Abate sept 2016

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American Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments And…… American Bikers Aimed Towards Education Board and General Meeting Agenda Forest Chapter of ABATE Sunday September 11th, 2016 @ Dallas Inn Summerfield, FLMeeting Start time: 2:08pm Attendance:1 Guest, 19 Members Pledge & Prayer led by President Glenn Myers President Glenn Myers – All reimbursements will go through the President and board. Will be brought before members for a vote. Suggested buying a large roaster to use for food at meetings and other events it will stay with Forest Chapter. Asked for a show of hands to vote on buying a new roaster all in attendance in favor. Also asked for reimbursement for ink for his printer and the membership board member Jennifer Borelli’s printer again all in attendance were in favor. Discussed new patch design, showed everyone the picture of the proposed patch. Then talked about the price information we had so far. Motion was made by Jim Mahaffey to vote on replacing the old Forest chapter patch with the new one shown , put up to vote by a show of hands all in attendance were in favor. Will continue to look for the best place to order the patches and start making product to sell. Glenn and Tina will be the representatives at the October State meeting in Arcadia. Let everyone know we have positions open to please pass the word. A motion was made by DR to nominate Jonathan Flynn as Sergeant @ Arms and Donny Daniszeski will be Asst. Sergeant @ Arms, 2nd by Glenn Myers. All 19 in attendance in favor. VP Jim Mahaffey- suggested to set aside 50$ a month for office supplies for the Chapter 2nd by Rebel. All in attendance in favor. Secretary Tina Myers – Motion to accept last month’s minutes second by DR. Treasurer - vacant Sgt @ Arms Donny Daniszeski – no news Membership Jennifer Borelli- Discussed giving The Evil Monkey Band honorary membership in the Chapter. Greg Smale donated the 40$ to go to State. Put to vote all in attendance were in favor. Legislative Trustee – Russell Pace – absent Safety and Awareness – Vacant Newsletter Editor—Vacant Products – Vacant PR/Events –Bridgette Pace- absent

Chaplain – Vacant

Old Business – The quilts are finished and will need a $200.00 check made out to the woman making them. The quilts will be picked up by one of the executive officers. A vote was taken to see if everyone agreed to keeping the quilts at President Glenn Myers house and buying vacuum seal bags to keep the quilts clean and smell free until the drawing in April. All in attendance were in favor of buying the bags and keeping them at President Glenn Myers house. New Business – Karoake contest will start October 1st at Sharkey’s, Dallas Inn on October 15th, English Dart pub on October 22nd, and finale at Black Bear Pub on October 29th. Flyers have been approved and will be handed out to each location. Bike nights will start the last Thursday of the month, starting in October, at Sharkeys please attend and help us get the word out. We’ll be going to Tallahassee in April make your reservations soon if you want to go! Good of the Order- Lake County Abate has a ride benefiting Veterans on September 24th. On September 18th theres a ride for the owner of Crossroads Bar. Candidate James Townsend stopped in to talk to everyone again and answer questions. Discussed having a safety event in May for motorcycle safety awareness month. Motion to adjourn the meeting by Tina Myers 2nd by Darlene Brewer.

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