Our Strategy 2022-2025 This strategy is based on the advice, guidance, and expectations of the people with lived experience who contributed to and remain at the centre of our values, ambition, and mission. We are led by the people we serve and all that we do should be about our beneficiaries.
Foreword Clive Wolfendale Chair of the Board, Adferiad Recovery As the Chair of Trustees of Adferiad Recovery, and after a very successful first year of operation as the merged organisation, I am delighted to be setting out our strategy for the next three years. The last two years have been unprecedented for all of our stakeholders. Our beneficiaries, people facing complex life challenges, our staff and volunteers, many of whom have personal or family experience of recovery, and our partners and funders, have all had to come to terms with a very different world. Services have been disrupted, loved ones have been lost or very ill, and there have been huge demands on an already under-pressure health and social care system. Our team have worked remarkably well throughout the Covid pandemic, delivering our existing well-established person-centred services and also new, innovative, and remote services which offer much learning and opportunity for the future. Adferiad Recovery is now one of the largest and most influential organisations in our field across England and Wales, and this strategy sets out our ambition to save and improve lives, to support and assist families and carers, to hold public authorities to account, and to be the employer of choice. We have a long and proud history of being led and guided by our beneficiaries, of being recognised as a great place to work, and of being high quality service providers and advocates. You will see from this strategy that over the next three years we will be pushing ourselves to be the best at what we do, to identify and support those most at need, and to lead and encourage discourse and dialogue on social justice. I and the Adferiad Recovery Board of Trustees are proud to be part of this mission and we will all do our very best to ensure the organisation goes from strength to strength.
About Adferiad Recovery Adferiad Recovery combines the skills and expertise of its founding charities to provide outstanding services for people in Wales with mental health problems, substance misuse problems, and those with co-occurring and complex needs.
Adferiad Recovery empowers positive change in the lives of people facing complex health conditions and challenging social circumstances – people who are seldom seen and seldom heard - through a range of services, campaigns, and support delivered by skilled and experienced staff and volunteers. 3
Our Values Our Values were developed by our beneficiaries and staff team and reflect the ambition and commitment to recovery.
RECOVERY ADVOCATES - We support people to take control of their situation and make progress towards achieving a better quality of life.
ALL ABOUT PEOPLE - We put people and their wellbeing at the centre of everything we do, whether they are clients, members, carers, families, volunteers, or staff.
EMPATHETIC - We show kindness and understanding in the way we relate to our clients and colleagues.
PROFESSIONAL - We demonstrate openness, honesty, and fairness in delivering our service and are individually and collectively accountable for our actions.
DIVERSE - Diversity means a more skilled and vibrant Adferiad community. We do not only value diversity, we celebrate it.
COLLABORATORS - We actively seek collaboration to increase and improve our services. If we can work together to share expertise and achieve a better outcome for our clients, then we will.
Our Beneficiaries Our beneficiaries are people who need help with problems they may face in relation to:
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5
Mental health (with particular reference to serious mental illness) Psychological and emotional well-being Learning disabilities Illness of any type Age Offending or other involvement in the criminal justice system Social exclusion Economic activity Alcohol misuse Drug misuse Gambling Other dependencies/addictions Complex and/or co-occurring needs Service in the armed forces or emergency services and their families and carers.
We’re here for those who need us.
Our Key Aims
VOICE - Ensure our beneficiaries are heard, ideally
through their own voices but when they need support, we bring together the voices of the many thousands of people we support.
INNOVATION - Our beneficiaries must be at the centre of policy, system design and evaluation. Research, co-production, and outcome focus must be the cornerstone of the whole health and social care system.
QUALITY SERVICE - Quality in all that we do. We aim to be leaders, and to support 7
and advocate for our beneficiaries to receive only the best, both in terms of the services we provide and for those provided by others.
Adferiad Recovery must ensure the rights of individuals are foremost in our minds in all that we do. But this is not enough: as a campaigning organisation, a conduit for the views of our beneficiaries, and as a large employer we have a moral duty. As a charity we have a public benefit duty to do far more than comply with the minimum. Adferiad Recovery is striving to become a Rights Affirming Organisation and is engaging with the Equality and Human Rights Commission, The Hilary Rodham Clinton School of Law and Criminology, the Royal College of Nursing, and Diverse Cymru to achieve this aim. An annual report will be produced to show our progress towards this ambition. To deliver these aims, this strategy sets out our objectives for the next three years across the organisation.
Our People Our staff and volunteers are key to our ability to support our beneficiaries. Our People Strategy has four priorities:
ATTRACTION - Attract quality candidates to well-planned roles by providing excellent rewards, clear career pathways and unbeatable applicant experience.
DEVELOPMENT - Training and developing the team to enable them to achieve their career goals whilst promoting excellent leadership and management.
SUPPORT - Providing all employees, workers, and volunteers with a comprehensive Human Resources service that they can trust, focusing on wellbeing and engagement.
RETENTION - Create a healthy, supportive and progressive working environment to ensure a positive experience for our staff and volunteers. 9
• Develop an improved package of terms and conditions aligning the whole team post merger 2022-23. • Improve recruitment performance by 10% each year.
• Complete full staff skills audit 2022-23 and update and develop comprehensive induction and development programme delivered by Academi Adferiad . • Staff and volunteers to complete all annually allocated courses and demonstrate a minimum of 80% satisfaction per annum with training.
• Implement new self-service People IT system 2022-23 which will provide detailed data on staff support, management, recruitment, and retention. • Annual staff survey demonstrates a minimum of 80% satisfaction with HR support.
• Work with our recognised unions to provide a healthy and positive workplace. • Improve staff retention by 10% per annum. RETENTION
Our Resources and Sustainability • Adferiad Recovery has team bases in every county in Wales, three hospital sites (including one in Lancashire), a rehabilitation unit, multiple residential properties, and modern offices. • Adferiad Recovery operates a fleet of nearly 50 vehicles including minibuses, food transportation, and cars. • Our aim is that our assets are focussed on maximising impact for our beneficiaries, saving money, and improving our carbon profile. 11
Objectives • Review all property use annually to ensure best use of resources. • All refurbishments to include energy efficient, low carbon approaches , e.g. LED lighting, insulation, automatic lighting, etc. • Increase the number of residential units available for our beneficiaries by 5% per annum.
• Review all staff mileage bi annually to ensure best use of time and resources. • Plan to replace all vehicles with plug in hybrids or pure electric vehicles over the next five years. • Encourage the use of technology to reduce travel while recognising the value of faceto-face engagement.
• Carry out Carbon Mapping for Adferiad Recovery. • Sustainability group to develop plans for a 10% year-on-year reduction in carbon mapping. • Utilise new technology to reduce the use of paper and printed materials including publications, marketing, and internal communications by reducing stationery consumption by 10% per annum in real terms.
Our Services • Adferiad Recovery delivers over 140 services across Wales and in our Lancashire unit we provide services for people across England. • Our services range from the most complex levels of support in in-patient hospitals through to community befriending and social engagement. • We provide specialist services for people with complex needs including mental illness, addiction and dependency, physical, and learning needs. • Our services work with over 16,000 people each year through our team of 655 staff and 51 volunteers • All our services are co-produced in partnership with those who receive them and the staff team who provide them.
• Develop project partnerships where all beneficiaries are engaged in how the services are developed and delivered 2022-23. • Provide monthly news stories on specific services to be shared on our social media platforms to ensure our beneficiaires know what we provide. • Annual satisfaction surveys demonstrate over 80% positive feedback.
• Implement the ISO 9001:2015 standard across all our services in 2022-23. • Recruit and retain a skilled, and motivated team who are representative of our client group. Annual reviews will demonstrate increasing diversity in the team. • We are proud of our Welsh heritage and recognise that for many of our clients, the use of Welsh is vital in their recovery, so we aim to increase the number of Welsh speakers by 5% per annum by providing access to language courses, promoting roles to Welsh speakers, and celebrating our culture.
• Carry out an annual survey of beneficiaries to establish need and desire for services. • Work with beneficiairies, commissioners and partners to develop innovative models of service • Retain our existing services by ensuring achievement of over 80% compliance with ISO standards demonstrating high quality provision.
Our Engagement and Campaigns In 2020/2021 we consulted with beneficiaries, staff, and partners to determine the priorities for our campaigning for coming years. The three key aims were: • To improve the lives of all our clients (not just those who use our services) including people with mental health and addiction problems, people with complex needs, carers and families. • To reduce inequalities in health and social care outcomes for vulnerable people and reduce inequalities in the delivery of health and social care. • To ensure that support and friendship is available for everyone. 15
In order to deliver on these aims, we identified four key areas of work. Adferiad Recovery has well established and well followed social media and websites and we need to maximise theimpact of these to ensure our messages are delivered. ESTABLISHING OUR EXPERTISE Ensure brand awareness for all Adferiad’s delivery strands, demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, and thereby demonstrate the expertise of the organisation.
CAMPAGNING Enable the organisation to campaign effectively for its key messages/aims across all levels (local, regional and national stakeholders).
PUBLIC AWARENESS Influence and drive our organisational agenda, stimulating public interest.
POLITICAL AWARENESS To move all mental illness and addiction recovery up the Welsh and UK Policy agenda.
Campaigns for 2022 - 23 We will actively campaign for improvements in services, legislation, public opinion, and system change for the benefit of our beneficiaries. The topics of our campaigns are driven by our surveys of members, beneficiaries, and partners and are identified on an annual basis. For 2022 - 23 our campaigns are: • Challenging the stigma associated with addiction. • Improving mental health legislation and associated policy and services for people with serious mental illness.
Both campaigns will be delivered with partners in 2022-23 to maximise impact.
Objectives EXPERTISE
• Develop a portfolio of briefings detailing all our areas of work and Adferiad’s position on related policy by the end of 2022-23, updating these each year. • Develop effective brands and logos for all our areas of work and unify our social media and web offer in year one and increase traffic to these sites by 10% per annum.
• Hold campaign events in all 22 counties of Wales and in Lancashire each year. • Deliver two campaign areas per year on topics identified by our beneficiaries and evaluate these campaigns each year as part of our survey.
• We will establish, train, and actively support a cohort of Adferiad Volunteers with lived experience to engage with the media, government consultations, and other opportunities to project the voice of our beneficiaries. • We will provide news outlets with stories at least at least six times a year, and maintain an active presence at key Welsh events such as the Royal Welsh Show and the National Eisteddfod.
• We will be active members of DACW, the Mental Health Alliance, the Wales Alliance for Mental Health, and other key influencing groups. • We will respond to all Parliamentary Committee requests for evidence relating to our areas of expertise and will produce a monthly brief for MPs, MSs, Councillors, and the press.
Post-Covid Adferiad Recovery and our staff performed exceptionally well during the pandemic with the vast majority of our services continuing, and the numbers of people supported exceeding that of the year before. We recognise that the health and social care system is in crisis and that Adferiad has a major part to play in assisting the NHS and the local authorities in ensuring our beneficiaries continue to receive the support they need. We will of course work with partners, but we will also hold them to account and advocate for our beneficiaries where services and the system fails them. Our staff do this across the organisation, and we will use our influence to ensure the post covid world is a better one for our people. 19
• Our social enterprises, particularly those relating to catering and café provision are having to rebuild following the pandemic. • We are committed to offering opportunities for meaningful and quality employment and volunteering training and development and will continue to invest in our social enterprises. • We will relaunch our social enterprises summer 2022 with a plan for ongoing development.
Our Partners • As one of the largest organisations of our type in the UK we must assist and support organisations with similar objectives and Adferiad Recovery welcomes partnership approaches. We currently have some exceptional project and organisational arrangements which benefit those people who need our services. • Our national and international partners are shown below, and we will strive to identify new partners, develop new relationships, and continue to offer support, innovation, and collaboration across Wales and beyond. 21
www.adferiad.org.uk 01792 816600 info@adferiad.org Company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, number 2751104 and Registered Charity, number 1039386