FeedFront Magazine, Issue 17

Page 16

· Issue 17 · January 2012

Optimize Your Exposure with Review Sites by Bonnie Rogers


thoroughly enjoy working with review-type sites as an Bonnie Rogers

affiliate manager. Review sites typically display a product or service description and then rank them amongst

competitors with a detailed description of the company selling these items. Some sites concentrate on just one niche and others

them keep their site fresh and relevant by being a proac-

review every product and service imaginable. As long as the review site is ethical and cares about

tive resource for the brand you manage.

the quality of information they produce, I love them. Not

Keep these affiliates in the loop about any upgrades,

only do they deliver top-notch customers that tend to stick

new services or improvements. Stay connected through

around, but also the managers of high performing review

newsletters featuring the latest details, as well as one-on-

sites have proven to be readily available to communicate

one communications. Be available to answer any questions, take calls,

with me on a regular basis.

schedule live demos or send samples. Working with Review Sites »» Inform reviewers of the latest updates or

Can Improve Your Sales When you have a fresh company profile and review, website visitors are getting an accurate picture of your

changes. Offer them a sample, demo or an extended free trial so they can see for themselves.

products and services. This will not only lead to better conversion rates, but may also increase sales if your re-

»» Automate updates by asking if you can sub-

viewer gives you a higher ranking as a result of your latest

scribe them to your company newsletters.

update. Since these sites have many products and brand pages to maintain, their hands can be quite full. You can help

»» Offer suggestions on product testing methods, such as using third party tools rather than using another competitor as a baseline. This is especially important for software. Although you want to be represented properly and fairly, in the end it is their site and not yours. The last thing you want to do is annoy affiliates. Stay in touch, but don’t be a stalker. Be helpful, yet respectful. Don’t bribe them and encourage adherence to the FTC endorsement guidelines. Then be sure to genuinely thank affiliates for delivering sales and working as hard as they do. [FF]


Bonnie Rogers is an online marketing professional with 9 years’ experience.

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