The Riparian Land-Shaping Machine - AA Landscape Urbanism 2013-14

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VA L L E M A G G I A dyke structures. Therefore an hypothetical removal would involve a design intention for the surrounding woodland and fields. In order to overcome the approach limited to the ecological and leisure aspect, the project along the Maggia river tries to engage a re-activation of production through alternative activities. Aquaculture and aquaponics represent indeed the opportunity to progressively understand at a basin scale the water management. Such systems in fact might consist of small-area intensive ponds providing both high yield of cultured animals and large-area extensive ponds. On the other hand this solution might provide adapted areas for recreation and recreational fishing. These kind of activities could easily fit in an ecological river network in which ecology and productive processes intersect, although a compromise between reasonable amount of production and minimal impact on environment is hard to achieve. As flexibility and temporality represent two strategic aspects of the ongoing project, these assets are appropriate to challenge the actual zoning management of the territory into a more dynamical and mixed use All in all the project aim in this very last stage is to focus on this approach as a device to deal with the landform not only from an ecological friendly strategy, but especially to emphasise how natural processes could provide a different organization and management for urban settlements and territories.

Figure 110. Schematic picture of a pond aquaculture facility with areas covered by sedimentation ponds and constructed wetlands.

Figure 111. Schematic diagram of an integrated pond aquaculture facility.

44 T H E R I PA R I A N L A N D-S H A P I N G M AC H I N E

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