2019 February Cloudbouncer

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TREASURER'S REPORT December 31 2018 COMMENTS: Greetings all! Things are not as dire as they appear. Sue & Zerek have cash for me from dues and the Awards Banquet, which I will get deposited next week. The difference in the Social club is timing, which means we spent money for the Awards Banquet earlier this year than last year, and the income is still in January as was last year. The Education Foundation is overall pretty close to last year. CASH: Cash on hand at the end of December in the Education Foundation was $58,173, a decrease of approximately 3% from the same period last year, and The AAAA Club cash was $9,558 an approximate 46% decrease from the same period last year. INCOME STATEMENT: At the end of December we were showing an excess of revenue over disbursements of $7,626 in the Education Foundation compared to 9,241 for the same period last year. Excess disbursements over revenue in the AAAA Club were $8,453 compared to 4,514 for the same period last year. Closing Comments: You will find in this issue of the CloudBouncer a one page summary of both the Education Foundation and the AAAA Club Statements of Receipts and Disbursements with Budget Comparison along with illustrative Pie Charts, which I hope you will take the time to review. I welcome any questions, comments, or thoughts for improvement. Dick Rice Treasurer Treasurer@hotairballooning.org



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