Aberration Labyrinth Magazine * Summer 2016
GUNSHOTS ARE RED Sayan Sen you remember the first time your teacher taught you about guns. a time when you thought nothing, could hurt as much as that injection making a passageway on your left arm which, your mom said kept away every malady known. you remember seeing the boy with whom you shared, your first kiss, carrying a gun and charging innocent men and women and you never believed your own eyes or borrowed ones your heart couldn't have been this blind, you thought.
as you pick up that gun, run to the fence and shoot, blindly, fiercely, unflinchingly, your children hiding behind you, as every relic about peace, falls apart, you remember that injection from childhood, the one which you thought hurt too much because it wiped every malady the world could possibly find. but,
now you know that there is no cure to the disease called man. and that one gunshot only leads to another.
you remember your father returning from the market, gun in hand, blood on his faded shirt and you couldn't resist asking him about what he'd needed that for. he never answered you and now you know, why.
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