The Advance-Titan 10/27/16

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October 27, 2016

VOL. 122, NO. 7

UWO offe s fi st nurse anesthetist doctoral program


UWO running back Devon Linzenmeyer breaks a tackle against UW-Platteville. The Titans won 22-13 and improved to 6-1.

After a loss to UW-Whitewater ended their chance at a perfect season, the Titans are


game on their own 21-yard line and had a drive that went for 7 1 yards and resulted in a 21-yard field goal from The UW Oshkosh football team kicker Eli Wettstein with 9 : 20 into the had a homecoming victory against the game putting the Titans up 3-0. UW-Platteville Pioneers on Saturday, After starting on their own 25 -yard Oct. 29 by a score of 22-13 putting the line, the Pioneers were able to take the Titans in second place in conference ball 5 1 yards to the Titans’ 24 where with an overall record of 6-1 and a conkicker Samuel Herkert ference record of 3-1. made a 4 1-yard field Titans quarterback Obviously it wasn’t a per- goal to tie the game at Brett Kasper said this fect game, perfect is hard to three with 4 : 5 0 to play week’s performance achieve, but it was good to in the first quarter. has the players feeling s e e us play two halves of After a few empty much more confident possessions from both ball. in their victory than the footteams, the Pioneers were previous victory two —Brett Kasper able to take the lead. weeks ago at UW-SteStarting on their own vens Point. Titans Quarterback 25 yard line, the Pio“I think we finally neers took the ball to the came out and played Titans’ 11 where the Titwo halves of football,” Kasper said. tans’ defense was able to hold them to “Obviously it wasn’t a perfect game, three points after a 28-yard field goal perfect is hard to achieve, but it was from Herkert to give Platteville a 6-3 good to see us play two halves of foot- lead. ball.” Herkert’s kickoff went 5 7 yards to The Titans got the ball to start the the Titans’ 8-yard line where Titans’ by Nate Proell

wide receiver CJ Blackburn caught the ball and was able to return it 39 yards to their 4 7 -yard line. After seven plays and 4 0 yards, Wettstein was able to make a 30-yard field goal to tie the game at six. After an empty possession from the Pioneers to start the second half, the Titans got the ball on their own 8-yard line to start their first possession of the second half. After 14 plays and 7 3 yards, the Titans managed to retake the lead with a 37 -yard field goal from Wettstein to give the Titans the lead back 9 -6 with 5 : 4 3 left in the third. The Titans defense was able to stop the Pioneers from scoring the first touchdown of the game after the Pioneers were able to bring the ball 5 9 yard to the Titans’ 6-yard line. The Pioneers were forced to attempt a field goal, but Herkert missed wide left keeping the score 9 -6 with 23 seconds remaining in the third quarter.


Tammy Baldwin visits UWO by Nicole Horner Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin told UW Oshkosh students to tell their unique stories when she met with College Democrats on Thursday. “One of the most powerful things for me throughout this campaign as I’ve been traveling to campuses and county or local part offices is the power of a personal story if you have them,” Baldwin said. “If you have one of those stories you can share, make it fun.” Baldwin wasn’t the only political figure at the event held in Reeve Memorial Union on Oct. 20. Other electoral candidates who came to UWO include Mark Harris, G ordon Hintz and Sarah Lloyd. Baldwin said young voters

can have a big impact in politics. “It has been the youth vote that has made a huge difference for me,” Baldwin said. “In unprecedented numbers, people got out and voted and made the difference.” President of College Democrats Brandon Colligan said Baldwin came to UWO to get students more involved in election season. “We just wanted to raise the importance of voting and students’ involvement in the democratic process,” Colligan said. “We believe that Tammy has been an advocate for a lot of issues that students care about and she’s an elected official so o viousl we want to have her.” According to Colligan, College Democrats hold events

like this to raise students’ awareness as Election Day draws closer. “We just want to raise awareness towards the election, increase student participation and increase the engagement of students in the democratic process,” Colligan said. Colligan said Baldwin’s appearance at UWO is important ecause she is a ig pu lic figure who can raise the significance of students issues. “Tammy provides insight into issues and federal government that we may not see on a daily basis effecting our lives,” Colligan said. According to Colligan, political figures can emphasi e the importance of voting to students. “We invite people like Sena-

No Handlebars



Campus Connections

Tour de Titan bikers ride across Oshkosh Read more on A3

Kathryn Kubasta enjoys singing at New Moon Cafe Read more on A5

tor Baldwin to come talk to us and invite a number of elected officials to tal a out what they’re passionate about and the issues that actually affect students,” Colligan said. According to Lloyd, having conversations with students independently helps raise voter turnout. “We need people to get active because the very best way to get people out to vote is to talk to them one-on-one,” Lloyd said. “Making sure you have one-on-one conversations with people is really important.” Baldwin talked about the election and candidates such as Republican Donald Trump, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Democrat Russ Feingold. She

by Ti Windisch gram is the first doctorate CRNA program in the state. “Now that we’ve gotten The UW Oshkosh College approval we are the first and of Nursing is launching the first Certified Registered only doctoral program for Nurse Anesthetist doctorate certified nurse anesthetists in program in the state of Wis- the state,” Neal-Boylan said. Neal-Boylan clarified that consin. UW-La Crosse has a masCollege of Nursing Dean ter’s in biology that serves as Leslie Neal-Boylan said the a foundation for nurse anestiming of the new program thetists and is working on achappening almost simultaneously with the 5 0th birthday quiring the doctorate approvof the nursing program is al, but UWO is the first to get it in the state. perfect. Neal-Boylan said the pro“A tremendous amount has gram is open to students that been accomplished in the have completed a year as a last 5 0 years,” Neal-Boylan registered nurse already. said. “But now healthcare “You have to practice for is changing and nursing is changing and so we need to a year in critical care before rise to meet those challenges you’d be eligible to apply,” and we really need to look to Neal-Boylan said. Meyer said she is considthe future to meet the needs ering several career options, of the citizens of Wisconsin.” although CRNA is not one of Kathleen them at the Wren and moment. Molly ConI think not only do we “[ CRNA] dit are the feel, but the data supports, is not someDirector and that we’re the best college thing I myAssistant Diself am inrector of the of nursing in Wisconsin. terested in new CRNA —Leslie Neal-Boylan p u r s u i n g , ” emphasis, reMeyer said. spectively. College of Nursing Dean “But I have Condit said heard many the program other stuis valuable for UWO because dents express their interest anesthesia is a growing field in this field and their excitefor nurses. “The job market is very ment in finding out that Oshgood, especially since a lot kosh is now offering this as a of CRNAs are set to retire in doctorate program.” Neal-Boylan said the new the next five years,” Condit CRNA program goes to show said. UWO nursing student Al- that UWO leads the state in lison Meyer said she heard nursing. “I think not only do we UWO’s College of Nursing feel, but the data supports, is top tier, and learned it that we’re the best college through experience. of nursing in Wisconsin,” “In my experience in the Neal-Boylan said. “We have program I have found that the professors, other faculty had, for a long time running, and resources available to the highest RN board exam nursing students are won- pass rates in Wisconsin, we derful,” Meyer said. “The continue to have that. We professors are all very ex- have 100 percent pass rates perienced nurses and nurse in our graduate program for educators. They promote exams.” According to Neal-Boylan, professional behavior in the clinical setting and provide the inaugural CRNA cohort their own knowledge of the will be made up of 12 students and will begin in J une field in lecture.” Neal-Boylan said the pro- 2017 . The program is now taking applicants.


Tammy Baldwin shakes a student’s hand in Reeve Memorial Union. Baldwin visited the College Democrats on Thursday.

Look what’s inside! Get Involved Resting Up BALDWIN, PAGE A



Down-ballot voting is important in coming election

Cross Country prepares for WIAC Championship

Read more on A7

Read more on A10




Ti Windisch - News Editor Alex Nemec - Assistant News Editor

October 27, 2016

Students, cops unite for coffee break by Laura Dickinson tudents and officers from the Osh osh olice epartment gathered to have a conversation while en o ing a free cup of coffee during the offee with a op event. he event was held in the eeve oncourse on ednesda and was open to an one who wanted to stop and get to now the campus officers. gt. hance uen el started the event hoping to create a forum for students and local officers to interact. t s a venue where we open up an dialogue people want to tal a out ” uen el said. hether it s certain topics people want to tal a out or ust want to get to now the officers that are in the communit . t s a wa to get to now us to tal a out issues all while getting free coffee.” ccording to uen el the event helps foster the relationship etween the police department and O students.

he onl wa to uild that trust is communication ” uenel said. etting to now us on a personal level and tal ing through issues people ma have.” ommunit service officer icholas onsman said offee with a op is important ecause of the image police officers face toda . elationships etween police and citi ens is not what it should e in this countr it s not the greatest ” onsman said. his event is important to reuild those relationships.” uen el said the relationship etween the Osh osh olice epartment and the students is a positive one ut could alwa s improve. e get a lot of people coming into the office to report incidents and ta e pride that people feel comforta le to come to us and report different incidents ” uen el said. ould the trust and relationship e stronger solutel . thin that we can improve upon a etter relationship than we alread have with

the communit .” O unior shle u s said she elieves the relationship etween the police on campus and students has improved. he have upgraded securit on campus and have offered more afewal s on campus and ou see police out patrolling more often ” u s said. uen el said the O olice epartment s goal is to eep the offee with a op event going and to host it at different times. he goal is to have one once a month and eep the all rolling as people want to come and tal to us and get a free cup of coffee ” uen el said. goal is to tr and change up the times so that different officers can ta e part in it and people can meet different officers on different shifts.” he goal of offee with a op is to change the perception of police officers in the e es of students. e want people to now that when the see the police


Campus Climate Survey results released to campus Osh osh staff and students came together for the ampus limate tud rea fast orum to discuss the results of the ampus limate urve ta en the O communit last spring. One area of emphasis from the results according to associate professor of anthropolog tephanie de ontign was that percent of students e perience e clusionar hostile conduct. his included eing the target of derogator remar s eing ignored or e cluded feeling intimidated or ullied ” de ontign said. er constantl gender minorit students e perience the most e clusionar hostile conduct. his was a recurring theme throughout the entire report.” he ampus limate tud rea fast orum was held at the lumni elcome and onference enter and was open to students and emplo ees of O on Oct. . he forum was held the committee who collected the results from the O communit including co-chairs de ontign and i annon irector of the esource enter.

nother area that drew concern from the reports according to de ontign was the results of the se ual assault uestions. Onl five percent of students on the surve indicated the had e perienced se ual assault or harassment and onl percent of that percentage reported it to on-campus officials ” de ontign said. Our general consensus however is this is underreported and we need to loo more into that.” ccording to O student ic ode the percentage of students reporting se ual harassment or assault doesn t surprise him. thin the universities t picall don t li e to report things li e that and victims now that universities and some places can cover that up ” ode said. thin that is a real pro lem and that is ver frustrating. mean that is not reall a comforta le thing that some ids want to tal to a dean a out.” iscussing the emplo ee results a out se ual harassment annon said percent had not e perienced or witnessed se ual harassment ut one percent had e perienced se ual harassment.

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EDITORS /////////////// EDITOR IN CHIEF Jessica Johnson

MANAGING EDITOR Jessica Zemlicka


by Alex Nemec he niversit of isconsin- tension announced in a press release that its online degree programs have increased percent in which is a ove the national online enrollment average of . percent. - tension pulled statistics from all ma or s stem campuses e cept - hitewater. he statistics showed that as of the th da of class in course enrollment reached compared to in . ourse enrollment is calculated the num er of students multiplied the num er of online courses each student is enrolled in. harles ill e ecutive director of the ivision of ifelong earning and ommunit ngagement said the average student enrolled in classes through the is ears old. ccording to ill a ma orit of the online students onl have enough credits to e part time. ill said online classes are offered around the world to an od ut most people will ta e an online course that is within miles of their home. lot of people thin people ta e online programs ecause of geogra-

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COPY EDITORS Moira Danielson Elly Durand Cally Kobza Ashley Larson Allison Prusha Frankie Rabas Kylie Sweere Kellie Wambold Natasha Zwijacz




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WRITERS ////////////// NEWS

Cari Fehler Hailey Lawrence Nicole Horner Laura Dickinson


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have to attend a specific class time ” ill said. onohue said he doesn t thin ta ing onl online courses is good for getting a degree. ou still need that personal aspect ” onohue said. li ed having this one class online and have another one in the future ut thin ou still need to have some in-person classes.” O senior alton chuerman said online courses are good for students who don t need in-person lessons to learn effectivel . t depends on the learner honestl ” chuerman said. ome people are etter with learning on their own and doing it themselves. ome people don t go to class and do ust fine ut other people need in person interaction.” ill said he would li e to see more students straight out of high school ta e classes in person ecause of the interpersonal s ills the receive. he e perience that ou get not onl in a classroom ut on a college campus or ou live in a dorm or off campus and all the other activities that go on around that are invalua le ” ill said. would sa to that student f ou can go to school full time if ou can ta e advantage of that go ahead and do it. ”

sa enough a out how e cited am to e here and wor with students at O.” unin who started in his new role on onda said O students should loo at his office as a resource for them when the need help dealing with issues during their time at the universit . f ou are encountering a pro lem and ou re not sure where to go that means ou re supposed to go to the ean of tudents office ” unin said. e can tr and help ma e some of those connections for ou so that ou can eep doing what ou need to to e successful.”

Advance-Titan Staff and Awards

Ti Windisch, editor Alex Nemec, asst. editor

Vince Filak

ph li e the live wa up north and there s no - ear campus near ” ill said. t has to do more with their schedules. he fact that the might have little ids at home that the have to watch when the re not wor ing.” Osh osh student an onohue said he en o ed the one credit online course he too during spring interim that allowed him to have a o . wor ed full time and then did the ma orit of the wor during the evening ” onohue said. ill said people gravitate toward online courses ecause of their e i ilit which allows students with us schedules and other con icting circumstances to wor whenever the re free. ill said some students wor etter online where the environment is preferred for them even if in-person classes are an option. he can ta e their time... ” ill said. n their online discussion the re writing it out so the can come up with something more thoughtful.” onohue said going at our own pace and doing the wor on our own time are some of the enefits of ta ing an online course. O viousl ou have due dates and ever thing ut ou don t necessaril

UWO Dean of Students office gets new leader in Munin

Nyreesha Williams-Torrence

Kurt Ness

UPD officer Dennis Sabel poses for a selfie with freshman Dasia Harvey at the Coffee with a Cops event.

by Ti Windisch ew ssociate ice hancellor and ean of tudents rt unin wants Osh osh students to now his name and face as he egins his new o at O. m ecstatic to e here ” unin said. lease come up and sa hello to me. will e out there want to e ver approacha le. rop me an email drop the office. f there s an event going on on campus ou d li e me to come to please drop me a line and invite me SURVEY, PAGE A4 would a solutel love to ust can t




Enrollment increases in online classes

This pie chart shows the percentages of UWO students who feared sexual harassment. The chart was included with the Campus Climate Survey results.

by Laura Dickinson

it doesn t mean something ad is happening ” uen el said. his is a chance that people can see police in a positive light.” Best of the Midwest CAMPUS CONNECTIONS Kellie Wambold Allison Prusha Anne Wilhelms Mia Wilson


Joshua Crowe Natalie Dillon Michael Johrendt Nathan Proell Zijo Zulic






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• Munin changed his major several times as an undergrad, and started as a jazz studies major. • He plays the guitar; his repertoire includes the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme song and Let It Go. • He plans on performing at an upcoming Open Mic Night. • Munin is a husband and father of 4-year-old twins.

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The UW Oshkosh Advance-Titan is written and edited by students at UW Oshkosh who are solely responsible for its content and editorial policy. Any UW Oshkosh student is welcome to work on

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Ti Windisch - News Editor Alex Nemec - Assistant News Editor

October 27, 2016

Tour de Titan pedals through Oshkosh

Tour de Titan made its way through the Oshkosh community on Oct. 22 as part of UW Oshkosh’s homecoming festivities. Above left: Cyclists begin their tour at Alumni Welcome and Conference Center. Above right: A group of riders listen to the safety and guidelines before the start of the ride. Left: Participants of all ages joined in on the ride. Right: A broken-down bike at the start of the ride didn’t stop these two women from laughing and enjoying the race once they were on their way. Photos credit: Alicia Kahl

Above: UWO alumnus Tyler Christensen debuted his first movie last weekend. Left: “House of Purgatory” is about a group of teenagers that make a trip to a supposed haunted house, but run into trouble when the house knows their secrets.

UWO a u nus de uts fi st movie ‘House of Purgatory’ by Alex Nemec UW Oshkosh alumnus Tyler Christensen released his first movie ouse of urgatory” on Friday, just in time for alloween. ouse of urgator ” is a out four teenagers who go to a fa led haunted house ut soon reali e the house nows all of their deepest secrets. Christensen said the skeleton as the villain in his movie perfectl represents what is scar to a lot of people. ach person has s eletons in their closet and for someone to e outing those secrets is to me one of the most terrif ing things ever ”

hristensen said. hristensen said he found inspiration for this film in high school when he would constantl hear a out a house that was haunted. he house was alwa s ust far enough awa that ou wouldn t drive there ” hristensen said. ver one had a cousin or a rother s udd that went ut ou never actuall met someone who went there.” hen hristensen was researching what to ma e his movie a out he was surprised to learn the stor he heard in high school was fa e. came across it on nopes

and couldn t elieve it ” hristensen said. was so convinced it was real.” Christensen said UWO radio film professor oug eil was a ig inspiration to him. creenwriting was the one class could not get enough of ” hristensen said. was li e need that in m life. ” Christensen said he did an assignment in eil s class on people getting attac ed igfoot in the woods and eil took his story in the same regard as other people s more serious stories. his showed hristensen that eil didn t care a out content as long as the stor was good.




Ti Windisch - News Editor Alex Nemec - Assistant News Editor

October 27, 2016

Awarded alumni offer advice, guidance to UWO students

Susan Barker

Amanda Betts-Regina

Coming from the inner city of Milwaukee, Barker said how transitioning from Milwaukee to Oshkosh showed her diversity she had never seen before. “Coming from an era from the sixties, diversity was not prevalent,” Barker said. “Coming to Oshkosh showed me that goodness comes in all colors.” Barker said one piece of advice she would give students for the future is that they should live without worries for the future. “Be fearless,” Barker said. “Don’t worry about failing. J ust do it.”

Amanda Betts-Regina was a J ournalism major from 2006 to 2010. Through her Oshkosh experience, Betts-Regina said she learned a lot about herself. “What I discovered was my independence,” Betts-Regina. “If you fail, it is on you. I was able to explore who I wanted to be.” Betts-Regina said her best advice for students is to exploit everything Oshkosh has to offer. “You should explore different opportunities and internships,” Betts-Regina. “Take advantage of everything.”

Jim Rath Alumnus J im Rath, who attended Oshkosh from 19 7 0 to 19 7 2 and 19 7 4 , credits his wonderful experience at Oshkosh to three things that shaped him into the person he is today. “I look at three things through it--I graduated high school, I graduated college, and I was involved in G reek Life through my fraternity, Delta Sigma Phi,” Rath said. Rath advised students to follow their dreams after college and to be grateful for what they have. “Follow your passion and make sure you network,” Rath said. “Be thankful at the end of the day and give back.”

Written and photographed by Hailey Lawrence



“Even one percent of the number of people who completed this survey is too high,” Cannon said. Cannon said UWO needs to prioritize diversity in their hiring process in the future. “Our employee respondents African-American or black could not even be represented in a pie chart,” Cannon said. According to de Montigny, the Campus Climate Study was started back in 2008 by an outside consult-

ing firm ut has now shifted to inhouse surveying. “We collected information from students and employees regarding demographics, expectations, perceptions of campus climate, overall quality of life, experiences of exclusionary harassing, offensive or hostile conduct, as well as sexual misconduct,” de Montigny said. de Montigny said the process began 22 months ago and went through several drafts before settling on the final surve . “We started with a survey and revised it many times,” de Montigny said. “We had listening sessions

on campus where we got feedback from people on campus.” Bode said he took the survey last spring and re ected on how indepth the survey went. “I was surprised how thorough the survey was and what it all covered,” Bode said. “I thought it would be like what you like here and dislike, but it covered a lot more.” G oing forward, raising awareness of the sexual harassment results are part of the climate survey committee’s plan, according to Cannon. “We want to raise campus aware-

ness that we offer services,” Cannon said. “We also want to expand these services. We want to improve reporting procedures for handling sexual harassment and assault.” Cannon said the board and university need to raise campus awareness of the climate survey to generate an even more accurate study and wants to receive more student questionnaires in the future. “We want to make sure that students realize that this is not a survey analyzing weather conditions,” Cannon said. “We want to obtain a diverse representation in student responses.”



also emphasized the importance of the role college students play in the voting process. Although this is a presidential election, Baldwin said voters should vote for candidates in every position. “We need everybody to vote down the ticket,” Baldwin said. Baldwin said one of the reasons she got involved in politics in the first place was to advocate for college students. “I wanted to be involved in my community in a way that could make a difference,” Baldwin said. “I had the opportunity to run for the county board. I put my head in the ring, and part of what motivated me was reading story after story about college students on campus who were uninsured, poor and had become ill.” Baldwin said she ran for county board to make changes for uninsured college students. “I learned that if I could run for county board, I might be able to make a difference on this, and we did,” Baldwin said. Baldwin said advocating for college students helped her realize young people had to let their voices be heard. “It also just reminded me throughout my career how important your voices are,” Baldwin said. “And how important it is that you use them to advocate for any injustice that gets ou fired up and that ou re passionate about.” Baldwin said this is why she encourages students to vote on Election Day. “I want you to feel and know your power, that you decide what’s possible,” Baldwin said. Baldwin said she encourages early voting, and that it is vital for many voters. “Now that we have early voting, today is Election Day,” Baldwin said. “Tomorrow is Election Day. Next Monday is Election Day, and we’ve got to think of it that way and get people out to the polls. Every day between now and Nov. 8 is Election Day. We’ve got to look at it that way and take our own responsibility.” Baldwin advises voters to vote as early as possible to get their voice out sooner. “While there have been many efforts to repeal and diminish voting rights in the state of Wisconsin, one of the things that has not been taken away is the ability to register quite close to Election Day or on Election Day,” Baldwin said. “There’s many states where same day registration isn’t an option … We are not a state that does that. It’s not too late. It’s easy to do.”



Raquel Tuohy - Campus Connections Editor

October 27, 2016

Queer game show pits students against staff by Mia Wilson Students were pitted against faculty in the Queer game show held by the Lesbian G ay Bisexual Transgender and Queer/ Questioning Resource Center held on Wednesday. The center started in the fall of 2008 in an effort to make UW Oshkosh a safer, more inclusive campus and to welcome members of the LG BTQ community. The event featured a panel of five facult and staff serving as one “family” and an interchangeable set of five volunteers for each of the four rounds to make up the student ‘ family,’ along with an audience. With midterms and the holiday season closely approaching, it served as a way to give students a break to enjoy themselves. UWO senior G arrett Denning explained how it is a nice way to take some time to relax and get away from everything going on during this time of year academically. “We’re dealing with so much just trying to get through our classes, and with midterms, things are starting to

pick up, and there’s no real break in sight, so having something to come together and enjoy ourselves at is so crucial for students,” Denning said. Kaylee Bork, a senior and intern for the LG BTQ resource center, explained the importance of holding these types of events for students. “I think it’s important to have a place where everyone is welcome,” Bork said. “Everyone can be themselves and feel that they’re in a safe place.” For students looking to get involved with the resource center or to do an internship, Bork says you’ve come to the right place. “It’s a very fun and welcoming environment,” Bork said. “We have lots of different groups and programs that you can get involved with around campus. The internship is 120 hours between 14 weeks for three credits.” The answer to the questions for the game were based on a survey sent out to 100 faculty and students on the Rainbow Alliance for Helping Others Perceive Equality e-mail list. The student organization includes

gender, sexual and romantically divergent students as well as allies around campus. The game featured various topics from pop culture including TV shows such as “Orange is the New Black” and “Ellen,” movies including “Rocky Horror Picture Show” and “Toy Story” and musicals including “Rent” and “Hamilton.” Some examples of questions were “name a popular queer TV show character” and “what animated movie still makes you cry as an adult?” Matthew Reinhardt, the LG BTQ Resource Center Program Assistant, donned a fake mustache for the event and even put on his signature game show host voice. He said events like this are a great way for staff and students alike to interact with each other outside of the classroom. “We do this to bring students, faculty and staff together,” Reinhardt said. “It’s a way to connect and is humanizing. It breaks down that wall and gives us the opportunity to make it educational and a learning experience while still having fun.” Denning said that the Center is important to serving the LG BTQ


Staff and students get the chance to compete in the Queer game show. community. “It’s a fun time, it gets a little competitive, obviously, but in the

end, these are your people and you feel like you always have a place here,” Denning said.

Former homeless youth turned actor speaks at UWO


Senior Kathryn Kubasta performs covers of songs including “The Girl” by City and Colour and “Cherry Wine” by Hozier.

New Moon offers creative outlet for Kubasta by Raquel Tuohy For senior Kathryn Kubasta, open mic night at New Moon Cafe offers an outlet to perform and express her creativity. New Moon Cafe was founded by brothers Aaron and J ason Baer in the early 19 80s and is home to Oshkosh’s longest-running open mic night, running every Tuesday evening from 7 to 10 p.m. Kubasta said she has been going to New Moon’s open mic night almost every Tuesday since she was in high school. “One of my friends when I was in high school played there a lot for open mics,” Kubasta said. “I went with him, and when I got to college, it was even more convenient because it was nearby to the college campus. I used to do [ open mic] every week, but lately I’ve been doing it about once a month.” Kubasta said she goes to New Moon because of the

ambience the cafe provides. “It has a really cool atmosphere, and they have good coffee,” Kubasta said. “It’s really easy to come and hang out here with friends. It’s fun to come [ to New Moon] listen to music, play and get food or coffee.” Kubasta said going to New Moon is great for new and veteran performers because people have the chance to perform in front of others. “I think it’s a good opportunity for people who have never performed before that maybe have written their own song and don’t know how else to get it out there,” Kubasta said. “You aren’t going to get that kind of experience anywhere else in Oshkosh.” Kubasta started off her four-song set with a cover of “Simple is This” by J ake Bugg, “Cherry Wine” by Hozier and finished off by collaborating with Cullen Sampson on a mashup of Major Lazer and J ustin Bieber’s “Cold Water” and “All Time Low” by J ohn Bellion. Sampson, a friend of

Kubasta, said when he met her at New Moon a year and a half ago, he thought she was talented and wanted to collaborate with her. “We’ve only worked together a couple of times,” Sampson said. “She’s really good, and I saw her play once and afterwards, I started thinking of songs we could do together.” In addition to Kubasta, fellow UW Oshkosh student Sara Mac played “Cocaine J esus” by Rainbow Kitty Surprise and “Manchild,” an original. Most of the performers, including Sampson, sung original songs mixed with covers done by recognizable artists. Besides students, there were adults from a group home that are at the cafe to perform every Tuesday. Kubasta wrapped up her set to roaring applause and blushed when someone approached her to compliment her performance. Freshman Eli Allen-Folts said he can tell Kubasta has a lot of passion in her voice. “I really thought Kath-

ryn’s performance was spectacular,” Allen-Folts said. “Her covers were all geared to emphasize her own style. The mashup at the end with Cullen was the best. Their voices worked well with each other. I think I fell in love a little bit after their performance.” G irlfriend Natasha G ray said Kubasta’s voice is relaxing and anyone would enjoy listening to her, regardless of their taste in music. “Honestly, Kathryn’s voice is part of what made me fall in love with her,” G ray said. “We used to spend hours just sitting in her room and she’d play music and sing for me ,and she’s always been very talented. Since I’ve known her, she has only gotten better.” Kubasta said she started playing music when she was seven, and eventually, it evolved into singing. “I don’t really do anything else besides music,” Kubasta said. “I play guitar, ukulele and piano, a wide range of instruments. Music is kind of my thing.”

by Allison Prusha Monti Washington, a former homeless youth turned successful actor, activist and motivational speaker spoke on Tuesday evening in Reeve Memorial Union as a part of the University Speaker Series. Washington explained how he olstered his confidence to get where he is today. Speaker Series committee member Matilda Cretens said it’s a long process to decide who gets to come and speak at the University. “Once we found out who our speaker was, we had to create a mar eting plan to figure out what groups we wanted to target,” Cretens said. There was a lot of crowd participation and storytelling as Washington aimed to empower students to “take it from the streets of their minds to the stage of their dreams.” Also a spoken word artist, Washington began the evening with a free-verse poem that reected our societ toda and our obsession with social media. After discussing his poetry, Washington delved into his past. Washington said he was homeless by the age of 12, scouring trash bins outside fast food places with his brothers in hopes of coming up with their next meal of the day. Once off the streets, he was placed in a group home and various foster homes where he endured both physical and emo-

tional abuse at the hands of his guardians. Washington said it was during his time that his self-esteem took a hard hit, and he attempted suicide twice. “I was called stupid so many times I thought it was my name,” Washington said. Self-esteem remained a focal point of his talk as well as how our personal stories, while they may seem so different, are actually more alike than anything else. “We do not look like our stories,” Washington said. After sharing his history, the talk became more interactive. Washington picked six random students from the audience to stand on stage. He had a roll of toilet paper in his hand and explained how in order to get through his struggles, he changed the words “you’re shit,” a name he was constantly called by his foster parents, into “you’re the shit.” Senior Christine J uhas said what resonated with her most was the idea Washington conveyed about self-love. “The ultimate thing you can do for you is love yourself and have faith in yourself,” J uhas said. Washington said he started to realize his potential through his struggles while raising his confidence. “I’ve learned to communicate and adapt to my situation, not really judge people,” Washington said.


Raquel Tuohy - Campus Connections Editor


October 27, 2016

Across 1 24 minutes, in the NBA 5 G iant among wholesale clubs 9 Heat unit 14 Rideshare app 15 _ _ -deucey 16 G reat Lakes mnemonic 17 Author Wiesel 18 Improbable tale 19 Candy heart message 20 Position of football lineman J .J . Watt 23 Sound heard by a shepherd 24 Intense, as a competitor 28 Average, in math 33 Unsteady on one’s feet 34 Country rocker Steve 35 “_ _ & the Women”: 2000 ere film 36 Divisions of tennis matches 37 Actress Holmes 38 Ticked off 39 “How was _ _ know?” 4 0 Diamond weight 4 1 Word before Master or case 4 2 Fountain treat with Bosco, maybe 4 5 Biblical dancer 4 6 For each 4 7 Echoic remark before “What do we have here?” whose words can follow the ends of 20-, 28- and 4 2-Across 5 4 Many Mideast residents 5 7 V erdi opera set in Egypt 5 8 Color similar to turquoise 5 9 ‘ 9 0s candidate Ross 60 Hosp. scans 61 Road grooves 62 J apanese capital 63 Literary sister of Amy, Meg and J o 64 Magnitude Down 1 Tinged 2 Having the skills 3 Actor/ singer G arrett 4 They’re on the house 5 Prepares to have one’s tongue depressed 6 Healthy berry riffin of game show fame 8 “Auld Lang _ _ ” 9 Skating danger 10 Texas _ _ : poker game 11 Big Australian bird 12 G un, as an engine

Answers to last week’s puzzles

13 The Spartans of the NCAA 21 Part of NFL: Abbr. 22 TurboTax option 25 Hardwood tree that drops acorns 26 Fisher who plays Princess Leia 27 Come in 28 “Queen of Soul” Franklin 29 Equip anew, as a machine shop 30 Ben Stiller’s mom 31 Really bother 32 Cliché d 33 Nike competitor 37 Superman’s birth name ci-fi classic that introduced rincess eia 4 0 Regains consciousness 4 1 Poet Silverstein 4 3 Frequent J ohn Wayne persona 4 4 A cannonball makes a big one 4 8 Shepherd’s charge 4 9 Lamp-to-plug line 5 0 Improve text 5 1 Same: Pref. 5 2 Skating jump 5 3 Cut with light 5 4 Fitting 5 5 Rock’s _ _ Speedwagon 5 6 G enesis boat

9 most predicted costumes of 2016 by Kellie Wambold

OPINION Advance-Titan


Alyssa Grove - Opinon Editor

October 27, 2016

Get ahead, beat stress at the start

Stress, a word used nearly every day by college students globally, is almost always on our mind weighing us down. Stress can show itself in many ways. Through poor behavior, actions and emotions, we can see in ourselves and others the ugly face of stress and how negatively it impacts us. Whether it be the piles of readings and papers not yet completed, the extracurriculars that seem to eat up our time or maybe even finding time for all that while managing a job and having social life, stressors are constantly around us. Though school isn’t the only thing that has college students stressing, it is a major contributor for most. As a dog loves a bone, stress loves procrastination, maybe even more than a final exam. Both words are uttered numerous times every day on campuses. It seems inevitable with all of life’s other aspects that you will end up behind on at least one assignment in a class. The reasons to avoid procrastination, before you’re testing the limits of over caffeinating the human body at 3 a.m. on a Thursday, seem pretty obvious. One of the most vital reasons for most college students to avoid procrastination would be sleep. In the history of the Earth, I doubt a single person who has been enrolled in a university has ever complained of getting too much sleep. Even on weekend mornings people will go right back to sleep given the opportunity, even if they’ve just slept for 12 hours, because in college, so much sleep debt has been created that there essentially will never be enough. Procrastination seems inevitable, but according to research done at Harvard there are ways to combat this. Elle Kaplan, who wrote “Harvard research highlights six ways to trick your brain out of procrastination” published on the news site, Quartz, enlightens us on how to stop this seemingly never-ending cycle of avoiding assignments and putting off work that is due in the future. Many thinkers and innovators have thought up

ways to combat stress; these methods may get an eye roll or a thought to yourself “I’ve heard that a thousand times” but the question is, have you tried them? The only way to determine if one of these methods will work for you is to try it yourself. Physical activity is one of the best solutions to release bad energy on stressful days. The endorphins released through physical activity have been proven time and time again to reduce stress hormones. Other solutions are yoga and meditation. Not only could their practice improve your posture and flexibility but it also can reduce your stress levels. Yoga has been used as a tool for thousands of years to allow people to have a peaceful outlet. UWO junior Alexander Filkouski said doing yoga every morning has benefited his life. “First off it adds energy to my day because it’s relaxing, but at the same time I’m waking up my body by stretching and breathing,” Filkouski said. “Secondly I feel refreshed and in a better mood after doing yoga as well.” Meditation, used to find peace of mind in solitude, is another method that can be used. According to the book “The Trouble with Paradise” by Robin Lincoln Wood, studies have shown, “production of the stress hormone Cortisol is greatly decreased, thus making it possible for those people to deal with stress better when it occurs.” Another stress-reducing option is aromatherapy. This technology has gained recognition for essentially giving a user the option of choosing what emotion they wish to feel, and making it happen. The vapor used is called MONQ and was released to the public in April of 2016. By inhaling the vapor of choice you instantly feel the desired emotion. According to its creator, “each MONQ blend is 80 percent soy-based vegetable glycerin, 20 percent essential oils.” The easiest and quickest way to reduce stress though is training yourself to work on assignments when they are first assigned. Don’t wait until the day they are due to start them because this just builds stress and often leads to poor execution. Stress and procrastination seem as much a part of college as bad campus food and expensive books, but that doesn’t mean we have to let it be. Taking steps to reduce stress and prevent it before it starts, can lead to a more enjoyable college experience and more free time to hang out with friends, take part in clubs, get involved in the community or bingewatch that Netflix show you haven’t had time for. Do yourself a favor and cut the stress before it starts.

position and city will be published along with the article). The Advance-Titan does not publish poetry, anonymous or open letters, and letters printed elsewhere. Each writer is generally limited to one published letter to the editor per month.

We cannot acknowledge receipt of all submissions. If your letter is chosen for publication, we will attempt to contact you for verification via email or phone. F or m ore i nf orm a t i on, e m a i l u s a t a t i t a n@ u wosh . e d u , ca l l ( 9 2 0 ) 4 2 4 - 3 0 4 8 or v i si t ou r we b si t e .

by Katherine Baird Katherine Baird is a junior communications major. Her views do not necessarily represent those of the Advance-Titan.

Cartoon by Constance Bougie

Cast a vote for what matters by the Advance-Titan Staff

With candidates like Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, it is no wonder why the focus is all on them. During election season, however, down-ballot voting is just as important, if not more, as voting for the presidential candidates. Down-ballot voting is voting for candidates who are running for lower positions, such as local and county government, state representatives and senators. During elections these candidates are often forgotten and the votes are only cast towards the presidential nominees. The down-ballot candidates represent citizens at a local level and have a big impact on citizens’ day-today lives, yet they typically are ignored at the ballot box. President of College Democrats at UWO Brandon Colligan said people disregard these elections and see them as insignificant because the candidates are running for lower offices and it

SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOR: All letters must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Tuesdays. Readers can submit letters via email, mail or in person. Email letters to our University account, atitan@uwosh. edu. This is the preferred

does not often make headlines. “It is, however, just the contrary,” Colligan said. “Lower level elections at a state and local level impact you just as much, if not more so than the presidential election.” By voting down the ballot, you are able to share your opinion on specific issues with a candidate. “If a local state senator is running, your community’s stance on their issues will directly impact their race and vice versa,” Colligan said. “These local reps can pass policy directly affecting people in your community.” Colligan gave the examples of road maintenance and public school funding as possible issues candidates may have stances on. A community’s decision on these candidates can make differences in the issues that plague them daily. Due to a lack of popularity in voting in elections besides the presidential one, it can be hard to know who to choose to vote for. Signs are plastered throughout communities, peaking out be-

method. Deliver letters in person to the A-T office in Reeve Union, room 19. Mail letters to: The Advance-Titan, Reeve Union Room 19, 800 Algoma Blvd., Oshkosh, WI 54901

hind the giant Trump and “Hillary For Prison,” signs but they are nothing more than a name. It is important to fully educate yourself on the ideas behind these candidates. Colligan suggested informing yourself on their past voting record. “If you are informed on their voting record, you will know how to vote despite any kind of negative stigma surrounding them,” Colligan said. “Educate yourself on what their platform is on the issues you are concerned about.” As college students, besides the issue of student debt, we may not know exactly what issues should be a top priority for our candidates. Colligan suggested what he sees as the top three issues students should consider during elections. “One is addressing student loans,” Colligan said. “This requires candidates to want to increase public university funding and be able to refinance student loans.” Colligan said his other top two

issues are modern education and training programs, as well as increased infrastructure spending. If nothing aggravates you more than how quickly your loans and debt are piling up, or the road you take every day that hasn’t been repaved in years, educate yourself. There are candidates in our local elections that want to do something about these issues. Sitting at home and not voting or only going to the voting booth to write in Donald Duck isn’t going to solve any of the issues that bother you. Instead of trying to decide between the lesser of two evils in our presidential race, vote for the other positions on the ballot. The winners of those elections will have a greater effect on your daily lives than whoever ends up in the Oval Office. Do your community and yourself a favor and vote down the ballot. Do not ignore the other races simply because there isn’t a televised debate you can make a drinking game out of.



The Advance-Titan welcomes and reads all letters. Timely, well-written, provocative opinions on topics of interest at UW Oshkosh are given first preference.

All letters are subject to editing; not all letters can be published. Letters of length exceeding 300 words may be edited at the discretion of the Advance-Titan staff. Name, position, address and daytime phone are required, even in email submissions (only name,




Austin Walther - Sports Editor Morgan Van Lanen - Assistant Sports Editor

October 27, 2016


Fans pack Titan Stadium for Homecoming on Saturday, Oct. 22 vs. UW-Platteville. 3121 people attend to watch the fifth ranked Titans defeat the 12th ranked Pioneers 22-13.

Titans pick up Homecoming victory TENNIS FROM PAGE


The Titans got the ball on their own 20-yard line and ran one play for 6 yards before the quarter came to an end. The drive for the Titans continued into the fourth quarter on their own 26-yard line. UWO ran six plays including a 26-yard completion from Kasper to wide receiver Dom Todarello and a 33-yard completion from Kasper to wide receiver Chad Redmer that brought the Titans to the Platteville 1-yard line. A 1-yard run from running back Dylan Hecker gave the Titans their first touchdown of the game and after a failed extra point from Wettstein, the Titans led 15 -6 with 13: 04 left in the game. Starting on their own 35 yard line, the Pioneers were able to move the ball 65 yards to score a touchdown from a 7 -yard pass from quarterback Tom Kelly to wide receiver Mitch Munda to cut the Titans’ lead to 15 13. The Pioneers’ kickoff went 5 7 -yards to the Titans 8-yard line, but another long return from Blackburn for 30 yards meant the Titans were able

to start their drive from their own 38. A 4 3-yard rush from Devon Linzenmeyer brought the Titans to the Platteville 19 and after a 19 -yard rush from Hecker and the made extra point, the Titans extended their lead to the eventual final score of 22-13. Blackburn said they have had a lingering feeling of not playing an entire game to their full potential considering the offense was only able to score one touchdown throughout the previous win against Stevens Point, but they were able to respond in a big way. “Moving forward now we know what our offense can do again against a great team,” Blackburn said. “It gives us a lot of confidence going into the next game.” Head coach Pat Cerroni said the team took a big confidence blow after the Whitewater loss, but win by win their confidence is growing. “We just need a couple more weeks here to practice and gain some confidence and feel good about ourselves,” Cerroni said. “That’s really what we’re focused on.” The Titans continue conference play on Sat., Oct. 29 at UW-River Falls. Kickoff is at 2: 30 p.m.


Clash the Titan interacts with fans before the Homecoming game. You can follow him on Twitter @ClashTheTitan

Team Leaders vs. UW-Platteville Passing


QB Brett Kasper

RB Devon Linzenmeyer

16-24 191 yards 33 LG

10 Att 123 yards 12.3 AVG


WR Dom Todarello 7 Rec 95 yards 13.6 AVG




Austin Walther - Sports Editor Morgan Van Lanen - Assistant Sports Editor

October 27, 2016

Volleyball goes 2-1 in Whitewater by Natalie Dillon The UW Oshkosh women’s volleyball team picked up two wins this past weekend in the UW-Whitewater Invitational. The Titans defeated Loras College of Iowa in three sets and Elmhurst College of Illinois in four sets, but suffered a three set loss to Carthage College. Despite the better record, UWO ( 22-6) fell to Carthage ( 14 -10) 16-25 , 24 -26 and 30-32. Head coach Brian Schaefer said he was not impressed with the mentality of the girls. “We didn’t play very well against Carthage,” Schaefer said. “Carthage is a good team; we didn’t get upset by a ton. We just didn’t come out on the road mentally tough enough to play from the first serve.” In the first set, Carthage jumped to an early 12-3 lead they wouldn’t relinquish. The Lady Reds held onto a consistent seven-point lead the rest of the set. The Titans remained in the driver’s seat throughout most of the second set. They opened the set with a 3-2 lead, which built to 14 -8 on an ace from sophomore Tina Elstner. Behind 11-17 , Carthage went on a fivepoint run to close the gap to 16-17 . The two teams tied the set at 22-all and 24 -all before the Lady Reds captured the game with a kill and a Titan error. UWO also held a 19 -16 lead in the third set before Carthage went on a six-point run to establish a lead of 22-19 . Facing match point, the Titans battled to tie the set at 24 with kills from sophomore Carly Lemke and freshman Shannon Herman. UWO took the lead 25 -24 with a block from Lemke and Herman, but evened the score again with an error. Even though Oshkosh faced four more match points, they eventually fell with errors on the last two points. In order to keep leads, Herman said the team needs to battle until the game is done versus being satisfied with a lead.

“We need to be less content and keep pushing until the end instead of getting to 20 and totally shutting down,” Herman said. The Titans kept up with Carthage in service aces ( 5 -5 ) , but trailed in kills ( 30-5 6) , digs ( 4 6-66) and hitting percentage ( .131-.24 4 ) , with three Titans in negative percentages. Team leaders against Carthage included: Elstner with 10 kills and Herman who chipped in nine kills. Lemke provided three blocks, freshman Rachel G ardner supplied 12 digs, and senior Lexi Thiel racked up 30 assists and three service aces. UWO rebounded to defeat Loras College in three sets 25 -14 , 25 -23 and 25 -23. After the Duhawks scored the opening point, the Titans went on to score the next five to lead 5 -1. Their lead extended to 10-3 on a service ace from sophomore Brianna Witter. The Titans then went on a seven point run, aided by multiple kills from Elstner, to go up 16-8. For the rest of the set, the Titans didn’t lose the lead. To start the second set, UWO scored 11 of the first 13 points aided by six kills from various players and two service aces from sophomore Brianna V enturini. With a seemingly sound 24 -18 Oshkosh lead, Loras fended off five set points before freshman Samantha J aeke pounded out a kill to finish the set 25 -23. In the final set, the Duhawks took a 9 -3 lead. Trailing, UWO went on a four-point run to pull within two. Oshkosh took their first lead after a nine-point rally, including four blocks and four errors from Loras, to go up 17 -11. J ust as the previous set, the Duhawks didn’t let the Titans run away with the win easily. Loras battled against five match points before Lemke smashed a kill to close out the win. Herman said the team had a talk about the Carthage game and how to turn the negatives into positives for the Loras match. “Before the Loras game, we

thought about what we could change and do better,” Herman said. “We took our mistakes and turned them around. We didn’t want to just be aggressive. We wanted to be smart and aggressive with our shots.” J aeke had eight kills and Lemke put up seven kills, while G ardner and senior Laura Trochinski held the team up with 17 digs and 14 digs. Two players for the Titans recorded a double-double against Loras. Elstner totaled 15 kills and 12 digs to earn her ninth double-double of the season while Thiel contributed 30 assists and 10 digs to achieve her 30th career double-double. In the last match of the tournament, Oshkosh ranked 22nd, faced off against 16th ranked Elmhurst College of Illinois. G oing into the matchup, the Titans had lost the last five of six meetings since 2010. However, they would snap the streak and defeat Elmhurst in four sets. Despite a poor performance against Carthage the previous day, Elstner knew the team would play better. “I know we could have done a lot better against Carthage,” Elstner said. “After everyone got their jitters out, I knew we would play a lot better.” The Titans went ahead in the first set after a four-point run to lead 20-13. The run was highlighted by kills from Elstner, J aeke and senior Nerissa V ogt. Elstner also had an ace. However, the Bluejays rallied back to tie the set at 21 after six Oshkosh errors. Elmhurst would go on to win the first set 25 -23 off of two kills and an ace. In the second set, UWO took their first lead at 13-12. The lead swelled to 21-15 after three kills from Elstner and one from V ogt. The set ended on an Oshkosh block by sophomore Renee Rush and V ogt. To begin the third set, the Titans trailed 10-9 but went on a five-point run to claim a 14 -10 lead. UWO maintained the lead the rest of the way, as much as eight points, before capturing the set with a kill from Lemke.

On the brink of a fifth set, trailing 24 -22, Lemke and Rush put up a block in combination with a Bluejay error to tie the game at 24 . The Titans fended off two more set points before getting a kill from Elstner and capitalizing on a Bluejay error to clinch the match. Schaefer thought the win would help the team’s regional ranking. Oshkosh currently sits in fourth place behind UW-La Crosse, Elmhurst and UW-Whitewater in that order. Schaefer praised his players

the opportunities we get in the back of the net,” Alyssa said. “Every game, we want to be dangerous on the attack and hungry to score goals.” Alyssa tallied a total of four shots in the match against Marian University ( 4 -12) . The hunger to score continued once Maddie Morris and Robyn connected on passes that set up Ashley Baalke’s 15 -yard strike that found the back of the net in the 7 6th minute to make the score 4 -0. Sophomore Taylor Arnold had three total shots in the contest and added an insurance goal in the 87 th minute. This final goal of the match gave the Titans a 5 -0 lead. Kleis said the Titan offense finally found its sync and performed well when they needed to. “The offense is always a strong unit,” Kleis said. “[ We] have to take our opportunities to shoot when they are presented.” The Titans accumulated 30 shots in the entire contest, while holding Marian University to zero. Madelyn Runyan earned her fourth career shutout in her eighth start in goal. The Titans played to their roots and found a rhythm on the offensive side of the ball, Coppernoll said. “We are starting to gel on all levels [ offense and defense] ,” Coppernoll said. “We know that we will always get opportunities at shots. It’s a matter of putting them in when we get the chance.” Coppernoll said she saw

some positive things happen during the match. “Our team indeed played ‘ Oshkosh soccer’ the entire game,” Coppernoll said. “I still think we haven’t peaked yet so I am excited to see that moment. I’m hopeful it is yet to come.” Players, on an individual level, hold themselves accountable to play at the standard of Oshkosh soccer and practice what coach preaches, Alyssa said. “Every time I step out on the pitch I want to be a good leader, regardless if it is a good game or bad game,” Alyssa said. “I also expect myself to leave it all out on the field every game. I never want to walk away thinking I wish I would have done this, or I could have done that.” The Titans defeated the UW -Eau Claire Blugolds 1-0 on Saturday in Eau Claire. It was a defensive battle, but the Titans proved to be the victor after a Kleis game-winner in the 7 6th minute. Morris was credited with the assist. “The goal came from the only shot that I took that entire game,” Kleis said. “You can’t score if you don’t take the shots, so when you get the opportunity to take shot you need to keep your head down and strike the ball.” Coppernoll said Kleis has stepped up her game recently. “[ Alek] can strike a ball really well and has been making herself dangerous in the final third,” Coppernoll said. “This a great time of year to be getting hot as a forward.”

Oshkosh has won the last six matches against Eau Claire. Not only have the Titans won all six games, but also they have held Eau Claire scoreless in them as well. Coppernoll said the Titans found success defensively against the Blugolds, but the team did not do anything differently to prepare for it. “We have done nothing different against Eau Claire than anyone else,” Coppernoll said. “I think it might be a case of individual matchups rather than playing a different scheme of defense. Our defense did a good job of keeping a clean sheet on Saturday.” The Titan defense, led by Felicia Retrum and Erin G ruber, helped secure the 1-0 lead late in the second half. This shutout victory led to another clean sheet from Runyan. The Oshkosh women’s soccer team is now 3-3 in Wisconsin Intercollegiate Athletics Conference competition. Coppernoll said she is not satisfied with that record. “Our conference play has been inconsistent,” Coppernoll said. “We play right there with a top quality team such as Whitewater but then struggle against teams that are under .5 00. I do think we are playing better ball than we did one week ago. G etting a road result against a good Eau Claire team was key.” UWO hosts UW-La Crosse on Saturday Oct. 29 at J . J . Keller Field at Titan Stadium in its final regular-season match.


No. 16 sophomore Carly Lemke tips the ball past UW-Eau Claire on Friday, Oct. 7. for beating a good Elmhurst team. “They are a solid team,” Schaefer said. “Last year we lost to them in five. Not only was it a good win to even the score with them but this year specifically for regional rankings. It gives us some separation as one of the top four teams in the rankings from the bottom four.” Leaders for the Elmhurst match included V ogt with six blocks and 13 kills, G ardner with 19 digs and Thiel with 4 5

assists combined with 13 digs. Elstner, who totaled 19 kills and 13 digs, earned her second consecutive and 10th season double-double. She was also named to the All-Tournament Team. In regards to her performance, Elstner does not register how well she plays; it just happens. “I’m not conscious of it,” Elstner said. “I think it’s cool, but it’s something I’m expected to do. I have high expectations for myself.”

UWO women’s soccer crushes Swim and dive team Wisconsin College Marian University in Oshkosh Showcase results by Zijo Zulic

The UW Oshkosh women’s soccer team cruised to a 5 -0 victory over Marian University on Monday at J .J . Keller Field at Titan Stadium. Five Titans scored on Monday night. This proved to be the most goals the Titans have scored in a match this season. Sophomore forward Alek Kleis got the Titans on the board first in the 18th minute when she connected on a 5 -yard shot. This was Kleis’ third goal of the season, and second goal in two games. “Alek Kleis has been turning up the heat lately,” UWO head coach Erin Coppernoll said. “She has been performing better and better each day and especially the last few games.” UWO ( 9 -7 -1) continued the onslaught when Robyn Elliott played AJ J ackson in the 29 th minute. That pass led to J ackson’s fourth goal of the season and gave the Titans a 2-0 advantage going into the half. Coming out of the half, the offensive power did not stop as Rachel Elliott added to the lead, making the score 3-0. Her goal came in the 4 9 th minute and Alyssa Arnold was credited with the assist. This was Rachel’s fifth goal of her senior season. Alyssa said she has seen significant improvement from the offense in recent weeks. “I think we’ve been working really hard on offense to put

Taylor Teske

Mitchell Bricco

- Sixth in the 100-yard - 16th in the 200-yard backstroke butterfly - 11th in the 200-yard - 30th in the 200-yard backstroke freestyle - 15th in the 50-yard freestyle

Sydney Challoner

Michael Gerondale

- 36th in the 200-yard - 13th in the 100-yard freestyle breaststroke - 35th in the 50-yard - 21st in 200-yard In- freestyle dividual Medley

Mckinzie Halkola

Ross Armitage - 11th in the 200-yard backstroke - 19th in the 500-yard freestyle - 16th in the 100-yard backstroke - 25th in the 200-yard freestyle


SPORTS Advance-Titan

Austin Walther - Sports Editor Morgan Van Lanen - Assistant Sports Editor

October 27, 2016

Cross country prepares for WIAC Championship by Michael Johrendt UW Oshkosh hosted its second consecutive cross country meet on Friday, with the men taking third place and the women not placing due to lack of participating runners. For the men, Oshkosh had nine runners attached in the meet with si runners finishing in the top 30 overall. There were 64 runners in the event and all nine itans finished in the top 4 6. UWO Sophomore Bennett Krueger was the top runner for Osh osh finishing th. J unior Nathan Nozzi was ne t up at th freshman ic ngels finished rd and sophomore or in evr too home th place. Senior Trevor Faldet took th place sophomore dian elsch finished th and freshman Henry Laste was th. reshman ollin ora o finished th and freshman Isaiah Sample rounded up the results for the Titans with a th-place finish. Freshman J oe Z ack said with both teams resting most of their top runners for next wee s isconsin ntercollegiate thletic onference Championship meet, depth in both teams is important to their success. “[ The team] believe[ s] it is important to have faith in each other no matter class standing,” Z ack said. “But the importance of this is apparent in our upperclassmen showing up to the races where our younger guys are running. By cheering them on, supporting [ them] and being able to [ help] in their development as athletes, while also trying to emulate the [ program’s]

Eamon McKenna is in his fifth year as the men’s cross country coach and second with the women. Last year McKenna was named the WIAC Coach of the Year.

characteristics is an exciting and important process.” The women only had two runners for this meet due to the upcoming hampionship next weekend in Stevens Point. Freshmen shl n chwind and reanna V an Den Plas were the two Titan runners in the Open. Schwind took home top honors for Osh osh finishing in seventh place. V an Den las finished in th place to round out the Titans’ runners. V an Den Plas said with this meet having mostl freshman runners for Oshkosh, team development is key, especially for the upcoming championship. “It is very important to me that the upperclassmen have faith that will reach m potential throughout my college [ career] ,” V an Den Plas said. lthough have een running cross country for three years [ before] college, our mileage was different, our race lengths were different and the environment itself was a lot different. Coming into college athletics, I knew it would e difficult ut e-

cause I love running, I knew it was worth trying.” ven with onl two runners running for the women’s team, head coach Eamon McKenna said they have enough depth to be able to rest some runners for bigger events. “We [ somewhat] need to build depth on each side,” McKenna said. “But we have enough depth where we can allow our top runners to train and ta e wee s off from racing [ which allows them to focus on specific training and saves them from mental wear and tear] while allowing our back end runners to be competitive in some smaller meets.” num er of runners ran personal records and the top five gu s will represent the team at the Conference Championship this Saturday. McKenna said both teams were able to use the Oshkosh Open as a stepping-stone for success while resting up for the upcoming hampionship meet. he Open was a raceoff for the men s team to fill out our conference lineup,” McKenna said. “We knew we were using the race to chase PRs and were not worried about the team score.” s for the women s team McKenna said the race was used for younger runners to gain more experience before conference. “Our top runners in each gender were able to do a very ualit wor out rida in order to help prepare them for the championship portion of the season,” McKenna said. Both teams will be running at the hampionships on aturda Oct. . he women start at noon and the men start at p.m.

WIAC Championship participants at UW-Stevens Point Men’s teams

Women’s teams

No. 4 UW-Eau Claire

No. 7 UW-La Crosse

No. 7UW-La Crosse

No. 33 UW-Eau Claire

UW Oshkosh

UW Oshkosh



UW-River Falls

UW-River Falls

UW-Stevens Point

UW-Stevens Point






Ashlyn Schwind ran to a seventh place finish at the UWO Open. Her time was 26:08.61.

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