Salah For Islamic Sisters

Page 8

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SIGNIFICANCE OF FARD KNOWLEDGE A’lÄ á¸¤aá¸?rat, ImÄ m-e-AÄĽl-e-Sunnat, MaulÄ nÄ ShÄ ÄĽ ImÄ m AḼmad RazÄ KhÄ n -&*   , * +  has said, ‘One should acquire religious knowledge to such an extent that he is aware of the true religion as well as of the rulings of Wuá¸?ĹŤ, Ghusl, ᚢalÄ ÄĽ, fast etc. It is absolutely obligatory for everyone to be aware of the Shar’č rulings of the matters they are currently engaged in – for example, a businessman must learn rulings about business, a farmer about farming and an employee about employment. No one should waste time in gaining knowledge of geography, history etc. unless they have gained Fará¸? knowledge. The person who is busy with Nafl instead of Fará¸? is severely taken to task in Aá¸ĽÄ dÄŤĹĄ, and that good deed of theirs is unacceptable. One must not waste time in useless things giving up Fará¸?.’ (FatÄ wÄ RazawiyyaÄĽ referenced, vol. 23, pp. 647, 648) Alas! Today most of us are fascinated by receiving only worldly education. If someone is fond of religious education they often remain confined to MustaḼab knowledge only. Alas! Muslims today pay very little attention towards Fará¸? knowledge. Regretfully, a large number of even those offering ᚢalÄ ÄĽ are unaware of the essential rulings of ᚢalÄ ÄĽ, whereas learning these rulings is Fará¸? and not knowing them is a big sin. ImÄ m AḼmad RazÄ KhÄ n -&*   , * +  has said, ‘Not knowing the essential rulings of ᚢalÄ ÄĽ is Fisq [transgression].’ (ibid, vol. 6, pp. 523)


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