U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Policy Guidance: A Mental Health Impact Assessment

Page 131

Appendix G – Community Survey Excerpts from Resident Surveys: Questions About Demographics Date of birth:

Which best describes your annual household income?

/ ______ / ______ MM  DD  YYYY

Under $15,000 ____


Gender: Male ____ Female ____

$15,000 to $29,999 ____ $30,000 to $44,999 ____ $45,000 to $59,999 ____ $60,000 to $74,999 ____

Marital status:

$75,000 to $100,000 ____

Single ____ Married ____ Separated ____

Over $100,000 ____

Divorced ____ Widowed ____ Living with significant other ____

Are you currently employed?

Other (specify) ____________________

Full-Time ____ Part-Time ____ Unemployed ____ Retired ____

What is your ethnicity? African

American ____ Asian ____

Latino ____ Caucasian ____ Other (please specify): __________________ What is the highest grade you completed in school?

If you are employed, how many hours per week do you work? Have you been unemployed at any time in the last 3 years?

Less than high school ____

No ____ Yes ____

Some high school ____

If yes, for how long? ________

High school graduate ____ Some college ____

Is your spouse or someone else in your household employed?

College degree ____

Yes, Full-Time ____  Yes, Part-Time ____

Graduate degree ____

Unemployed ____ Retired ____

How many people under 18 years of age in your household? None ____ One ____ Two ____ Three ____ Four ____ Five ____  Six or more ____

No spouse or significant other ____ If they are employed, how many hours per week do they work? Which of the following best describes your household financial situation? Getting ahead/saving money ____ Stable ___  Just able to pay bills ____ Falling behind on bills ____

Adler School Institute on Social Exclusion: Mental Health Impact Assessment


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