Portfolio 2009-2011

Page 12

Di s ciplinary Overlap

Pa rti c i p a ti ng B od i es , Sel f- Innova ti ng C od es | P rog ra m : A C o lle ge P re p a ra to r y S ch o o l Fai rg round s Park, No r t h S t . L o u i s , M i ss o u r i Hybrid Classroom “Disciplinary Overlap” refers to the relationship between subject areas within the project. The 6 core subject areas—Mathematics, Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, Language Arts, and Visual/Performing Arts—are arranged as a circuit, with the 7th subject/programmatic area, Wellness, at the center. Each of the 6 subject areas occupies a suite containing 3 classrooms: a single “autonomous” classroom that maintains a strict disciplinary focus, and two hybrid classrooms that overlap with adjacent subject areas. For example, a hybrid classroom between Mathematics and Visual Arts could hold a course on the Visualization of Data. In section, the hybrid classroom units interlock in a manner similar to Le Corbusier’s Unité d’Habitation, with a central corridor acting as a way of mediating between the two subject areas. The interlocking section also creates a range of spaces within the volume of the classroom, providing students and teachers with places of differing scale and type. In order to maintain the clarity of school’s organization and pedagogy, each suite of subject area classrooms can be reached from a dedicated courtyard. However, in addition to the more expected entry and exit, a continuous circuit links all of the hybrid classrooms to each other, providing opportunities for an increased degree of interdisciplinary thinking.

Plan 01

Continuous Section

Plan 02

Roof Plan

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