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first bird is beautiful. second bird is more beautiful. third bird is the most beautiful of all. first fish is beautiful. second fish is more beautiful. third fish is the most beautiful of all.

The first doll is beautiful. The second doll is more beautiful. The third doll is the most beautiful of all. The first film is interesting. The third film is more interesting. The second film is the most interesting of all. The first book is interesting. The third book is more interesting. The second book is the most interesting of all.

• № 2. Выберите правильное слово для каждого пропуска. 1. long 2. the longest (the shortest) 3. tastier 4. big 5. longer 6. newer 7. more interesting 8. nicer 9. older 10. more beautiful

• № 4.

Этот человек — волшебник. Он умеет создавать магию. Скажите, что у него есть.

He has got a tiger (an elephant, a crocodile) in his hat. He has got a monkey (a bird, a fish) in his cap.

• № 7. Прочитайте и выберите предложения, иллюстрирующие картинки.

But he had no tail. And he wanted to have a long tail, longer than that of Mrs Fox. 772

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