The MashUp

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AFPMASH ● Winter Newsletter ● January 2013 NATIONAL PHILANTHROPY DAY usiness professionals, community members, and other guests gathered together at Antone’s Banquet Centre in Boardman, Ohio on Thursday, November 15, 2012, to celebrate National Philanthropy Day (NPD). The event began at 12 p.m., and following lunch, eight awards were presented to individuals, groups, or businesses that had embraced philanthropy throughout the year and helped to make their community a brighter place. National Philanthropy Day, which began in 1986, provides local chapters of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) with an opportunity to showcase the strong spirit of giving and sharing that is alive in their communities. The Mahoning and Shenango Chapter of AFP joins in this celebration with over 125 chapters throughout the nation, and the philanthropists are chosen from among many qualified nominees. This year’s awardees were as follows:

s t n e i p i c e R d Awar

Roberta Marsteller Hannay—Outstanding Philanthropist PNC Financial Services—Outstanding Corporate Philanthropist Salem Computer Center—Outstanding Small Business Suzyn Schwebel Epstein—Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser Junior Civic League—Outstanding Civic Organization United Local Cheerleading Squad—Outstanding Young Philanthropist Helen R. Stambaugh—Legacy Award Salem High School Alumni Association—Special Recognition for Valley Impact “National Philanthropy Day” cont’d on page 4

MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Friends, is New Year’s st a popular topic of conversation , 1 ry ua Jan s hit r da en cal although As the s make resolutions each year, ult ad of % 45 t tha d ate im est resolutions. It is more than a few weeks. most don’t stick to them for are not only grams and conferences that pro e vid pro to is n tio olu res r working At AFP, ou this, several committees are g itin wr am I As ll. we as g l do both of these educational but excitin d conferences that I believe wil an s xer mi s, on che lun n e of pla diligently to include federal funding, the rol ms gra pro r’s yea s thi of ics things. Some of the top Generation Y. board members, and engaging h the Planned r seminar, in collaboration wit ou be l wil r yea ing com up r A highlight to ou day, April 12, 2013. te speaker Barlow Mann on Fri no key g tin sen pre cil, un Co rous national Giving Group, has written for nume rpe Sha the of r ice off g tin P Mahoning-Shenango Mann, chief opera nned giving. The board of AF pla of ic top the on r ake spe e and hope you publications and is a popular ungstown area for the first tim Yo the in g tin sen pre nn Ma to have Chapter and PGC are thrilled will be too. g and exciting you t we are successful in educatin tha pe ho I n, tio olu res r’s erested Yea w so if there is a topic you are int As we strive to stick to our Ne e, vic ad d an ut inp r you me sion. We welco r, and I look forward about the fundraising profes to see many new faces this yea pe ho I l. cal a me e giv to e l fre in learning about, please fee ll we did with our resolution. we w to your feedback on ho Sincerely,

Shellie Duchek g-Shenango Chapter 2013 President, AFP Mahonin tential Development Program Development Officer, The Po

New AFPMASH Members May 1, 2012-December 31, 2012 Aundrea Cika, Director Autism Society of Ohio, Youngstown, OH Jennifer Barborak, Grant Writer UPMC Horizon Community Health Foundation, Hermitage, PA

Rebecca Davis, Registrar The Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, OH

Bonnie Lynn Benton, Development Specialist St. Paul’s, Greenville, PA

Mary Lee Green, Director of Development City Rescue Mission, New Castle, PA

Catherine Cercone, Development Coordinator St. Michael’s Harbour, Hermitage, PA

Colleen Kelly, Director of Development Youngstown Business Incubator, Youngstown, OH


“What Great Boards Do at Their Board Meetings—and What They Don’t Do” Thursday, February 21, 2013 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Davis Center, Mill Creek MetroParks (AFP-Sponsored Webinar) *Check out page 5 of the MashUp for other upcoming programs

TEN REASONS TO OBTAIN YOUR CFRE Making the decision to obtain your Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) is one that most fundraising professionals do not enter into lightly. It is a process involving time, financial resources, and a long-term commitment to ensure recertification. However, according to CFRE International, there are 10 great benefits to being a CFRE that may make this an endeavor worth a second (or third) look: 1. Grants you more credibility 2. Can improve career opportunities and advancement 3. Prepares you for greater on-the-job responsibilities 4. Improves skills and knowledge 5. May provide for greater earnings potential 6. Offers greater recognition from peers

7. Enhances the profession’s image 8. Reflects achievement 9. Enriches self esteem 10. Demonstrates commitment to the fundraising profession

There are currently 5,322 CFREs internationally. AFPMASH is fortunate to have a number of them here at our local chapter. When asked why she chose to pursue her certification, Linda Kostka, CFRE of Mill Creek MetroParks, said, “Earning my CFRE was an important milestone in my career. I wanted our donors to be confident I had the knowledge and skills to serve their best interests as well as demonstrate my commitment to my chosen field of fundraising.” Pat Palumbo, CFRE of the Diocese of Youngstown, stated, “The CFRE designation tells the world that you are serious about your career as a professional fund raiser and are willing to invest time, talent and material resources to achieve and maintain it.” If you have questions about getting your CFRE, visit or ask one of the local CFRE holders at the next AFP program you attend.


REPRESENTATIVE FROM AFP NATIONAL VISITS MAHONING/SHENANGO CHAPTER Val Lay, chapter services director for the years of age. Each offers a significant discount on the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) for Professional Member’s dues of $250. Central United States, attended a Board meeting of the Lay also gave a demonstration of the many AFP Mahoning and Shenango benefits and resources available to chapter in August 2012. She gave members through the use of the AFP a presentation on Association website, She pointed membership, did a “walkout new white papers; the Resource through” of the AFP website, Center Hot Topics, a compilation of, and answered current information on approximately 20 questions from board members. substantive topics; the Ready Reference The biggest news from AFP is Series, which provides downloadable its creation of two new booklets on nine essential fundraising membership categories to make topics; and the Speaker Database where membership more affordable. The local chapters can search for speakers to Small Nonprofit Organizational fit their program needs. Membership, at $150 per year, is She encouraged Chapter members designed for organizations having to have their profile added to the two or fewer fulltime fundraisers Val Lay, chapter services director, Central U.S. AFP Speaker Database, and reminded and an annual operating budget members of a valuable weekly of less than $1 million. The Young Professional communication: the AFP eWire, sent to all members Individual Membership is $75 per year and serves up- every Tuesday afternoon. The eWire is an example of and-coming development staff members under 30 your Association’s staff working for you. It offers the


Roberta Marsteller Hannay quoted her mother and simply stated her motivation for giving back to her community when she said, “Even if tomorrow no one will remember you gave, give anyway.” This message, it seemed, was echoed throughout the other awardees’ speeches, impressing the audience and reminding everyone what this celebration is truly about—recognizing those that “change the world with a giving heart” regardless of being thanked. Each and every one of these awardees embodies a lifestyle of compassion and charity, encouraging others through their example, and AFP is proud to be able to recognize their efforts. Following the presentation of the awards, Shanna Blinn and Helen Paes, co-chairs of the event this year, took a moment to thank the AFP board and members of the NPD committee for all of their hard work on this event. Look for the date of next year’s NPD celebration on your 2013 program schedule.


Standing, L-R: Becky Ke Echement, LuAnn Haddad Sitting, L-R: Helen P


latest development news, including a weekly listing titled “Ten Things You Might Have Missed and Need to Know.” As part of her local service, Lay reviewed the chapter’s program offerings from current and prior years. She had high praise for our topics, especially our annual “Meet the Funders.” Lay noted, “I often use AFP Mahoning Shenango member programs as examples of outstanding programming for other chapters.” The Association of Fundraising Professionals represents over 30,000 members in 231 chapters throughout the world, working to advance philanthropy through advocacy, research, education and certification programs. The Association fosters development and growth of fundraising professionals and promotes high ethical standards in the fundraising profession.

Committee 2012

eck, Liz McGarry, Casey Bertolette, Jim d, Lynn Wyant, JoAnn Stock, Elinor Zedaker Paes, Shellie Duchek, Shanna Blinn

“Federal Funding … The Good, Bad & More Ugly” Joe Caruso, President & CEO of Compass Family & Community Services and Sarah Lown, Chairperson & Trustee of Mahoning River Consortium Thursday, March 28, 2013 Noon-1:30 p.m. Davis Center, Mill Creek MetroParks

AFP/PGC’s 7th Annual Fundraising Classic Barlow Mann, The Sharpe Group Friday, April 12, 2013 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Holiday Inn, Boardman

Ethics Happy Hour Dr. Tom Shipka, Youngstown State University Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:00 p.m. Location TBD

“How to Turn Volunteers & Board Members into Great Fundraisers” Tim McCormick, President of McCormick Consulting & AFP Cleveland Chapter President Thursday, June 6, 2013 Noon-1:30 p.m. Davis Center, Mill Creek MetroParks

For additional information about upcoming programs, contact Barb Schuller at


Association of Fundraising Professionals Mahoning-Shenango Chapter P.O. Box 672, Youngstown, OH 44501 330-646-4926 â—? 6

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