The Norwegian Settlers: Marburg Natal 1882

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Lots 45 and 46 Gustav Kjonstad, wife Elise—4 children. (1) Ingeborg unm arried. Besides teaching she helped young and old, and also th e Bantu. (2) T hom ine unm arried. She w orked hard and well as a teacher. (3) G ustav m arried Elsie M allett—3 children—Victor, Douglas and Joyce. (4) Elise m arried H erbert F uller a chem ist—2 daughters—Carm en (died) and Gloria. K jonstad w as th e first teacher at th e M arburg School. He w as of great assistance w ith E nglish correspondence during the first years. W ith Kjonsitad cam e Em il and Dagm a Holte. Em il died in th e Boer W ar, bu t Dagma m arried Sven Olsen in Johannesburg and they have 4 children. (1) Olaf took p art in the w ar in W est Africa and died soon after. (2) Jen n y lives w ith h e r parents a t Z eerust in the Transvaal. (3) D agm ar m arried Mr. Botha a t Zeerust—9 children—Roderick, Dagmar, Jaco­ bus (died), Elizabeth (died), M argaret, W innie, Thenius, Helga and Olaf. (4) H ilda m arried Mr.Geyser—5 children— Thelm a, K urt, Rudolf, Doreen and Ingrid. L ina P ettersen also came w ith th e K jonstads. She m arried a cabinet m aker C hris­ tian Reim in M aritzburg and th ey have 2 sons.

Sven Olsen and Family


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