Acacia: November-December 2014

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Giving Thanks at Year’s End You need to know, friends, that thanking God over and over for you is not only a pleasure; it’s a must. We have to do it...Why, it’s only right that we give thanks. 2 Thessalonians 1:3-4, (The Message) As we come to the close of another year, it is imperative that we stop and take the time to thank all those who have made such a big impact in the lives of so many. This past September, the Planned Giving Office celebrated fourteen years of ministry. During that time, we have welcomed and inducted into the Richard E. “Dick” Reeves Legacy Society 351 faithful supporters. It has been said that those who believe in the present leadership of an institution make current gifts, and that

those who believe in its future leadership make planned gifts. Our planned gifts donors have included Africa University in their wills and trusts agreements; have established gift annuities with the institutions; have designated Africa University the beneficiary of IRA accounts, retirement benefits, and Ms. Elaine Jenkins, life insurance policies; and have made cur- director of Planned Giving rent gifts of at least $10,000.00 designated for the endowment fund.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Board approves AU’s first PhD program “The program is aimed at those involved in building peace in ways that foster human-centered, inclusive development and those working in development and policy-oriented spheres who want to ensure that their work supports and contributes to peace, and democratic governance and leadership,” said Dr. Pamela Machakanja, the institute’s director. Next steps include the submission of the PhD program to the Zimbabwe Council for Higher Education (ZIMCHE), for accreditation. Once accredited, the university plans an initial pilot phase of two years. About five students will be enrolled each year, beginning in 2016.

General Board of Higher Education and Ministry The United Methodist Church P O Box 340007 Nashville, Tennessee 37203-0007

Africa University is moving forward with implementation of a PhD program in Peace, Leadership, Governance and Development. Members of the AU Board of Directors approved the university’s first PhD program in October 2014. The program targets the more than 300 graduates who currently hold master’s degrees from AU’s flagship unit, the Institute of Peace, Leadership and Governance, (IPLG). AU’s pan-African ethos and growing reputation in the area of Peace Studies is expected to help the program to attract policy makers, mediators and leaders from across sub-Saharan Africa.

It is these planned gifts that will ensure the long-term sustainability of Africa University. So, as we come to the close of another year, you need to know that thanking God over and over for you is not only a pleasure; it’s a moral imperative. We must do it, for it is only right that we give thanks to you for your continuing generous and steadfast support of Africa University’s transforming ministry. For more information about the planned giving program, please visit the planned giving website at http://www. or call or write our Director of Planned Giving, Elaine Jenkins, Africa University Development Office, P. O. Box 340007, Nashville, TN, 37203-0007, 615/340-7428 (telephone), 615/340-7290 (fax), (e-mail address).

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