissa Conger - Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. John Daley Jr. - Daley Corporation Ryan Danielson - Orion Construction Corp. Jason Danks - Orion Construction Corp. Chad Davis - Twining, Inc. Mark Dowsing - Orion Construction Corp. Merinn Durling - Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. Kurt Eddy - Pavement Recycling Systems, Inc. Dave Erickson - Erickson-Hall Construction Co. Matt Ferguson - Straub Construction, Inc. Andy Feth - C.W. Driver, LLC Mark Filanc - J.R. Filanc Construction Company, Inc. Shawn Flater - Flatiron Brian Fortier - Granite Construction Company Steve Friar - Hensel Phelps Mike Furby - Marathon Construction Corporation


Kevin Gibson - Rick Engineering Company John Goddard - Rick Engineering Company Oscar Gonzalez - Statewide Traffic Safety & Signs Matt Goubeaux - Cass Arrieta John Greenwood - California Commercial Asphalt, LLC Mike Hall - Erickson-Hall Construction Co. Warren Hallem - Mid-Coast Transit Constructors Ryan Hammond - PlanGrid Mike Henderson - KTA Construction, Inc. Pamela Hermosillo - Sundt Construction, Inc. Art Hernandez - TC Construction Company, Inc. Kurt Hindman - Hazard Construction Company Sam Hoelscher - Clark Construction Group - California, LP Frank Hoffman - Petrochem Materials Innovation, LLC Grant Hughes - Vulcan Materials Company Ken Iacuaniello - Sundt Construction, Inc. Abd Jahshan - PAL General Engineering, Inc. Jayne Janda-Timba - Rick Engineering Company John Johnson - Construction Management Systems & Inspections Mike Johnson - Ferguson Waterworks Adam Johnson - Swinerton Shea Kirkpatrick - Mack Packaging Cecilia Kucharski - Balfour Beatty Construction Justin Ligenfelter - PlanGrid Jessica Lin - KTA Construction, Inc. Casey Lowe - Ferguson Waterworks Rodney Lowry - Hi-Way Safety, Inc. Jim Lumm - L.B. Civil Construction, Inc. Tony Maisano - Neal Electric Paul Manning - Mid-Coast Transit Constructors Steve Marble - Harper Construction Company, Inc. John McCormack - Cabrillio Hoist Ryan McGowan - Cox Construction Co. Scott Miller - S.C. Valley Engineering Jereme Morris - Hazard Construction Company Gita Murthy - RORE, Inc Dale Nelson - Flatiron Drew Nelson - Guy F. Atkinson Construction, LLC David Nicholas - Statewide Traffic Safety & Signs

Adam Ogden - KTA Construction, Inc. Jose Ortiz - Ortiz Corporation General Engineering Contractors Sam Passanisi - Neal Electric Dennis Philbin - Traffic Management, Inc. Robert Piceno - Vulcan Materials Company Matt Pound - Escondido Materials Matt Redfern - Hayward Baker, Inc. Jeff Reese - Basile Construction, Inc. Jeff Richardson - ATP General Engineering Contractors Brandon Richie - Soltek Pacific Construction Company Donnie Riese - Flatiron Trevor Robinson - Ferguson Waterworks Jim Roessling - Clark Construction Group - California, LP Alex Samuelson - Western Rim Constructors, Inc. Norbert Schulz - J.R. Filanc Construction Company, Inc. Bryan Seeger - Hazard Construction Company Dusan Selezan - Balfour Beatty Construction Samantha Siegel - PAL General Engineering Inc. Mike Simmons - Pulice Construction, Inc. Shelley Stevenson - GeoX, Inc. Andrew Suarez - Twining, Inc. Luis Tamariz - CDM Constructors, Inc. Mark Thunder - Hazard Construction Company Nick Trammer - Hensel Phelps Mark Turvey - Mark R. Turvey Equipment Rentals William Vroom - Statewide Traffic Safety & Signs Nick Walters - West Coast General Corporation David Weigel - McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. Grant Werdick - TC Construction Company, Inc. Charles West - Angus Asphalt, Inc. Arnie White - C&S Companies Tim Wilson - Ames Construction, Inc. Wes Wise - Cass Arrieta Hank Withaar - C.W. Driver, LLC Dale Yeager - Hazard Construction Company Bill Young - El Cajon Grading & Engineering Co., Inc. Randy Young - El Cajon Grading & Engineering Co., Inc.

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction

Caltrans / Sandag Liaison Topics of discussion in 2018 included: • Smoothness Specifications • Rubber Asphalt Concrete Specifications • Time Impact Analysis • Labor Compliance Challenges - Prevailing Wage Covered Work • DBE Program

Committee Members Steve Agor - Skanska, USA Civil West California District Richard Anderson - Acme Safety & Supply Co. Gabriel Belluomini - Flatiron Corp. David Bird - Pulice Construction, Inc. Hunter Bodycott - Flatiron Adrian Botter - Anton’s Service’s, Inc. Thomas Brown - Sierra Pacific West, Inc. Cory Buchholz - Statewide Traffic Safety & Signs Blake Bullard - T.B. Penick & Sons, Inc. George Burrough - Condon-Johnson & Associates, Inc. Edgar Camerino - Rick Engineering Company Sergio Cano - Traffic Management, Inc. Jim Coffman - Coffman Specialties, Inc. Melissa Conger - Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. Matthew Cook - Nova Services, Inc. John Daley Jr. - Daley Corporation Chad Davis - Twining, Inc. Dain DeForest - CEMEX Merinn Durling - Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. Brian Eller - Nova Services, Inc. David Espinoza - Pulice Construction, Inc. Shaun Flater - Flatiron Brian Fortier - Granite Construction Company Candace Freidman - Acme Safety & Supply Co.

Steve Fry - Flatiron Mike Furby - Marathon Construction Corporation Mitch Gamache - Coffman Specialties, Inc. Jenny Gardino - Flatiron Oscar Gonzalez - Statewide Traffic Safety & Signs Ryan Hammond - PlanGrid Richard Hallett - Marsh & McLennan Insurance Agency LLC John Harris - Skanska, USA Civil West California District Carl Henderson - NV5 Kurt Hindman - Hazard Construction Company Grant Hughes - Vulcan Materials Company Jerry Iniguez - Skanska, US Civil West California District Abd Jahshan - PAL General Engineering, Inc. Jan Jansson - Soil Retention Systems, Inc. Jeffrey Johnson - Golden State Boring & Pipe Jacking, Inc. John Johnson Construction Management Systems & Inspections Mike Kennedy - Hayward Baker, Inc. Justin Lingenfelter - PlanGrid Mike Lowe - Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. Bob Mahan - Mahan Insurance Brokers, Inc. John McCormack - Cabrillo Hoist Jeff Mercer - Granite Construction Company Paul Mignone - Flatiron

Chairperson Mike Spain Skanska, USA Civil West California District Chris Mize - Pulice Construction, Inc. Jason Mordhorst - Hazard Construction Company Dale Nelson - Flatiron Drew Nelson - Guy F. Atkinson Construction, LLC David Nicholas - Statewide Traffic Safety & Signs Scott Norman - Herzog Contracting Corp. Adam Ogden - KTA Construction, Inc. Dan Peterson - Dan J. Petersen Company Patrick Petrossi - Traffic Management, Inc. Dennis Philbin - Traffic Management, Inc. Robert Piceno - Vulcan Materials Company Matt Redfern - Hayward Baker, Inc. Donnie Riese - Flatiron Alex Samuelson - Western Rim Constructors, Inc. Samantha Siegel - PAL General Engineering Inc. Belen Soltero - TC Construction Company, Inc. Adam Spade - RDO Equipment Company Shelley Stevenson - GeoX, Inc. Andrew Suarez - Twining, Inc. Jim Thompson - Guy F. Atkinson Construction, LLC Mark Thunder - Hazard Construction Company Nicholas Walters - West Coast General Corporation Tim Wilson - Ames Construction, Inc. Don Woolley - Rick Engineering Company

Public Building Liaison Topics of discussion in 2018 included: • Special Guests: Representatives from San Diego County Department of General Services, UCSD, San Diego County Regional Airport Authority, Southwestern College, Mira Costa College • Skilled and Trained Workforce Requirements • Shifting of Design Responsibility to Contractors • State Legislation

Committee Members Daniel Arevalo - Mobile Modular Management Corp. Jamie Awford - BNBuilders, Inc. Adrian Ayala - PCL Construction Jeff Baird - Finch, Thornton & Baird, LLP Tami Barnhart Reese - Barnhart-Reese Construction, Inc. Robert Betz - McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. Robert Blankmeyer - PCL Construction James Clower - West Coast Air Conditioning Co., Inc. Matt Cook - Nova Services, Inc. Bob Danielson - Swinerton Jim Douglas - Clark Construction Group - California, LP Dave Erickson - Erickson-Hall Construction Co. Jennifer Farnham - PCL Construction Matt Ferguson - Straub Construction, Inc. Robert Foster - Sundt Construction, Inc. Steve Friar - Hensel Phelps Jamie Frye - Sundt Construction, Inc. Rich Garcia - Swinerton

Mat Gates - Erickson-Hall Construction Co. Rachael Gonzalez - West Coast Air Conditioning Co., Inc. Anton Greenville - Balfour Beatty Construction Ronald Halbert Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical & Env. Sciences Consultants Mike Hall - Erickson-Hall Construction Co. Richard Hallett - Marsh & McLennan Insurance Agency LLC Pamela Hermosillo - Sundt Construction, Inc. Sean Jenkins - Bill Howe Plumbing Dustin Jones - Finch, Thornton & Baird, LLP Shay Kulkarni - Sullivan Hill Rez & Engel, APLC Josh Kueber - Nexgen Building Group, Inc. Joe Kuykendall - Scholefield Construction Law Penny Lawlor - Erickson-Hall Construction Co. John Maloney - Maloney & Associates Steve Marble - Harper Construction Company, Inc. Andrew Martin - Burch Construction Co., Inc. Gita Murthy - RORE, Inc. Dave Nicholas - Statewide Traffic Safety & Signs

Chairperson John Messick Sundt Construction, Inc. Sam Passanisi - Neal Electric Mark Payne - Swinerton Suresh Rayana - Balfour Beatty Construction Brandon Richie - Soltek Pacific Construction Company Jim Roessling - Clark Construction Group - California, LP Jim Schabarum - Cavignac & Associates Pamela Scholefield - Scholefield P.C. Danielle Stevens - M.A. Stevens Construction, Inc. Marty Stout - Barnhart-Reese Construction, Inc. Rick Straub - Straub Construction, Inc. Andrew Suarez - Twining, Inc. Jim Summers - EC Constructors, Inc. Alicyn Taylor - Standard Drywall, Inc. Nick Trammer - Hensel Phelps Mark Weiand - Cox Construction Co. Bruce Winer - Baker Electric, Inc. Rochelle Wintz - BuildingPoint Pacific, Inc. Hank Withaar - C.W. Driver, LLC Don Woolley - Rick Engineering Company

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction


Airport Authority Liaison Topics of discussion in 2018 included: • Facilities Development Projects • 2019-2023 Capital Improvement Program • Revisions to Design-Build Contract Language • Cost-loaded CPM schedules for Smaller Projects • Mark-up on Change Orders Chairperson Tom Gannon Swinerton

Committee Members

Ryan Hammond - PlanGrid Cory Hazlewood - C&S Companies Mike Henderson - KTA Construction, Inc. Pamela Hermosillo - Sundt Construction, Inc. Kurt Hindman - Hazard Construction Company Vera Howell - Turner Construction Company Suzanne Ives - Clark Construction Group - California, LP Abd Jahshan - Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. Diane Keltner - Synergy Electric Brad Kirsch - Sundt Construction, Inc. Kevin Legge - Clark Construction Group - California, LP David Lewis - Nova Services, Inc. Justin Lingenfelter - PlanGrid Joe Lochetto - Clark Construction Group - California, LP Mike Lowe - Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. Jim Lumm - L.B. Civil Construction, Inc. Darren Mahoney - Sign-Age Identity Systems George Majchrowicz - Statewide Traffic Safety & Signs Bill Marcotte - EC Constructors, Inc. Scott McClure - Johnson, Finch & McClure Construction, Inc. Tim McDougal - California Bank & Trust John Messick - Sundt Construction, Inc. Jared Mettee - Sundt Construction, Inc.

Richard Anderson - Acme Safety & Supply Co. Jason Arme - Orion Construction Corporation Doug Barnhart - Barnhart-Reese Construction, Inc. Leum Bourrath - Pulice Construction, Inc. Thomas L. Brown - Sierra Pacific West, Inc. Cory Buchholz - Statewide Traffic Safety & Signs Austin Cameron - TC Construction Company, Inc. David Cattle - Turner PCL A Joint Venture Ruben Claudio - Alvarez and Shaw, Inc. Melissa Conger - Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. David Corona - PCL Construction John Daley Jr. - Daley Corporation Ryan Danielson - Orion Construction Corporation Chad Davis - Twining, Inc. Keoni Feist - Twining Inc. Candace Friedman - Acme Safety & Supply Co. Steve Fry - Flatiron Mike Furby - Marathon Construction Corporation Joshua Gilbreath - Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. Abraham Guerrero - Synergy Electric Ronald Halbert Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical & Env. Sciences Consultants

Jason Mordhorst - Hazard Construction Company Gita Murthy - RORE, Inc. Dale Nelson - Flatiron Dave Nicholas - Statewide Traffic Safety & Signs Adam Ogden - KTA Construction, Inc. Carlos Perea - TC Construction Company, Inc. Dennis Philbin - Traffic Management, Inc. Robert Piceno - Vulcan Materials Matt Redfern - Hayward Baker, Inc. Brandon Richie - Soltek Pacific Construction Company Donnie Riese - Flatiron Dusan Selezan - Balfour Beatty Construction Jerry Shawcroft - Cement Cutting, Inc. Samantha Siegel - PAL General Engineering, Inc. Nimish Sinha - West Coast General Corporation Andrew Suarez - Twining, Inc. Jim Summers - EC Constructors, Inc. Steve Thompson - Soltek Pacific Construction Company Yal Ural - Flatiron Dennis Uthe - Hensel Phelps Don Woolley - Rick Engineering Company Dale Yeager - Hazard Construction Company

Port District Liaison

Chairperson Jon Ruth Marathon Construction Corporation

Committee Members

Topics of discussion in 2018 included: • Major Maintenance and Capital Improvement Projects • Chula Vista Bayfront Development • Harbor Island Development • Port Tenants’ Projects

Steve Agor - Skanska, US Civil West California District Justin Allington - Flatiron Richard Anderson - Acme Safety & Supply Co. Doug Barnhart - Barnhart-Reese Construction, Inc. Tami Barnhart Reese - Barnhart-Reese Construction, Inc. Tom Beutler - Reyes Construction, Inc. Leum Bourrath - Pulice Construction Thomas L. Brown - Sierra Pacific West, Inc. Cory Buchholz - Statewide Traffic Safety & Signs Blake Bullard - T.B. Penick & Sons, Inc. Austin Cameron - TC Construction Company, Inc. Sandra Coyne - Twining, Inc. John Daley Jr. - Daley Corporation Candace Friedman - Acme Safety & Supply Co. Mike Furby - Marathon Construction Corporation


Kevin Gibson - Rick Engineering Company Oscar Gonzalez - Statewide Traffic Safety & Signs Matt Goubeaux - Cass Arrieta Ronald Halbert -

Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical & Env. Sciences Consultants

Ryan Hammond - PlanGrid Art Hernandez - TC Construction Company, Inc. Abd Jahshan - PAL General Engineering, Inc. Diane Keltner - Synergy Electric Company, Inc. Brad Kirsch - Sundt Construction, Inc. Robert Mahan - Mahan Insurance Brokers, Inc. John McCormack - Cabrillo Hoist Tim McDougal - California Bank & Trust Gita Murthy - RORE, Inc. Dale Nelson - Flatiron

David Nicholas - Statewide Traffic Safety & Signs Chad Opper - Hazard Construction Company Sam Passanisi - Neal Electric Dennis Philbin - Traffic Management, Inc. Robert Piceno - Vulcan Materials Company Matt Redfern - Hayward Baker, Inc. Jim Roessling - Clark Construction Group - California, LP Dusan Selezan - Balfour Beatty Construction Samantha Siegel - PAL General Engineering Inc. Mike Simmons - Pulice Construction, Inc. Mark Thunder - Hazard Construction Company Nick Trammer - Hensel Phelps Dennis Uthe - Hensel Phelps Wes Wise - Cass Arrieta

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction

Navfac Liaison Topics of discussion in 2018 included: • Construction Contract Modifications • Past Experience Requirement for MACC Contractors • Contractor Evaluations: CPARS • Cyber Security Implementation • Transition from DBIDS to RAPIDGate

Committee Members Able Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Acme Safety & Supply Co. Angus Asphalt, Inc. Applied Restoration, Inc., dba ARI Baker Electric, Inc. Barnhart-Reese Construction, Inc. Bergelectric Corporation Brady SoCal, Inc. Brewer Crane & Rigging, Inc. Burch Construction Co., Inc. C.W. Driver, LLC Calray Electric, Inc. Casper Company Cavignac & Associates CDM Constructors, Inc.

Clark Construction Group - California, LP

Coffman Specialties, Inc. Corbara Building Group Corp. Cox Construction Co.

Daley Corporation Dynalectric Co. EC Constructors, Inc. Erickson-Hall Construction Co. Flatiron Granite Construction Co. Hal Hays Construction, Inc. Harper Construction Company, Inc. Hazard Construction Co. Helix Electric, Inc. Hensel Phelps Horeth Construction Corporation I.E. - Pacific, Inc. J.R. Filanc Construction Co., Inc. Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. KPS Insurance Services, Inc. Mack Packaging Mahan Insurance Brokers, Inc. Marathon Construction Corp.

MarCon Engineering, Inc. Neal Electric Nova Services, Inc. NV5

Oldcastle Infrastructure, A CRH Company

Chairperson Matt Ferguson Straub Construction, Inc. RQ Construction, LLC SMART Safety Group Soil Retention Systems, Inc. Soltek Pacific Construction Company Southern Contracting Co., Inc. Statewide Traffic Safety & Signs Straub Construction, Inc. Stronghold Engineering, Inc. Sundt Construction, Inc. Synergy Electric Co., Inc. T.B. Penick & Sons, Inc. TC Construction Company, Inc. The Land Stewards Tradesmen International, LLC Trench Shoring Company Twining, Inc. Vulcan Materials Company West Coast Air Conditioning Co., Inc.

Orion Construction Corp. Pacific Coast Iron Pacific Rim Mechanical Pacific West Builders PAL General Engineering, Inc. PCL Construction Peter Vander Werff Construction, Inc. PlanGrid Pulice Construction, Inc. R.E. Staite Engineering, Inc. RCP Block & Brick, Inc. Reyes Construction, Inc. Rick Engineering Company RORE, Inc. Due to the number of members serving on this committee, only the companies represented are named.

Water Authority Liaison Topics of discussion in 2018 included: • Energy Storage Project at San Vicente Dam • Small Business Program • Rising Construction Prices • Procurement Timelines for Pipe and Valves, etc.

Chairperson Steve Fry Flatiron

Committee Members Steve Agor - Skanska, US Civil West California District Michael Bantz - CDM Constructors, Inc. David Bird - Pulice Construction, Inc. Austin Cameron - TC Construction Company, Inc. Chad Cameron - TC Construction Company, Inc. Mike Da Silva - Layfield USA Corporation John Daley Jr. - Daley Corporation Chad Davis - Twining, Inc. Sven Falk - Layfield USA Corporation Greg Farrand -

Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical & Env. Sciences Consultants

Mark Filanc - J.R. Filanc Construction Company, Inc. Mitch Gamache - Coffman Specialties, Inc. Kevin Gibson - Rick Engineering Company Oscar Gonzalez - Statewide Traffic Safety & Signs

Ryan Hammond - PlanGrid Kevin Heinichen - CDM Constructors, Inc. Pamela Hermosillo - Sundt Construction, Inc. Abd Jahshan - PAL General Engineering, Inc. Mike Johnson - Ferguson Waterworks Kevin Kurz - RQ Construction, LLC John Mabon - J.R. Filanc Construction Company, Inc. Bob Mahan - Mahan Insurance Brokers Inc. John Maloney - Maloney & Associates Dale Nelson - Flatiron David Nicholas - Statewide Traffic Safety & Signs, Inc. David Ott - Layfield USA Corporation Sam Passanisi - Neal Electric Dennis Philbin - Traffic Management, Inc. Robert Piceno - Vulcan Materials Company

Mike Simmons - Pulice Construction, Inc. Elan Schier - TC Construction Company, Inc. Matthew Sheldon - Pulice Construction, Inc. Greg Shreenan - Trench Shoring Company Samantha Siegel - PAL General Engineering Inc. Mike Simmons - Pulice Construction, Inc. Jim Smith - Pacific Rim Mechanical Andrew Suarez - Twining, Inc. Luis Tamariz - CDM Constructors, Inc. Philip Waterman - Southern Contracting Company, Inc. Chuck Wilson - L.H. Woods & Sons, Inc. Wes Wise - Cass Arrieta Don Woolley - Rick Engineering Company Bill Young - El Cajon Grading & Engineering Co., Inc. Josh Zaragoza - TC Construction Company, Inc.

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction


Apprenticeship & Training Trust The San Diego AGC Apprenticeship and Training Trust is designed to meet the needs of AGC members who are interested in providing training and education for their jobsite employees. The program is approved by the state Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) and the federal Department of Labor. Apprentices graduate in two to four years and are certified by the AGC, the State of California, and the U.S. Department of Labor. The completion certificates are recognized throughout the nation as valid indicators that an apprentice has completed training that meets the industry’s standards of occupational proficiency. Chairperson Thomas L. Brown Sierra Pacific West, Inc.

Trustees Jack Good - Good & Roberts, Inc. Onofrio Pecoraro - Pecoraro, Inc. Chris Madsen - Rocky Coast Builders Steven Madsen - Rocky Coast Builders Steve Thompson Soltek Pacific Construction Company

The AGC Apprenticeship celebrated 30 years of continuous improvement and expansion to exceed member contractors’ training needs in 2018. The Training Trust has responded to new California skilled workforce regulations by conducting record numbers of classes and certifications. The results can be clearly seen when you review the Apprenticeship’s 2018 graduation data. The Trust is proud to report that 240 apprentices graduated in 2018. This is an all-time program record and it doubles the yearly average number graduating for each of the past eight years. The AGC Apprenticeship program completion rates, on average, continue to lead competing California apprenticeship craft programs. Apprenticeship facilities have been operating at capacity in San Diego, Riverside, and Santa Ana. However, more training facilities are being acquired.

Top graduates from the AGC Apprenticeship’s 2018 class were recognized at the 2019 Installation Dinner.


For example: • Two additional large classrooms have been added to the Santa Ana facility. • The Riverside facility has also added over 1,000 sq. ft. of classroom space. The Trustees also acquired approximately 2 acres of prime training land adjacent to the Riverside training center • In San Diego - The Training Trust has leased new acreage in East County and it looks forward to completing a new AGC Chapter / Apprenticeship jointuse Training Campus.

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction


graduates record-breaking year


graduation completion rate

Apprentices At Work

Apprenticeship graduation is similar to completing a college degree while working full time. All apprentices successfully complete a 2 to 4-year program that requires full-time employment with daily on-the-job training. Apprentices are also required to attend classes, two nights per week, after working all day. AGC Apprenticeship continues to improve training for contractor member journeymen, tuition free, by expanding the Journeyman Continuing Education Program in 2019. Journeymen now have over 200 free classes available to them to advance their leadership, craft skills, and safety practices.

Apprenticeship Programs Include:

Carpentry, Cement Masonry, Drywall Lather/ Installer, Drywall Finisher, Equipment Operator, Laborer, and Painter.


San Diego, Riverside, & Orange County

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction


Education & Training AGC’s Construction Education and Training Committee provides AGC members and the Southern California construction industry with one of the nation’s finest construction education and safety training programs.

Prevailing Wage Specialist

AGC San Diego Chapter Prevailing Wage Specialist classes educate General Contractor/ Subcontractor, Administrative Personnel (human resources, payroll, office services staff, etc.) in industry compliance standards. Chairperson Kari Kyne Kyne Construction, Inc.

In 2018, AGC San Diego Education Department launched the Prevailing Wage Specialist Certification Program; a 20-week in-depth continuing education program, and a certification process to help new HR personnel and new contractors gain a better understanding of what is expected and how the paperwork flows.

Journeyman Upgrade Program

To meet state and local CAC Training requirements, the AGC San Diego Education Department and AGC Apprenticeship Training Trust are working closely to provide continuing education for the Journeyman crafts. Any Journeyman working for an AGC Apprenticeship member contractor that meets the annual hours worked threshold is eligible for up to $2,500 annually in continuing education classes. In 2018, over 1,200 Journeymen took advantage of this program.

24-Hour Fall Protection CPT

To meet the ARMY Corps EM385-1-1 Fall Protection Regulations, AGC San Diego has been instrumental in providing competent person training that meets the ANSI Z359.2 regulations, providing hands-on training on the AGC San Diego Training Campus. AGCSD’s three-day Fall Protection training course takes participants through a series of 15+ hands-on simulators, providing students with real-world safety and training situations. The new regulations have been in existence since September 2016, and AGC San Diego Education and Safety Training Department is proud to have certified over 450 individuals. AGC continues to partner with NAVFAC SW Facilities in providing competent-person training annually for their Facilities, Engineering, and Acquisition Divisions(FEADs). Each month we host competent person training for Confined Space (24-hours), Fall Protection (40-hours), Scaffold (32-hours) and Trenching & Excavating (24-hours). To date the AGCSD has certified over 500 NAVFAC facilities personnel.

Committee Members

Austin Cameron - TC Construction Company, Inc. Michelle Coonan - Erickson-Hall Construction Co. Tom Davis - Finch, Thornton & Baird, LLP Edward Desmond - Cox Construction Co. Kelly Doyle - Rick Engineering Company Pamela Hermosillo - Sundt Construction, Inc. Greg Horeth - Horeth Construction Corporation Vincent Hundley - SMART Safety Group Jonathan Luke - Escondido Materials Chris Malicki - Cavignac & Associates


Vicki Martin - Independent Consultant Moises Pacheco - American Scaffold Matt Pound - Escondido Materials Lorena Quintanilla - Swinerton Aaron Russler - Bergelectric Corporation Dusan Selezan - Balfour Beatty Construction Ramona Sprecco - CMC Rebar West Paul Stout - Power Summit Lyndsi Summers - EC Constructors, Inc. Patrick Wiedenfeld - Soltek Pacific Construction Company

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction

Construction Project Management

In 2018, the AGC San Diego Chapter awarded five scholarships to AGC Member companies for the Construction Project Management Certificate Program.

200+ 1,200+

The AGC San Diego Construction Project Management 26-week Certificate Program has SOLD OUT the past two years with over 30 participants each session. Paul Stout of Power Summit facilitated this class since its inception in 2005, and the AGC San Diego Education Department has graduated over 280 individuals.

Construction Education Classes Participants in Journeyman Upgrade Program

National Programs

For the past five years, the AGC San Diego Chapter has been offering the Building Information Modeling Education Program and CM-BIM Credential Exam, as well as the Lean Construction Education Program and CM-LEAN Credential Exam. Each program series is offered three times a year with opportunity to sit for the CM-BIM or CM-Lean Exam six times a year. In 2018, the AGC San Diego proctored exams for over 35 participants who now hold their CM-BIM and/or CM-LEAN Credential.

Workforce Development

The Education & Training Committee is continuing development of a Workforce Development website, BuildSanDiego.com as a resource in marketing construction careers in the region. The website will showcase careers in the construction industry and the educational paths job seekers and students can use to enter the workforce. A marketing initiative is in development for 2019 to help the local industry in the need for workers.

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction


Meetings & Events Committee

Chairperson Rachel Gonzalez West Coast Air Conditioning Co., Inc.

AGC San Diego provides the industry with a variety of social and networking events each year. The Meetings & Events Committee is responsible for ensuring that these events are relevant, meet the membership’s needs, and are well planned and organized. AGC events are designed to allow members the opportunity to market their firms and network, opening doors to develop long lasting business relationships.

Events during the year included the following: • Installation & Member Awards Dinner • Winter Conference • Spring Conference • Golf Tournaments (Spring, Summer, Fall) • Networking / Social Mixers • Meet Your General Contractor Luncheons • SDSU Football Tailgate & Sky Show • Baseball Bash • Day At The Races • Softball Tournament • Annual Meeting • Holiday Dinner Dance

Committee Members

Richard Anderson - Acme Safety & Supply Corp. Alexandra Choukair - Finch, Thornton & Baird, LLP Tom Davis - Finch, Thornton & Baird, LLP Patti Engelhardt - Rocky Coast Builders, Inc. Candace Friedman - Acme Safety & Supply Corp. Marcella Garofalo - davisREED Construction, Inc. Frank Gerberding - Apex Advertising Mindy Grimming - Bill Howe Plumbing Kim Heinz - Swinerton Mandy Irvine - Hoop5 Networks Sean Jenkins - Bill Howe Plumbing Travis Johnson - Commercial Credit Group Jacquiline Keller - Trench Plate Rental Company Guye Kelley - Tradesmen International, LLC Shea Kirkpatrick - Mack Packaging Joe Kuykendall - Scholefield Construction Law



attendees at 22 Events & Mixers

Kaitlin Matthys - Architectural Photography Inc. Mark May - Marco Crane John McCormack - Cabrillo Hoist Don McKillop - Law Offices of Donald R. McKillop Kim McMurtray - Clairemont Equipment Company Max Page - Nor-Cal Pipeline Services Robert Parrish - Sunstate Equipment Rocky Qualin - McGriff Insurance Services Linda Quindt - Finch, Thornton & Baird, LLP Amy Quintero - TPR Traffic Solutions Debi Rhodes - ARC Document Solutions Judy Roberts - C.E. Wylie Construction Co. Amanda Seckendorf - The Land Stewards Samantha Sturtevant - C.W. Driver, LLC Rob Tidwell - TPR Traffic Solutions Bob Vildibill - Oldcastle Infrastructure, A CRH Company

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction


AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction


Annual Member Awards Each year, during the AGC Annual Installation Dinner, awards are presented to the membership by the Affiliate Members’ Council, the Specialty Contractors’ Council, the Construction Technology Committee, and the Safety Committee.

Awards were presented to firms and individuals based upon participation in the AGC. The 2018 awards were presented at the January 2019 Installation Dinner. *Not pictured Excellence Award - Company Casper Company Affiliate of the Year - Company Apex Advertising Good Business Award J.R. Filanc Construction Company, Inc. Rookie of the Year Leadership Award - Individual Professional Award - Individual Affiliate of the Year - Individual

Guye Kelley, Tradesmen International, LLC* Joseph DeYoung, Benchmark Landscape, Inc. Rachael Gonzalez, West Coast Air Conditioning Co., Inc. Jacqueline Keller, Trench Plate Rental Company

Excellence in Marketing Award Enterprise Fleet Management Excellence in Technology Award C.W. Driver, LLC*



AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction

Labor Relations The Labor Relations Committee is responsible for members’ labor relations with the various craft unions. This includes Master Labor Agreements for union members, and general labor relations for open shop members. The committee is responsible for AGC participation on the various Taft-Hartley Fringe Funds, and the various Joint Apprenticeship and Training committees.

Labor Negotiations

AGC San Diego represents AGC members signatory to eight separate union collective bargaining agreements. The agreements are recognized as the Master Labor Agreements in San Diego County, and typically set the county’s prevailing wage.

John H. Daley, Jr. Daley Corporation


Fringe Benefits Trust

AGC represented members on a number of Taft-Hartley joint labor management health, pension, apprenticeship, and other trusts that are part of the union collective bargaining agreements. In these challenging economic times, AGC works with the trustees to ensure proper funding. AGC was successful in working with AGC of America and the Building Trades to pass federal legislation improving the stability of multi-employer pension trusts. These changes help pension trust avoid insolvency and taxpayer bailout, while reducing liabilities to contractors.

Contracts & Wage Rate

All AGC Master Labor Agreements (MLA) and wage/fringe information are available at agcsd.org. All contracts are indexed to assist in finding key provisions, and are easily downloaded from the AGCSD website.

Prevailing Wage / Labor Compliance Assistance

Jamie Awford - BNBuilders, Inc. Ramon Esparza Liberty West Construction Services, LLC Dan Fitzgerald - Pacific Southwest Structures, Inc. Larry Henderson - J.R. Construction, Inc. Jason Mrozek - McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. Steve Van Dyke - McCarthy Building Companies, Inc.


Steve Clark - Granite Construction Company Jim Coffman - Coffman Specialties, Inc. Vince Diaz - J.R. Filanc Construction Company, Inc. David Espinoza - Pulice Construction, Inc. Clayton Gilliland - Mid-Coast Transit Constructors Jennifer Garcia - Reyes Construction Larry Henderson - J.R. Construction, Inc. Glenn Inverso - M.J. Baxter Drilling Company Kari Kyne - Kyne Construction, Inc. Catherine Moncada - Granite Construction Company Frank Redle - Granite Construction Company Donnie Riese - Flatiron Mike Sigman - Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. Bill Young - El Cajon Grading & Engineering Co., Inc. Randy Young - El Cajon Grading & Engineering Co., Inc.

AGC provided assistance with Prevailing Wage/Davis Bacon compliance and interpretation throughout the year. Several AGC staff members have strong backgrounds and understanding of these very complex and often confusing laws. AGC also maintains a strong relationship with the Department of Industrial Relations, which oversees the prevailing wage laws.

AGC Assists Members With Picketing / Dual Gate

A number of unions continue to target both AGC union and non-union members with picketing and demonstrations. AGC staff assists members with dual gates and other methods that eliminate or limit the picketing. AGC staff visits projects, contacts unions, and provides direct “front line” help with these situations.

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction


Human Resource Practices Committee The Human Resource Practices Committee promotes and delivers services that educate and offer compliance to companies dealing with human resource issues in the construction industry. In addition, the committee serves as a forum for human resource professionals, and those with human resource responsibilities, sharing information and addressing the numerous labor issues specific to contractors.

Chairperson Jennifer Mouritzen Pacific Rim Mechanical

HR TRAINING FOR MEMBERS Annually, the Human Resource Practices Committee hosts seminars for AGC San Diego members. Topics presented are vital to a company’s proper human resource functions.

HR CORNER Articles in AGC Monday Morning Quarterback included the following topics:

Committee Members

• Skilled & Trained Workforce • Conducting Internal Workplace Investigations • Employer Guidelines for Communicating Political Views in the Workplace • AB219 – Concrete Delivery Legislation

Eileen Allison - Swinerton Maria Anderson - Helix Electric, Inc. Jerry Arguello - Stanek Constructors, Inc. Dora Beltran - R.A. Burch Construction Co., Inc. Larry Berkel - Cumming Corporation Gladys Carranco - RORE, Inc. Tim Carter - Marsh & McLennan Insurance Agency LLC Patrick Casinelli - Cavignac & Associates Connie Crawford - Rossin Steel, Inc. Grisel De Jesus - M Bar C Construction Inc. Karen Dechape - R.A. Burch Construction Co., Inc. Kathleen Donahue - Finch, Thornton & Baird, LLP Amy Egan - Cumming Corporation Nancy Erickson - Total Package Professional Services Candace Friedman - Acme Safety & Supply Corp. Marisol Gonzaga - SMART Safety Group Amanda Gutierrez - Cumming Corporation Meagan Guzman - J.R. Filanc Construction Company, Inc. Staci Hare - Easy Flow, LLC Grant Jacka - CMR Risk & Insurance Services, Inc. Regina Jamison - Cox Construction Co. Gina Jimenez - New Dimension Masonry, Inc. Kris Jones - Casper Company Jonna Long - Cass Arrieta


SEMINARS Topics in 2018 included: • Legal Updates on Labor Laws & HR Practices • Preventing Sexual & Other Unlawful Harassment • Conducting Internal Workplace Investigations

ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS Committee meetings include interactive roundtable discussions on topics facing HR personnel: • Distracted Driving • Skilled & Trained Workforce • Exempt vs. Non-Exempt Employee Designations • New and Proposed Legislation Related to Labor • Records Retention Requirements • Talent Management

Paul Luangkhot - Coastal Payroll Chris Mastrianni - Polycomp Administrative Services, Inc. Kay McCain - Sierra Pacific West, Inc. Matthew Mikolajewski - Matt Mikolajewski Wealth Management Parag Mody - Erickson-Hall Construction Co. Kim Molzahn - Baker Electric, Inc. Angel Montenegro - TC Construction Company, Inc. Nandita Murthy - RORE, Inc. Moises Pacheco - American Scaffold Max Page - Nor-Cal Pipeline Services Andrea Pasley - Baker Electric, Inc. Ken Purvis - F.J. Willert Contracting Co. Patricia Quiroz - Granite Construction Company Sandee Rugg - Walton Business Solutions Kayla Shumate - Baker Electric, Inc. Kristi Snell - Eleven Western Builders, Inc. Jannine Tejeda - PCL Construction Jeff Vanderwal - Wolds Law Group PC

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction

Fringe Benefits AGC Fringe Benefits Programs are provided through three professionally administered trust funds. Trustees are AGC members who have the responsibility to oversee the administration and management of the funds. The funds provide health and welfare, dental, vision, insurance, and pension benefits that are customized to the San Diego construction industry. Benefits are provided for both hourly and administrative employees, and comply with California Prevailing Wage and Federal Davis Bacon requirements.

Chairperson Nigel Cary Cox Construction Co.

Employee Health & Welfare Medical Plan


During 2018, the AGC San Diego Chapter offered four programs under its Employee Medical Plan. These programs range from basic to comprehensive coverage. The Employee Medical Plan is designed to help employers attract and retain qualified employees. The plan provides a wide range of coverage, freedom of choice, cost savings, and meets California Prevailing Wage and Federal Davis Bacon Requirements.

Mitchell Burch - Burch Construction Jim Summers - EC Constructors, Inc. Noli Gavino - Hazard Construction Co. George Kvaas - Kvaas Management Co. Brandon Richie Soltek Pacific Construction Company Kennneth Riha - Retired

1,733 Total Assets: $130 Million

covered employees and their families

Employee Pension Plan & 401(K) Plan

AGC Retirement Trust

Russ Baumgartner Concrete Contractors Interstate Brian Cox - Brian Cox Mechanical Bill Haithcock - Casper Company Diane Koester-Byron - I.E. - Pacific, Inc. Larry Richie Soltek Pacific Construction Company Kenneth Riha - Retired

AGC San Diego Chapter’s Employee Pension Plan offers a fully IRS-approved, bona fide master pension plan that provides significant benefits for AGC Contractors and Affiliate firms. The plan can be customized for hourly contributions that meet California Prevailing Wage and Federal Davis Bacon requirements.


covered employees

Benefits Plus Plan

Chairperson Kenneth Riha Retired

AGC Health & Welfare Trust

AGC San Diego Chapter’s Benefits Plus Plan offers a comprehensive menu of benefits tailored to meet the needs of AGC Contractor and Affiliate members. The plan is also available to those contractors whose prevailing wage work does not exceed 15% of their annual earnings. Five different plans are offered: dental, vision, chiropractic, life, and dependent care coverage.


Trustees AGC Benefits Plus Trust

Diana Clark - Retired Brandon Richie Soltek Pacific Construction Company Wayne Myers - Retired

covered employees and their families

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction


Safety Committee

Chair Eric Silva Dynalectric Company

The Safety Committee promotes and delivers services that maintain and improve safety in the construction industry, including monitoring, communicating, and understanding Federal OSHA and Cal OSHA policies and procedures. The committee also provides assistance in curriculum development for AGC’s safety-related training, and continually searches for new ways to motivate the industry to upgrade safety consciousness.

Over 130 members and guests attended the AGC San Diego/AGC California Joint Safety & Health Committee Conference in July at the AGC San Diego Training Facility.

Vice Chair Julie McConnaughy Tower Glass, Inc.


attend monthly meetings

Committee Members Dave Alofaituli - McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. Emanuel Alvarez - Mid-Coast Transit Constructors Jeff Anderson - James W. Fowler Co. Erasmo Andrade - Byron-Davey, Inc. Jason Arme - Orion Construction Corp. Justin Bailey - M Bar C Construction Peter Bihl - University Mechanical & Eng. Contractors Luke Brown - Lusardi Construction Co. Cory Buchholz - Statewide Traffic Safety & Signs Anne Cain - Mallory Safety & Supply Israel Canal - Trench Shoring Company Jim Ciandella - FallTech Chris Comer - Herzog Contracting, Inc. Gary Couture - San Diego International Airport Kevin Csupak - SMART Safety Group Justin Dempsey - CMC Rebar West Edward Desmond - Cox Construction Co. Jeff Dunn - Hi-Way Safety, Inc. George Fernandez - Balfour Beatty Construction Brandy Fischer - Harper Construction Company, Inc. Laurence Fortin - Zurich North America Insurance Marisa Fortin - Sundt Construction, Inc. Jerry Fredericksen - Countywide Mechanical Systems Dennis Gray - Casper Company Andy Guzenski - CMR Risk & Insurance Services, Inc. Kirk Hansen Clark Construction Group - California, LP Mark Henzie - Kyne Construction, Inc. Jon Hill - AGCSD Apprenticeship Steve Hollingsworth - Hawthorne Cat Julia Hope - Erickson-Hall Construction Co. Josh Hughes Clark Construction Group - California, LP Vince Hundley - SMART Safety Group Deron Hunt - EC Constructors, Inc. DeeAnn Isaacs - Mid-Coast Transit Constructors Jeff Jaques - Swinerton


Richard Kaullen - SMART Safety Group Jacqueline Keller - Trench Plate Rental Company Guye Kelley - Tradesman International, LLC Calvin King - Bergelectric Corporation Justin Kirkland - Herzog Contracting Corp. Shea Kirkpatrick - Mack Packaging John Kiser - TC Construction Company, Inc. Leif Larsen - Paradigm Mechanical Adrian Ledesma - Best Interiors, Inc. Steve Lindsay - SMART Safety Group Peter Lupo - T.B. Penick & Sons, Inc. Joe Mack - Trench Shoring Company Gary Magill - Reno Contracting, Inc. George Majchrowicz Statewide Traffic Safety & Signs Chris Malicki - Cavignac & Associates Frank Mancia - McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. Pamela Mark - RQ Construction, LLC Breanna Marshall CMR Risk & Insurance Services, Inc. Jose Martinez - Sherwood Mechanical Hervacio Mata - Southland Paving Kristi May - Hensel Phelps Mark May - Unitis Contractor Supplies Suzanne May - Travelers Bond and Specialty Insurance Angie McAnelly - SMART Safety Group Kay McCain - Sierra Pacific West, Inc. Frank McDaniel - Baker Electric, Inc. Joe Meads - SMART Safety Group Marco Mendoza - Pulice Construction, Inc. Mike Mickey - Marathon Construction Corp. Odie Miller - Baker Electric, Inc. Michael Mims - SMART Safety Group Lorraine Miner - NAVFAC Southwest Haylea Minks - c3 Risk and Insurance Services, Inc. Gade Mobley - Flatiron David Moon - NAVFAC Southwest

Chris Morales - Sundt Construction, Inc. Paul Newhouse - Baker Electric, Inc. Jeff O’Brien - Pacific Rim Mechanical Andy Pina - Pacific Rim Mechanical Keith Polan - Pacific Southwest Structures, Inc. Mike Prescott - M Bar C Construction John Renquist - Balfour Beatty Construction Pedro Reyes - SMART Safety Group Nick Roehr - Hensel Phelps Don Rogers - RQ Construction, LLC Mike Ruzek - Herzog Contracting, Inc. Rob Salata - Travelers Bond and Specialty Insurance Steve Shingary - Flatiron Kyle Shireman - Lusardi Construction Co. Virginia Siegel - On-Site Health & Safety Eric Simmons - Helix Electric, Inc. Breanna Smith - T.B. Penick & Sons, Inc. Kevin Soares - Straub Construction, Inc. Ben Sprecco - Morley Construction Company Dannel Sprecco - HD Supply / White Cap Ramona Sprecco - CMC Rebar West Paul Sprecco - Sundt Construction, Inc. Sue Stein - Hawthorne Cat Tifani Swink - Mallory Safety & Supply Phil Swink - Mallory Safety & Supply Lance Taylor - West Coast Air Conditioning Co., Inc. Jeff Timm - Swinerton Anastacia Timmons - On-Site Health & Safety Drew Timon - On-Site Health & Safety Moses Tomas - Cement Cutting, Inc. Mark Weiand - Cox Construction Co. Pat Wiedenfeld Soltek Pacific Construction Company Eric Winders - PCL Construction Matt Zall - RORE, Inc. Mike Zoller - C.W. Driver, LLC

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction

Local CSEA Awards AGC’s Construction Safety Excellence Awards (CSEA) program is the industry’s elite safety competition. CSEA is a rigorous competition that recognizes construction firms that have developed and implemented premier safety and loss prevention programs. AGC San Diego Chapter is known nationwide as the CSEA superstar, with multiple high-ranking finishes each year.

Construction Management Division Harper Construction Company, Inc. Straub Construction, Inc.

Specialty Division Bergelectric Corporation Dynalectric Company General Coatings Corporation Helix Electric, Inc. M Bar C Construction, Inc.

Federal / Heavy Division Cox Construction Co. J.R. Filanc Construction Company, Inc. Marathon Construction Corporation

Utility Division Orion Construction Corporation Piperin Corporation Schilling Paradise Corporation

Highway Division LB Civil Construction, Inc. Sundt Construction, Inc.

Vendor / Supplier Division Brewer Crane and Rigging Hudson Safe-T-Lite Rentals

Building Division Western Pump, Inc.

tions a l u t a r Cong the to ers n n i ard W w A 2018

Insurance Services Division Cavignac & Associates SMART Safety Group

AGC of America - Construction Safety Excellence Awards 1st Place

Sundt Construction, Inc.

2nd Place

RQ Construction

AGC of America’s 99th National Convention was held in New Orleans, Louisiana. The following AGC San Diego Chapter members placed nationally in AGC of America’s Construction Safety Excellence Award Competition: Highway & Transportation Division Sundt Construction, Inc. - 1st Place Over 2.5 million work hours Specialty Division Dynalectric San Diego - 1st Place 600,000 to 1 million work hours Utility Infrastructure Division Orion Construction Corporation - 1st Place 100,000 to 500,000 work hours

Dynalectric San Diego

Harper Construction Company, Inc.

Building Division RQ Construction, LLC - 2nd Place 650,000 to 1 million work hours Construction Management Division Harper Construction Company, Inc. - 2nd Place 160,000 to 475,000 work hours

Orion Construction Corporation

Cox Construction Co.

Heavy Division Cox Construction Co. - 2nd Place Under 375,000 work hours

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction


Build & Serve Charitable Alliance The AGC Build and Serve Charitable Alliance is committed to giving back to San Diego communities through projects that help BUILD or SERVE those in need.

Co-Chair Julia Hope Erickson-Hall Construction Co.

Co-Chair Ben Swanson Hensel Phelps

8 574 1,722

AGC’s committee members coordinate projects with many local charities throughout the year to enhance community outreach. Projects include: • Partnering with the San Diego Blood Bank for AGC’s 4-day Blood Drive during the summer when blood supplies are low. • Clothes Drive benefiting Father Joe’s Villages. • Toiletries and Host-a-Meal for temporary residents at Bannister Family House. • Monarch School K-12 (students impacted by homelessness) • Back-to-School Backpack Drive • Back-to-School Night Dinner • Team AGC as a major sponsor/participant for the MCRD Bootcamp Challenge. • AGC participated in a build day with Habitat for Humanity. • Partnering with Make-A-Wish® San Diego on eight construction-related projects.

Make-A-Wish® projects pints of blood collected lives saved from blood donations

donated 300 backpacks to Monarch School


raised to support our Marines

Committee Members

Christian Carr - Clark Construction Group - California, LP LT Davis - Courtesy Chevrolet Nancy Erickson - Total Package Professional Services Chris Giannaris - Hawthorne Cat Kaitlin Kallal - Balfour Beatty Construction Shea Kirkpatrick - Mack Packaging Chris Malicki - Cavignac & Associates John McCormack - Cabrillo Hoist


ing award Julia and Ben accept Diego n Sa at Make-A-Wish® Night. ion iat ec pr Donor Ap

Make-A-Wis h® San Diego 2018 Wish Impact Award Winne r.

Jonathan McNabb - WIELAND Amy Paster - Total Package Professional Services Jean Pirkl - J.R. Filanc Construction Company, Inc. Don Romo - Erickson-Hall Construction Co. Pam Scholefield - Scholefield Construction Law Mandy Serrano - SCST, LLC David Shaw - Alvarez & Shaw, Inc. Carmen Whiting - Total Package Professional Services

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction

Build Projects

Habitat for Humanity

Make-A-Wish® Jayden’s Bedroom Makeover

Make-A-Wish® Rocco’s Skate Park

Make-A-Wish® Ryker’s Backyard Train

Serve Projects

Backpack Drive for Monarch School

Back to School Dinner for Monarch School

4-Day Blood Drive

Clothes Drive for Father Joe’s Villages


TEAM AGC at MCRD Bootcamp Challenge

AGC of America “In the Community Award” Winner Hensel Phelps

Affiliate Golf

Thank you for your support!

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction


Construction Leadership Council The Construction Leadership Council (CLC) encourages a higher level of involvement in the industry among early to mid-career professionals. Their meetings foster face-to-face collaboration and address important industry issues. CLC members gain exposure to construction professionals, creating opportunities to enhance their industry knowledge through relevant programs. Chairperson Dusan Selezan Balfour Beatty Construction


The CLC is part of a nationwide AGC organization facilitating an open forum for future leaders. To ensure the next generation of leaders are well-versed in top industry issues, the CLC Chairperson holds a voting position on the AGC Board of Directors, and hosts industry and public leaders at their meetings regularly. CLC members also organize and host AGC’s annual Summer Mixer and Car Show, bringing together a variety of construction professionals, industry partners, and public officials. CLC members play a substantial role in developing college students enrolled in SDSU’s Construction Engineering & Management Program by preparing them for the annual Associated Schools of Construction “Reno Competition,” where students get a glimpse into the reality of construction through a vigorous competition. Coached by CLC members, five teams prepare with weekly trainings and mock problems for several months leading up to the February 2018 competition, which brought the Commercial Team to the podium with a third-place finish.

Committee Members

Geoff Acosta - Granite Construction Company Andy Armstrong - Clark Construction Group - California, LP Matt Becker - Cement Cutting, Inc. Mike Casey - Sundt Construction, Inc. Rick Collette - Swinerton David Corona - PCL Construction Paul Diaz - Bergelectric Corporation Tyler Ennis - Erickson-Hall Construction Co. Jesse Espinoza - Granite Construction Company Garrett Foster - eSUB Construction Software Randy Garner - Clark Construction Group - California, LP Kyle Grijalua - Hazard Construction Company Rob Guillory - Calray Electric, Inc. Ryan Hammond - PlanGrid Andre Hoss - Balfour Beatty Construction


Jake Janenicke - Balfour Beatty Construction Nick Lawrence - Dynalectric San Diego Justin Lingenfelter - PlanGrid Jonathan Luke - Escondido Materials Jonathan Mallon - Hazard Construction Company Michael Manneh - Balfour Beatty Construction Teague Mays - eSUB Construction Software Camden McDonald - BuildingPoint Pacific, Inc. Daniella Messuri - Balfour Beatty Construction Jordan Nager - Lincoln, Gustafson & Cercos Jim Nora - Tomahawk Power, LLC Richard Reese - Lincoln, Gustafson & Cercos Eric Sanchez - McCarthy Building Companies Blake Thigpen - Travelers Bond and Specialty Insurance Rochelle Wintz - BuildingPoint Pacific, Inc.

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction

Construction Technology Committee The Construction Technology Committee identifies, explores, and critiques new trends in construction technology to help operate on a more efficient and effective basis. The committee utilizes the information generated to develop technology training events that allow the industry to view new technologies and to be trained in their usage. Committee meetings feature: • Technology presentations on equipment, software and security • Roundtable discussions on latest trends

Chairperson Derek Renn Bergelectric Corporation

Construction Technology On Display The committee partnered with AIA San Diego and CMAA San Diego to host the A/E/C Technology Conference. Industry professionals gathered in September 2018 to learn about accelerating project collaboration using technology.

Committee Members Tim Book - Pacific Building Group David Fatter - Erickson-Hall Construction Co. Kevin Fitzpatrick - J.R. Filanc Construction Co. TJ Glover - Helix Electric, Inc. Ryan Hammond - PlanGrid Carl Henderson - NV5 Mandy Irvine - Hoop5 Networks

Rohan Jawali - Hensel Phelps Ali Kashani Clark Construction Group - California LP Chuck Keeley - Kelar Pacific Peter Lasensky - NoteVault, Inc. Justin Lingenfelter - PlanGrid Felipe Maytorena - World Bridge Technologies Nancy Matus - Kelar Pacific

Sean Phillips - ARC Document Solutions Cori Rufty - Helix Electric, Inc. Dusan Selezan - Balfour Beatty Construction Rob Slaughter - Data Net Solutions Group, Inc. Ed Tallmadge - U.S. CAD Bill Vann - Data Net Solutions Group, Inc. Mike Weber - Unitis Contractor Supplies Rochelle Wintz - BuildingPoint Pacific, Inc.

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction


Plan Room For the last eighteen years, AGC San Diego has been providing the San Diego construction industry with high-end plan room and bidding services, constantly evolving to provide the industry with topnotch products. All AGC San Diego members receive access to this full suite of services as a member benefit.

Chairperson Bill Haithcock Casper Company


AGCSD projects reported


projects reported statewide


weekly users

AGC Online Plan Room

AGC’s Online Plan Room provides members complete access to bidding projects, both public and private, including plans and specifications in San Diego, Imperial, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties, and some projects within other Southern California areas. AGC San Diego members now receive access to hundreds of additional project opportunities throughout California. • Daily email updates • Available Online 24/7 • Keyword Search

Focus / Good Faith Advertising

AGC’s Good Faith Report is recognized by the California Department of General Services as a state-approved “Trade” and “Focus” publication. Advertising in this digital publication will fulfill requirements for “Good Faith Efforts” for the various Business Enterprises. The AGC Good Faith Report is one of the few publications in the state to be designated in this manner. AGC San Diego members receive discounted rates on advertising in this weekly digital report.

AGC Construction Reporter

This weekly digital construction bidding magazine provides details on upcoming bids in the Southern California region. The AGC Construction Reporter has been designed to seamlessly interact with the AGC Online Plan Room, where AGC member firms can access full plans and specifications, addenda, bidders’ lists, bid results, and more.


AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction

Communications AGC San Diego produces a variety of publications, both printed and digital, throughout the year. These communications are designed to keep the membership and industry professionals informed on key industry matters.

Social Media

AGC San Diego Chapter is active on social media. Get social with us on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter.

AGC Monday Morning Quarterback is a digital newsletter/blog distributed weekly to over 5,000 construction industry professionals, as well as a number of public officials. Articles are written by AGC staff and guest writers.


The AGC San Diego Constructor Magazine details the latest in AGC and industry news. It is distributed to construction industry professionals across San Diego County and Southern California.

Visit us at


Publications include: Published Annually • Annual Report • Membership Directory Published Semi-Annually • Education and Safety Training Catalog

Published Quarterly • San Diego Constructor Magazine Published Weekly • Monday Morning Quarterback • Construction Reporter • Good Faith Report

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction


AGC Executive Leadership

Eddie Sprecco Chief Executive Officer

Brad Barnum Executive Vice President

Glenn Hillegas Apprenticeship Executive Vice President

Pete Saucedo Apprenticeship Executive Director

AGC Staff

Inna Alizade Accounting / Administrative Assistant

Vince Hundley Safety Director

Phil Hurley Controller

Paul Josselyn Plan Room Reporter

Scherrise Judge Senior Plan Room Reporter

Marcy Knopman Executive Assistant

Kellie Korhonen Digital Communications & Technology Manager

Rae Krushensky Director of Meetings & Events / Membership Services

Lisa Lovelace Director of Plan Room Services

Mike McManus Director of Engineering Construction & Industry Relations

Becca Schaffer Education & Safety Marketing Manager

Glen Schaffer Director of Marketing /Education

Robin Scott Administrative Assistant

Jason White Administrative Assistant


AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction

AGC Staff - Years of Service AGC Staff

Years with AGC

Rae Krushensky Brad Barnum Paul Josselyn Marcy Knopman Inna Alizade Lisa Lovelace Jason White

18 years 17 years 16 years 15 years 13 years 11 years 10 years

Apprenticeship Staff Pete Saucedo Raul Guedea, Jr. Tanya Buch Shari Buch Sergio Ortega Glenn Hillegas

Years with AGC 20 years 17 years 14 years 12 years 11 years 10 years


has 10+ years of service

of staff

AGC Apprenticeship Staff

Dakota Anderson Curriculum and Instruction Coordinator

Marty Anderson Apprenticeship Coordinator San Diego

Shari Buch Apprenticeship Registrar

Tanya Buch Apprenticeship Specialist

Layheang Chho Attendance Clerk

Karla Gonzalez Apprenticeship Liaison Riverside

Raul Guedea, Jr. Apprenticeship Outreach Coordinator

Jon Hill Apprenticeship Instructional Resource Coordinator

Alan Jurgensen Craft Instructor

Keith Levingston Apprenticeship Coordinator Riverside

Sergio Ortega Apprenticeship Coordinator Orange County

Kelly Petersen Apprenticeship Scheduling Coordinator

Karina Ramirez Apprenticeship Liaison Orange County

Alicia Rodriguez Apprenticeship Upgrade Specialist

Amber Sonka AGC Apprenticeship Compliance Monitor

Thanks to our dedicated and hardworking staff Suzanne Zdarko-Favano Apprenticeship Liaison San Diego

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction


Thanks to all our members


AGC AGC San San Diego Diego || ANNUAL ANNUAL REPORT REPORT 2018 2018 || The The VOICE VOICE of of Construction Construction

for making 2018 a memorable year!

AGC San Diego | ANNUAL REPORT 2018 | The VOICE of Construction


The Associated General Contractors of America San Diego Chapter, Inc. 6212 Ferris Square San Diego, CA 92121 858.558.7444 info@agcsd.org Visit us at www.agcsd.org

Connect with us @agcsandiego

Presorted Std. U.S. Postage PAID San Diego, CA Permit No. 2686

The VOICE of Construction AGC’s vision is to promote a better industry for the professionals who build San Diego’s future.

The Associated General Contractors of America San Diego Chapter, Inc. 6212 Ferris Square San Diego, CA 92121 858.558.7444 www.agcsd.org

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