Logbook - Final submission

Page 7

Despite! our! efforts,! the! upper! layers! of! the! tower! were!still!too!heavy,!and!resulted!in!the!bending!of! some! levels! as! shown! in! Figure! 4.! Though! due! to! the! extended! base,! the! force! was! still! being! distributed! sufficiently! to! ensure! the! entire! structure!did!not!break,!or!fall!over.!!! Therefore,! we! chose! to! create! a! truss! of! sorts! within!the!frame!of!the!structure!by!converting!the! parallelograms! into! triangles! with! the! use! of! bracing.! However! due! to! a! shortage! in! sticks,! we! were! unable! to! do! this! to! all! sides! of! the! frame,! thus!us!choosing!to!alternate!the!side!upon!which! to!place!the!bracing!every!level!as!shown!in!Figure! 3.!! ! ! ! ! ! Figure!5! !

However!this!was!insufficient!still!as!the!dead!load! of! the! tower! was! too! great! for! the! handful! of! braces! that! were! placed! to! make! a! lasting! impact! with! the! top! of! the! tower! still! bending! (Figure! 5).! The!lack!of!proper!planning!initially!meant!that!we! were! unable! to! provide! adequate! support! to! the! frame! to! prevent! it! from! buckling.! As! a! result,! we! resorted!to!using!masking!tape!as!a!defacto!brace! as!shown!below.!! !


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! ! Figure!7! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! One! of! the! other! groups! who! managed! to! create! the! tallest! tower! in! our! tutorial,! chose! instead! to! create! a! slim! tower! with! regular! bracing.! The! slim! design!minimized!the!horizontal!(lateral)!forces!on! the!structure!making!it!less!likely!to!bend!over.!The! regular! bracing! worked! alongside! the! slim! design! by! creating! a! rigid! frame! that! was! unlikely! to! buckle!as!weak!points!were!minimized.!Though!this! would!make!the!whole!structure!topple!over!if!the! load! was! beyond! what! it! could! hold,! by! extending! the! base! beyond! the! actual! structure,! it! provided! stability!to!the!whole!frame!by!dispersing!the!load! over!a!greater!area.!! ! (Figure!2,!4!&!10!sourced!from!Bow! Vacharussiriyuth)!

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