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Chapter 7: Format of Register 7.1 Format of Register 7.1.1 What is the practice abroad? Most overseas jurisdictions where a regulatory system is in place operate an online register of lobbyists system where information about the register is intended to be available to the public via the internet. The scope and extent of the information actually available online differs between different jurisdictions. Most of the jurisdictions publish official documents such as reviews and audits of the lobbying regime accessible through the register’s website. The amount of information available to the public, while determined by the level of disclosure, is also affected by how frequently the register is updated. Depending on the jurisdiction, a system could be updated regularly on a monthly, less frequently biannually or much less often on an annual basis. The following table provides:(i) a summary of the format of the register in different types of regulatory models, (ii) where the information can be found, (iii) how often the information is updated, (iv) publications (reports etc) produced by the relevant regulator for lobbying and, (v) information on who is included in the regulations. Fig 7.1 Table showing types of registers and information available to the public System Low Regulatory System Medium Regulatory System

High Regulatory System

Register • May have a weak

online registration system. • Paper work may be required. • Online registration system. • Paperwork is not necessary or is at least limited. • Details of registration available online to the public. • Robust system for online registration with detailed disclosures available for public scrutiny.

Publications • Details of lobbying

Who is included • The register is voluntary

• Designated registrar

• Mandatory for all who

• State agency conducts

• Statutorily enforced

activity may only be confined to Government buildings.

who discloses a public annual report of the register. • Breaches of compliance are investigated and findings publicised.

detailed reviews and audits that are available in reports available for public scrutiny.


and therefore may not have sufficient information to reflect the lobbying environment. lobby to register (may be statutory or non statutory) therefore providing a detailed register.

registration to ensure a highly detailed register available for public scrutiny.

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