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The new building for the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA) and the Catalan Institute of Palaeontology (ICP) on the campus of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) will represent the university in two contexts: as part of the façade presented to the motorway and on campus as an example of sustainable architecture.

car park. The main entrance will be situated in the south façade overlooking the motorway and at the convergence of the road to the station to the south, the path from the campus to the west, via the bridge-building behind it, and a third path from the nearby watercourse, to the east. Here, at a slightly lower level than the main entrance, a bicycle entrance is planned.

The competition called for a compact volume. We decided that this volume should be as tall as the building beside it and laid out along the street to the rear (the only existing one at present), with the entrance to the

The almost cubic building will have a continuous façade running round the four sides; it will be semitransparent (with greenhouse technology), with landscaped areas and large wooden-framed openings around

the entrances and resting places for its users. We designed a reversible building that is completely flexible and dismountable in the event of a change of use (at present, laboratories and offices for both the ICTA and the ICP). We therefore created a truly adaptable infrastructure by developing four simultaneous, complementary strategies: a longlasting structure, a permeable façade, interior biospheric containers and patios.




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