Who is Ala Hazrat

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disrespectful with or blaspheming against Allāh táālā and His Messenger – then no matter how dear such a person is to you, distance from him immediately. If you see someone disrespecting the Prophet , howsoever infinitesimal, regardless of his stature or how much you venerate him, cast him away like you would cast a fly from a glass of milk.100

He further said: ...all of you have been kind and never allowed me to suffer or face any hardship. You people did my chores for me and did not let me do anything. May Allāh táālā reward every one of you immensely. I am also hopeful that I will not be troubled in my grave because of any of you. I have forgiven Sunnis and absolved them of all my rights for the sake of Allāh. I humbly request you all to forgive me for any transgressions that I may have committed concerning your rights. It is obligatory for those present here to convey this to those not present and seek their pardon [for me on my behalf].

May Allāh táālā be well pleased with him and elevate his ranks in paradise. The following obituary was published on the 3rd of November 1921, in Akhbār e Mashriq, Gorakhpur:

Death of a Scholar is the Death of a World The outstanding teacher of Islām, the staunch adherent and promulgator of the Prophet’s sunnah, the embodiment of “harsh on infidels,” the foremost defender of the sharīáh, Mawlānā, Ĥāfiž, Qārī, Muftī Shāh Aĥmed Riđā Khān – may mercies of Allāh táālā be upon him – passed away in Bareilly on the 28th of October. Due to the throng of people, the funeral was held the next day in the Eid prayer grounds; he was interred in the abode of his elder son Mawlānā Ĥāmid Riđā Khān.

‫إنا هلل وإنا إليه راجعون‬ 


Al-Waşāyā, compiled by his nephew Mawlānā Ĥasanayn Razā Khān.


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