Compassion. Inspiration. Impact. Two Ten Footwear Foundation • 2012 Annual Report
Uniting and engaging the footwear community since 1939 For more than 70 years, whenever shoepeople have needed a hand, Two Ten Footwear Foundation has been there. Our legacy of “shoepeople helping shoepeople” drives everything we do today. It propels our compassion for those who need financial and emotional support. It inspires us to engage and enrich a vibrant footwear community. And it is the driving force behind the measurable impact we have throughout our industry. But none of it would be possible without the generosity of the thousands of shoepeople and footwear companies that have made Two Ten their charity of choice. They truly make Two Ten possible.
There’s a growing need for the support we provide: In just three years, our number 1972 Annual Gala Dinner
of intake calls from footwear industry professionals seeking financial assistance has more than doubled.
2012 Annual Gala Dinner
A letter from Board Chairman, Jim Salzano Dear Two Ten Family: I have the great privilege and honor to Chair the Two Ten Board of Directors and to work with the Two Ten team as it helps those who need a hand up. I’m talking about the people from the footwear industry—our industry— who have suffered from Superstorm Sandy. Or lost a loved one and can’t see the way forward right now. Or have a son or daughter who has the appetite to learn but faces financial constraints that could close the door on a higher education. The variations on this theme of hard luck or misfortune are numerous. And that’s where we come in. This industry has drawn people together who share a common set of values and an extraordinary sense of humanity. We make it our business to care for each other unconditionally, twenty four hours a day seven days a week—all the time. Two Ten is supported by thousands of people who are ready to go beyond their everyday responsibilities—personal or professional—to help people they may never meet. That’s why our founders established Two Ten: to provide a place and a means to care for people in this industry. When the original founders would gather to meet, they would pass a hat at the end of the meeting and leave it in the lap of the person who needed the hand up. We still carry on that tradition, though on a bigger scale with greater impact. But with the same humility and genuine sense of caring. I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating. If you described what we do to someone, it wouldn’t sound like an industry. It sounds more like a family. We are on a mission today to carry out a vision that has stood the test of time and demonstrated its sustainability for almost 75 years. Shoepeople helping shoepeople. And as we take it forward, we’re committed to expanding its reach, to provide more financial relief, more educational opportunities, to build more community. To do that, we will need help in multiple currencies. Of course, the dollars are important, but so is your time. Please join me and so many industry supporters and volunteers. Contribute some of your time or dollars or both. When you do you will not only help change the lives of individuals who need a hand up, you’ll also expand the capacity of Two Ten to help shoe people helping shoe people. Thank you. Sincerely,
Jim Salzano President, Clarks Americas Board Chair, Two Ten Footwear Foundation 2
A letter from Two Ten’s President, Neal Newman Dear Friends and Supporters The Two Ten Footwear Foundation is dedicated to one clear goal – to help footwear workers and their families lead happy and productive lives. For 74 years. Through good times and bad. From coast to coast. During hurricanes, tornados and floods. Two Ten has been making a real difference in shoepeople’s lives, delivering emergency financial assistance and critical support services to thousands of men, women and children in our footwear community – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We don’t do this alone. Your tireless support was instrumental to these efforts. 100% of the funds raised from the footwear industry last year were used to prevent nearly 1,000 evictions. Your generosity went directly to 500 footwear families unable to keep the heat and lights on in their homes. With your financial support, we helped hundreds of footwear cancer survivors stay on the job during treatment or recovery. Last year was unprecedented. Two Ten helped over 2,000 shoepeople – a 42% increase from just 2010. We delivered 417 college scholarships and doubled the awards to $2,500. We helped hundreds of shoepeople obtain confidential counseling or essential social services from local organizations. We connected over 1,000 footwear professionals in our Women in Footwear Industry (WIFI), Young Professionals (YP) and at our HR Leadership Conference. Your compassion made all this possible. And we’re very happy to report that even during a difficult economic climate and two hurricanes that tested us all, the finances and operations of the Two Ten Footwear Foundation remained in excellent health. On behalf of our footwear community, I’d like to simply say – thank you. Your continued support is more important than ever before and deeply appreciated. Sincerely
Neal Newman
2012 January • Neal Newman joins Two Ten as President
How we Help:
• Jim Salzano begins two-year term as Chairman
Financial Assistance
February • Ars Sutoria course at Two Ten
Bethany & Jeremy Barno
• Steve & Wendy Madden donate $1M
We weren’t working because we were
• New England community service
taking care of our terminally ill son. We
The year was 1939. The Great Depression was still in full force. U.S. unemployment was 17.3%. A building
• WIFI Las Vegas
were faced with thousands of dollars
at 210 Lincoln Street in Boston housed over 300 shoe companies. Abe Shapiro, owner of the building,
Our focus is—and always has been—on helping shoepeople
gave a $500 gift to help unemployed shoe salesmen create Two Ten Associates, the precursor to the Two Ten Footwear Foundation.
• Board doubles scholarship awards to $2,500 per student • WIFI St. Louis launch
We’ve come a long way from quite literally passing the hat to help out-of-work shoe salesmen. But we’ve
• New York City community service
in medical bills and we thought, how are we going to pay them? How are we going to survive this? We needed help desperately. So I reached out and I’m really glad I did because Two Ten was
very quick to respond. There are people
• 450 scholarships awarded for 2012/2013 academic year
out there that want to help you. There’s
Today, Two Ten Footwear Foundation is the footwear industry’s national charity—the only industry-wide
• New York golf tournament
no way we could have gotten through
foundation of its kind in the United States – and 100% funded from the footwear industry for the
• Midwest community service
what we went through if Two Ten hadn’t
footwear community.
Why we do what we do
• 4th Annual HR Leadership Summit
never lost sight of our original goal: to provide assistance to shoepeople when and where they need it.
• FFaNY Industry Party in support of Two Ten
Unlike any other industry in the United States, footwear has a philanthropic soul. Shoepeople helping shoepeople is more than a slogan at Two Ten. We believe footwear workers deserve every opportunity to lead healthy and productive lives. We want to advance the careers of footwear workers and build a collegial and unified footwear community. We believe that higher education is an essential step along the route to a happy and satisfying life.
• YP Moonshine Party
been there to help.
Katherine Jones My son and I were homeless. We
stayed in my car. Two Ten told me
• Zappos 4 210 fundraiser
they could help—and they did. They
• Hurricane Isaac strikes Gulf coast
helped me get an apartment and that
• Margafeeta party sponsored by Zappos, NoSox and Merrell
apartment is where my son and I live
• St. Louis golf tournament
today. They cut three checks in one
• WIFI National Meeting in Las Vegas
day. And without Two Ten, it would
have never happened.
• Ars Sutoria course at Two Ten • National Shoe Travelers donate $1.5M • WIFI Boston • WIFI Columbus • YP Boston community service
October • Hurricane Sandy strikes East Coast • WIFI St. Louis • Partnership with Pensole Academy begins
Housing: 912 people helped with
Car payments/repair: 249 people helped with
Utilities: 664 people helped with
November • Over 1400 at Two Ten Annual Dinner • 10 new members join Two Ten’s Board 7
How we help: disaster relief Hurricane Sandy swept through the
Our mission: to help people in the footwear industry With a $34 million endowment dedicated to supporting people throughout the footwear industry in perpetuity, Two Ten Footwear Foundation is unique among private foundations in the country. As an operating foundation, we utilize 100% of the annual funds we raise from industry to provide social services or run our own community-enhancing programs, as opposed to distributing grants. As a result, all of our activities are laser focused. We pride ourselves on being responsible stewards of our donors’ money—something that is supported by Guide Star Exchange and other metrics. We benefit from continual guidance from a 40-member industry-leading board of directors, an honorary board led by Tim O’Donovan, Steve Nichols and Dick Rubin that helps us deepen the impact of Two Ten, and from more than 70 industry icons and former board members who are helping us prepare for our 75th anniversary in 2014.
Caribbean and up the east coast of the United States in late October of 2012. The storm left dozens dead, thousands homeless and millions without power. Total damage is expected to be in the billions of dollars. Two Ten received 622 Hurricane Sandy emergency calls in just 10 weeks—a significant 36% increase in typical call volume for a 10week period. Fully 98% of all Sandy emergency callers received a response from Two Ten within 48 hours, which meets our response time goal. To date, Two Ten has provided $291,100 in emergency assistance to 463 footwear families during the Sandy crisis, representing 16% of our total annual relief spend. Families have used Two Ten assistance to purchase generators and pay for mold abatement, to replace lost clothing and household basics like pots and pans, and to pay for temporary shelter during the displacement caused by Sandy.
2012 Hurricane Sandy
Social Services 2012 was a year of great accomplishments and challenges for the Social Services team. We experienced a record-breaking 29% growth in intake calls for emergency assistance and a 35% increase over 2011 in the number of people who received financial assistance. In response, Two Ten began 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week phone coverage to meet the increased call volume.
What we do An additional $534,379 was allocated to emergency relief spending this year, totalling $1,776,816 Driven by a compassion that extends back to the days of the Great Depression, we help footwear workers
delivered to 1,737 footwear employees from 180 footwear companies. The average award amount given
and families directly.
to people in need was $1,023.
• Emergency Assistance: Financial relief is available for eligible individuals within the footwear community
The reason most cited by shoepeople needing assistance was “employment issues,” followed by “natural
who are facing difficult times. Two Ten’s direct assistance towards housing, utilities, food and other basic
disaster” and “family issues.” Two Ten provided help for mortgage and rent payments, car payments, utility
needs help footwear families get back on their feet.
bills, funerals, and crisis relief due to natural disasters. The top five states that footwear workers called from were Tennessee, New Jersey, New York, Arkansas, and Michigan.
• Counseling and Referral: Many people need help managing their mental and emotional health. Coping with the loss of a loved one, alcohol or drug abuse, domestic violence, chronic illness or other crises
Two Ten Social Services workers also helped 36 footwear workers through our counseling services and
can affect an individual’s emotional well-being. Two Ten provides confidential counseling by telephone
556 individuals were given referrals to local community resources and charities. Our staff served footwear
and assesses each situation. Two Ten also provides information about utility assistance, food resources,
workers from coast-to-coast, with the top five states served including Tennessee, New Jersey, New York,
foreclosure prevention, and emergency assistance programs within local communities.
Arkansas, and Michigan. Sectors of industry served were retail (67%), manufacturing/logistics (25%), corporate (6%), and wholesale (2%).
• Scholarships: Two Ten provides Higher Education Scholarships to students affiliated with the footwear, leather or allied industries, and Footwear Design Scholarships, that are available to any student studying
While the impact of Social Services relief dollars was impressive under normal circumstances, it was during
design with a focus on footwear.In 2012, Two Ten helped 417 students nationwide meet the rising cost
natural disasters that Two Ten’s ability to help shoepeople in need shined.
of a college education by awarding $700,000 in scholarships and raising the award amount to Hurricane Isaac struck the northern Gulf coast region in late August 2012 with most damage occurring in
$2500 per student.
Louisiana and Mississippi. The hurricane caused tremendous flooding and forced many people to evacuate • Professional Development: Two Ten provides training in footwear design and development through
their homes. Two Ten helped 144 individuals from 13 footwear companies with $41,745 in assistance
partnerships with Pensole Academy and Ars Sutoria School. Pensole, based in Portland, OR, offers rigorous
–-an average award of $290 for temporary housing, food, and water primarily to those living in Louisiana
design training through a “learn by doing” curriculum. Ars Sutoria of Milan, Italy, offers a 5-day, full-time
Parishes where there was mandatory evacuation. Hurricane Isaac relief efforts lasted approximately one
footwear development program. Both programs take place at Two Ten’s Waltham, MA headquarters.
month, and we maintained our 48-hour return call policy and sent many relief checks overnight so people could get immediate help. Hurricane Sandy struck the East Coast in late October, leaving a path of devastation and destruction to Metropolitan New York and New Jersey. Calls requesting assistance quadruple, but we maintained our call return guidelines, returning 98% of all calls within 48 hours. By the end of the Hurricane Sandy relief efforts, a total of 622 people had called and we had given $291,100 to a total of 463 footwear families employed at 35 different footwear companies. The average award of
Hurricane Sandy Service Report
House damage Loss of food and clothing Missed work Hotel stays
$628 went to purchase generators and pay for mold abatement, replace lost clothing and household basics
Number of families helped
Average emergency gift amount
Total Hurricane Sandy spend
like pots and pans, and pay for temporary shelter during the displacement caused by the storm.
How we Help: Scholarships Keziah John-Paul Two Ten received two generous donations during 2012 that offset some of the increases in spending. The
Two Ten continued its partnership with Ars Sutoria, a Milan-based
I was looking for money for school. I
Hurricane Sandy appeal raised $136,224 from 57 footwear companies and individuals.
footwear construction school, and held two week-long classes at
was the kid who had applied for every
Two Ten headquarters.
single scholarship. I was at work one
We also a received $1.5 million gift from National Shoe Travelers (NST) to begin a special relief fund for their members.
Scholarships In 2012, our scholarship program also had significant growth and impact. 417 students from footwear
day when I saw a poster about Two We began a new partnership with Pensole Design Academy,
Ten’s scholarships. So I applied—and
a Portland Oregon-based educational resource founded by
I [will receive] $11,400 toward my
D’Wayne Edwards, a former design director for the Jordan brand
college expenses. It’s amazing to
at Nike. Pensole is teaching a number of design classes at Two Ten
know that there are people that want
in 2013.
to help you. There’s no way that I
families received $717,000 in scholarships in 2012. Our Board also elected to double the per-scholar award to $2,500 per student.
could pay for school without In partnership with Pensole, Two Ten launched its first footwear
this support.
design competition – Two Ten Shoecase that gave 210 students an Our donors expect us to make their donations go as far as possible. That’s why we have chosen to work
opportunity to take classes online or on-site at Pensole in Portland.
Apryl Washington
with outside groups that provide expert scholarship administration and professional, short-term
We launched the competition in October 2012 and design winners
I hope that one day I will be able to
counseling services.
displayed their designs in Las Vegas at FN Platform in February
be as generous as you were to me
2013. Hosting the competition on the Mesh 01 website, a hub for
and help other students achieve
In the 2011/2012 academic year, Two Ten launched the first year of a partnership with International
designers worldwide, helped increase awareness of Two Ten and
their goals.
Scholarship Tuition Services (ISTS), an online application provider, streamlining the entire scholarship
our design scholarships.
process, and reducing Two Ten costs by moving to an online application format enabling Two Ten to provide the best possible services at the lowest possible cost. Through ISTS, Two Ten began sending text
The Two Ten Scholarship program will continue to provide
messages to students, reminding them of application deadlines and encouraging them to renew their
impactful scholarships to footwear employees and their children
who are in financial need so they can pursue their educational goals and career dreams.
We have awarded $18 million to over 5,000 Two Ten scholars since the inception of our scholarship program in 1969. Each year, we award $700,000 to students in need. Two Ten provided 417 scholarships in 2012.
Scholarships awarded in 2012
Scholarships since 1969
$18 million 13
How we Help: Wifi Mentoring Anna Bakst
What we do
President, Shoes & Accessories at Michael Kors
We don’t just offer financial assistance to people in the footwear industry. We also organize national support
Two Ten really filled a vacuum in the
networks that inspire and connect shoepeople with each other. Helping shoepeople make an impact.
industry with its WIFI program. Before WIFI, there was really no networking
Uniting the footwear community
opportunity for women in footwear. The WIFI community represents both
• Two Ten Human Resources Leadership Committee. This committee builds a network of human
established women leaders and the
resources and business professionals dedicated to learning, innovation and supporting the footwear
emerging generation of professional
industry and its people. The committee adds bottom line value to the businesses its members serve and
women. The WIFI mentoring program
contributes to the professional development of all members and raise awareness of Two Ten
is an excellent way to give young
Footwear Foundation in the companies.
talent access to an amazing one-on-one personal development
• Young Professionals for 210. YP210 provides support and camaraderie for the next generation of leaders in the footwear industry who work together to raise money for and awareness of Two Ten. YP210 creates
program. It truly inspires the next generation of leaders.
a forum for young professionals from all aspects of the industry to discuss, seek advice, brainstorm and work through issues that arise in the industry. • Women In Footwear Industry. Under the leadership of Carol Balocchi, Sr. V.P. DMM Footwear, Kohl’s Department Stores, and Diane Sullivan, President & CEO, Brown Shoe Co., Inc., WIFI includes established women footwear leaders and the emerging generation of professional women. WIFI’s hundreds of members work to build a community of support among women in the industry, increase the visability of women leaders and professionals in footwear, and foster advancement to strengthen the industry as a whole. The WIFI Mentoring Program was led by Anna Bakst, President - Accessories & Footwear, Michael Kors (USA) Inc. • Annual Gala Dinner. The Annual Dinner is the once a year opportunity to bring together people from across the industry. The 2012 Dinner was chaired by Steve Madden, President & CEO, Steve Madden, Inc. with a Dinner Committee led by Joe Ouaknine, CEO, Titan Industries, Inc. and Danny Schwartz, CEO, Schwartz & Benjamin, Inc. A record number of guests—over 1,400—attended and our industry raised over $2 million to help families in the footwear industry who are in need of financial assistance, scholarships and other social support services. • The Fromm Forum. The Fromm Forum, supported by the Ron & Cheri Fromm Leadership Fund at Two Ten, convenes footwear leaders to address salient issues impacting the industry
1000 footwear professionals networking at Two Ten Wifi, YP210 and HR events 14
Three years after launching WIFI, the WIFI mentoring program has quadrupled the number of young women in footwear with experienced mentors.
Why Steve & Wendy Madden Support Two Ten How long has Steve Madden Ltd. been involved with Two Ten?
What are the most important reasons behind your support for Two Ten?
Steve & Wendy: Since 1993
Steve: I think it’s important to give back to the industry that supports your business. It sets an example to my competitors and Two Ten truly helps people who need help.
How did your involvement with Two Ten start?
Wendy: I think this all stems from “shoepeople helping shoepeople. ” There is a commonality in our
Steve: Our personal involvement started when we began donating to the organization.
industry that helps us support one another and I am a big fan of some of Two Ten’s smaller community
Wendy: The company’s involvement really started in 1998 with recruitment and outplacement services.
events, like WIFI and HR Leadership Committee where best practices and challenges are shared and solutions are discussed and adopted. Are you aware of any Steve Madden employees who have benefitted from Two Ten? Steve & Wendy: Yes, quite a few of our associates were assisted with rent payments when times were tough and they were close to eviction. Two Ten helped Steve Madden associates with Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy and several of our associates or their families were assisted with the scholarship program. Sometimes associates are more comfortable approaching an anonymous foundation for help instead of talking to their employer. Your 2012 gift to Two Ten was very generous. What do you hope it will allow Two Ten to do? Steve: I hope our donation inspires other shoepeople to step up and donate their money or time to allow Two Ten to continue to provide outstanding services to the footwear community. Wendy: To continue to educate shoepeople about all the resources Two Ten has to offer, continue to inspire people to stay and flourish in our industry, and most importantly financially help our community. What do you think people should know about Two Ten that they might not know? Wendy: Two Ten is able to turn on a dime when they receive a call for help. Their unbelievably quick response is amazing and extremely supportive. Once, we had a store manager pass away suddenly and his family did not have the resources to bury him. Two Ten sent a $3,000 check to the funeral home within 24 hours. They don’t just write checks –they teach people practical skills to help them overcome obstacles. Is there anything else you’d like to say about Two Ten and its work?
Photo: Steve Eichner
Steve: Over the years Two Ten Footwear Foundation has evolved tremendously and continues to stay
ahead of the curve by anticipating the needs of the footwear community. Wendy: They’ve implemented Ars Sutoria classes to teach design, they offer a mentoring program through WIFI to develop women in the footwear industry, and they are always listening to the community and anticipating the next need.
Financial overview Over the last year, we’ve distributed more than $2.5 million in financial assistance and scholarships. We provide vital support that meets a rapidly growing need: In just three years, the number of calls we receive from footwear industry workers seeking financial assistance has more than doubled.
Statement of Activities
Make a difference right now
Cash and cash equivalents
Today, someone in the footwear industry needs our help. And no matter who he is or where she works,
Contributions receivable, net
Two Ten will be there. But we can only help prevent evictions or keep the heat on if you help us with a
Other assets
donation. 100% of annual contributions from the footwear industry goes back to footwear workers.
Current Assets
Donations can be made directly as well as through gifts of stock or planned giving. Footwear companies
can host fundraising events—we’ll be happy to help you set up your event. Remember, you have an
Fixed Assets
essential role in making what we do possible. Please donate today.
2,730,438 71,652 31,804,874 2,277,502
Revenue and Support Annual giving
Net revenue from special events
Interest and dividends
Allocated Investment Income
Total Assets
For the Year Ended June 30, 2012
Total revenue and support
Two Ten Footwear Foundation
1466 Main Street
Liabilities and Net Assets
Waltham, MA 02451
Accounts payable, and accrued liabilities
Human Services
Other liabilities
Membership and education
Total Liabilities
Chapter Relations
Leadership dev./public awareness
Net assets
Total program expense
369,234 3,265,510
Unrestricted Net Assets
Temporarily restricted
Management and administration
Permanently restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Expenses
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Change in net assets before other changes $(420,808) Other changes
Change in net assets
34% 40%
Service Report 18
Clients served reside in 47 of 50 states
Dollars awarded
Companies served
Calls responded to within 48 hours
Annual Giving 26% Special Events 40% Self-generated Revenue 34%
Spending 31% 17% 15%
10% 16%
Scholarship Payments 17% Relief Payments 31% Human Services 15% Communication3% Outreach 8% Administration 16% Fundraising 10%
Thank you to our generous supporters! Every dollar raised goes directly to shoepeople in need.
Our Donors $1,000,000+
The Ellison Foundation
E.S. Originals, Inc.
Steve and Wendy Madden
Foot Locker, Inc.
Eastland Shoe Manufacturing Corp.
National Shoe Travelers Association Footwear Plus Footwear Unlimited, Inc.
Eastman Group
$100,000 - $999,999
Ronald and Cheryl Fromm
Deborah L. Ferrée
Brown Shoe Company, Inc.
Greg Goldstein Importer of FS, Inc. FFANY
The Clarks Companies,
Kenneth Cole
Hunter Boot, Ltd.
North America
The Jones Group
Mary and Blake Krueger
Iconix Brand Group
Micro-Pak Ltd.
Mason Companies, Inc.
Implus Footcare, LLC.
New Balance Foundation
Nike, Inc.
J.C. Edward Corporation
Nine West Group, Inc.
Pentland USA, Inc.
Jimlar Corporation
The Estate of
Puma North America, Inc.
Jessica Lu
James and Shana Salzano
Macy’s, Inc.
Rob Schmertz
Marc Fisher Footwear
Schwartz & Benjamin, Inc.
Michael Kors (USA), Inc.
$50,000 - $99,999
Titan Industries, Inc.
Minnetonka Moccasin
ALDO Group, Inc.
Topline Corporation
Mojo Moxy
Collective Brands, Inc.
Yellow Box Corporation
Nina Footwear, Inc.
Footwear Association
Zigi New York
Nordstrom, Inc.
Richard and Fern Stauffer
Steven Madden, Ltd.
Productions Foundation
Elan-Polo, Inc.
Paramont Asia, Ltd.
Charity Event, Inc.
Footwear News
$10,000 - $24,999
R.G. Barry Corporation
H.H. Brown Shoe Co., Inc.
adidas America
Reebok Foundation
Li & Fung USA
Adoni Group
Gregg and Polly Ribatt
Timothy and Karen O’Donovan
Rocket Dog Brands, LLC
Payless ShoeSource
B&B Footwear
The Rockport Company
Wolverine Worldwide, Inc.
BCNY International, Inc.
Rocky Brands, Inc.
Aldo Bensadoun
Ross Stores
Camuto Group
Scott and Tara Savitz
$25,000 - $49,999
Chinese Laundry, Inc.
ASICS America Corporation
Cole Haan Holdings, Inc.
Stuart Weitzman, Inc.
BBC International, Ltd.
Deckers Outdoor Corporation
Pamela and Laurence Tarica
Converse, Inc.
DKNY Shoes
TJX Companies, Inc.
DSW, Inc.
Dynasty Footwear Ltd.
Under Armour, Inc.
Vida Shoes International
Rue La La
WEYCO Group, Inc.
Finish Line
Martin and Paulette Samowitz
Peter Fong
Daniel and Barbara Schwartz
$5,000 - $9,999
Andrew S. Shames
G.H. Bass & Company
Shoe Carnival, Inc.
David Bensadoun
Chris Gallagher
Skechers USA, Inc.
Douglas Bensadoun
Impo International, Inc.
Diane and Michael Sullivan
Alan Beychok
Italian Shoemakers Inc.
William Tai
Gerry Bonomi
Johnston & Murphy
Brain Lab, Inc.
JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Timberland Company
Robert E. Callahan
Barbara J. Kreger
Tucker & Latifi, LLP /
Caparros Corp.
Wayne Kulkin
Century 21
Steve Levin
Darren Tucker
Terry Chen
The Levy Group
Donald VanDine
Columbia Sportswear Co., Inc.
Joe Masella
Vans Inc.
Consolidated Shoe Company, Inc.
Matisse Footwear
LuAnn and Tom Via
Crocs, Inc.
Robert and Cynthia McHugh
White Mountain by Connors
Dansko, Inc.
Me Too, L.L.C.
De La Rentis Imports, Inc.
Modern Shoe Company
$1,000 - $4,999
Lauren DeBlasio
Michael and Rita Mooney
ACI International Inc.
Deer Stags, Inc.
Munro American
ACT International
Dolce Vita Footwear
New York Transit, Inc.
Addison Shoe Company
Earth, Inc.
Bruce Nordstrom
Aerogroup Int’l Inc.
Rack Room Shoes Inc.
Deepak Alag
ENK International
Robert W. Baird & Co.
Ostrolenk Faber LLP
Our Donors $1,000 - $4,999
Capital One
Linda Finkelstein
Allen Edmonds Shoe Company
Jennifer Caron
First Capitol Consulting, Inc.
Ralph J. Amabile
Century 21 Associates
FLIK International
Annie Shoe Co.
Foundation, Inc.
Foot Petals LLC
Chainson Footwear, Inc.
Karla Frieders
Antebi Footwear Group LLC
CIT Commercial Services
Stan Friedlander
Ars Sutoria Arpel Group
James A. Clarin
Fross, Zelnick, Lehrman & Zissu, P.C.
The Atlanta Shoe Market
Betty Click
Kelli Fujitani
Avery Dennison
Bryan P. Collins
Ted and Louise Gedra
Carol and John Baiocchi
Cone, Inc.
Genesco, Inc.
Anna and Peter Bakst
Greg Connors
Richard Gibbs
Bank of America
Crystal & Company
Ninive Giordano
Michael Bartos
Eric Dauwalter
Beverly and Abe Goldberg
Rod Beckett
James S. and Anne Davis
Gregory Goldstein
Deena Benedon
Dana Davis
Gordan Rush
Martin Berendsen
Greg Devey
Michael J. Griffiths
Michele A. Bergerac
Caroline Diaco
Michael Hackman
Gene Berkowitz
Diba Shoes
Hanig’s Footwear, Inc.
Rod Berman
Division Six Sports, Inc.
Havaianas (Alpargatas USA)
Martin and Else Berman
Doolin Shoe Company
David J. Hill
James Biolos
DryDock Footwear Group
Hip Chix, LLC
Boot & Shoe Travelers of NY
HMS Sales Corp.
Born Footwear
E.A. Hughes and Co., Inc.
Daniel and Linda Hunt
Michael Bornstein
East Lion Corp.
Huron Technology
Brooks Sports, Inc.
Eastmount Shoes
Husch Blackwell LLP
Buckingham Capital
D’Wayne Edwards
Insource Services Inc.
Dawn Erickson
Susan Itzkowitz and Thomas Turco
Kevin M. Burke
Dean Estes
J. Renee
Jamie Burns
Fancy Ocean International Limited
J.P. Original Corp.
Katherine B. Butler
Marc Fanning
Kerry W. Jackson
Management Inc.
Amanda Cabot and Peter Kjellerup Farylrobin Faytex Corporation Carol and Bruce L. Cagner
Call & Jensen
Jane K. Feigenson
George S. Campbell
Stephen A. Fine
David and Barbara Jay Joele Frank, Wilkinson
Brimmer Katcher
Suzanne M. Johnson
Patrick Mooney
Price Waterhouse Coopers LLC
John Jonas
Jack Mosinger
Quabaug Corporation
Matt Joyce
Margaret Murray
Christopher and Rosanna Quinn
Jumping Jacks Shoes
Thomas and Po Murray
R J Kiln & Co. Limited
KEEN, Inc.
Alison Muskat and Josh Male
Sari Ratsula
Michael Kilgour
N.Y.L.A. Shoes Inc.
Paula Reid
James B. Klein
Tsering Y. Namgyal
Reid & Company Executive Search
Carol Kroto
National Shoe Retailers
Tobias Reiss-Schmidt
Laird Limited Inc.
Katherine Remley
Mark Lardie
Mark Neal
Robert Wayne Footwear
Meredith Lardie
Francisco Negron
Rode & Qualey
Patricia Lauria
Neal Newman and Orla Kennedy
Sandra Rogan
Elliott & Rosanne Levin and Family
Amelia Newton Varela
Francis C. Rooney
Pamela Linton
Edward Rosenfeld
Lord & Taylor
Blake Nordstrom
David Rosenfelt
Michael J. Massey
The NPD Group, Inc.
Rosenthal and Rosenthal, Inc.
Maxgreat International Co., Ltd.
Susan Q. Hudson O’Neil
Matt McCauley
Onex Imports
Eric Rutberg
McLaughlin & Stern, LLP
Joe and Angelique Ouaknine
Sanita Clogs, Inc.
Tracey McLeod and Kwame Morris
Palos Verdes Footwear, Inc.
Ellen Schiff
McRae Industries, Inc.
Pan-Brothers Associates, Inc.
Schimenti Construction
MEK Search, LLC
Richard and Anne Paterno
SGS North America, Inc.
Mia Shoes, Inc.
Phoenix Footwear Group Inc.
Nahum and Desiree Shar
Modell’s Sporting Goods
Phillip Pine
Lawrence and Joan Siff
Modern Vintage
PLV Studio, Inc.
Clifton Sifford
Our Donors
$1,000 - $4,999
Me Too Kids
SMAC, Inc.
Howard D. Medwed
Soles4Souls, Inc.
Boot Country
Julie Metsker
Spark Communications
Walter T. Bray
Michigan Shoe Market
Spring Footwear Corp.
William J. Brown
Stephen Mullen
Stella International Ltd.
Richard Byrne
Neptune Advisors, LLC
Gary Champion
Erik Nordstrom
Patrisha Sweeney
Brian R. Clore
Opportunity Shoes, Inc.
Larissa Sygida Peleschuk
Jeremy Coen
Nicholas P. Ottenwess
Thomas and Clay Tarica
Peter S. Cohen
Pedro Garcia
Tate Shoes
Pensole Footwear Design Academy
The Look (M C O)., Ltd.
El Naturalista
Timely Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Evolution Design Lab, Inc.
Pratt Industries (USA), Inc.
Douglas J. Treff
Evolutions Footwear, Inc.
Trimfoot Company
RCS Logistics Inc.
TSG Consumer Partners
John W. Florsheim
Sarah Reid
Greg and Heidi Tunney
Thomas W. Florsheim
Rich Footwear Group
Two Lips Shoe Co.
John P. Rimmer
Two Ten Foundation of Canada
Scott French
Lisa Sheldon
U.S. Continental Marketing, Inc.
Roberto and Sheila Grasso
Renée Snelson
United Shoe Retailers Association
Haflinger USA
Conrad Strohacker
Michael Vincent
William S. Susman
W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
Michael J. Hebreard
Ken Syrba
Wells Fargo Capital Finance
Sheryl Henk
Ross Tannenbaum
Worldwide Logistics
Steven and Debbie Hill
Roberto Zamarra
David B. Katz
Michael G. Zawoysky
Kelsi Dagger
Veeco Holdings, LLC
Soren Kieler
$500 - $999
Mary E. Kuconis
Jodi Watson
A. Marinelli Shoes & Accessories
Nancy LaPann
Martin H. Weissman
Advanstar Communications Inc.
Steven Lax
Susan E. Wisch
Michael Atmore
Lucchese, Inc.
Richard Ausick
Levi’s Footwear
Mahwah Apparel Group LLC
$210 - $499
Thomas C. Champion
Thomas D. Gleason
“K” Line America, Inc.
City Lighting Products Co.
Jackie G. Granus
2XU North America LLC
Seth Cobb
Jennifer Haiken
A. Lyons & Co., Inc.
Conde Nast Publications
Rusty Hall
The William and Joan Alfond Trust
William M. Conklin
Barry J. Hallenbeck
APL Logistics
David G. Coughlin
Jeffrey Hamilton
Argix Direct
Bruce G. Davison
Hanjin Shipping America, LLC
Robert Bahn
Thomas H. Dieckhaus
Cindy L. Hansen
Marvin Bearak
Alyson Dipilato
Harbor Footwear Group Ltd.
Ellen F. Bengry
John Doty
Richard L. Hartman
William J. Betz
William Downey
Ruth Hartman
James Bianculli
William C. Dresser
Karen Haskell
Arthur D. Bickel
Dry Creek Enterprises LLC
Helle Comfort
The Bon-Ton Stores
Thomas Eaton
Sheryl Henk
Thomas W. Bray
Edgecraft Corporation
Michael J. Hennessey
Jason Brooks
Perry S. Ercolino
Julie Heussner
Michael F. Brown
Glenn Evans
Patricia Holland
Peter Brunelle
Beverly Ferstle
C.E. Hornbuckle
Bruno Magli USA Inc.
David Ferstle
Roger Huard
Linda Brunzell
Franco Fieramosca
I Morley Drucker
Bryan Cave LLP
Leo Isaguirre
Timothy Bushell
Foremost Footwear
Clay Jenkins
Sarah Caplan
Fulwider Patton LLP
Steve Johnston
Rayann Chabot
Douglas J. Gensler
Doug Jones 25
Our Donors $210 - $499
Roy Nakabayashi
Kenneth S. Soskin
Richard Jung
Timothy O’Connor
David Stamberg
Susan Kern
Onder A. Ors
Stan’s Bootery Inc.
Robin Kleinjans-Mckee
John R. Panner
Carson A. Stiles
John E. Larsen
Gordon W. Partin
Sullco, Inc.
Yahn Lebo
Darrel J. Pavelka
Summit Safety Shoes, LLC
Nicholas Licavoli
Susan Pellish-Thaler
Swimwear Anywhere, Inc.
Loeffler Randall, Inc.
Francisco J. Perez
Ted’s Enterprises Inc.
Joseph T. Picarella
John J. Teixeira
Salina M. Lytle
Jan Powell
Nick Terlizzi
Michelle Mackin
Louis Pozez
Richard and Debbie Thornton
Magnanni, Inc.
Prime Leather Finishes Co.
Andrea Thompson
Steven G. Maier
Randy E. Putnam
Kelly Timmer
Donald A. Mains
John Reinartz
Tip Top Shoes
Manhattan Associates
Gary M. Rich
Triple Eight Distribution, Inc.
Mark Lemp Footwear
Dawn Rosecrans
Aubrey Tuitt
Jamie Marr
Bruce G. Rosenfelt
Jennifer Vanderploeg
David L. Massey
Richard H. Rubin
Susan Vandriel
Julie McCauley
SAS Factory Shoe Store
Brenda Vugteveen’
Jeffrey T. Schenkel
Charles C. Wang
Michigan Shoe Travelers Club, Inc.
Dave Schoengart
Zachary E. Warner
Mobile Giving Foundation
Tim Scobie
Paul D. Williams
Richard J. Moe
Seychelles Imports LLC
Thomas Wolf
Cindy Moore
D. L. Sherman
Palmer Woods
Minoru Murata
Siff Charitable Foundation
Richie Woodworth
Benjamin Myers
Rene Signer
Elani Myers
Neal C. Silverman
Two Ten Agreement of Association, 1939
$2.5M given in support to families in 2012 26
Corporate support for Two Ten At Wolverine, we’re very focused on
Board of Directors 2012
giving back to the community, and
Chair: James Salzano
Bob Campbell
David Jay
Gregg Ribatt
Diane Sullivan
Chairman & CEO,
CEO, The Jay Group
President, CEO,
President, CEO, Brown Shoe Co., Inc
Clarks America
BBC International, LLC
Mary Kuconis
Collective Brands Performance
MEK Search
& Lifestyle Group
Vice Chair: Blake Krueger
David DiPasquale
Chairman, President and CEO, Wolverine Worldwide, Inc.
Debbie Ferree
we do that each year. We believe it is so important to support what is really the last safety net for people in the footwear industry.
President Private Brands,
Steve Madden
Scott Savitz
President, CEO, Steve Madden, Inc.
Founder, Managing Partner
Vice Chairman,
Data Point Capital
Secretary: Lawrence Siff
Chief Merchandising Officer,
Robert McHugh
Managing Director,
DSW Designer Shoe Warehouse
Executive VP, CFO, Foot Locker, Inc.
Jimlar Corporation
Greg Tunney President, CEO, R.G. Barry
Daniel Schwartz
Blake W. Krueger Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and President Wolverine Worldwide, Inc.
CEO, Schwartz & Benjamin
Neptune Advisors, LLC
Treasurer: Tom Murray
Thomas Tarica
Two Ten is one of the top three ways
Ronald Fromm
Tracey McLeod
President, Marketing and Sales,
Tobias Reiss Schmidt
Brown Shoe Company, Inc.
BBC International, LLC
President & CEO, The Rockport
Kevin Wulff
President & CEO,
very important in common – both
Asics America Corporation
are built on foundations of caring
Michael Atmore
Jerry Turner
Editorial Director,
Beverly Goldberg
Michael Mooney
Fairchild Publications, Inc.
Vice President, Florsheim
CEO, Owner,
Sonny Shar
Footwear Unlimited, Inc.
Non Executive Chairman,
Carol Baiocchi
Steven Hill
Senior VP and DMM, Footwear,
VP of Merchandising,
Kohl’s Department Stores
Anna Bakst
President, CEO,
Neal Newman
President, Accessories and
Mason Companies, Inc.
Footwear, Michael Kors (USA) Inc.
are excited and pleased to see Two Ten constantly evolving to meet the
Alison Muskat
Daniel Hunt
Two Ten Footwear Foundation
Jim Issler Martin Berman
President & CEO,
Joe Ouaknine
Managing Director, Micro Pak, Ltd
H.H. Brown Shoe Co., Inc.
CEO, Titan Industries, Inc.
Amanda Cabot
Susan Itzkowitz
Christopher Quinn
President, CEO, Dansko, Inc.
President, Marc Fisher Footwear
Executive V.P., North American Sales,
Footwear Foundation have something
and serving our communities. We
Pentland USA Creative Director, Deer Stags
Brown Shoe Company and Two Ten
changing needs of our industry and engaging new members like never
Two Ten Management
before through its young professional and WIFI programs. Two Ten’s new
Neal Newman
Kate Kaplan
initiatives are critically important in
Director of Development
keeping the organization relevant for the next 75 years.
Kate Alley
Elba Marcillo
Director, Social Services
Chief Financial Officer
& Scholarships
Diane Sullivan President, CEO, Brown Shoe Co., Inc
Jeanne Connolly-Horrigan Director of Communications
New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc. 28
Compassion. Inspiration. Impact. The Charitable Foundation of the Footwear Industry since 1939 1466 Main Street, Waltham, MA 02451 • • 1-800-FIND-210