FeedFront Magazine Issue 39

Page 10

· Issue 39 · July 2017

Can You Still Make Money

from Shopify?

by Ricky Ahuja

Ricky Ahuja


hopify has been all the rage lately, both from a stock perspective, and as an alternative to setting up shop on

Luckily, Shopify eliminates this need for creating an ex-

Amazon. Many business owners identified it as a good

pensive website; all you need to do is create an account. Basi-

opportunity for creating ecommerce platforms, and for creat-

cally, think of Shopify like a big online shopping mall that rents

ing a solid base for a business that can expand in the future.

you their space for your online store. Moreover, with all of their

Shopify is clearly doing something right, considering how

themes, it is far easier for you to customize your store than

over 50,000 online stores use Shopify tools and applications

to pay for a web designer. In other words, if you do not have

to generate income online. Moreover, creating an online store

capital for starting your own online store, and you want to sell

is not the only way you can earn cash by partnering up with

your items, then Shopify is a good option for you.

Shopify, so in the following article, we will go over these approaches, and examine if they are indeed viable sources of revenue.

Affiliate program If you don’t have products you can sell, but still want to

“Shopify is one of the best out-of-the-box online solutions

earn money with Shopify, there is an affiliate program you can

available to quickly launch, grow, and scale your Ecommerce

join. Basically, you refer Shopify to people who want to have

products online” says Imran Rahman, CEO - Ecommerce Free-

their online store and you can earn up to $358 for each in-

dom Group.

dividual you refer this way. Alternatively, you can opt for the second option of this affiliate program, which allows you to

Setting up your store

earn residual income as a form of monthly payment.

In its core, Shopify is a website that allows you to sell goods online and basically set up and customize your store.


Clearly, if you want to be an online merchant, then you must

It does have some limitations as it’s a “hosted platform,”

have a product that you wish to put on sale and you will need

meaning that it’s not hosted or installed on your web server.

to make sure people see your product. Today, there are so

However, for the most part, you’re still able to do whatever you

many online shops you would have to compete with, and if

need to do to be able to sell your first or next million online.

you are not prepared to invest a lot of cash into your own web-

In summary, Shopify is one of the best technology solu-

site, then it won’t matter what platform you use; you will sim-

tions to launch a well represented Ecommerce brand enabling

ply remain unnoticed.

you to cash in on the Ecommerce Revolution.


Ricky Ahuja, a serial entrepreneur, fifteen-year veteran of the industry and Co-Founder of InvioPro.

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