Flooding mechanisms aa landscape urbanism s ribot l driva d bra

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Fig. 2 Seasonal Calendar

As the specific area is extremely rich in the diversity of crops that are cultivated which is menaced due to the canal implementation, we created a classification of those crops and some others that could be introduced to this landscape according to different parameters, during the four seasons. Referring to the afore stated argument of quality as opposed to quantity, it is interesting to point out that there are local products that are cultivated in this area such as red peppers and asparagus, which are unique in this region of Spain. As it is shown in Fig.2, this calendar presents a categorisation of crops according to their water need, resilience to flooding and drought, soil and sun demands and most importantly according to the labour that each crop requires. The three main procedures of the agricultural activity that are associated with labour are seeding, harvesting and processing that occur during different months of the year.

It is apparent from the calendar that the labour demand is higher in autumn and summer, then spring and finally winter. The relations between the actual water availability, the procedures of labour and the average crops water need create an interesting chart that help us interpret those relations through time and start thinking of alternative solutions.

All this knowledge gained from our research, functioned as a way of perceiving in depth the productive dynamics of this landscape and their interconnection with the water dynamics, which are going to be depicted in the social formations index.

AA Landscape Urbanism 2014-15 // 61

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