The Advance-Titan 2/16/17

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February 16, 2017


ADVANCE- T @atitan



Walker seeks 5% tuition cut Governor proposes $35 million in state funding and $42.5 million in performance-based incentives

by Alex Nemec University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Chancellor Andrew Leavitt said he is comfortab le with how G ov. Scott Walker has laid out his b udget plan for the University of Wisconsin System and the performance-b ased funding that comes along with it. “We certainly know how we want to measure ourselves for pub lic accountab ility,” Leavitt said. “The governor is also suggesting some ways that we can measure ourselves. I think the two will influence each other in the end.”

Leavitt said Walker has b een detailed in how he wants the money from the performance-b ased funding spent. “We have to analyze that to see how consistent that is with what we had planned to do to drive forward our 2 02 0FWD plan, which is the strategic initiative for the system,” Leavitt said. Walker announced his new b udget plan on Feb . 7 , which featured a 5 percent cut b ack on tuition in UW System schools, as well as replacing those lost tuition dollars with $ 3 5 million in state funding. Leavitt said he had a positive impression of Walker’s

new b udget plan and the numb ers that he is proposing within it. “I think that the governor and the UW [System] are now on the same page as viewing higher education as a way to elevate the economic prosperity in the state,” Leavitt said. “That’s evident b y the governor’s support in his b udget [with] the new money.” Leavitt said the UW System’s desire to raise tuition is not in conflict with Walker’s plan to cut tuition b ecause of the $ 3 5 million in state funding Walker will provide. “He is going to b e b ackfilling, if you will, his tui-

WIAC Winners

tion cut with state funding,” Leavitt said. “So that part is helpful.” Alex Hummel, who is a Special Assistant for Strategic Partnerships to Leavitt, said the UW System proposed a freeze on tuition for year one of the new b udget plan, and then to raise it in year two. “Then in year two of the two year b udget, I b elieve they asked for a [consumer price index ],” Hummel said. “So they would only increase tuition b ased on the rate consumer price index . So it wasn’t 5 percent, it would prob ab ly b e something more like 1 or 2 percent.”

Guard Olivia Campbell (12) drives past a defender. UW Oshkosh defeated UW Whitewater 59-58 to capture the WIAC title. F o r fu l l sto ry o n W o m en’ s B ask etb al l , see th e rest o f th e sto ry o n A1 0 .

UW System introduces new website educating people about sexual assault nity resources.” Johnson said an important The web site offers infor- part of the web site accessimation, ranging from ways b ility of resources for friends for individuals to find help and family of victims. to answering q uestions ab out “Sex ual violence doesn’t sex ual violence. just impact the person who Johnson was violatsaid knowed, b ut also ing the enI think that it is a very posi- their d i f f e r e n t tive thing that the UW system tire friend definitions is doing, compiling resources g r o u p , ” of sex ual and helping victims of sex ual J o h n s o n harassment assault. said. “Havis importing that inant to unformation — Chance Smith derstanding UW Oshkosh Student of what to and helping do and what victims afto say is refected b y specific offenses. ally important.” “It’s really great to have UWO Campus Victim Adthat consistent message and vocate Stephanie K itzerow terms so that people under- said it is important for stustand, regardless of what dents to b ecome educated campus you go to,” Johnson ab out sex ual violence in orsaid. der to b e prepared in case it

promotes competition. “Whether that competition is healthy, or even b eneficial, is another q uestion,” Charles said. “Each flagship campus in the UW System definitely has one or more academic areas that they dominate in, b ut this sort of competition might force ex isting gaps to widen. I think that has the potential of causing the UW System to further deteriorate as an internationally respected institution of higher learning. ” Leavitt said Walker put more funds on the tab le than the UW System originally


D-League team for NBA’s Bucks heads to Oshkosh


by Collin Goeman The University of Wisconsin System launched a new web site across all campuses Feb . 3 , which connects those affected b y sex ual violence to resources and support programs. UW Oshkosh Women’s Center D irector Alicia Johnson said the web site contains helpful information as well as a range of services to help students who have b een affected b y sex ual harassment and violence. “As a web site alone, it’s good for people who are victims or survivors of sex ual violence,” Johnson said. “But it also helps connect you to not only on-campus resources, b ut also commu-

According to a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article, the b udget Walker proposed adds $ 42 .5 million performance-b ased funding to schools. The metrics to receiving funding will b e: how many of their students graduate, how long it takes students to finish their degrees, how many ob tain job s after graduation and how many are working in high-demand fields throughout the state, according to the article. UWO student Nick Charles said Walker’s proposed performance-b ased funding is very much in-line with Walker’s b eliefs, as it

affects them. “The goal is to hopefully get everyone on the same page with the message we’re trying to get across,” K itzerow said. “That sex ual and domestic assault and dating violence aren’t okay.” K itzerow said another goal is to provide more b ystander intervention resources, so more people step in and stop sex ual assault and harassment b efore it happens. UWO Junior Chance Smith said he hopes the web site will spread awareness and b e a valuab le resource for those looking for support. “I think that it is a very positive thing that the UW system is doing, compiling resources and helping


the city’s pitch for the team, by Ti Windisch and said he is open to letting UWO use the new arena at UW Oshkosh played a times. role in the Milwaukee Bucks “We’re going to have condecision to locate their versations with UWO ab out D -League affiliate team possib le use at times of our in Oshkosh starting in the facility for them,” Pierce 2 017 -18 D -League season, said. “I know how difficult the head of the G reater Os- getting time at K olf is. If we hkosh Economic D evelop- can help in any way, that’s ment Corporation said Tues- something we’ll talk with day. D arryl Sims ab out.” “UW Oshkosh was very White said he was not sure supportive of this,” CEO if anything had b een deterJason White said. “We were mined, b ut noted there was ab le to tout that we have a possib ility of the Titans 40,000 plus college students playing in the new arena. within a “[There 2 0-3 0 mile will] b e radius of 3 00 dates in We were able to tout that the calenOshkosh, so that was b ig we have 40,000 plus college dar for othin terms of students within a 20-30 mile er users,” g e n e r a t i n g radius of Oshkosh, so that was White said. fan interest big in terms of generating fan “ W h e t h e r and sup- interest and support. it is UW port.” Oshkosh — Jason White W h i t e for some CEO Greater Oshkosh games, or said the ex Economic Development Fox Valley periences Corporation Tech, of students or and faculty AAU b aswho come ketb all, or from across the glob e to ei- b oat shows, concerts, whatther attend or work at UWO ever, the rest of that story is is comparab le to those of yet to b e written. We know D -League players and coach- that there will b e interest.” es who also are not from the UWO Chancellor Andrew area. Leavitt said the University “We had to sell to the has to b e careful ab out inBucks the idea that, their teractions with a professionplayers, their coaches, same al franchise due to NCAA thing, they’re not from guidelines, although it’s here,” White said. “So how possib le the D -League team are they going to acclimate could make use of UWO fato our community. So there cilities. was a lot of discussion with “The role that we can play the leadership of UW Osh- as an institution in this is that kosh ab out that, ab out what as needed, we can certainly their ex periences have b een serve as a site for practicto integrate folks into the es and that kind of thing,” community and b ecome part Leavitt said. “Particularly of the community.” in this first year as they’re G reg Pierce, head of the b uilding this new faciliFox Valley Professional Basketb all group, put together BUCKS, PAGE A2

Powerful Women

Local Metal

Crystal Clear

Squirrelly Superstitions


Campus Connections



Females hold six major positions in governances on campus. Read more on A2

Metal night brings local bands to Titan Undergound. Read more on A5

With the current lawsuit against former Chancellor Wells, the University should be more transparent. Read more on A7

Women’s basketball finds luck in stuffed squirrel. Read more on A10




Alex Nemec - News Editor Laura Dickinson - Assistant News Editor

February 16, 2017

I know that I would not be in the elected position I am in today without former women leaders on this campus pushing me to do bigger and better things.

It just shows that we are growing as a campus.

— Maria Berge OSA Vice President

If people see women as leaders in the workforce, younger generations will recognize it, and it will just naturally be part of the cycle.

Hopefully we are able to encourage other women to run and continue to voice their opinions on important matters.

I feel like this will help me stand up for myself later in life. Through this position I have dealt with a lot, and it has just been a great experience.

I think it shows that women can be in positions of leadership and maybe a little higher up and that they can excel in it.


— Austyn Boothe OSA President

— Samantha Swartz OSA Speaker

— Sarah Stefaniak USRH Treasurer

—Shania Williams USRH President

— Jessy Fedie RUB President

Most student-shared governance groups led by women by Laura Dickinson This year the majority of student-shared governance group leaders at UW Oshkosh are women, and a majority of other positions in these groups are filled by women as well, which is a rarity. Oshkosh Student Association President Austyn Boothe said she could not be more proud of what the women leading OSA, United Students in Residence Halls, Reeve Union Board, Reeve Advisory Council and the Multicultural Education Coalition have accomplished. “I think it is fantastic to see women at Oshkosh running for the highest elected positions in student governance,” Boothe said. “None of us came together and all decided to run, we all ran for these positions because we are truly passionate about our roles on this campus.” Boothe said she would not have been inspired to run for OSA president if it wasn’t for encouragement from previous female leaders on the

OSA board. “I know that I would not be in the elected position am in today without former women leaders on this campus pushing me to do bigger and better things,” oothe said. “When I told then current Speaker Nicole Lehto, who is now graduated, that I did not plan to run for Speaker, she told me, have been training you for this ob next year, why would you not even run his was the first time someone pushed me to run for an elected position.” RAC Vice President Aza Muzorewa said he is not surprised to see so many females in high-ranking decision-making positions. “These ladies have proven they can do their obs,” uzorewa said. “It’s great to see them in these positions, it is all about who is best for the ob, which is the way it should be.” RUB President Jessy Fedie said RUB has had female presidents on their board for the last five years. “I think it shows that women can be in positions of leadership and maybe a lit-

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tle higher up and that they women in an elected office can excel in it,” edie said. and speaking for others has “I hope that it would [show] helped her learn skills that girls in the future, who want will help her through life. to pursue something, they “ t s been a cool experican do it and they can be re- ence being a woman in powspected for their hard work.” er,” Williams said. “I feel like OSA Speaker Samantha it will help me stand up for Swartz said she hopes to con- myself later in life. Through tinue to see women leaders in this position I have dealt with all groups on campus. a lot, and it has ust been a “ T h e great experigreat part ence.” These ladies have proven about havWi l l i a m s ing women they can do their obs. t s said she in the high- great to see them in these po- did not fulest elected sitions it is all about who is ly realize p o s i t i o n s best for the ob, which is the it was the in student way it should be. first time the governmajority of — Aza Muzorewa elected stument is that, hopedent shared RAC Vice President g o v e r n a n c e fully, we are able leaders at to encourUWO were age other women to run and female. continue to voice their opin“On some level subions on important matters,” consciously new that, but Swartz said. “I hope that my didn t reali e it was the first role as being a female spea - time that happened on this er of assembly has encour- campus,” Williams said. “It’s aged others to run for higher just so positive to see more positions within their regis- women in charge making detered student organizations.” cisions for the campus.” USRH President ShaUSRH Treasurer Sarah nia illiams said being a Stefaniak said her goal is to

SOCIAL MEDIA Austin Walther

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COPY EDITORS Moira Danielson Elly Durand Trevor Hurst Cally Kobza Ashley Larson Frankie Rabas Kylie Sweere Natasha Zwijacz Advertising: (920) 424-3049 CAMPUS CONNECTIONS 1ST PLACE BEST OF edited by students at UW OsLauren Freund Kellie Wambold


Jordan Fremstad Nathan Proell Calvin Skalet Austin Walther

Alex Nemec, editor Laura Dickinson, asst. editor



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Nicole Horner, editor

CAMPUS CONNECTIONS Alyssa Grove, editor


Morgan Van Lanen, editor Mike Johrendt, asst. editor


Kurt Ness

COPY CHIEF Garrett Wright

Kurt Ness

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Katherine Baird Christina Basken Ryan Deloge Samantha Diederich Jacob Lynch Jessica Martinez Elizabeth Pletzer Olivia Schilcher Aaron Tomski

ob because someone didn t go out for the position due to whatever reasons. Having women on campus encourage one another through work can help change this.” As for the future, Muzorewa said having so many women filling these positions can only benefit society. “College is a direct pipeline to your future,” Muzorewa said. “ ollege s influence should trickle down into society. There are women who dominate Fortune 500 companies and politics, so women in these positions are becoming the norm.” Boothe said while this is a historical moment for UWO as a campus and community, their wor is ust beginning. “Having women in these roles is important but hope that all student-shared governance groups make efforts to become a more diverse group,” Boothe said. “The best way we can represent all 14,000 students on this campus is by ma ing our meetings a place where any student feels comfortable voicing their ideas or opinions.”

Advance-Titan Staff and Awards

Emily Fredrick, editor Alicia Kahl, asst. editor

make sure every student at UWO is represented. “We try to get the word out to everyone to be involved,” Stefaniak said. “I think women are just more drawn to positions li e ours because they know we can do it, so why can’t they.” Stefaniak said she hopes women in leadership will become the norm. “If people see women as leaders in the workforce, younger generations will recognize it, and it will just naturally be part of the cycle,” Stefaniak said. OSA Vice President Maria erge said being a part of this moment for UWO has been inspiring. “This is really empowering for women all across campus, not just one area,” Berge said. “It just shows that we are growing as a campus.” Berge said she wants to see even more women at UWO get involved. “The more the merrier,” Berge said. “There are lots of opportunities out there for women. There are positions that aren t always filled by people who are perfect for the

Kierra Carr Collin Goeman Abigael Maas Aaron Twomski


Katherine Baird Mariah Heyden Hailey Lawrence

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Alex Nemec - News Editor Laura Dickinson - Assistant News Editor

February 16, 2017


ABOVE: UW Oshkosh student Susan Fochs is crowned Miss Door County. Fochs moves on to compete in the Miss Wisconsin Pageant later this June. BELOW: Fochs responds to the crowd after winning the pageant. Fochs founded the organization Operation Not Alone, which helps with soldiers and veterans.

UWO student named Miss Door County

by Aaron Tomski Founder of Operation Not Alone and UW Oshkosh student, Susan Fochs, won the Miss D oor County Pageant on Feb . 4 and will move on to compete for Miss Wisconsin in June. Operation Not Alone serves overseas soldiers and veterans in the community to give them the support they need. Fochs said she started Operation Not Alone with her sorority G amma Phi Beta her freshmen year of college. “ e are a nonprofit organi ation where we send care packages overseas to militants and we send what we call ‘ cheer packages’ that included b lankets and gifts to the veterans here at nursing homes,” Fochs said. Fochs said she competed for the Miss D oor County title in 2 012 and didn’t win. “ first competed for the title when I was a senior in high school, as a part of a community service platform I thought ab out what I wanted to do everyday for the rest of my years here,” Fochs said. “I was really inspired b y my father who is a 100 percent disab led marine veteran, so I kind of thought at that point, helping veterans is kind of my calling in life.” ichelle art en, a O graduate,

wanted to help Fochs and got involved said. with the organi ation. e en ie und, 0 iss Osh“I lived with her last year in a house, kosh winner said she met Fochs at a and that is how I got to know her and competition. the organi ation better,” art en said. “I have never met anyone so pasart en said she helped out with sionate and committed to a organi aevents like the G reen Bay Packers con- tion,” und said. “She leads with her cession stand Fochs helped put togeth- heart and is a genuinely kind person.” er on b ehalf of Operation Not Alone. Current President of G amma Phi “Susan asked me to Beta Jessica volunteer a couple of Werhand said times at the G reen Bay Fochs inspired Packer games, fundraisHeroes are in your every- her to join the ing for our organi a- day life, they’re not necessarily soroity. tion,” art en said. “We as a sothe superhero characters we are he organi ation familiar with, b ut they are every- rority will try to also goes to elementary b uild each other schools informing stu- day people. up in any way dents ab out the imporwe can,” Wer— Susan Fochs hand said. “We tance of serving and volunteering to give b ack to are ab out making those memb ers, Fochs sure each persaid. son is there for “[On] Veterans D ay, we went to ele- eachother.” mentary school and middle school and Fochs said G amma Phi Beta has ended up making tie b lankets that we always supported her these last four sent out for the veterans or soldiers,” years for Operation Not Alone. Fochs said. These competitions aren’t just ab out Fochs said she knows it is important service, b ut include different stages to give b ack to soldiers and veterans such as an interview, an evening fown alike. portion, artistic ex pression and talent “Heroes are in your everyday life, sow to ex hib it how well-rounded of a they’re not necessarily the superhero person you are Fochs said. characters we are familiar with, b ut If a competitor wins either Miss that they are everyday people,” Fochs D oor County or Miss Wisconsin b ut

OSA election preview

by Abigael Maas UW Oshkosh students will b e electing a new president and vice president of the Oshkosh Student Association on March 14 and 15. UWO junior Sarah Vaught said she looks for certain q ualities in a president and a vice president. “I look for the person to b e trustworthy,” Vaught said. “They put student needs and wants first before their own.” She also said she looks for someone who has the motivation and time to b e the president along with b eing friendly and nice. Vaught said she wants the nex t vice president to b e supportive of the president. “The vice president should also b e a leader and not a follower,” Vaught said. “The vice president can step up if need b e.” Vaught said she will b e voting in this upcoming election as long as there is someone who

shares her view point. “I voted in the real election, why not vote in this one too? ” Vaught said. “But I want to b e informed when I vote.” UWO sophomore Miranda Shanks said the ab ility to lead and understand others, along with the ab ility to make complex decisions, are characteristics she looks for in a president. “I would like to see people who want the b est and [would] work to make sure that every voice that wants to speak is heard,” Shanks said. Shanks said a vice presidential candidate needs to get along with the president and must have the ab ility to guide. “I would like to see a president and [vice president] that stand as a united front, that show respect, and have the devotion to complete tasks and help the school towards a b etter tomorrow,” Shanks said. The election b ylaws state, “A candidate must complete a statement of candidacy in order to b e listed on the b allot.”

The election commissioner, D aniel D ennis, said the forms to run for office can be pic ed up at the OSA office in eeve nion 112 N and are due b y Feb . 2 8 . According to the student b ody constitution, a student must have completed 2 4 credits at UWO and maintain a cumulative G PA of 2 .5 or b etter in order to run for president or vice president. If a student would like to run as president of OSA, the student b ody constitution states they may not serve as president or vice president of any other organi ation. D ennis said his role as the election commissioner is to make sure campaigns and candidates follow the election b ylaws. “Campaigns should seek to b e courteous, focus on issues, not the rhetoric and not make it personal,” D ennis said. Students can vote for their new president and vice president at voting stations, on their personal computers or b y phone with their student ID on March 14 or 15.

does not move on to the nex t rounds, they keep serving the community, Fochs said. “If a competitor wins a title b ut does not win the nex t rounds, it is called the year of service,” Fochs said. “So you keep serving the community for the year.” Fochs said she hopes to b e a fulltime hire at the Make-A-Wish Foundations in Appleton. Fochs said she is ex cited to graduate this May. She has b een interning for the Make-A-Wish Foundation in Appleton since May 0 and plans to be hired full-time. “If not, then I will keep serving for the community and veterans for Miss D oor County,” Fochs said.




Alex Nemec - News Editor Laura Dicksinson - Assistant News Editor


February 16, 2017

ents se

by Alex Nemec UW Oshkosh students, as a whole, used less than half of the meals they paid for in the 15- and 2 1-meal plans during the 2 015-2 016 academic year. The average student with a re-cycling meal plan pays $ 1,46 1.50 a semester for their meal plan, which means the average student has almost $ 7 50 that goes to waste in food they don’t eat, although university officials say the meal plan pricing is beneficial to students. The meal plan on campus has long b een criticized b y students b ecause of the food q uality and cost of the plan, while student officials say the meal plan is b etter than the reputation that precedes it, and that students have plenty of opportunities to make the most of their meal plan. Of the 1.2 6 million re-cycling meal plan meals availab le to students on campus last year, only 46 percent were used. The re-cycling meal plan is the most common meal plan for students at UWO and has a certain amount of meals students can use a week. Once that week is over, it resets to the original amount, whether it b e 15 or 2 1. UWO students pay $ 1,405 per semester for the 15 weekly meals plan and $ 1,518 for the 2 1 weekly meals plan. Of these amounts, $ 2 3 7 goes to the university for the 15-meal plan and $ 3 03 for the 2 1-meal plan. Sub tracting the Titan dollars from each plan, the rest of the money goes to Sodex o. For the 2 016 fall semester the campus made $ 53 6 ,2 2 9 in revenue from the re-cycling meal plans. All of that isn’t spent each semester, however. State policy req uires that all money made from dining services has to go directly b ack into dining services. Reeve Memorial Union D irector Randy Hedge said there is a reserve set aside to pay for things such as capital investments and currently has $ 8 8 1,9 6 5 in it. “For dining, the minimum allowab le [amount in the reserve] is $ 3 6 5,000; the max imum allowab le is $ 2 .3 million,” Hedge said. Hedge said the allowab le amounts varies from year to year, b ased on what renovations or plans are coming up that need to b e paid for. “It changes year to year b ased on what you’re saving money for,” Hedge said. A majority of the price of each meal plan goes to Sodex o, receiving 7 7 percent and 7 4 percent of the 15 and 2 1 meal plan revenue, respectively. According to Hedge, students get a good deal if they eat all their meals in a week and meal plans are similar to a gym memb ership. “Y ou can choose to use it or not,” Hedge said. “The students that choose

to use all their meals get a great deal. prob lem. “Just cause from week to week a The students that choose to eat less than student’s schedule can b e so varied half, mayb e not so much.” Hedge said each campus has different b y what they’re involved in that they variab les that go into their participation, just don’t have time every week to use like UW-Eau Claire for ex ample having every meal,” Wasielewski said. “But some weeks they could use more meals their dining hall at the top of b ig hill. “I think it is important to note that b ut don’t have them.” Hedge said time restraints on meals variab ility in participation on plans is dependent on several factors,” Hedge have b een industry standard for a while said, “Including: hours of operation, now and are easier on the contractor. “Just the architecture of it makes convenience of location, q uality and variety of food served, customer ser- it so that the contractor can count on vice and other dining options on-and knowing, on the average, how many meals are going to b e used during that off-campus that students have.” Students who don’t use their meal time versus students b eing ab le to come plans could actually b e doing the stu- b ack several times during a meal peridents who do a favor. Hedge said So- od,” Hedge said. What Wasielewski is looking for is dex o b ids on the amount of meals something called an they know students all-access meal plan, will usually eat, the 46 percent, and that What we found was, at this which Hedge said if everyone used time it would cost students more UWO had ab out eight their meals, the price to have the all-access plan, signifi- years ago. would go way up. cantly more, prob ab ly ab out 10 to “What we found at “Because we know 15 percent more for the cost of the that time was that students didn’t eat any that students on the meal plan more on the all-access 15 and 2 1, on the av— Randy Hedge erage, eat ab out half Reeve Memorial plan than they did on of their meals, the Union Director the 2 1 [meal plan],” Hedge said. price of the meal plan All-access plans can come down per are in place at some campuses and are meal,” Hedge said. But what happens if Sodex o predicts meal plans that allow students to eat wrong and students eat more than the however much they want. They can visit the food vendors anytime, as many ex pected 46 percent? “What it does is it increases [So- times as they want. Hedge said an all-access plan would dex o’s] costs if there’s more students eating,” Hedge said. “So if there is 50 take all the b arriers away from the meal percent versus 46 percent of the meals plan, and the campus looked it over used, then it increases their cost. It in- with Oshkosh Student Association. “What we found was, at this time, creases the cost of the contractor to proit would cost students more to have vide that meal service.” On the flip side, Hedge said if So- the all-access plan, significantly more, dex o incorrectly predicts the amount prob ab ly ab out 10 to 15 percent more students will eat to the high end, it ends for the cost of the meal plan,” Hedge said. up as more profit for Sodexo. Hedge said OSA and the campus “Sodex o would make more if their ex penses are less and participation is agreed that it was not the right time to low,” Hedge said. “Because the reve- implement a new plan b ecause they are in the middle of a contract with Sodex o, nues stay the same.” Hedge said depending on the meal, and that when b idding comes around it it might b e a b etter choice to pay for gets a lot more competitive, resulting in a meal in cash since meals like b reak- lower prices. “We could put an all-access plan out fast cost less to provide. According to Hedge, the cash b reakfast price in there and ask for b ids and guess what, you go out to b id then it’s competitive,” Blackhawk Commons is $ 4.8 5. “If you use a meal swipe at b reakfast, Hedge said. “Right now we’re just dealyou might b e just b etter off paying the ing with Sodex o. When we go out to b id, we’re going to get several players cash rate,” Hedge said. Accessib ility was one of the main is- that are going to come in and say this is sues students had with their meal plan the rate we’ll give you.” OSA President Austyn Boothe had and helps ex plain why students don’t no comment ab out this issue. use all of their meal. Looking into whether the meal Senior William Wasielewski said he does not like the meal plan in general, plan is a good deal if used like Hedge especially the limiting meal time aspect. said it is, he is right. A meal swipe is “I would rather, instead of getting worth $ 6 .50, multiplied b y 15 meals a 15 a week [to use in the time frames], week, multiplied b y 17 weeks eq uals it was 15 for each week total,” Wasi- $ 1,6 57 .50, over $ 2 50 more than what students pay for. elewski said. The catch, however, is that students Wasielewski said he thinks the students not using their meals is a campus living on campus are req uired to have

nfi e t et lea to ecent itan le ts by Laura Dickinson GUNMAN A 30 year-old man was taken into custody by Oshkosh Police after he shot his handgun into the air Saturday at 12: 39 a .m. on Vine Street. While there were many people at the house where the man was spotted, no one was injured by t he shot. In a statement released by the OPD , the person who reported the man said he appeared to be intoxi cated and was saying he wanted to do something crazy. UW Oshkosh campus police Capt. Christopher Tarmann said campus police responded to the scene and were abl e to assist the off-campus resident. “We encourage all students, on-campus or off-campus, to call the police if they have the slightest feeling if some be havior is out of place,” Tarmann said. The statement said OPD took the man into custody without any injuries, and he is be ing held at Winneba go County Jail.

o t ei meals on a e a e

BURGLARIES UW Oshkosh Campus Police are investigating several bur glaries that happened in South Scott Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday. Capt. Christopher Tarmann said the campus police have a few leads they are following up on. Tarmann said the be st way for students to prevent bur glaries is to lock their rooms if no one is present in the room. “Often times, in a home type environment, we can forget to do something as simple as locking your room,” Tarmann said. “There are 600 plus people in South Scott, so leaving your room unlocked leaves it vulnerabl e.” Tarmann said another way to prevent crimes from happening in the dorms is to not hold doors with ID scanners open for other students. “D on’t let just anyone in,” Tarmann said. “Make sure they live in the bui lding and that they need their ID to get into the bui lding.” Tarmann said the campus police will be adding more patrols to all residence halls until police have more information.



asked for. “We asked for the return, or the fulfillment, of the $50 million lapse, which was in the previous b udget, b ut not funded,” Leavitt said. “Plus $ 42 .5 million in new funding. So it appears he honored b oth of those, and at the same time, he’s added another $ 12 .5 million for target initiatives that are important to the governor.” Walker said, in his b udget claim, he wants to make allocab le fees an option, which fund things like student activities, intramural sports and the transit system. Leavitt said allocab le fees are ab out $ 13 0 of overall segregated fees, and the University has to b e careful as to how it will impact the campus. “I certainly support the notion of trying to make college more affordab le,” Leavitt said. “I think we need to very carefully look at how this proposal will impact students. I think the students themselves should also have that conversation.” Allowing students to optout of some of their segregated fees gives them the choice of what they want to give money towards, Walker said in a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article. “Allowing an opt-out helps students make the decisions on what they do and do not want to fund,” Walker said.. Charles said Walker’s plan to give students an option to opt-out is not that great of an idea.

a meal plan, according to a UW System req uirement, b ut freshmen can’t choose the ultimate plan. The ultimate plan for students is meal plan that gives them a lot of Titan dollars to purchase food from campus stores, b ut also has a certain amount of meal swipes to use as well. The main difference b etween the ultimate plan and the re-cycling meal plan is that students on the ultimate plan aren’t as tied up b y the time constraints like the students who have the re-cycling plans are. Sophomore and nursing major Vanessa Frahm said she doesn’t even use the meal plan on campus. “I actually don’t even really eat the food on campus, so I just chose the cheapest meal plan b ecause they make you choose one if you live in the dorms,” Frahm said. “Then I usually just go to the supermarket and b uy my own food. I mean on campus once in a while, b ut not too often.” Hedge said the campus is thinking ab out instituting a charge that would b e less than the price of the meal plan if the students didn’t want to eat the campus food. “Students see the price, and they don’t understand that a good portion of it, like 3 0 percent of the cost, goes to pay for the b uilding,” Hedge said. “[It] goes to pay for eq uipment and the staff that has to b e in place to run the meal plans. So mayb e what we need to do is say ‘ here’s the cost of the meal plan, and here’s the cost of the overhead.’” Hedge said the campus could not afford the meal service facility, the eq uipment and all the support services that are req uired to run a dining program without the meal plans. “Y ou couldn’t afford to b uild your kitchen and dining room in your house if you didn’t have a certain amount of money come out your personal b udget that it was going towards that,” Hedge said. “We have to have a certain amount of the b udget going to support a facility like [Blackhawk] Commons in order to offer that to students. Otherwise, we wouldn’t b e ab le to serve our students adeq uately.” Student D illon Fuhrman said Reeve Memorial Union’s role in the meal plan is b oth his most and least favorite part. “My most favorite part is [the meal plan] can transfer over on weekends [to Reeve,]” Fuhrman said. “My least favorite part ab out it is you can’t come here on weekdays, cause you’ll have to use b onus meals or Titan dollars and not the normal meal plan.” Hedge said they need Blackhawk Commons as the main meal plan service b ecause of the size of it. “D uring the week we have more students here and so we need a larger food service facility, and Blackhawk is that,” Hedge said. “I mean we can get 8 00 students in there at a time. So Blackhawk is the place we really need to run.”

“Many student groups already struggle to put together the funding they need b ecause of his previous cuts,” Charles said. “Student groups losing funding will b e a huge b low to the sense of community on every campus. I think it will also have a significant impact on student retention and graduation rates. There are plenty of students who want to give up on pursuing a higher education -- b ut they don’t b ecause of the student groups they’re involved in.” The University has offered voluntary retirement packages according to Leavitt. 52 more individuals on campus accepted the voluntary retirement package, b ut there is still more work to b e done, Leavitt said. “We need to continue to reduce the size of our workforce to meet the current b udget cycle we’re in,” Leavitt said. “That will help us make cuts that we need to make permanent.” G onzalez said she has seen the effect of professors b eing laid off in her own program. “It means there’s fewer sections that can b e taught and a b roader topic b e cut,” G onzalez said. “I do feel like with it b eing cut it could mayb e affect the q uality of education, b ut I feel like the school is strong enough that hopefully it can maintain the same q uality of education in the future even with cuts.” Leavitt said he is aware there needs to b e a b alance b etween how many professors are removed and the q uality of education students receive. “We ended up replacing ab out 40 percent of the posi-

According to Hedge, it’s b oth Sodex o’s and the University’s decision to put Reeve food in the Blackhawk Commons. “When we put together our contract, we’re looking for two different types of meals,” Hedge said. “We’re looking for retail service that is more grab -andgo in our retail areas, b ecause students want that. They’re in b etween classes. They’re grab b ing things, putting them in their b ackpack. So the percentage of the people that sit down and eat at tab le in [Reeve] Marketplace is far less than the numb er of meals we serve.” Junior Amanda Reyes said the food students are served at Blackhawk is not the b est, b ut it isn’t the worst either. “It’s OK ; it’s not like mom and dad’s home cooking,” Reyes said. “It could b e worse; we could b e having pretty cruddy cafeteria food from high school.” Sophomore Hannah Web er said she feels the meal plan was a waste of money. “I never used all of it,” Web er said. “Y eah, I’d get sick [of the food] too, b ut even without that you’d not use them all cause you’d get sick of it and wouldn’t want to go there.” Sophomore Morgan Van Lanen said she enjoys using the b lock meal plan over the re-cycling meal plan b ecause students’ main option for the b lock meal plan is Reeve Marketplace, instead of Blackhawk. “I get sick when I eat Blackhawk so I didn’t really use my [re-cycling] meal plan; I ate all my meals in my room,” Van Lanen said. “So it was really a waste of money for me.” According to a document received from Hedge, the b lock meal plan has a usage rate of almost 9 8 percent, with 19 1,9 48 meals b eing used of the 19 6 ,2 40, 52 percent higher than the re-cycling meal plans. Hedge said the usage rate for the b lock meal plan is so much higher b ecause students calculate what they’re going to use. “Students on the b lock meal plan get emails that say at this point in the semester you should b e using this many of your b lock plan in order to use them all b y the end of the semester,” Hedge said. “Then we always advertise at the end of the semester too, if you want to get the full value of your meal plan on a b lock plan, now’s the time the use them cause if you don’t, they go away.” Hedge said he is very passionate ab out the food service and is trying to keep it interesting for UWO students. “We want to make sure [Sodex o] has a good b alance in their b usiness, b ut we want to make sure the students are satisfied,” Hedge said. “Sodexo does too. We all want to make sure you all are satisfied with your meal plan, and you have access to eat what you need to eat.”

tions that were up that participated in this program,” Leavitt said. “That still netted us the money that we needed for the b udget.” Leavitt said the academic ex perience of students is first and foremost and that he keeps a close eye on it. “We’re not going to do anything that we b elieve will intentionally compromise the ex perience of our students,” Leavitt said. The last b udget cycle was a historic moment for everyone involved, and the UW System needed to make changes, Leavitt said. “We realized we had to do things differently,” Leavitt said. “The level of accountab ility that we needed to raise to was higher than in the past. Introspection, where we looked at how we did b usiness and made significant changes to save money and keep cost under control. All of that was precipitated b ecause of the pretty significant budget reduction in the last cycle.” Leavitt said he thinks Walker, the state legislature and the UW System are viewed as partners now. “I think there is a realization b y our state government, as the governor and the legislature, that the UW has come a long ways in terms of its efficiency and effectiveness,” Leavitt said. “Certainly the new money from the governor signals to me that the governor sees the UW system as a partner in propelling or elevating the economic prosperity in this state.”



victims of sex ual assault,” Smith said. “I hope the web site helps this sub ject gain recognition on campus.” The original idea for the web site was conceived in July 2 014 b y the UW System Task Force on Sex ual Violence and Harassment, which is made up of students, faculty and administrators from all UW campuses. The task force was instructed to coordinate efforts to strengthen the UW System’s ab ility to prevent sex ual violence and assist victims, according to a press release from UW System President Ray Cross. “It represents the nex t step in the UW System’s longstanding commitment to ensure that all students, faculty and staff are provided with a safe educational and work environment free of discrimination, harassment and violence,” Cross said. Johnson said she b elieves the web site will b e a valuab le resource for all students across the UW System. “I know that people spent a lot of time b uilding those web sites so that it is a resource, so I hope people go to it and ask q uestions if needed,” Johnson said. “The Office of Equity and Affirmative Action is also always there and ready to answer q uestions for people.” All services and resources can b e found at sex ual-assault-harassment.




Alyssa Grove - Campus Connections Editor

February 16, 2017


Above: Tyler Lachowicz (drums, left) and Leighton Thompson (guitar, right) of Green Bay metal band, MICAWBER, perform at Metal Night in the Titan Underground Thursday night. Below: Lead singer, Nick Heath of Milwaukee-based band American Bandit performs alongside band members for a crowd of students at the event hosted by Reeve Union Board.

Local Live Music Night hosts local metal bands by Lauren Freund Local Live Music Night was held in Titan Underground on Thursday, featuring local and regional b ands and musicians to perform on campus. The event’s theme was Metal Night, with performances b y the b ands MICAWBER and American Bandit. MICAWBER, a b and from the reen ay area, was first to perform. The b and consists of D erek D eb ruin on guitar, Leighton Thompson on vocals and guitar, Tyler Lachowicz on drums and Marv on b ass. MICAWBER has b een together for 10 years; however, Marv has only b een a part of the b and for the past five years. heir favorite preshow ritual as a b and is to listen to Metallica and have a couple of b eers to get into the mood. Their set consisted of high energy and head b anging, giving the full rock ex peri-

ence. The b and featured a few of their new songs for the event. Second to the stage was American Bandit, originating from the Milwaukee area. Previously known as Audacity, they recently changed their b and name for the New ear and this was their first show under the new name. The b and performed at UW Oshkosh three years ago and gladly accepted when asked to return. American Bandit has b een together for four years and consists of Nick Heath on vocals, Ryan Rob erts on drums, Alec Swartz on guitar, Josue Tinajero on b ass and Jared G erb ing on guitar. Like MICAWBER, American Bandit’s favorite preshow ritual is to have a couple of b eers b efore taking the stage to perform. They also like to stretch out to get completely relax ed. Their set was full of high energy with Heath carrying on the energy throughout b y having fun with the mi-

crophone and getting into every song. At one point he climb ed on top of a speaker and jumped off, which he was q uickly chastised ab out after the song. UWO junior G enevieve Schroeder heard ab out this event from a poster in the Titan Underground. “I really enjoyed it,” Schroeder said. “I have to get my hearing b ack b ut I really enjoyed it. Even though it was a little heavier than I’m used to listening to, it was still really good.” UWO sophomore Shannon Couillard heard ab out Metal Night from someone standing up in choir and announcing that this event would b e held the following night. “ really li ed the first one a lot; the second one not too much,” Couillard said. “I liked some parts b ut you know the energy was a little different.” D espite preferring MICAWBER, Couillard said she would happily go see another performance b y b oth b ands.

UWO sophomore Brandon Fuller was also intrigued b y the posters around campus. He also follows American Bandit on Instagram so he was even more interested in attending. “I thought it was really cool,” Fuller remarked, “It was my first show at the nderground.” Fuller said he enjoyed American Bandit more than MICAWBER, b ut said that MICAWBER’s guitar playing was highly impressive. UWO freshman Nathan K endall was told ab out Metal Night b y Fuller and came with him to see them perform. “I liked American Bandit a lot, not sure about the first one,” K endall said. Although he enjoyed American Bandit more, K endall agreed with Fuller on MICAWBER’s impressive guitar skills. If interested in checking out either of these b ands, b oth of them can b e found on Faceb ook under their respective b and names.

Special Olympics to benefit from Oshkosh Polar Plunge by Alyssa Grove Special Olympics Wisconsin is hosting the annual Polar Plunge Saturday at 10 a.m. in Oshkosh, WI at Menominee Park. According to the Polar Plunge website, the event benefits more than 10,000 Special Olympics Wisconsin athletes across the state. he day is focused on fun-filled activities aiming to raise funds to help local Special Olympics athletes, with 100 percent of the donations going towards funding the organization. The Plunge came to Wisconsin in 19 9 9 , and over the years plungers have raised close to $ 19 million for Special Olympics athletes, according to the Polar Plunge web site. According to Nicci Sprangers, the D irector of D evelopment for Special Olympics Wisconsin, Osh-

kosh’s Polar Plunge is just one of 14 Plunges hosted across the state each year and close to 7 ,000 participants take part in the Plunge annually. “There is something for everyone at the Polar Plunge,” Sprangers said. “There is no admission charge for spectators to enjoy the party. Those looking to ex perience the Polar Plunge need to only raise $ 7 5 in donations to b e a part of the action.” Sprangers said the day starts off with the Freezin’ for a Reason 5k, which is open to people of all ages and ab ilities. Whether you choose to walk or run, participants have the option of stopping at the finish line or continuing on to join Plungers in their jump into the freezing water. Those looking to plunge can go solo or in a group, young or old; Special Olympics Wisconsin just wants you to jump in the water. “The Polar Plunge is also known

for its wacky costumes and Polar Plunge teams can win a variety of prizes in our costume contests,” Sprangers said. “For those who prefer to stay warm and dry b ut would still like to help raise donations for Special Olympics, they can register as Too Chicken to Plunge.” Sprangers said the event has five heated tents and live musical performances b y two local b ands. “The tents offer b eer, food, raffles, souvenirs and a uffalo Wild Wings wing eating contest,” Sprangers said. According to the Polar Plunge web site the event goes on rain or shine, and will only be modified if temperatures reach a dangerous low. If you’re looking for fun and want support great cause, come participate or spectate the day’s events this Saturday at Menominee Park.



Alyssa Grove - Campus Connections Editor

February 16, 2017

Ac r o s s 1 First assassin to attack Caesar 6 M arvel Comics mutants 10 Folk singer Joan 14 Arctic or Indian 15 Bit of trickery 16 I n the style of, in ristorantes 17 E nd that “I face,” in Sinatra’s “My Way” 20 F eudal labor er 21 P opeye’s Olive 2G iven to giving orders 23 G rounded Aussie bi rds 25 Twirl or whirl 27 G entlemen’s partners 30 I t has 32 pi eces and a 64- squa re boa rd 34 S urrounded by 35 _ accompli 36 O ften rolled-over investment repare to fly 41 K ind 42 S elf-images 43 G old ba r 44 Vital phase 47 D ecadent, as the snobs in a historic Agnew speech 48 B lessed 49 G et-out-of-jail money 50 rin s with floating ice cream 53 Windy City summer hrs. 54 Jersey or G uernsey 58 B roadway do-or-die philosophy, and a hint to the ends of 17- , 30- , 37and 44-Across 62 I nformal negative 63 “ No _! ”: “Easy! ” 64 B rief 65 Activist Parks 6 Words meaning the same thing: Abbr . 67 F urry swimmer

refix with hit or store 25 B acks up in fear 26 C ats and dogs 27 E ye surgery acronym 28 M ore than enough 29 F oolish, in slang 30 E asily tipped boa t 31 B urn slightly 32 R ye grass disease 3 Try, as food 35 S wimming in pea soup? 38 H and out cards 39 C offeehouse connection 40 Like airplane services 45 California peak 46 B ritish ba lderdash 47 F ood, in diner signs 49 Buffalo Wild Wings nickname ba sed on its initials 50 Marque e name 51 Cincinnati’s state 52 F amily rooms 53 “ Let’s get goin’! ” 55 Chimney sweep’s sweepings 56 P assed-down knowledge 57 _’ acte: intermission 59 C overt or bl ack doings 60 D roll 61 C hinese menu general

8 ways to spend your 2017 tax return money

by Kellie Wambold

Bert and Bert land in prison

D wo n 1 Emergency shelter be ds 2 Throb 3 F ortuneteller 4 The jolt in joe? 5 “G ive me _! ”: start of a Hoosier cheer 6 D iagnostic tests 7 P onder ( over) 8 Top-left PC key 9 M odern, in Munich 10 Twirled sticks 11 “That’s a shame” 12 Y ale alumni 13 M adcap 18 We, to Henri 19 G rand slam homer quartet, briefly

Cartoon by Lee Marshall



Nicole Horner - Opinon Editor

February 16, 2017

Don’t let FOMO keep you down

Scroll. Switch app. Scroll. Switch app. Scroll. Most millennials will say social media is necessary for keeping in touch with family and friends, but often find themselves caught in a never-ending cycle of filtering through social media sites. While social media is great to maintain those connections, there is a growing concern that the freq uent use of these platforms can lead to self-esteem issues. John M. G rohol wrote an article on April 14, 2 011 titled “FOMO Addiction: The Fear of Missing Out,” stating “Teens and adults tex t while driving, b ecause the possib ility of a social connection is more important than their own lives ( and the lives of others) . . . They check their Twitter stream while on a date, b ecause something more interesting or entertaining just might b e happening.” In an age where the world is at your fingertips, it is easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing. We are ob sessed with gossip: who is hanging out with whom; who is watching what; who is doing what and when. People are nosey and love to have “the 4-1-1.” There is nothing wrong with wanting to share with the world all the wonderful things happening in life, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to b e happy for friends and loved ones, b ut when you catch a case of FOMO, it b ecomes an issue. D arlene McLaughlin, M.D ., assistant professor at the Tex as A& M Health Science Center College of Medicine and a psychiatry and b ehavioral health specialist with Tex as A& M Physicians, describ es FOMO as a form of social anx iety in an article titled “FOMO: It’s your life you’re missing out on” in March 2 016 . We recognize potential opportunities and we are afraid to miss out on said opportunity. It is a case of “what if? ” For ex ample, when you don’t feel like going out to ladies night, b ut you ask yourself “what if” q uestions, and in the end force yourself to go out in fear you might miss something. There has always b een a sense of “What am I missing b y staying in tonight? ” and social media has only escalated that feeling, especially in millennials. The department of Psychology at Nottingham Trent University stated in their research, “Increased connectivity to [social networking sites] has b een linked to a fear of missing out, a psycho-

logical state in which people b ecome anx ious that others within their social spheres are leading much more interesting and socially desirab le lives.” Everyone wants to put the b est of themselves on social media. When you dictate how others perceive you, only the most self-flattering images will make the cut, b ut that’s not b eing real. Y ou are a different person on social media than you are in real life. Y ou post the things you do to help feel eq ual, if not b etter, than your peers. Y es, those are your pictures, and you may do the things you post ab out, b ut many times it is posted as a response to someone else, which can cause emotional strain. he best selfies, which are altered with flattering angles, lighting and filters ma e up your Instagram. That is creating a false image of yourself, b ecause let’s b e real, you will never wake up looking like that. Everyone wakes up with messy hair, dried drool on their cheek and b reath b ad enough to kill a goat, b ut according to social norms, we cannot let the world know that. People only post the ex citing things in their life on social media, which include wild nights out, pregnancies, engagements, marriages, new job s and sightseeing vacations. hat isn t glorified are la y days spent b inge watching etflix in bed, relationship prob lems, gaining weight or any other b oring and unsophisticated aspects of life. FOMO is a vicious never-ending cycle. Y ou see someone going out on a date, and you are not, and you feel as if you are missing out. So, in turn you post a photo from your most recent vacation, causing the nex t person to feel as if they are missing out. Sometimes people only post things for “likes” or “favorites.” We are all guilty of it. We strive for instant gratification from the verification that people li e us. It b ecomes addicting to see how many people like your photos, or want to know what is going on in your personal life. There are those who stress over getting enough likes on Faceb ook, or Instagram, to the point where we delete a photo or a post b ecause it did not get enough “likes” to meet our standards. As college students, we have enough to stress ab out. Why add another item to the list? One of the easiest ways to avoid the stress is to just detach from social media. Put your phone down when you are driving or when you are in good company. D o not spend hours scrolling through different social media platforms, and delete an app or two if you need help resisting the temptation. Accept that you are going to have q uiet nights spent at home, and that is perfectly okay. We all lead different lives, and we all have different timelines for when b lessings come to us. That does not mean you will never get them, it just means you won’t get them at the same time as your peers. Social media surrounds us, and mayb e there is no way to escape it, b ut we do not have to b ecome imprisoned b y it.

position and city will be published along with the article). The Advance-Titan does not publish poetry, anonymous or open letters, and letters printed elsewhere. Each writer is generally limited to one published letter to the editor per month.

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by Mariah Heyden Mariah Heyden is a sophomore public relations major. Her views do not necessarily represent those of the Advance-Titan.

Cartoon by Constance Bougie

University needs to communicate to students, community members by the Advance-Titan Staff University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Chancellor Andrew Leavitt sent an email on January 18 to all UWO students and employees regarding the recent events that transpired b etween UWO and the UWO Foundation. While it was great that the University informed the UWO community right away ab out what was going on, there has hardly b een any information given out since the original statement regarding improper financial transactions relating to the Foundation. After a lawsuit was filed, Leavitt proceeded to inform the UWO community ab out what was happening via his email. Since then, the University has b een silent. Leavitt said the University cannot release information regarding the lawsuit at this time. “Because of the pending litigation, I cannot comment at all on this case, nor have I to any of the news media,” Leavitt said. “At this point the system is handling this part.” This silent treatment from the University is unfair to all UWO students, faculty memb ers and workers who make

SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOR: All letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays. Readers can submit letters via email, mail or in person. Email letters to our University account, atitan@uwosh. edu. This is the preferred

up a great part of the UWO dents, b ut it could also have community. an impact on the University It is the responsib ility of as a whole. the University to keep stuJamie Ceman, the chief dents, faculty and the general communications officer for community updated on these UWO, had no comment reevents, as the sub ject is a con- garding the situation b ecause cern to all parties who could the University does not want b e impacted b y the outcome. to “inadvertently impede the Funds for scholarships, ath- [D epartment of Justice’s] litletic programs and b uilding igation of the case.” projects could Although all b e affected the pub lic if the FoundaIf it gets to the point is ab le to tion files for where things directly affect remain inb ankruptcy. us, then we as paying stu- formed on UWO fresh- dents definitely deserve to this topic man Amanda through local Peterson said know everything. news orgacommunicanizations, it — Amanda Peterson tion from the is important UWO freshman University for the Unishould b e ex versity to b e pected if the situation directly as open as possib le with the impacts students. community as well. The Uni“I think that if it gets to the versity has a more direct link point where things directly to the Foundation than news affect us, then we as paying outlets do. They can also give students definitely deserve to the pub lic more accurate inknow everything,” Peterson formation, as was evidenced said. “But if it stays at the b y Leavitt’s statement. point where there is a lot goIf the University opens up ing on b ut it does not directly communication with the genaffect our education or our eral pub lic, there can b e less programs that we’re paying confusion and more underfor, then they should have the standing ab out what is going right to keep us on a need-to- on right now regarding the know b asis.” Foundation. Not only could a possib le Although it is possib le the b ankruptcy affect UWO stu- University is wary of releas-

method. Deliver letters in person to the A-T office in Reeve Union, room 19. Mail letters to: The Advance-Titan, Reeve Union Room 19, 800 Algoma Blvd., Oshkosh, WI 54901

ing any statements until they have more information themselves, it is still important to keep the pub lic updated with what they currently know, and ab out what ex actly the present situation is regarding the Foundation. We understand that at this time, the University cannot release any information to the pub lic b ecause of the litigation. However, if there is a chance that student scholarships or athletic programs could b e affected b y the lawsuit, then the community deserves to know. The University did right in staying ahead of the storm and releasing a statement as soon as the matter b ecame pub lic knowledge. G etting a statement out right away was important, b ut it is also crucial for the University to continue its communication with the UWO community. The University must remain forthcoming, just as it was when the issue originally surfaced. Although there could b e negative outcomes following this incident, such as the oundation filing for ban ruptcy, it is more important for the University to b e open ab out what is going on than to keep people in the dark.



The Advance-Titan welcomes and reads all letters. Timely, well-written, provocative opinions on topics of interest at UW Oshkosh are given first preference.

All letters are subject to editing; not all letters can be published. Letters of length exceeding 300 words may be edited at the discretion of the Advance-Titan staff. Name, position, address and daytime phone are required, even in email submissions (only name,


SPORTS Advance-Titan

Morgan Van Lanen - Sports Editor Mike Johrendt - Assistant Sports Editor

February 16, 2017

Choinski leads UWO wrestling at tourney by Morgan Van Lanen


Above: UWO center Jack Flynn shoots a basket on Saturday. In 18 minutes off the bench, Flynn made 4 shots for 9 points. Below: Forward Max Schebel goes for a shot over a defender against UW-Platteville. Schebel scored 16 and had 8 rebounds.

Titans upset Warhawks by Nate Proell The UW Oshkosh men’s b asketb all team improved their conference record to 8 -5 and is now in a three-way tie for second place after defeating last place UW-Platteville Pioneers at home 7 7 -6 9 and the UW-Whitewater Warhawks in Whitewater b y a score of 6 7 -6 3 . On Saturday, the Titans came away with a 7 7 -6 9 victory in their final home game of the regular season against the WIAC last-place Pioneers. The Titans had their b est shooting performance of the season, shooting 55.1 percent on the night and scoring their highest total of the season. “Y ou gotta defend your home court,” Titans’ sophomore guard Ben Boots said. “We haven’t done a great job of it this year so we were happy to get that one.” Saturday was also senior night, where Sean D wyer, AJ Mueller, Max Scheb el, Taylor Jansen and Tyrone Moore were recognized for their accomplishments the past four years as part of head coach Pat Juckem’s first ever recruiting class at Oshkosh. “They’re a special group,” Juckem said. “They’ve b een foundation pieces. They’re a great group of guys, really good students, class individuals and good role models.” With all five seniors starting the game, Platteville struck first with a 3 -pointer from the Pioneers leading scorer of the night, Rob ert D urax , to take an early lead over the Titans. Senior guard Taylor Jansen answered for the Titans with a layup that put the score at 2 -3 ; however, the Titans let 10 unanswered points go b y, and with 14: 42 in the first half, they were trailing 13 -2 . A jump shot from the Pioneers’ Colin K amper tied the game up at 18 -18 . A jump shot from Flynn then gave the Titans the lead again 2 0-18 , and the Titans never looked b ack. At halftime the Titans were up 3 6 -2 8 and were shooting 53 .8 percent overall with Titans’ guard Ben Boots leading the way with nine points, all from b eyond the arc. In the second half the Titans kept ex tending their lead as Max Scheb el struck first with

a dunk, putting the team at 3 8 -2 8 . At 9 : 41 in the second half the Pioneers were gaining on the Titans after a layup from Carter put Platteville within eight points of UWO at 55-47 . Oshkosh answered with a layup from Scheb el, b ut the Pioneers were q uick to an eightpoint unanswered run that put them within three points of the TItans’ 57 -54 lead with 7 : 51 remaining in the game. By the two-minute mark, UWO was up 7 1-6 1. A foul from Pioneers guard Harold Fay on Brett Wittchow b rought him to the line where he was ab le to make a free throw to b ring the Titans lead to the eventual final score of 7 7 -6 9 . D wyer said the win felt good and had the feeling of a true team victory. “Our whole team was b eing a family,” D wyer said. “We are a team, not just a group of individual players.” Scheb el said it was a good feeling winning the last regular season home game, and doing it as part of Juckem’s original class. “There’s a good sense of pride,” Scheb el said. “He ob viously didn’t recruit just the five of us. We stuck through it and we’ve b een pivotal parts in b uilding something here.” On Wednesday, the Titans defeated Whitewater at a game where the Warhawks had the lead for more than half the game. The last time the two teams met, the Warhawks had a 19 -point lead b y the half, a lead coach Juckem said was too much for his team to overcome and something he said his team could not allow to happen a second time. “We’ve looked at making sure that we’re just tough on the b all and really more of an attacking mindset,” Juckem said. “I thought we were a little too cautious early on.” The Warhawks seemed to b e off to another fast start after scoring six unanswered points early on; however, the Titans were q uick to get b ack into the game, b eing down only 7 -8 at 14: 47 in the first half. By halfway through the first half, the Warhawks had a 17 -13 lead. By halftime the Warhawks had a 2 6 -3 1 lead in a half where the Titans never had the lead. In the second half, the

Warhawks struck first with a jump shot from Chris Jones. A layup from D emetrius Woodley ex tended the Warhawks’ lead to 2 6 -3 5 the Titans struck b ack with a Scheb el layup. However, the Warhawks kept scoring, and the Titans weren’t answering, and b y 15: 11 in the second the score was 3 0-41. D espite the Titans b eing b ehind, they were q uick to get b ack into the game, starting with a 3 -pointer from Noone that b egan a nine-point Titans run that b rought them within one point of the Warhawks. Whitewater answered with a layup, b ut after two made free throws from Boots and a layup from Adam Fravert, the Titans had their first lead of the game 44-43 with 9 : 2 2 left to play.

At the two minute mark, the Titans had a one point lead at 56 -55. Two made free throws from Whitewater’s Chris Jones put the Warhawks up 56 -57 , b ut a layup from Scheb el gave the Titans the lead again at 58 -57 . A made free throw from Whitewater’s Jones tied the game at 58 -58 with 1: 04 remaining, b ut a Boots layup gave the Titans a 6 0-58 lead. The Titans scored seven more points and held the Warhawks to five points for the remainder of the game, b ringing the final score to 6 7 -6 3 . The Titans have one more regular season game at UW-Stout on Saturday, Feb . 18 . Tipoff is set for 3 : 00 p.m.

Sophomore Mark Choinski took home the Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletic Conference Championship for the 157 -pound weight class, when the UW Oshkosh wrestling team competed in the 2 017 WIAC Championship in Platteville on Friday. UW-La Crosse took first place in Friday’s match with a score of 16 0 points, followed b y UW-Whitewater with 108 3 , UW-Platteville with 9 7 .5, UW-Stevens Point with 9 7 .5, UW-Eau Claire with 8 9 .6 and finally UW Oshkosh with 7 5 points. Head coach Efrain Ayala said the championship was a good indication of what his players need to work on moving forward. “I think we saw a glimpse of what we’re capab le of accomplishing,” Ayala said. “We have some young guys right now, immature still, so we’re just still working on it. There’s still some ex perience that needs to happen. I think we had an overall good ex perience and an overall great performance for some guys.” Choinski is just the third UWO WIAC champion since 2 001, following Joel D ziedzic ( 2 001 champion at 149 pounds) and Nazar K ulchytskyy ( 2 012 champion at 157 pounds) . Choinski b egan the day b y b eating Whitewater’s Scott Schieldt 8 -1. He talked ab out the routine he follows each time he steps onto the mat. “Before a match I ask myself ‘ who wants it more? ’” Choinski said. “This always gets my heart pumping b ecause when it comes down to it, I truly b elieve no one strives for success like myself. Just b elieving in myself gives me confidence and even more motivation to achieve more than I ex pected. A lot of the time my toughest opponent is myself. Once I am ab le to look past any negative thoughts, then nothing can slow me down.” Choinski advanced to the semi-final round when Platteville’s D ustin Reynolds forfeited in the q uarterfinals due to a medical prob lem. The sophomore moved to the championship when he b eat La Crosse’s Michael Murnane 5-3 in the semi-finals. In the championship round, Choinski captured the victory with a 13 -4 defeat over Jackson Schoen from La Crosse. “As far as his performance goes, I think he’s peaking at the correct time,” Ayala said. “He knows what to ex pect, and that’s helped him. He has a lot of ex perience, he’s healthy and he’s had a good game plan this year.” K ody Azarian took home second place in the 141-pound weight class for the Titans on Friday. The sophomore received a b ye in the first round, b ut faced off against Eau Claire’s K yle Eb erle in the q uarterfinals. Azarian stuck Eb erle to the mat in just 1: 08 . “In my first match, I pinned the kid right away in the first period,” Azarian said. “I was trying to get team points for us to do well as a team. But, I should have wrestled a longer match and got my moves going early b ecause that transitioned me into b eing slow in my second match against La Crosse.” In the semi-finals, Azarian sq uared off against La Crosse’s Hayden Schlough and won 5-3 . Azarian said he was not impressed with his own performance and gave credit to his opponent. “In the second match, I handled every aspect b ut did not wrestle to my full ab ility,” Azarian said. “[Schlough] is a young kid that will b e a contender in the nex t coming years.” The 141-pound wrestler advanced to the championship where he fell to UW-La Crosse’s D ustin Weinmann 0-13 . However, Azarian stayed positive and confident following the match, saying he looks

forward to seeing Weinmann again during Nationals in March. “I knew Weinmann was a good wrestler and a returning All-American,” Azarian said. “I know that he knows how to wrestle, especially in the top position. But, I know, with my athletic ab ility and mat awareness, I can take him down on my feet and will b eat him come Nationals.” Ayala said wrestling Weinmann was a good feel for Azarian to see what he is capab le of doing. “We knew D ustin,” Ayala said. “He’s b een undefeated all season. He’s the No. 1 ranked kid in the country right now. He’s a tough kid, and we knew that we were going to have to stick to a specific game plan if wanted to b eat him. We kind of ventured away from the game plan, and when that happens to a tough kid like that, it doesn’t work in your b enefit.” Anthony Senthavisouk grab b ed a fourth-place finish in his 12 5-pound weight class for UWO. Although the sophomore contrib uted 8 .50 points for the Titans in the championship, he said he is not satisfied with his performances and looks forward to making improvements. “Even though I placed, it still wasn’t good enough for me,” Senthavisouk said. “I came there to win it, and I fell short of my goals. I definitely wasn’t performing my b est. It was just an off day. But I guess that means I need some work, and it’s b ack to the drawing b oard. Regionals is coming up, and Nationals will b e mine. I’m coming b ack harder than ever.” Senthavisouk opened his day with a 12 -4 win against Eau Claire’s Z ackary Sirn. He went on to defeat UW La Crosse’s Riley Lull 7 -5. In the nex t round, Senthavisouk b eat La Crosse’s Nelson Baker in a 10-8 sudden victory. The 12 5-pound wrestler said it meant a lot to him to b eat his opponent right at the end. “It actually felt amazing to b eat him,” Senthavisouk said. “He was hyped up so much this year, and I finally got to wrestle him and see what he was all ab out. It was also nice to have my teammates, coaches and family b y my mat side cheering me on. It’s what I love ab out this sport: the adrenaline, the hype and the love that it spreads.” Ayala gave credit to Senthavisouk for his impressive performance. “Nelson Baker is a tough kid,” Ayala said. “He’s b eat multiple ranked kids. For Anthony to b e ab le to b eat him in overtime and wrestle that full match is huge. That is another kid we just saw a glimpse of what he is capab le of doing. I think now his confidence is b oosted up a little b it.” Senthavisouk advanced to the third-place match where he lost 2 -17 on a tech fall against Whitewater’s Mike Tortorice. “I honestly didn’t know much ab out Whitewater’s Mike Tortorice,” Senthavisouk said. “I just knew he was just another person on my hit list. I’ll get him nex t time.” Freshman Colten Cashmore at 17 4 pounds, sophomore Julius Smith at 18 4 pounds and sophomore Elijah Burdick at 2 8 5 pounds each finished in fifth place in their respective weight classes for the Titans. Nex t up for UWO is the NCAA D ivision III West Regional in Moorhead, Minn. on Saturday, Feb . 2 5. Ayala said b eing in a strong conference like the WIAC helps prepare his team for tougher meets. “We want to get as many guys as we can through to the national tournament,” Ayala said. “We have q uite a few guys who are capab le of doing it. The WIAC Championships, I mean it’s one of the toughest conferences in the nation, it’s kind of like an iron sharpens iron type of deal. G oing into the regional tournament, I think we are going to b e well prepared for that.”




Morgan Van Lanen - Sports Editor Mike Johrendt - Assistant Sports Editor

February 16, 2017

ac an fiel osts ome in ite

by Jordan Fremstad The UW Oshkosh men’s and women’s track and field team had seven athletes post top-13 national scores at the UWO Invitational on Feb . 11. On the women’s side, five athletes found themselves putting up national scores, including Emily Reichenb erger who posted a second place time of 2 5.3 6 seconds in the 2 00-meter dash good for seventh in the country. Interim head coach Mary Theisen said she was pleased with Reichenb erger’s performance. “Emily has done all the little things right to b e as fast as she is,” Theisen said. “She lifted hard this summer, pushes herself and just wants to b e the b est. Her future is b eyond b right.” Juniors K risten Linzmeier and Alyssa Ryan b oth won their respective events. Linzmeier b ested 3 1 other athletes in the 8 00-meter run with a time of 2 : 19 .19 , good for 13 th-b est in the country this season. Ryan posted a pole vault leap of 3 .7 3 meters, defeating 19 other participants with the 10th-highest mark this season. K arina Marchan had the 11th-b est long-jump of the season, recording a second place measurement of 5.59 meters. The 2 0-pound weight throw included senior Elizab eth Ab hold throwing a distance of 17 .3 2 meters to take second place. D espite the solid performance, Ab hold said she needs to step up more when the stakes are high. “My first two throws were b oth scratches, and I needed a throw to take me into finals,” Ab hold said. “In the past, I have not responded well to the pressure and I was afraid I would repeat those mistakes. I took a two turn for my last throw as opposed to the three’s I normally do, b ecause they’re more of a safe throw, and I finally got a mark that would take me to finals. In the finals, I finally got in my groove, and had three throws that b efore the previous weekend would have all b een season personal records.” Ab hold said it was good to face adversity coming to the final indoor meet of the season. “Even with a second place finish, it was a good learning ex perience,” Ab hold said. “I had to face the pressure that I’ll likely see again and it allowed me to react positively over negatively.” Another top performance included the 17 th-fastest time in the nation with sophomore Olivia Seeley recording a 6 0-meter dash time of 7 .8 6 seconds for second place. On the men’s side, juniors Nick Freitag, Rob erto Lara, and Joe Z ack all won their running events. Z ack had a strong two days, taking third in the mile run at the Showcase at St.Thomas University ( Minn.) and didn’t return to Oshkosh until 2 a.m. the day of the invitational. However, he didn’t show any signs of fatigue, winning the 3 000-meter run with a first place time of 8 : 49 .11 In the mile run, Lara took down 18 other contestants in a time of 4: 11.2 9 . Freitag won the 8 00-meter run in 1: 55.59 . Sophomore Christian Lopez had a strong day as well, posting a pair of top 14 national listings in the 6 0-meter dash in a time of 6 .9 2 seconds and the 2 00meter dash in 2 2 .3 3 seconds. Lopez talked ab out sustaining the success with the looming WIAC championships coming up. “My goal throughout the

season has b een to stay consistent,” Lopez said. “I know I can do more, b ut I don’t want to chase times. With b ig meets coming up my mindset is to simply run faster than the guys nex t to me and the times will come.” However, Lopez said he has not lost sight of facing some incredib ly talented athletes this weekend. “Heading into the nex t few meets, I would like solidify my place in the national rankings,” Lopez said. “Luckily the WIAC has some really fast sprinters that are also q ualified nationally, so the opportunity to race a few of them this weekend will b ring a highly competitive atmosphere.” The nation’s 13 th-fastest time in the 400-meter run b elongs to sophomore Ryan Powers with a second-place time of 49 .3 6 seconds. As a team, the men finished third out of six teams with a comb ined score of 12 4.5 points. UW-Stevens Point took first with 18 4 points and UW-Whitewater took second with 17 4.5 points. St. Norb ert College, UW-La Crosse and Lawrence University rounded out the b ottom. For the women, UWO fell to four out of five total teams with 8 2 points. UW-La Crosse showed why it has won the WIAC the last four years posting 2 6 1.5 points, b lowing away the competition. UW-Whitewater finished second with 9 4 points, UW-Stevens Point was nex t with 8 7 .5 points and St. Norb ert came in last with 45 points. Ab hold said the team will need to use the UWO Titan Challenge meet on Saturday as a stepping stone to improve for the conference indoor championships nex t week. “We have around ten teams coming, and a lot of good competition that we will compete against the nex t weekend at the WIAC Conference meet,” Ab hold said. “For several people on the team, it’s their last chance to q ualify for that championship meet. For us seniors, it’s our last home meet and our last chance to compete in K olf.” Theisen talked ab out the importance of getting more athletes q ualified for conference at the Titan Challenge. “Our goal is to host a great meet with awesome competition and to get our kids who aren’t q ualified for conference, q ualified,” Theisen said. “We are hoping in the nex t two meets to really prove ourselves in this conference and at the national level.” As a senior, Ab hold reflected on some of her ex periences as a Titan. “When I came in my freshman year, I had already heard stories of Oshkosh Throws and the former athletes and coaches that had b een a part of the program,” Ab hold said. “D uring my freshman year, I heard countless stories that were funny, scary, ex citing, everything under the sun. I learned ab out each one of the amazing athletes we had from stories that the older people on the team carried on, and in doing so I felt and feel immense pressure to keep the reputation they had.” Ab hold said past success keeps current athletes focused on making their mark on the program. “Oshkosh has had the WIAC hammer title for 14 years, something other competitors in the conference have tried to b reak,” Ab hold said. “We all know what rests on our shoulders when we put the Oshkosh jersey on, b ut I don’t feel that it is a negative having that pressure either. K nowing what is ex pected of us to uphold is the driving force of every day of practice, every lift, every throw we take.”


Above: A nurse from the Community Blood Center checks on freshman Zackery Giese as he donates blood on Saturday. Below: Freshman Tyler Oberg and senior Chris Bednarski both write a note to Phoenix Bridegroom after donating blood.

O nites in onation

by Mike Johrendt

On Saturday, Feb . 11, the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh and the Oshkosh Community Blood Center teamed up to hold the UWO Titan Athletics Blood D rive. This drive was in honor of Phoenix Bridegroom, the recipient of a b one marrow donation that UWO starting q uarterb ack Brett K asper was matched with in 2 014. The turnout was very important for the Community Blood Center, as their web site says that every two seconds there is a person in the world who is in need of a b lood donation for health reasons. While there was no recorded turnout for donations, the interest ab out the drive was b uzzing around campus. Athletes were encouraged to b oth donate and spread the word ab out the b lood drive. The sign-up chart located in K olf Sports Center was filled with athletes’ names,willing to donate b lood in Phoenix ’s cause. K asper, as well as other UWO footb all players, had their names on the list for appointment times, willing to help the cause. In total, 3 3 UWO athletes and students were signed up for appointments on the chart, b ut the numb ers well ex ceeded that for the total turnout of donations. K asper said athletes have a b ig role in drawing students to events, which is a huge factor in getting more turnout from the campus. “It is important just getting involved,” K asper said. “Ob viously, we have a good advantage b y b eing a part of a sports team, so we have a lot of numb ers that we can draw from. So, to see the support coming out is great and everything little thing helps, which is awesome.” The Community Blood Center has ex isted since 19 55, maintaining their non-profit standing since day one. They provide b lood to 17 hospitals in b oth the Michigan and Wisconsin areas, with 50,000 volunteers donating in just the last calendar year.

Appleton, Little Chute, Oshkosh and Wo o d r u f f all house the Blood Center ’s donor centers in Wi s c o n s i n . Through their b lood drive program, they operate five mob ile b lood units, the type that was here for this drive, and three indoor b lood drives. Another type of donation the Community Blood Center helps facilitate is drawing b one marrow to get more memb ers on the registry for patients who are in need. Through b oth the Blood Center and the Be The Match registry, UWO b ecame affiliated with the b one marrow cause. In April of 2 014, Head footb all coach Pat Cerroni was in contact with K elli Vander Wielen, who is the Community Engagement Representative for the Oshkosh chapter of the Community Blood Center. Cerroni decided it was in the team’s b est interest to b ecome registry memb ers, and more than 8 0 percent of the team ended up sub mitting samples for the registry. The rest is history. K asper was determined to b e a match for young Phoenix Bridegroom, and after his donation, the req uired waiting period after donating and the eventual meeting b etween the two, Oshkosh b ecame affiliated with the Community Blood Center and Be The Match. The b ond created b etween the UWO footb all team and the Bridegrooms has turned into b acking from the entire University, especially with this most recent drive b eing in Phoenix ’s honor. D uring her treatment so far, Phoenix has needed more than 100 b lood-related products during her many procedures. For this b lood drive, the

goal was to donate 3 5 pints of b lood in Phoenix ’s name, and junior wide receiver Sam Mentkowski said that this drive means much more b ecause it is in Phoenix ’s honor. “A lot of people, when they hear b lood drive, they do not really think anything of it,” Mentkowski said. “But when they hear that we are doing it for Phoenix , and since Phoenix is a b ig deal to our footb all team, they decide it is a good idea.” In the last calendar year, UWO has seen an influx in campus events with community ties. Their yearly Feeding America food drive, a b lood drive in Phoenix ’s name and all of the emphasis put on the Be The Match involvement are just a few things UWO has done to emphasize a higher importance on b ranching out to the community. Junior running b ack D ylan Hecker said that to b e ab le to raise more awareness for causes like this is a great way to get more people involved. “The more the b etter,” Hecker said. “The more we can raise awareness, the more people we can get here and they can b ring more friends and family and they can b ring more friends and family and it is a domino effect. The more people we get the b etter.” Coach Cerroni has put more of an emphasis on b oth community involvement and volunteering in the past few years, especially with the

connection the team formed with Phoenix and her parents. K asper said any way for the team to help out the community is something they should take advantage of. “Ab solutely, any way we can give b ack to the community is ob viously a b onus,” K asper said. “Especially in a way like this, you see teams doing different volunteering events, whether it is Feeding America or [helping] any other organization like that, you really do not hear much ab out Be the Match or Community Blood Center. So, I think it is a great cause to get involved with and help volunteer.” The Be The Match aspect of the Community Blood Center has gained more pub licity than could have ever b een imagined. Vander Wielen, b ack in Novemb er during the K asperBridegroom press conference, said this program strives to assist situations like these involving Phoenix and they could not have more proud of this situation. “Phoenix is the reason our program ex ists,” Vander Wielen said. “When the people in the community and the University can see a face with the people that receives these transplants, that helps us in so many ways, b ecause it b ecomes real. People sign up then and know that they could b e the match and help save someb odies life. It is so important and we are so grateful to b e a part of this.”

team, once it b ecomes operational. “The kinesiology program at UW Oshkosh, I think there’s some possib ilities there with respect to partnering with the Bucks and G reg’s group in getting some of the students some ex periences they otherwise might not have had ab sent the team b eing here,” White said.

Leavitt said the D -League team should provide terrific opportunities for students, and b oth parties are looking forward to the team coming to Oshkosh. “We’re very ex cited ab out that,” Leavitt said. “And they’re ex cited that they are coming to a community with a world-class comprehensive institution.”

as etball e cites local lea e s




-ty there may b e scheduling issues where we could b e helpful in providing a venue for them to practice.” White said UWO had supported the D -League efforts, and there were earlier discus-

sions ab out games b eing played in K olf. “At one point, it was discussed whether or not the team could mayb e play there on a temporary b asis, b ut that was deemed not feasib le,” White said. White said there could b e opportunities for UWO students to intern with the D -League


SPORTS Advance-Titan

Morgan Van Lanen - Sports Editor Mike Johrendt - Assistant Sports Editor

February 16 , 2017

Women’s basketball wins WIAC title by Mike Johrendt

The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh women’s b asketb all team took to the road for their first game of the week and won against UW-Platteville, 9 1-7 1. In the second game of the week they faced off against UW-Whitewater and secured the regular season championship b y b eating their rival, 59 -58 . This win, coupled with the conference records of b oth UWO and Whitewater, pushed Oshkosh to their first regular season championship title since 19 9 9 . This also marks the 11th championship for the Titans and their seventh outright title. Senior guard Taylor Schmidt led the Titans in scoring with 15 points, including three 3 -pointers. Her four reb ounds tied for third-highest in the game, and she only turned the b all over once. Schmidt said the team has followed their goals of taking every task individually throughout the season. “Our goal on a daily b asis is just one day at a time, one game at a time, one practice at a time,” Schmidt said. “I think if we use that mentality we are going to get pretty far in the playoffs.” Other contrib utors for UWO included senior forward Alex Richard, who had 12 points and three reb ounds, and sophomore forward Isab ella Samuels, who had 10 points and four reb ounds. Head coach Brad Fischer said the team has b ecome well-rounded as the season has progressed, making the team more efficient in games. “That is how we are b uilt, and it is hard to look at our stat sheet and b e one hundred percent sure ab out who to guard,” Fischer said. “Taylor and Eliza lead us, b ut when you are only getting 11 per game from those two, you have to get another 40 points from everyone else. We have done a good job of b eing ab le to [figure] out night to night who that is. Jaimee Pitt was a b ig part of that tonight, and we do not have to rely on the same people to b e good every night.” Senior guard Morgan K okta had four points, three reb ounds and three assists, and Pitt continued her hot streak b y posting five points, seven reb ounds and three steals. Sophomore forward Melanie Schneider had an effective 10 minutes, posting seven points on two-of-four shooting. This victory gave the Titans their first outright title since 19 9 9 , something that Fischer

b elieves this current sq uad will always b e ab le to have. “To b e the first group to do it since 19 9 9 , and for as good as our program has b een, it is a long gap in time b etween outright titles,” Fischer said. “Their legacy is cemented as one of the b est classes that has ever b een here. I think we have secured another trip to the NCAA tournament tonight too, and I cannot say enough ab out what those four seniors mean, and the group in general, with how hard they have worked to make this happen.” With one game left, the team currently holds a 2 2 -2 record. Their nex t game, Senior Night against UW-Stout, is a game Richard said the team needs to take advantage of to remain successful. “We need to finish with Stout, so we need to show them that we are the conference champs,” Richard said. “We feel like we need to prove that we are the b est, and going forward we want to get the conference tournament championship.” While there were plenty of ways to describ e the championship victory, Fischer said the team needs to stay focused in order to remain successful. “This is a great way, I would say to go out, b ut we have more games to play,” Fischer said. “Regardless of what happens now, they are going to have this on their record.” The Titans’ road win against the Pioneers was their highest scoring output of the season and matched their season high in point margin. UWO had three q uarters in which they put up 2 0 points or more, including a 3 4-point first q uarter to b reak open the contest. On her way to b eing named one of the UWO Athletes of the Week, Pitt scored 18 points off the b ench to lead the Titans to victory. That was Pitt’s season high and marked her third game of the season scoring in doub le figures. The b ench provided the majority of the scoring on Saturday, as 55 of the 9 1 points came from the reserve unit. Other than Pitt, Samuels was in doub le figures with 10 points, including seven shots earned at the charity stripe. Freshman guard K ylie Moe provided nine points on threeof-five shooting, senior forward Madeline Staples paired six reb ounds and six points together and freshman guard Olivia Campb ell chipped in five points on a perfect shooting performance, knocking down a 3 -pointer and another shot


Forward Eliza Campbell drives against UW-Whitewater. The Titans won 59-58 and secured the WIAC Championship. inside the arc. For the starters, only senior forward Eliza Campb ell was in doub le figures with 11 points. Her six free throw attempts ranked second on the team, and she also b rought down three reb ounds, one assist and one steal. Schmidt again filled the stat sheet, scoring nine points while dishing out two assists and b ringing down five reb ounds. Currently, Schmidt is averaging the most points per game in her fourth season as a Titan, even though she is averaging the least amount of minutes per game in her four-year career so far. As for the other starters, K okta put up two points, two reb ounds and one assist, junior guard Emma Melotik had eight points, including two 3 -pointers, and one assist and Richard scored six points, b rought down five reb ounds and led the team with three steals. In their highest scoring q uarter of the game, the Titans opened the game b y putting up 3 4 points, led b y seven of Schmidt’s nine points. She shot an effective three-of-five from the field in the first eight minutes, and also grab b ed three of

her reb ounds in that period. Pitt, Moe and Samuels comb ined for 14 of the 3 4 points in the q uarter, with b oth Pitt and Moe knocking down 3 -pointers of their own. Fischer said the team, specifically the group of seniors, has stayed true to certain goals that the team estab lished at the b eginning of the season. “We just want to b e the b est team that we can b e when the conference tournament starts,” Fischer said. “It has b een what we have talked ab out the last five years, and we feel that if we can get close to our fullest potential, then some of this stuff is going to happen.” The second q uarter was more of the same for the Titans, despite the team scoring ten less points than the previous q uarter. Their 2 4 points this q uarter only fell three points short of the points scored b y the Pioneers in the entire first half. Pitt took over this q uarter for UWO, scoring 10 of her 18 in this period. She took three shots from b ehind the arc, making all three and earning a trip to the free throw line, where she made her only attempt of the q uarter. Moe also contrib uted to the

b ench production, chipping in four points on two-of-three shooting. Olivia Campb ell ( two points) , Samuels and sophomore guard Chloe Pustina ( one point each) all pitched in scoring-wise to wind down the first half. Coming out of the half, UWO had their lowest scoring total of the game with 13 points in the third q uarter. This marked the first of two consecutive q uarters UWO would b e outscored to end the game, even though the final score did not dictate a change in momentum. Samuels contrib uted five points on two shots and one made free throw, Pitt made a 3 -point jumper, Richard contrib uted a b asket, Melotik made a b asket and Eliza Campb ell made a free throw to cap off the 13 -point third period. In the fourth, UWO put up 2 0 points, which was one point fewer than what Platteville put up in the final q uarter. Melotik, K okta and Richard comb ined for seven points, with Melotik’s three points coming off a shot b eyond the arc. The b ench provided the majority of scoring this q uarter, as six points from Staples,

coupled with three from Olivia Campb ell and two from Pustina and Schneider each, helped finish out the contest for Oshkosh and b ring them their 2 1st win on the season. The 2 1 regular season victories ranks as the third-most for Fischer ever since he b ecame head coach in 2 013 . Fischer said the idea of winning the regular season championship crossed the team’s mind, b ut ultimately they understood that in order to remain successful, the team needed to keep true to themselves. “I think that this class and this group is a testament to that, b ecause I thought we were really good to start the year. Then teams started coming at us, and we had to adjust, and I think we are playing really good b asketb all,” Fischer said. “To get through our league and do as well as we did on the road and go through b asically seven weeks of dogfights in our league, this is really sweet. We started to talk ab out it as it got closer, b ecause it was something new to shoot for.” The team attempts to win their last home game on Senior Night Saturday against UW-Stout.

Sammy the Squirrel brings good luck to women’s basketball team by Morgan Van Lanen

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh women’s b asketb all forward Alex Richard made a new image for herself this season. The senior is averaging 7 .4 points and 6 .3 reb ounds per game. However, her strong performance on the court is not what helped develop a uniq ue identity for her so far this season. Rather, Richard can b e seen carrying around a tax idermied sq uirrel in an Olive G arden togo b ag b efore games. This good luck charm, known as “Sammy,” has given Richard fame at b oth UWO and within the conference. Richard said word of the sq uirrel traveled q uickly, and she has b een randomly asked ab out the nature of it b y opponents. “Some of my teammates are friends with players on other teams and this was on Snapchat for a while,” Richard said. “[One time] me and Eliza Campb ell were sitting with the coaches during warmups a little b it, and it was right where the other team was warming up, and someone walks over to me and said, ‘ Are you the sq uirrel girl? ’ and I’m like, ‘ Y es, I have a sq uirrel.’”

The origination of Sammy the Sq uirrel started when Richard attended K ewaunee High School. She said students could receive ex tra credit if they b rought dead sq uirrels into the small animal agricultural class. Richard said she and her b rother shot ab out 10 sq uirrels in their b ackyard and b rought them into school. Sammy was the one Richard’s b rother tax idermied in class. However, Sammy did not join the women’s b asketb all team until this season. “Randomly one day this year, someone, I think it might have b een Coach, said we were acting really sq uirrely,” Richard said. “And someone said we should have a sq uirrel. And I was like, ‘ I have a sq uirrel.’” Richard stuck to her word and later presented Sammy to the team. “So I b rought in the sq uirrel,” ichard said. “And the first day he came to practice, we had an amazing practice, so he stayed. And then we had a great game in Eau Claire. I don’t rememb er the whole timeline, b ut we did not b ring him to Whitewater and we lost.” Freshman guard Olivia Campb ell said the reactions from her teammates varied when Richard b rought in the new pet for the first time.

“It was funny b ecause there were some people on the team who were completely afraid of it, and there were other people like me who grab b ed it and we were completely fine with it,” Campb ell said. “I would say me and Sammy have a pretty good relationship.” Richard said ead coach Brad Fischer, on the other hand, is not as attached to the team’s pet the way his players are. “He kind of rolls his eyes at us,” Richard said. Since then, Sammy has b een with the team through thick and thin. D uring away games, he travels in the Olive G arden to-go b ag. On home games and during practices, he sits in a cardb oard b ox the team made into a small house for him. Richard said there is a reason why Sammy remains within his home in the girls locker room during games. “We don’t want to scare small children,” Richard said. Sophomore Melanie Schneider is not afraid to admit she truly b elieves the animal gives the team good fortune. “I feel like we might get made fun of b ecause of the sq uirrel, b ut they don’t know what the sq uirrel b rings to us,” Schneider said. “It b rings us luck, and it’s a good little critter.”


Sammy the Squirrel can be found hanging out in his box house during home games.

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