Paper 3 Draft 1

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women are. Ultimately meaning that men are sexual beings with raging hormones. They second excuse that women are more in charge of preventing pregnancy than women. The third claimed that they were in love with the woman and not using contraceptives makes the intercourse less intimate. To women, if there is a willingness to make things more intimate and romantic (by having unprotected sex), then women are put in a precarious position, often times not making the right decisions. Consequently, the decision to have unprotected sex becomes more mired in gendered assumptions surrounding love and romance. (Weber) One major stereotype that stands out in teen pregnancy cases is that when men hook up with girls, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. But when a girl hooks up with multiple boys, it is looked upon as worse. If a man has children with three different women it is viewed very differently than if a woman has children with multiple men. Marlin, a 16 year old with one daughter, a baby on the way, and another child that may or not be his openly claimed that: “You know how they say it looks (worse) for a girl than for a boy? Yeah, that’s how I think about it. With a boy, there ain’t too much wrong with it, really. But like a girl… that’s just nasty.” (Weber) This double standard is part of the reason that makes the stereotypes and gossip so much more impactful for women than for men. Though it does affect both parties, women suffer much more psychologically and emotionally due to gossip than men do. This may be due to the fact that men often times are more able to escape the realms and the burden of having a baby much easier than women can. Women also occasionally are deprived of the advantages of having that emotional

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