Sign,Wonders and Miracles Issue129

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SWM Magazine

Signs, Wonders and Miracles Magazine Issue 129

Contents Feature Cover Stories:

5. After Searching So Long, I Finally Found The Truth! By Mary Ann Wray 9. Miracles Still Happen Everyday! Dr. Brian Adams Ministries

9. Change The World Tour Testimonies! By

Tamara Cornelius

10. Amazing Healings From God! By Penny Patterson 11. The Tumor Disappeared! By Tamara Cornelius 12. I Saw Heaven And So Much More! By Rick D’Ostroph

Help Me!

15. HELP HOTLINE/BUSINESS DIRECTORY 16. Where Will You Go When You Die?

In Every Issue

4. A Note From The Editor 13. Meditate On The Word Of God 14. Church Directory


14. Win Great Prizes!! Bible Quiz (no purchase necessary) 14. GET YOUR FREE GIFT TODAY! SIGNS, WONDERS AND MIRACLES MAGAZINE We do accept accept donations. Thank you for your support as we spread the gospel & your testimonies around the world! WWW.SWMMAG.COM See mailing address below:

Editor -In-Chief/Publisher: Tamara Cornelius Associate Editor: Alan Cornelius Public Relations: Lois Adams Advertising/Marketing: Tamara Cornelius Graphics Department: Tamara Cornelius Offices: P.O. Box 24771 Columbus, Ohio 43224 Phone: 614-203-0920 Websites:

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Always and Forever Ministry WWW.ALWAYSANDFOREVERMINISTRY.ORG Teen International Magazine-For Teens By Teens WWW.TEENINTERNATIONALONLINE.COM JAMCO Productions (Just Anointed Music Co)

Check times and date for their upcoming events! On Signs, Wonders and Miracles website: WWW.SWMMAG.COM

A Note From The Editor

Hello to all of my sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus. Thank you to all our sponsors, advertisers and our supporters! You all are wonderful, and I thank God for you! Thanks to the ones that are new readers, and also to those who have just about every issue. You can also read past issues of Signs Wonders and Miracles online at WWW.SWMMAG.COM Send us your testimony for future issues. To the new readers who want to know how this magazine started, I was healed of a cancerous tumor in my head, way back in 2005. When God removed the tumor without any surgery, and allowed the hospital to witness the amazing miracle from God, I then asked God what I could do for Him, and that’s when God allowed me to publish Signs, Wonders and Miracles Magazine! This is a testimony publication that shares many miracles and awesome wonders from God that started in Columbus Ohio, and is now read across the nations to share the love of God, and to give people hope and build their faith. This is a free quarterly magazine to the public, this way all people of different religions, nations, and backgrounds will know that God is very real through His many miracles! He sent His only begotten Son JESUS to redeem mankind. He is the only one who died for all nations, then three days later God raised Jesus from the dead, and He now sits at His Fathers right hand in heaven! (Acts 7:55-56 But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God, And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.) Also Read: ( Hebrews 10:12 But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;) Jesus will return and the time is soon! It is time to share with everyone the good news and show how God loves us so much that He sent His only Begotten Son to be the sacrifice for you and me, this way we can spend eternity with Him! EVERLASTING LIFE! Read: John 3:16-18 Also Romans 10:9-10 & Revelations 20:12-15. I hope you enjoy this issue and please fill free to share the miracles that God has done in your life with us! We will try our best to put your testimony in one of our future issues, but we cannot promise that every miracle will be placed in this magazine due to the amount of people who are sending their testimonies to us. Due to the seriousness of this magazine, we may ask for doctors statements, or even witnesses from your events before placing your article in our magazine. May God bless you and keep you in His perfect peace. In Gods service, Tamara Cornelius E-MAIL:

SWM Magazine: P.O. Box 24771 Columbus, Ohio 43224 WWW.SWMMAG.COM

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After Searching So Long, I Finally Found The Truth!

By Mary Ann Wray

I was raised in the Roman Catholic Church and always

had a deep hunger to know God in a personal way. I had several spiritual experiences growing up where I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit and / or God speaking to me but I had never heard the gospel. I knew Jesus died on the cross but it wasn’t relevant for my salvation. I had to be good and work for it. There was a deep void and spiritual emptiness inside me. I just had to find God but in reality He was searching for me! He leaves the 99 to find the one! That one is you and me!

After an intense search during my last year of College: going to Mass and praying the rosary every day, a class mate of mine noticed me doing all this and seized the opportunity, or should I say the devil seized the opportunity. She began to talk to me about occult experiences like reading auras, tarot cards and astral projection. We smoked some marijuana together and she told me how drugs enhanced these spiritual experiences. I was afraid to participate with the supernatural things she talked about because I knew in my heart they were wrong. I just listened and acted like I was interested. I knew in my heart there was something out there more than we could see but it wasn’t the kind of thing she and her boyfriend experienced and talked about. Next, she introduced me to T.M. (Transcendental Meditation) which

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I refer to as a ‘dumbed down’ version of the occult. She told me it was a way to tap into the supernatural at my own pace and take it as far as we wanted to go or not. I liked that idea of my own pace; it was non threatening. I did some research and decided to try it. I bit the bait of Satan. I saw on a talk show with some Catholic Priests and other religious leaders on there, that it was okay to practice T.M. since it was not a religion. What a lie! Anything man does to try to become like or reach God other than through His Son Jesus Christ is a man-made ‘religion’ and counterfeit of the true living God. After attending a six week class, I was introduced to my mantra while incense, candles and strange chanting were being offered up before an altar of the Guru Maharishi Yogi. Honestly I was mad because I knew this type of altar was idolatry! Since my dad paid for the class I didn’t want to disappoint him and waste his money so I went home disillusioned but determined to tap into the higher power. While I sat in a lotus position with eyes closed, fingers touching and legs crossed I began to repeat this mantra. All of a sudden my spiritual eyes were opened. I had a supernatural encounter with a demonic spirit that I heard laughing at me with the most hideous face I’d ever seen. God let me know I was on the wrong path! I later learned that mantras are names of Hindu deities. In reality they are demon spirits. I was calling out to a demon thinking I was approaching God. In His mercy, He let me see what really was going on. I never meditated or used this mantra again. Now I meditate on the Word of God! While all this was going on, some friends of ours witnessed to us about Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We thought they were crazy but we were kind to them (at least to their faces). They invited us over for dinner and fellowship many times. We really enjoyed our time with them but couldn’t wrap our minds around this relationship thing they said they had with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. When we shared with them that we were going to take this T.M. class, they immediately began to fast and ramp up prayers for us. After this failure with T.M. Ron asked me what happened. When I explained this demonic encounter I had all said was, “Praise God!” like he was really glad. I didn’t understand his response. Several days later, he invited Bob and I to a Catholic Charismatic Prayer meeting. I felt it was ‘okay’ to go to since it was Catholic but I was still suspicious and hesitant. Ron and his wife attended an

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Assembly of God church and I turned down several invitations to go to church with them because of it. I was a die-hard Catholic and believed that all Protestants were going to Hell! Well, except for these two because they were different than the other Protestants I knew. There was no denying the supernatural love, joy and peace they had. I desperately longed for it too but was too blind and proud to see it! In April of 1976 we attended our first Catholic Charismatic meeting at St. Paul’s Catholic Church. I thought to myself that they were the happiest bunch of Catholics I had ever met. They hugged us at the door and addressed us as brother and sister. I couldn’t believe their friendliness and genuine love they showed me! During the most beautiful praise and worship with people singing in other tongues, I felt a tangible presence of love and peace. Next thing you know I had another supernatural experience and encounter. This time it was with the Living Christ! While everybody’s hands were up in the air praising God, I looked up and saw a huge mural of Jesus. He was standing on a cloud ascending into Heaven. He wasn’t on a cross. Most Catholic Churches depict Him dying on the cross behind the altar. I began to think, “Yes, He is alive. He is risen. He told His disciples He would come back the same way He would leave this earth during His Ascension on a cloud! He’s not dead or hanging on a cross any longer!” While I pondered these truths I learned in my catechism classes, Jesus spoke to me in a sub-audible voice, similar to the way you hear things in a dream. He said to me, “It is I who you seek, look no further.” I broke down and wept at His kind yet powerful words, while I felt the weight of my sin, dead religion and rejection roll off my burdened heart. Immediately in my heart I said “Yes, Lord.” The joy that welled up in my soul is something I can’t explain. I continued to praise the Lord openly with my hands straight up in the air throughout the rest of the praise and Worship. Afterwards, the leader of the prayer meeting asked if anyone had anything to share. He said he felt like God had touched somebody. Without thinking, I jumped up and out of my seat and headed to the leader who handed me the microphone. I still hold one today when given the opportunity. Hallelujah! My response was totally out of character. I was a shy, fearful and timid girl who had a deeply rooted spirit of rejection. I knew it was the Spirit of God working in me. Without thinking I blurted

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out, “I don’t know what just happened and I don’t know what Heaven is like, but if it’s anything like what I just experienced a few moments ago I can’t wait to get there!” Everyone shouted and clapped in praise. I felt like I was on a cloud the rest of the evening! My cheeks hurt from smiling so much!

On the way home, Ron asked me if I knew what happened I said, “No, Not really.” I told him about my experience with Jesus back at the prayer meeting and what Jesus said to me. He laughed and praised God and went on to explain that I had been Born Again. He told me the story of Nicodemus which I had never heard before. For the next three weeks I felt the overwhelming love and presence of the Father. It was like being on a spiritual honeymoon. I witnessed to anyone who would listen. Some were happy for me including my Mom who I led to Christ, but many of my friends cut me off. That was okay by me because I knew I was in a new family now and had more sisters and brothers than could be counted!

I continued to serve God for many years after that and in our early 40’s my husband and I quit our jobs to go to a Bible College in Columbus, Ohio. That’s where the spiritual warfare against our family really intensified. One of our children became very rebellious, fell into a lot of trouble and eventually wound up pregnant our last semester of Bible College. Unfortunately, I didn’t handle it well at all. I allowed these thorns of life to choke off the word of God that was in me. Honestly, I didn’t properly handle the many trials we faced; not only out of hurt, but not having a spiritually sound point of reference. My works based mentality was my frame of reference. I approached God and my problems with “I’ve got to do something to fix it,” and it never worked. Also, I came

SWM Magazine

from a dysfunctional family myself and lacked the wisdom and understanding to navigate through family issues in a healthy way. As a result of all of this, I slowly devolved into social drinking which led to alcoholism, tranquilizers and eventually pornography. Nothing took this pain away and I realize now that I was angry at God too. I believed the lie of Satan that God was punishing me. So like Adam and Eve, I ran and hid in shame, rather than running to the Father for help and restoration. I didn’t understand the true nature of the Father. He was not “Abba Father” to me. He was harsh and sometimes cruel in my mind. I had an orphaned spirit that carried serious daddy issues and scars from my childhood. The enemy used those cracks in my identity foundation to get to me. It took many years to really get a breakthrough in this area. After this 10 year period of spiritual devolution (I refer to it now as ‘devil-ution) I rededicated my life to Jesus after another powerful encounter during a children’s church service in 2005 I attended with my 8 year old granddaughter. I was confronted with that same inner voice. This time He was a bit firmer but not condemning. He gave me a choice. He said, “This is the last time I am calling you back by your calling.” I thought the calling He meant was to preach or teach. Now I know He was calling me back as His daughter to know Him more intimately. He was calling me to a place of restoration of the entire man. Not just my spirit, He wanted to heal and restore my soul. I was gripped by the fear of the Lord and my own sinfulness. I wept like Peter realizing that my own doubt and unbelief got me to the place of rebellion and spiritual distance from God. I cried out to Him for mercy. I knew it was I who walked away believing the lies of the enemy. He never forsook me. That day, I chose to follow Him and deny myself with no turning back. “I’d rather die than go back”, is what I told Jesus.

The next two years were a fiery furnace. Everything in my life seemed to come under attack: family, marriage, friends, and finances-you name it. I even wound up in a mental hospital twice. But I had

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reached a point of no return and knew God was allowing this fire to try me and see what was in my heart. As a result of two hospitalizations, a falling out with my husband, and my son disowning me, I left Virginia and moved back to Ohio to start life over. I was terribly broken, confused and angry. But in the midst of all this madness, God had a plan. The Lord began to identify and deal with areas of my life He wasn’t “Lord” over. I had control in so many areas and gradually relinquished them to Jesus. There was a lot of dying and repenting that took place while the Father began to piece my life back together. After an extended period of seven months that I call being on the ‘threshing floor’, God brought me to the place of embracing the process of inner cleansing and healing while enjoying His presence. I was so caught up in ‘doing’ and needed to learn how to just ‘be’. I believe this an ongoing process and sometimes a struggle of balance between the two, that isn’t completed until we leave this earth. Then, in 2009, our oldest child, Samuel, decided to move back to Ohio to start over after a failed marriage. He too rededicated his life to the Lord a few months before. We were ecstatic and couldn’t wait to have him close to us once again rebuilding our family and lives together in Christ piece by piece. After calling his number numerous times the Sunday he was due to arrive with no answer, I ‘knew’ something was wrong. Finally, the police came to our door at about 3:15 in the afternoon with the horrible news that Sam was gone. On Sunday, January 18th, 2009 his car slid off of I-77 outside of Ripley West Virginia on an icy patch. He died shortly after the ENT/ ambulance arrived at the hospital. When the police told us what happened to the best of their knowledge (there were no eye witnesses), everything I just described flashed before my eyes like a video.

I clearly heard another voice, but it wasn’t the voice of My Father. It was the voice of the enemy telling me,

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“So….this is the God you serve and the God you say loves you? After everything you’ve been through and done for God…. He takes your son from you too? What kind of God would do that?” Immediately I recognized the accuser and said out loud in the presence of the police and my husband, “I don’t know how and I don’t know when, but God is going to get the glory out of this!” The police looked at me like I had two heads. I did have two heads, but they just couldn’t see the invisible one, yet God was there holding me. I asked my pastor if I could preach at Samuel’s funeral. He gave me the go ahead but let me know if I couldn’t go through with it, it was okay. I wasn’t going to let the enemy hold me back from fulfilling God’s purpose on this earth. I wanted God to get the glory by pointing everybody there to Jesus just the way I believe Sam would have wanted me to. When he was younger he went on mission trips and led many children and young people to the Lord. It was like I was standing in proxy for him. It was a way to honor my son as well as my Savior. Now, years later I am in full time ministry and seek to help as many people as I can in the journey. The place of sonship is where everything begins not stops. Jesus came to show us the Father! I haven’t finished the race. Each day is a new beginning. His mercies are new every morning!

“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:12-14


(Make sure your home is Heaven when your time is up here on earth!)




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Miracles Still Happen Everyday! By Dr. Brian Adams

I preached a message on the power of forgiveness. This is a Kingdom message that will preach anywhere around the world.

That’s right the devil has no new tricks. The first lady came up for prayer had a ear that was seventy percent deaf and God opened it. Her shoulder was frozen and wouldn’t work and it was instantly healed. Many pains in peoples body instantly left and you would see them smile with relief giving thanks to God. One lady came up and she was seven months pregnant. She had not felt the baby move or kick for three weeks and she was very concerned. She had no money and could not go to the doctor. The very second I laid my hands on her belly the baby leaped and started kicking. She started crying and thanking the Lord. It reminded me of the bible story where Mary visited Elizabeth and the baby leaped. God is awesome and there is nothing impossible for Him. Many things happened and there were many miracles. I didn’t return to minister in Congo, Africa for another eight years, when I got to the church the woman walked up to me with an eight year old boy and introduced me to him and she told her son, this is the man that God used to bring you back to life in my stomach! I give God praise!!

I was recently in Pavas, Costa Rica. I went with Schambach Ministries. It was awesome meeting new people, that is one of the things I like most about traveling. You see, wherever you go there is Kingdom family and friends. Every night was wonderful, I love the atmosphere of a crusade. The last night was really special, The power of the Lord was present to heal. Two women raised up out of wheelchairs and walked, and many were healed. Multiple deaf ears were opened and bad vision was healed. The picture above is of a 10 year old boy that his father brought up for prayer. He was born deaf and mute, and when I prayed for him, the deaf and dumb spirit threw him down as if he was having a seizure. I commanded the spirit to leave and he got up. He came and took my hand and placed it in his ears. After prayer was finished he could hear normal and spoke his first words, “papa”. What beautiful words for a father to hear who had never heard his son speak. Dr. Brian Adams, Brian Adams Ministries; P.O. Box 188 Jackson, Ohio 45640 / 740-288-2636

Change The World Tour Testimonies! By Tamara Cornelius

Watching God heal the sick, was amazing during the outreach tour. The pastor of a church in Roanoke VA introduced Alan and I to a man that attends his worship services. The man had been walking down the street by the church when a gang took a bat to his head, and crushed part of his skull, then continued to beat his body until they broke just about every bone in his body. This man came up to be prayed for and while I was praying with my hands on his broken legs, all of a sudden bones started moving back into place! Before I could say what I felt, he said “Wow!” With excitement I said “Did you feel that too?” The man said “Yes!” God was putting that mans broken bones into place right then while we praised the Lord! Also another praise report, thank you Lord Jesus for healing Bishops back that night! The hernia will not come back in Jesus name! God fixed it and that settles it! Soon after, we left for Princeton WV where we met a man with a messed up leg, and he was healed by Jesus and was able to walk again! The Lord Jesus also healed Sis Beverly's ankle and she was no longer limping on that same day! Then the very next day someone was healed of pain on her body. God continued to get all the glory as we traveled on the Change The World Tour. The biggest miracle is people giving their lives to the Lord Jesus during the tour. Please

SWM Magazine


By Penny Patterson

I want to explain the amazing healing from God

that Rick and I were blessed to receive. Rick's heart was getting so weak that we were discussing his final wishes. He was experiencing double vision with dizziness and headaches, so the doctor ordered a series of tests. The results showed that as a result of an existing AFIB condition that his heart was not beating in rhythm and that four veins on the left side of his heart were being over worked and stressed. This, in turn, caused more complications. Both valves were leaking blood and the entire heart was over working, leading to mini strokes. Upon scheduling an appointment with a heart specialist he continued to get worse over the coming two weeks. I called upon a Pastor friends that also attend my regular church through the week because they walk in a special healing anointing. They agreed to come to Rick's home and pray with him. After listening to Rick explain what he had been experiencing Pastor Tamara anointed his head with oil and she prayed for a NEW heart. As we all laid hands on him, Pastor Tamara put her hands over his heart and we all prayed for healing. I God's touch went through his body. Immediately he felt better and both Pastors said to claim his healing. He began to speak declaring

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“I claim my healing miracle“, He said he felt better and got up to walk up and down the hallway and den. Just then his dog needed to go outside. SO Rick took her out. He started yelling for us to come outside also. The most beautiful double rainbow over his house, appearing to touch at his pond. Rick said he felt it was God showing how wonderful HIS miracle was. After going ahead with heart surgery, Rick told the doctor of his prayers The doctor said he believed they worked and spoke of other patients with similar experiences and he believes prayer works. The doctor told Rick that his heart was in very good shape for a 71 year old man. PRAISE GOD!! I experienced my healing about two months earlier while attending bible study at Pastor Alan and Tamara's home. I asked for prayer for arthritis in my back. Both Pastors prayed as Tamara anointed my forehead and laid hands on my back and hands and joints. I felt the healing power of God flow through my body and I also spoke “I claim my healing miracle“. AN old injury had caused me to have five back surgeries prior to that day and I was taking medication for the pain. I have been able to put to medicine aside and my back is healthy and strong as it was before the injury. PRAISE GOD! I talk to Him all the time and know that He is always with me. He spoke to me and said He wanted me and loved me before I was ever in my mother's womb. I am a child of GOD Almighty and have joy in my heart because of Jesus Christ. search “Deborah Diamond Driskill” Or e-mail Deborah at:

SWM Magazine


By Tamara Cornelius

In early 2005 I had been having numerous severe

headaches. I had been given very strong pain medication that was also causing me to miss work and I would cry a lot. The pain got to be so bad that the strongest medicines didn't work. In October 2005 my family doctor sent me to Mt. Carmel Hospital for some x-rays/cat scans. On that Friday my husband and I got a phone call, telling us that the results showed a cyst in my head. The hospital told me to come back that following Monday. I remember how cried on my way home after getting that message. Then when I got inside my house, I immediately stopped crying as I looked out my back door at the beautiful sky, and I started talking to God. “What am I crying for?” “God you are bigger than what they found in my head! You created me and this whole world and everything in it!” I dropped to my knees and prayed to God. I remember telling God that I didn’t want to be cut on anymore. (I had 3 surgeries in the past for tumors in my uterus) I told God that I knew that there was nothing too big for Him! I knew that God could take that growth out of my head. I told God that even if He chose not to heal me, I will still love Him! My husband and I began to pray and fast with a few others praying with us that weekend. I had attended a church event that Friday night where a pastor's wife had called me from my seat. She began to pray and prophesied over my future. I’ve never met her before, but God had shared things with her that He had already shown me! I cried because that assured me that it wasn’t my time to die. I never told her a thing

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about what I was going through, so I knew she was from God. When that Monday came around, my mother drove me to the hospital that morning. I was nervous about going back to the hospital, but that day I was in no pain at all. When we arrived at Mt. Carmel Hospital, the specialist explained to me, “The person who called you didn’t want to scare you over the phone and that is why they calmly told you it was a cyst instead of a tumor. We just wanted to get you here!” The specialist allowed me to see the pictures of the scans and then told me that it was a large tumor. He continued to say in fact that it was so large that it had to be a large cancerous tumor because he had never seen anything that large without cancer. They wanted to find out how they would remove the tumor. So he then examined me in more tests, and to his surprise, they found nothing! The tumor was GONE! He asked “How could something that big just disappear?” and I told him that God did it! I also told him that I was in no pain all day until they started inflicting pain on me during the tests. The specialist looked angry and said “You can not leave here (the hospital) based on God!” I smiled and said “I am telling you the truth because we have been praying and fasting for a miracle.” I told them to do more tests if they wanted but they wont find anything! So of course they continued to do more tests and pictures of my head to see if the tumor moved or anything, but they could find nothing! When the specialist came back into my room to show me the new results once again he found nothing! The Tumor was gone!

Our family doctor had a hard time believing that God had healed me, and that the tumor just disappeared without a trace. So that week my doctor sent me to another specialist at another Hospital. After the second specialist's exam, he told me that there was nothing there, and then asked me why did I even have to go through another exam when it was gone! I have been off of medication, and I am completely healed and I have not had any more problems since 2005.

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could do for Him. That is when He gave me Signs, Wonders and Miracles Magazine to publish in Ohio, but now God is spreading the publication around the world even through the internet version of the magazine at! God is so awesome! There is no problem that is too big for our God. Just believe and don’t doubt! Of Course there are more wonderful miracles that I can share with you, but then I would need more pages! 

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I Saw Heaven And So Much More!

By Rick D’Ostroph

The Lord now has opened doors for me to speak at different events and churches everywhere, to share the miracles He has done in my life. Even more miracles are in the book “Don’t Give Up Your Miracle Is Coming”, where God let me share how He has changed my life when I finally stopped running from God and surrendered to His will. God has healed me in many areas of my life. I hope you read the book for yourself and I pray it blesses you greatly! Your support helps us to continue to print more magazines for the sake of Christ. With a donation of $13.98 or more, we will mail you out a copy of “Don’t Give Up!” The Book. Visit our online music and bookstore at our: Signs, Wonders and Miracles Magazine website: WWW.SWMMAG.COM OR ALSO FRIEND US ON FACEBOOK: Also listen to World Vision M. I. C. on Facebook Live on Sundays at 11am and Tuesdays at 3pm! Also be encouraged throughout the week. Tamara Cornelius and Alan P Cornelius can’t wait to meet you! Bring us to your town! CHANGE THE WORLD TOUR

I had gone to bed after a 10 hour shift at my factory

job, and helping a friend with brakes on his car. Suddenly I was raising toward this tunnel and the closer I got the brighter the light at the end appeared. I was feeling such and incredible peace and joy beyond explanation. Then I heard a voice that said “Not yet Ricky, you need to go back, you need to go back. It is not your time.” I stated back down the tunnel and was overcame by sadness and fear. After I came back into my body I awoke with bad chest pain that felt like an elephant sitting on me.

I was able to see beyond the end of the tunnel into the beauty of heaven, and nothing I've ever seen compares. The colors were so brilliant, and the flowers inexplicably beautiful. Then two girls came skipping down the trail carrying a white square basket. When I ask where they were going they said they were headed to pick flowers, they love flowers. As I realized it was time to leave I turned and heard God's voice ask; “Do you know who those two little girls are? They are your twin daughters.” Beautiful with long auburn hair and full of joy and freedom. We had lost twins earlier in life. I woke and ask God why I had to go back and He explained that it was not my time yet. My wife made a drawing of our twins and my surroundings from what I could describe to her.

SWM Magazine


IF YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD, THEN JESUS IS TALKING ABOUT YOU! John 14:12-18 “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. 13 And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask anything in My name, I will do it. 15 “If you love Me, keep My commandments. 16 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. 18 I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. 1 Corinthians 2:12-14 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.13 These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. Matthew 10:7 And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. 8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. Mark 3:14-15 And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach, 15 And to have power to heal

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sicknesses, and to cast out devils: Mark 6:12-13 And they went out, and preached that men should repent. 13 And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them. Mark 9:38-39 And John answered him, saying, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name, and he followeth not us: and we forbad him, because he followeth not us. 39But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me. 40For he that is not against us is on our part. Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 16He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 17And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. 19So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. 20And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen. Acts 8:6-8 And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. 7For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many that were possessed with them: and many taken with palsies, and that were lame, were healed. 8And there was great joy in that city. Acts 14:8-10 And there sat a certain man at Lystra, impotent in his feet, being a cripple from his mother's womb, who never had walked: 9The same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed, 10Said with a loud voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and walked.

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World Vision Ministry Intl Church 11:15am Sundays (In Donatos Pizza) 2922 Noe Bixby Rd. Col. OH (614)506-1249 Pastors Alan and Tamara Cornelius Diamond Hill Cathedral, 500Tingley Avenue-Mansfield, Ohio 44905 Sundays 11am Pastor R. Diamond 419-524-0139 Greater Liberty Temple COGIC, 1132 Windsor Ave. Col. Ohio 43211 Sundays 11:15am Pastor Ira Daniels Sr. Shepherds Christian Assembly, 311 Main St. Coshocton OH. Sunday service: 10am, Bible Study: Wedn. 6pm, Friday Services: 6pm Pastors Starkey and Carol Lawrence. New Life Ministries, 727 S. 7th Street Coshocton OH. Sundays: 10am, Wedn. morning Bible Study at 10am, Pastor Mark Granger 740-622-2181 Word Of Life Ministry 427 West Russell Ave. West Lafayette, OH, Sunday mornings 10:30am, Evening service 6pm and Wedn. Bible Study 6pm. Pastor Carol Cutlip (740) 294-5600 The River Coshocton Church, 212 S. 7th Street Coshocton OH, Sunday worship: 10:30am. Pastor Zachary Weber Coshocton Church Of The Nazarene, 1058 Orange St. Sunday school: 9:30am Sunday worship: 10:45am, Pastor Dave Boots The Potters House Church of God 3220 Lowell Dr. Col. OH 43204 Pastor Tim Oldfield 614-279-2311 Rapha Kingdom Ministries 5350-A Livingston Ave. Col. OH. Sunday 12pm Service, Pastor Thornton (614) 285-4RKM New Palestine Church 1000 E. Hudson St., Col. OH 43211 Apostle Rickey C Baker Sr. & Pastor Carolyn Baker. Sunday's: 9:30am Prayer, 10am Sunday School, 11am,7pm Wedn. Bible Study. PLACE YOUR BUSINESS, EVENT OR YOUR CHURCH HERE TODAY! Send your love gifts and donations WWW.SWMMAG.COM or 614-203-0920 THANK YOU!! YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS HELP SIGNS, WONDERS AND MIRACLES MAGAZINE CONTINUE TO SHOW THAT GOD IS STILL DOING MIRACLES TODAY! WWW.SWMMAG.COM OR 614-203-0920

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WHERE WILL YOU GO WHEN YOU DIE? Let’s face one of The biggest questions that most people have.

If you died this very mome nt, where would you go? What if moment, Jesus came back this very moment, would He take you with Him to Heaven? Tomorrow’s not promised to no one! If you never had a relationship with God, what are you waiting for? It’s not about religion it’s all about a relatio nship with God. He relationship has been waiting for you. If you don’t know how to talk to God, here is a short prayer that can help lead yo you: u: Dear Father God, I am a sinner and I need your help, please forgive me! I do believe that you sent your only Begotten Son Je sus here to die for my sins. I believe in my Jesus heart that you raised Jesus from the dead and He sits at your right hand in heaven. I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Thank you for loving me. I surrender my life to you Lord, fill me with your Holy Spirit aand nd change me to be what you have called me to be. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read Romans 10:9-13

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