New wordpress plugin photo gallery causes internet addiction, raises website rankings

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New Wordpress Plugin Photo Gallery Causes Internet Addiction, Raises Website Rankings Hugh Hitchcock January 29, 2014 Hot new Wordpress plugin causes internet addition with fascinating easy photo gallery while raising website rankings. ( -- January 10, 2014) Miami, Florida -- A hot new Wordpress plugin is causing even more internet addiction while craftily assisting website owners to raise their website's traffic stats, especially page views - also known as the most profitable website statistic. The new plugin is called Page View Exploder and it runs on a steady diet of copyright free images, available to the website PageView Exploder owner through an ingenious one-click system. The plugin is the brain child of acknowledged blog curation expert Dr. Harlan Kilstein and executed by Hugh Hitchcock's Miami-based software company, Web Dimensions, Inc. So how exactly can this Wordpress plugin increase your blog’s page views, ranking and overall value? Many good websites such as the Huffington Post and the New York Times use slideshows in conjunction with Google analytics code to track and boost their website ranking. Pageview Exploder plugin utilizes the same process used by these million dollar websites. Once a website owner installs this plugin on their site, they can paste a simple one-line code into any blog post or page and the result is a beautiful, full featured slideshow based on royalty free images software from online sources. Users can also create a more customized presentation by uploading images directly to the Wordpress photo gallery and configuring them for their blog post. If you're wondering how to make money blogging, consider the fact that the value of a website goes up dramatically along with the number of page views and the amount of user engagement. This is what makes a website's advertising revenue go through the roof. The inclusion of a show of beautiful images in a blog post can result in more people spending more time browsing and sharing your photos – that's where the internet addiction comes in -- it's human nature to click through from one slide to another, until the slideshow is finished.

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