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Microsoft Dynamics® AX Payroll 5. In the Earning type description field, enter a brief description of the earning type. 6. Verify that the Active date and Expiry date are correct for the earning type.

Procedure: Set Up an Earning Group You must set up earning groups during an implementation and use them to help reduce data entry when you add new earnings. Although implementers must try to plan their earning groups based on information collected with the client, they frequently add new earning groups as needed throughout an implementation. To help in planning your earning groups, the following table identifies what other Payroll module forms that you can use earning groups in, and provides examples for each: Form Accumulator Values

Examples of groups for use with the form • Taxable earnings. •

Non-taxable earnings.

Payment Earning Types

Regular payment type earnings.

Supplemental payment type earnings, if you have some earnings, such as commissions, that you never pay in regular payments - you have a separate payment type for these payments.

Earning Rule Group Calculations

Regular wage rate earnings, such as regular pay, vacation pay, paid sick leave, and so on.

Unpaid earnings, such as unpaid leave, jury duty, overtime banked.

Time Rule Group Premiums

Eligible to be overwritten for premium earnings.

Earning Thresholds

Eligible for thresholds group.

Printed Payment Statements

Used to group your earnings into sections with headings on pay stubs.

Regular salary, for earnings such as regular pay, vacation, and paid sick leave.

Additions to salary, for earnings such as bonus, overtime, and premiums.

Each earning should belong to only one earning group that prints on statements.

You can find more information about these other forms elsewhere in this course.


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