AFPMASH ● Winter Newsletter ● February 2015 PROMOTING DIVERSITY IN PHILANTRHOPY AND FUNDRAISING he Mahoning-Shenango Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals now has a committee devoted to diversity and is working to spread that message to its members and the philanthropic community. The Diversity and Inclusion Committee’s mission is to embrace all fundraising professionals, seek diversity, achieve broader representation, and encourage ALL to become active members in the local AFP chapter. Over the past six months, the committee has researched what other AFP chapters are doing and reviewed resources on the subject provided by AFP
International. Following that research, the committee put together a Diversity and Inclusion Plan to highlight their purpose and objectives. In support of this initiative, AFP MASH’s board adopted a diversity and inclusion resolution. They also set forth seven accomplishable goals, and in the future, the committee will create timelines for reaching each of those benchmarks. Emphasis will be placed on outreach to diverse groups in fundraising and nonprofits in the Mahoning and Shenango Valleys. Activities of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee will include an assessment of the chapter’s demographic composition via an internal “Promoting Diversity” continued on page 4
Registration deadline is Monday, February 16th! Visit to register today!
“Donor Communications”
Thursday, February 19, 2015 In this webinar, Tom Ahern, top authority Holiday Inn Boardman on donor communications, presents on Registration & Networking 11:00 a.m. selling your products, programs, Webinar & Lunch 11:30 a.m. endowments, initiatives, buildings, Members $15 ● Not-Yet-Members $25 ● Students $10 renovations, and blight.
, and got to spend ne had a great holiday season ryo eve pe ho I ar! Ye w Ne y it just Happ and loved ones. It seems like ily fam s, nd frie ur yo h wit e some quality tim 2014. zipped by, much like most of azingly productive honing-Shenango had an am Looking back, I think AFP Ma our work that goes into keeping the of all it, t ou ab nk thi u yo year. When s that demand a teers who have their own job lun vo by ne do is g nin run r er”, chapte Schuller, our only paid “staff rb Ba for t cep (Ex n. tio en att great deal of their e page! We g us organized and on the sam pin kee of job ul erf nd wo a who does we are without her.) wouldn’t be nearly as good as accomplished in 2014: Here’s a sample of what was next s plan will take us through the thi , RE CF , bo lom Pa t Pa by created. Led A strategic plan was three years. ed 10-Star status. . We once again achiev inclusive in everything we do is r pte cha r ou t tha e sur en e was convened to er of 2015. A Diversity Committe which will take place in Octob r, ina Sem al nu An r ou on r in the yea Planning began late 14. helping move us forward in 20 for gh ou en ers mb me e tte ers and commi tuned for I can’t thank our board memb ngo would not exist. So, stay na he g-S nin ho Ma P AF , hip members Without them, and our entire better! 2015. It promises to be even
Linda Kostka, CFRE g-Shenango Chapter 2015 President, AFP Mahonin and Donor Services Coordinator of Development Mahoning Valley Community Foundation of the
New AFPMASH Members July 1, 2014-December 31, 2014 Doug Wentz, Community Services Director Neil Kennedy Recovery Clinic Austintown, Ohio
Julianna Marsco, Resource Development and Marketing Manager United Way of Trumbull County Warren, Ohio
“The Browning and Graying of America”
Board and Annual Meeting
How changes in demographics affect the diversity of donors Friday, April 23, 2015 Holiday Inn Boardman│Details TBA
Registration & Continental Breakfast 8:00 a.m. Board Meeting 8:30 a.m. Annual Membership Meeting 9:00 a.m. Thursday, October 2, 2015│Details TBA
AFP-PGC Seminar “Women as Philanthropists” Now more than ever, development professionals are placing new emphasis on women as donors and potential philanthropists Thursday, June 11, 2015│Details TBA
Meet the Funders Panel discussion composed of funders and foundations in the region Thursday, September 10, 2015│Details TBA
Speakers: Penelope Burk and Bob Carter 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Thursday, October 22, 2015│Holiday Inn Boardman
“What’s Ahead in 2016” Trends in philanthropy and ethics Registration & Networking 11:00 a.m. Lunch 11:30 a.m.│Program 12:00-1:30 p.m. Thursday, December 3, 2015 D.D. and Velma Davis Education & Visitor Center
2014 NATIONAL PHILANTRHOPY DAY AWARDEES On Friday, November 14, 2014, the Mahoning-Shenango Chapter of AFP held their 24th Annual National Philanthropy Day Awards Banquet. Eight individuals, groups and businesses were honored for the difference each made in the community through their philanthropic activities. Below and on the back are this year’s honorees.
Outstanding Young Philanthropist
Outstanding Corporate Philanthropist
EDWARD W. AND ALICE RESCH POWERS Legacy Award (Posthumous Award)
JOANNE PRESTON Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser
During the course of the Diversity and Inclusion Plan’s progress, input from the committee’s members and survey and providing a Diversity Program for members chairman will assist the process and essentially drive the each year in conjunction with the Program Committee. group toward accomplishing its goals. AFPMASH’s board Already in the planning stages for this April is a program and those serving on this important committee are very titled “The Browning and Graying of America.” excited about this initiative and look forward to promoting diversity in our communities.
Special Recognition for Valley Impact
Outstanding Civic Organization
Outstanding Small Business
Outstanding Philanthropist
P.O. Box 672 Youngstown, OH 44501 330-646-4926