99th abcMallorca Autumn Edition 2016

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Living in Spain? The only book you need. Our popular edition of the ‘Blevins Franks Guide to Living in Spain’ is a 315-page book that examines the key tax and wealth management issues for UK nationals in Spain, and is an excellent guide on how to avoid unnecessary taxation. Please contact us to request a copy.

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Blevins Franks Financial Management Limited (BFFM) is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK, reference number 179731. Where advice is provided outside the UK, via the Insurance Mediation Directive from Malta, the regulatory system differs in some respects from that of the UK. Blevins Franks Trustees Limited is authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority for the administration of trusts and companies. Blevins Franks Tax Limited provides taxation advice; its advisers are fully qualified tax specialists. This promotion has been approved and issued by BFFM.

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LAWYER · ABOGADA · ANWÄLTIN Mestre Antoni Torrandell, 2, entlo. · Palma Tel +34 971 919 555 · M +34 677 429 383 garau@mariagaraujuan-abogada.com www.mariagaraujuan-abogada.com Legal advice for property purchase and sale, specially for Non Residents Asesoramiento jurídico en compraventas de inmuebles. Especializados en “no residentes”. Juristische Beratung bei Immobilienerwerb und Verkauf, speziell für Nichtresidenten.

Miguel Céspedes Elena Germán Catalina Rigo

Abogados Asesores Fiscales Asesores Inmobiliarios Lawyers Tax Advisors Property Legal Counsels Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Immobilien Rechtsberatung

ETL MALLORCA, S.L. Paseo Mallorca, 18 - 07012 Palma Tel. 971 214 700 - Fax 971 213 025 Palma@etl-mallorca.com www.abc-mallorca.com


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