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contradiction. If it is asserted that certain Christians did not accept Peter as Khalifah, then the answer is that certain Muslims also do not accept the four Righteous Khulafa’. The matter is not nullified by their rejection. A third consideration is that the Promised Messiahas has pointed out in Al-Wasiyyat [The Will] that such a system was established among the Christians He writes: “Believers face difficulties and problems and the enemy gains force and thinks that now all is lost [as for as the mission of the Prophet is concerned], and is convinced that it is the time win the community [of the followers of Prophet] will be wiped off the face of the earth, and even members of the community start dithering and plunge into despair, feeling so helpless, and a few of them who are unfortunate resort to apostasy, then God, for the second time, shows His Mighty Power and supports and takes care of the community which was about to fall. Thus a person, who remains steadfast till the end, sees this miracle of God. As is happened at the time of Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddiqra, when the death of the Holy Prophetsa was considered untimely and many an ignorant Bedouin turned apostate. The Companionsra of the Holy Prophetsa, too, stricken with grief, became like those who lose their senses. Then

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