Huang An-Yin's portfolio

Page 17



Respectful, nostalgic and witty. Using those as tone of voice to respect the legacy of music which the BBC has built, it helps people to recall the memories with the BBC and to attract young audiences.

Using the tone of voice to attract new audiences and retain customers. Using bright colours as a poster to appeal to young people. Using the way of emotional elements to remind and recall people that the BBC has rich archives and will always with them.

使用恭敬,懷舊和詼諧的口吻以示尊 重 BBC 長年以來所建立的系統,它 可以幫助人們回想起與 BBC 的回憶。 使用詼諧有趣的方式來吸引年輕的聽 眾。

使用鮮豔的色彩作為海報吸引年輕人和用情 感元素的方式來提醒人們 BBC 擁有豐富的音 樂,並讓人聯想到 BBC 將永遠與他們同在一 起。


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