The Hotel Engineer 15_3

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The Aria has its own dedicated fire service pump room that includes a diesel fire pump set triggered automatically in case there is a fire.

has removed the card after a little time has elapsed, thus proving a fine energy saving mechanism. All door hardware is electronic using the Saflock system with proximity reading devices that are controlled from reception.

Fire Services National Fire Solutions won the contract to establish fire control with the Fire Indicator Panel made fully addressable, allowing hotel management to identify the locale of any triggered fire alarm within the building from a central location Building Occupant Warning System. This means that the entire hotel can be informed of a fire or emergency via this BOWS speaker system, quite audible to all parts of the building. Sprinklers were included in basement levels, the ground floor and levels one and two, with hydrants on all levels. Additional handheld extinguishers on all levels of the hotel were included to assist in case of any emergency evacuation. With regards to climate detection, thermal and smoke detection are in the one device. Which means that should a guest burn their toast, the system will allow the guest time to clear the room of smoke without raising an alarm immediately. The Aria has its own dedicated fire service pump room that includes a diesel fire pump set triggered automatically in case there is a fire. This provides additional water pressure to all sprinklers and hydrants, even when the Fire Brigade is not onsite to boost the pressure themselves, or if the town mains are operating at low pressure. >

Hotel Engineer | Vol 15 No. 3 | 27

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